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Warframe Slots


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Skipping all this Mass Effect talk...


It has been mentioned in the past that additional slots would be coming, with some degree of leveling out appearing with your Mastery rank. There's a good chance, now we got incentive for more warframe/gear, it won't be long before DE either implements a system, or a system HAS to be implemented because of all the extra content and yet limited space.

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F2P should never have essential items that can't be obtained without in game earned money. Weapon and Warframe slots are essential items because without them, you'll be limited to only a small section of the game.

yea on this point i was outta line i deserve the downvotes for my initial comment

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F2P should never have essential items that can't be obtained without in game earned money. Weapon and Warframe slots are essential items because without them, you'll be limited to only a small section of the game.

quoted for truth

​you can make certain items very hard to get (like a million creds) but making things impossible to get when they are essential to the game is not fair and simply drives away the F2P population to games that are more than happy to be fair (and get rich doing so)

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 doesn't change the fact that the multiplayer paid for itself with microtransactioons and EVERYTHING was unlockable for free

your missing the point you payed 60$ for a game right? the mp DLC was free right? ok that's half of a game their still was DLC for the SP that you had to PAY for again your comparing a game that's F2P to a game that you had to pay to obtain a copy of it...

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yes its f2p, which is great. i used my starting 50 plat for warframes and gun slots. but i understand if you squandered it elsewhere


after 60 hours of game play i figured they deserved the 50 dollars i would pay for a retail game. and honestly the platinum you get goes very very far if you keep the f2p mentality of earning what you want. now i'm just sitting on my pile knowing i gave a good group of people some food money for developing more.


BUT this is a thread about getting slots other ways so here are things i think should be thought about.


- Alert blueprint with that required one of each "rare" material as well as rubedo and aluminium this would also be for gun slots as well.


- A free slot for every level past mastery 5 ( cause the first 3 levels of mastery i found very easy to get to )


- a Loyalty reward for logging in every day for a month (or being active for the majority of a month ) 


- possibility of every boss dropping the blueprint ( 1% to .05% chance maximum of 5 made then you just can vendor them )


- defense reward on advanced waves but make it sufficiently rare


so these are a few ideas that i'm tossing out there, however regardless of whatever would be used i emphasize to keep it rare not as a "screw off f2p" but the harsh realization that money is and always will be important for the future of a game and the mentality that everything should always be free forever makes me a little sad, if you enjoy something you should chip in.

Edited by Pinjaandrew
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yea on this point i was outta line i deserve the downvotes for my initial comment

I'm glad you see the light, I'm fine with having vanity items for plat only

in fact you can make all the normal weapons look like crap if you like then change plat to skin them, as long as they FUNCTION the same way

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F2P should never have essential items that can't be obtained without in game earned money. Weapon and Warframe slots are essential items because without them, you'll be limited to only a small section of the game.

Thats if having 10 frames makes you clear missions faster... wait it doesn't. The start frame is as powerful as any frame. (well not really but thats a balance issue not a design issue). You also dont need 20 guns if you bought the boltor you will mow down everything. It takes about 10 hours to get one gun to lvl 30 and you are done. 


EVERYTHING ELSE YOU OBTAIN AFTER WHAT I LISTED, is for pure enjoyment purposes. But in terms of end game mmo perspective, lvl 30 loki/excal/mag and a lvl 30 boltor and you are DONE.

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your missing the point you payed 60$ for a game right? the mp DLC was free right? ok that's half of a game their still was DLC for the SP that you had to PAY for again your comparing a game that's F2P to a game that you had to pay to obtain a copy of it...

you're missing the point that the 60$ was for the single player and many if not most players waited till it dropped to 30 or 20 dollars before buying the game. 

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Thats if having 10 frames makes you clear missions faster... wait it doesn't. The start frame is as powerful as any frame. (well not really but thats a balance issue not a design issue). You also dont need 20 guns if you bought the boltor you will mow down everything. It takes about 10 hours to get one gun to lvl 30 and you are done. 


EVERYTHING ELSE YOU OBTAIN AFTER WHAT I LISTED, is for pure enjoyment purposes. But in terms of end game mmo perspective, lvl 30 loki/excal/mag and a lvl 30 boltor and you are DONE.

but unlocking missions isn't the progression in this game, unlocking frames is, otherwise people would stop playing (and paying) after 30 hours or so

so yes slots are essential

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you're missing the point that the 60$ was for the single player and many if not most players waited till it dropped to 30 or 20 dollars before buying the game. 

again you still would have to shell out $18.99 with taxes that's 20$ for a Mp pass so yes i waited for the game to drop down in price for what? for it to be 10$ less? i would of been better off buying a brand new copy and getting that day 1 DLC for free 

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but unlocking missions isn't the progression in this game, unlocking frames is, otherwise people would stop playing (and paying) after 30 hours or so

so yes slots are essential

Sry for incrypting my point through samantics rather than just saying it. It only takes 3-5 days to "finish this game" everything else is for enjoyment. You expect to "enjoy" this game for free.... FOREVER? what world do you live in? 

