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Warframe Slots


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The " I never want to pay anything" crowd should realize that there are only 3 items atm which can´t be grinded, farmed whatever.


Colours, Warframe/Weapon slots and (at least for now) the Sentinel Customizations.


There is not one F2P game atm which does not have some real money stepping stone. And if you look at Warframe, you can play it perfectly fine without paying money at all. You are not entitled to play the complete game for free. The price for slots is more than fair as you can get 3 for measly 4 Euros (5 Dollars).


Think about it, DE isn´t doing charity work here, they need to eat too. And i gladly pay if i have fun with something.

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I don't like the idea after all the game has to make money or it will die out like many other games if you love it so much that you can't sell an old frame can't you just spend a few dollars to help out & keep the game running if we started making everything obtainable for free how is the game going to support it's self 

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You had enough money for Mass Effect 3. Why are you unable to spend five dollars on this game for three slots? Have your living conditions changed?


Apparently you never heard of piracy.


EDIT: Yeah downvote me for the obvious reason why he can play Mass Effect 3 only sp without paying for it. WTF?

Edited by Story4
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Guys stop with the Mass Effect stuff will ya?? this is a discussion about Warframe Slots and how you must sell one of you existing frames for a new one.And i personally think that currently you can buy Sentinel Cosmetic Parts,Wide array of colors in the future,Credit and Loyality boosters.

And lastly Weapon and Warframe Slots which i think should be made in a way for you to get them in a way without buying platinum.Way back in  Closed Beta..Did you guys know that you couldn't attain Catalysts and Reactors without buying them??? Many Closed Beta Testers will possibly remember the the countless Topics of how this game was PAY 2 PLAY! etc.But DE Eventually made Orokin Potatoes(Now Called)Obtainable with Alerts which contain the "?".That was great too don't ya think??Now the Problem is that Warframe is becoming much and much bigger F2P playesr who already spend their free plat don't know how to increase their Warframe/Weapon slots,which makes them go to forums and complain and a random founder to tells them to buy plat because that is the only way (like the one who commented after me when i made the topic).So currently,there must a way DE to make Warframe Slots obtainable.Possibly the best way would when you level up your mastery rank you get  warfame slot next rank weapon slot etc.(thanks to the users who pointed this idea).


Seriously Guys stop with the Mass Effect 3 stuff,game is a finished product with great Multiplayer you can't just say Mass Effect has more stuff than Warframe.Warframe is in Beta stage game is still in development  it still isn't a finished product but in the future it will possibly be an awesome game you won't be able to forget.

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Sry for incrypting my point through samantics rather than just saying it. It only takes 3-5 days to "finish this game" everything else is for enjoyment. You expect to "enjoy" this game for free.... FOREVER? what world do you live in? 


You understand that crippling the content kills rather than helps free2play games, right? Taking an SWTOR approach to gating and monetisation is counter-productive, as it makes the players say "gently caress this bunch of matriphiles, imma gonna play something less crippled".


Carrot is markedly more effective than stick, given the elasticities of demand and alternatives in a market for discretionary entertainment. You offer people a fun game, and then sell them optional enhancements to a game that they already love. Only the deeply stupid take the view that punishing new players will make them stick around. I would be interested to know what kind of world you are living in, where motivation and economics operate in such a curious mirrored fashion.


In any case, part of the reason for a long open beta with a cash shop is to let DE mess about with things, to see what happens. I am sure that they will try to learn from good practice, across different types of games (like the Planetside 2 cash shop), as well as some of the more notoriously bad ones (SWTOR and friends).

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Slots for progression sounds nice to me, the question is at what rate? Particularly when you consider the increasing amounts of mastery to level.

most likely 1 slot every 2 mastery ranks.

This way, people will get a weapon slot at rank 1, a frame slot at 2 and so on....

This would make 5 extra slots for both at level 10.

Seems fine to me

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some people tend to forget that this game is still a beta and the network part of the game is heavily bugged.

a beta has normally the goal of testing and improving stuff for the company making the game. you kind of do a job for them.


as long as this is the issue i won't spend money on it.