Edited by ClaymoreNo47
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I say either sell slots for high amounts of credits or put slot BPs in that cost a decent amount to craft and decent amounts of mats. Put them as rewards/%drops for high end dificult content.


also currently 200k cr would be a fairly high price for a warframe slot. 500k would still be better than nothing i guess.

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Sry for incrypting my point through samantics rather than just saying it. It only takes 3-5 days to "finish this game" everything else is for enjoyment. You expect to "enjoy" this game for free.... FOREVER? what world do you live in? 


In a world where F2P games die when ppl quit after 3-5 days.

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What with these cheap peoples who can afford a 30$ games but not 5$ for slots ? ?

If you want to use another warframes/weapons, sell one of them, or deal with it.


Thats the problem with every F2P games

Peoples play more than 100 hours of this game without supporting the DEV and still come on the forum to complain, incredible....

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get it though your head, the 20 bucks was for the single player, warframe has no single player, hence it doesn't get 20 bucks,

how is this hard to understand?


Press the big ONLINE button and click SOLO.


And don't tell me that's NOT SINGLE PLAYER or I'll have to link you to the definition of it.

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In a world where F2P games die when ppl quit after 3-5 days.


F2p games depend on free players staying and playing to keep their paying customers busy and buying. If there was no need for free players then it would be charge for like every other normal game. Free players bring friends, they increase the chances of finding a match and they are great advertisers. You do good business when you keep them playing

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get it though your head, the 20 bucks was for the single player, warframe has no single player, hence it doesn't get 20 bucks,

how is this hard to understand?

whats to understand right....so im looking at my receipt now it says i payed "29.99 for Mass Effect 3" right? as you say that's the "single player" as you say right? ok so i payed 30$ for SpME3 ok that's fine Then i proceeded to Purchase a 20$ Msp (Microsoft points) card because the clerk was saying that my copy didn't come with a "MULTIPLAYER PASS" so i had to purchase one i said Ok how much he proceeded to say its around 18$ im like well S#&$ i should buy a brand new copy then he said were out of stock so i was obligated to purchase the Msp My point being i payed for a "MULTIPLAYER PASS" that as i know it is not "SINGLE PLAYER"

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I'm fine with having vanity items for plat only

in fact you can make all the normal weapons look like crap if you like then change plat to skin them, as long as they FUNCTION the same way


I disagree. It would be a valid point if this game was PVP but it isn't. It is purely PVE. The way I see it, if I am helping fund this game so people like you can play for free, then I would like something in return.


For all the arguements of not being able to find the measly amount of cash to buy a bit of plat to get frame slots, it's rediculous. I really don't like this F2P mentality, it's BS. "I expect everything". "The people who pay and fund it are only allowed stuff to look pretty" F**k Off. Computer games are a Luxury, not a god damn given right.

Edited by Shifty_Shuffler
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If warframe was a single player game it would have a 30 metacritic score and would be on sale for 1.99$


Its horrid to play solo through any large part of the game unless your already beefed out and using the right frames


The coop is what makes this game fun.

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 solo is not single player, no story, no plot AND me3mp had a solo mode as well IN the multiplier,


EDIT: if you had actually played a real single player game, you'd know the difference.


Beta testing is beta testing. DE has already stated that we will be getting lore, and story mode in the finished product. Please remember that warframe is in no way a finished product at the moment.

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whats to understand right....so im looking at my receipt now it says i payed "29.99 for Mass Effect 3" right? as you say that's the "single player" as you say right? ok so i payed 30$ for SpME3 ok that's fine Then i proceeded to Purchase a 20$ Msp (Microsoft points) card because the clerk was saying that my copy didn't come with a "MULTIPLAYER PASS" so i had to purchase one i said Ok how much he proceeded to say its around 18$ im like well S#&$ i should buy a brand new copy then he said were out of stock so i was obligated to purchase the Msp My point being i payed for a "MULTIPLAYER PASS" that as i know it is not "SINGLE PLAYER"

your comparing an xbox game to a PC one?

were talking mass effect pc, whcih I got for 32 bucks a month after the game came out, online pass included with the digital purchase. 

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oh gawd i wouldn't slots cost like nothing. 500k credits take a while. Probubly if you only do high lvl alerts 12-15 hours invest work for 500k.

500k? If you're at "endgame" that's maybe a 4-5 hour investment.

I made approx 270k just spamming defense maps for the weekend operation which is not at all a good way to farm cash. I make about 200-250k / day when I play, and I only play roughly 2 hours or so, depending.

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