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most likely 1 slot every 2 mastery ranks.

This way, people will get a weapon slot at rank 1, a frame slot at 2 and so on....

This would make 5 extra slots for both at level 10.

Seems fine to me

The best idea i've seen on this forum yet.


I got nothing against supporting devs, buying skins, weapons etc. (even color palets), but something like warframe slots in the game called warframe must be done. 2 slots really?? It goes something like this. Hey look at this awesome game called warframe, where you play in awesome armors. But If You want to do this, buy them for real money or craft them (it will take more time). but w8, did I just bought warframe that cost 375 platinum, and i can't use it because i don't have god damn warframe slot space!!!!! Wtf?

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The best idea i've seen on this forum yet.

I got nothing against supporting devs, buying skins, weapons etc. (even color palets), but something like warframe slots in the game called warframe must be done. 2 slots really?? It goes something like this. Hey look at this awesome game called warframe, where you play in awesome armors. But If You want to do this, buy them for real money or craft them (it will take more time). but w8, did I just bought warframe that cost 375 platinum, and i can't use it because i don't have god damn warframe slot space!!!!! Wtf?

Since there is no oher way than buying them, I really would love to see this feature for F2P players. But I still think they should remain plat only. But with the slots for progression thing in the back so players can still get some slots without paying. And in my op, 7 warframe/weapon slots is an awesome thing for actually not paying a cent :D

Besides that:

Warframes you purchase with plat come with a slot ^^

Same goes for weapons etc. They all bring their own slot

Edited by Venarge
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CatScratch, we don't know that for a fact, and if you have evidence other than excalibur feel free to share (seriously, not being snide/snarky). Excalibur prime is a purchase reward whereas Frost Prime is going to be a craft/platinum thing it's looking like. And no crafted frames thus far have come with slots, so no reason to think this one will.

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CatScratch, we don't know that for a fact, and if you have evidence other than excalibur feel free to share (seriously, not being snide/snarky). Excalibur prime is a purchase reward whereas Frost Prime is going to be a craft/platinum thing it's looking like. And no crafted frames thus far have come with slots, so no reason to think this one will.

Think DE said it but I heard it 2nd hand so don't have quote for ya. After all it's the only logical conclusion, who would give out global reward and then force thousands of players to either delete one of their frames or purchase for real money.

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What if slots could be made using their respective potatoes? Using reactors for a warframe slot makes sense since both have the same plat cost. Also catalyst potatoes cost 20, while outright buying weapon slots is outright cheaper, with a cost of 12 for 2. Just a thought, main reasoning being that potatoes are just so rare anyway.

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I think slot limit shouldn't even exist,cause in future there will be what over 20 frames,and limiting f2p users to 2?
You already grind for mats,buy bp,and have to wait 3 and half bloody days,why doesnt it come with slot?
Doesn't seem quite fair does it.
Also weapons? There are what over 50 weapons now in game (maybe a bit less) and you can use 8? Seriously? 
I think most success f2p game can have is if it follows League of Legends type,where they don't limit you to content instead they add skins and vanity items.

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I think slot limit shouldn't even exist,cause in future there will be what over 20 frames,and limiting f2p users to 2?

You already grind for mats,buy bp,and have to wait 3 and half bloody days,why doesnt it come with slot?

Doesn't seem quite fair does it.

Also weapons? There are what over 50 weapons now in game (maybe a bit less) and you can use 8? Seriously? 

I think most success f2p game can have is if it follows League of Legends type,where they don't limit you to content instead they add skins and vanity items.

Like I said. Slots for progression....

7 slots for weapons and frames is enough.

If you want to collect them all.... pay.


And not every game can follow LoL´s F2P type.....

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The problem with the mastery rank idea is that you won't be able to reach high mastery rank without already having alot of Warframes. I have 3 lvl 30, 1 lvl 25 and 3 warframe's in their teens on top of multiple max rank weapons and i am only mastery rank 5 and a half. I would prefer them to be availble from alert's mixed with a very high cost or something along the lines of 1 to 2 million per

Edited by BarbaricKai
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Hmmmm... well, if our Warframes use ancient Orokin tech, why not have the hangars we keep them in do the same? Did you know that your Warframe has to be kept in a zero-gravity environment, otherwise the joints collapse under their own weight while switched off? Excalibur Prime is a rare exception, as it has a pressure bubble inside which keeps the ankle hinges from exploding.


Buy a blueprint for 500KCR, combine it with a metric bleepload of materials and a potato and you get a slot. That way it's a rare drop... plus a good chunk of the wealth you'll have gotten farming for it. (if you're really lucky and get it early on) "Oh, I've been farming for 2 weeks for this reactor, screw it I'll pay $1.80." Probably have weapon slots cost a bit less, since we get more weapons than frames.


Or, while I don't really like this one, maybe have them buyable for 500KCR and increase by 100K each time you get one. Kinda scales to levels, I suppose.


Obviously since I'm kinda new you can change the figures to something that makes remote sense.

Edited by ShadowRacer742
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Like I said. Slots for progression....

7 slots for weapons and frames is enough.

If you want to collect them all.... pay.


And not every game can follow LoL´s F2P type.....

Even though every F2P game should.

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The game is in "BETA" stop complaining about having to pay a very small amount of money in order to increase weapon and warframe slots. The whole game aside from that and colors is free. How can anyone expect a game to make any income if there isn't something within the game that has to be paid with real money? Maybe in the future there will be another form of them charging real money for some other service but the amount of whining that goes on within F2P games is rediculous. not even 10% of this game a forced payment and yet people still have to complain about paying $5.00 to get a little more out of the game. The game is still in beta they may give players more slots in the future if they see fit, they may not. The people not paying a single penny to play this game need to understand that there are people that pay for the slots and just handing them out to everyone is like a slap to the paying customers faces. I personally have not paid for anything in the game just because I want to see how far this game goes but even the founders pack with excalibur prime is tempting. I think that charging players for slots is a great idea personally as they don't cost much of anything. From someone who's actually put money in to F2P games like LoL for skins I don't think $50 for an already F2P game isn't much in order to expand the game at all. Most new games that come out anyways are around the $50-$60 price point anyways. If you really don't want to spend the money because you don't think it's worth it or you're just that cheap then by all means don't spend your money on the game. No one is forcing you to spend money on this game. If it's that big of a problem for you make multiple accounts. You'll have as many slots as you want for free. If you don't want to deal with having to go through all that work then I don't know what else to say besides you will have to start spending some income on a game that's being given to you free of charge.

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Well wall of text aside.


I disagree with most of what you said.


Warframe could easily support itself off of skins and color palates and a means to get past the grind.


Warframe slots are toxic to the game and will/have cause/d a decline in players which will undoubtedly kill the game.

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Warframe could easily support itself off of skins and color palates and a means to get past the grind.


Warframe slots are toxic to the game and will/have cause/d a decline in players which will undoubtedly kill the game.


Sorry you can not just make these huge assumptions,  present them as facts and still have your point taken seriously

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Even though every F2P game should.


Well and people shouldnt be killed in wars, cars shouldnt pollute the environment and evil people shouldnt be politicians.

You make utopian demands here.....

You cant compare a game with 12 million players with an small 1 million accounts game.....

Edited by Venarge
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Well and people shouldnt be killed in wars, cars shouldnt pollute the environment and evil people shouldnt be politicians.

You make utopian demands here.....

You cant compare a game with 12 million players with an small 1 million accounts game.....

Yeah cause League of Legends was never in beta with low population?

Why do you think it has 12 mil now? Maybe cause they took the best f2p option there is and they don't limit free users for playing their game.

There has to be cash shop in f2p title,but there is no reason for cash shop items to ruin the game, skins and colors would be just fine,also no built time frames still sell cause people are impatient.

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