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Warframe Slots


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No, you're not.  You can max out a certain number of frames and weapons and with those, you should be able to run any mission in the game. That's not "a small section".


I get that many people don't have much disposable income, but... the smallest platinum purchase is like $10.  You can't save, say, $2 a week over 5 weeks? 


The thing is this kind of reasoning is a logical trap to be avoided (not to call you out Kempner; I'm actually trying to leap to your defense here).


It doesn't matter what the expectation of scrimping and saving is or how rich or poor player's are in relation to one another.


The game offered is a luxury item.  Free to play access is offered as both a means to ensure a player base to interact with that has reasonable access (key words those) to the content as paid players.  Hopefully, free players are happy enough to become paid players to gain total access above the reasonable access and/or secure additional conveniences in style and access.


For those who are on hard times and light on funds, I have nothing but sympathy for you in that such things are unpleasant and taxing.  I wish you the very best in improving your situation.


The fact remains that such statements are patently irrelevant to the free to play/paid content argument.  It's a luxury item to secure and if you cannot afford to invest in the luxury, that is unfortunate but it is NOT a core failing of DE to accommodate that inability.


The game offers a great option for free to play access and content access and you can, with some limitations of concurrent, convenient access, do anything a paid player can (at least to date).


The moment we start arguing about who can save what, we are missing the point.


The only price point argument that is relevant is if we as consumers feel the dollar to plat and then plat to purchasable object pricing is reasonable.  That's the point where our value interpretation is relevantly applicable to the construct.


I have no right to tell someone how to save money or when to save money, nor to judge their financial situation, so I do not.  


To start down those arguments guarantees we start talking about a 'right to content' that is simply fallacious and misses the point entirely.


The game is a luxury acquisition that either you feel is a fair use of your available luxury money, or it is not.  Period.


If you do not wish to allocate your luxury investment whatever it's relative value to you may be into the game, that is entirely a personal prerogative.  More power to you for allocating what you are comfortable with and only that amount.


But we cannot start down the road of making it the game's responsibility to be mindful of the less fortunate as a driving mandate.  It simply is inappropriate and has no place in our discussions, in my opinion.

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And here we have another hater who paid for things and would not want to see others to obtain it through hard work.

Its not matter of having money or not,its matter of having ways to buy online or not.


And what about all the hard work the DE team does to allow you to play this game...?

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How do you think League of Legends got to this point? They created a system that didn't limit anyone from experiencing all content of the game other then cosmetics. This goes for any MOBA game out there right now.


And as has been pointed out 1 million times, so did DE with this game. You can experience all the content, weapons and frames for free.




Your going to experience loosing 50-70% of your players from this.


That is simply opinion and I disagree with it. Perhaps tell us why you think this? I will tell you why I think differently. When I signed up for this game, I brought 6 other people with me. Every single one of us without exception bought platinum the moment we ran out of slots to hold our weapons. The system works. And I can assure you none of us would have spent a cent had there been a way to earn extra slots in-game. You need to understand this important point.




After reading this entire thread and each page you can easily see that the ones complaining about warframe slots are people who didn't purchase founders pack.....They will in fact loose players over this.


No need for a founders pack; the smallest amount of platinum you can buy is enough for all the slots you will ever need. And with all due respect, losing players that balk when asked to fork over a few dollars for a few slots is no loss at all.




Everyone who was excited for Warframe on there quit after getting two warframes and max guns. No one is going to pay for this your out of your mind.


Myself and my 6 guildies are living proof that people are perfectly happy to pay for this. We all bought the cheapest founders pack. It's about 20 bucks, which is about double what I spend on my lunch every day. I now have all the slots I'll ever need, and I have a potato in every weapon I own (12 weapons), a potato in each warframe, one in my sentinel and another in my sentinel's rifle. And I have 136 plat left over.


This is one of the most generous f2p games I have ever played!


And I hate to make the point again or sound so brutal about it, but why would they care about losing the type of player who quits once their initial slots were full rather than fork over 5 or 10 bucks? It is quite obvious that such people will never, ever give a penny to the devs. And btw as far as I can tell, word of mouth for this game among the gaming community is massively positive right now.


At the end of the day, DE know whether they are doing well financially or not; we do not. They will know whether adding a way to earn more slots without platinum is a good idea financially or is in fact cutting their own throats. I'll support whatever they decide, but my feedback to whomever makes the decision is that I know for a fact you'd be $140 less well off if there had been a way to earn slots wityhout platinum (unless the way in question was incredibly time-consuming and inconvenient ofc).

Edited by GhostlightX
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This is kinda of weird to ask, but both my brother and a friend of mine somehow have 3 Frame slots. Is there a reason for that?


I know neither of them spent their free Plat on it (friend bought lives after Stalker attacks, brother still has all 50) and that they both have built Frames beyond their initial ones (I'm currently farming for Volt). Neither of them have been playing more than a few days more than I have so was there some kind of early sign-up bonus that they got that I didn't? Thanks!

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Wasted money as in that others can get that without spending plat for it.

Sure all money supports game and thats good for those who have option to do so.

And f2p game means free to play,right now it isnt so free is it.

Its like demo game where you can use 2 out of 12 frames,and 8 out of what 50 weapons.

If alot of people leave regardless if they paid or not its bad reputation to game,they can spread the word of how game is not worth the try and such.

Only reason why League is successful is cause its free and thus fun since you don't have to worry about limited slots,do you think league would have 12 mil people if they limited your champs to 10 out of 110? I don't think so.

Actually you can play 12 of 12 frames and 50 out of 50 weapons.  Lord forbid not all at the same time though if you can't contribute some money to DE!!!!!! THE HORROR! 


Also they have said that they don't have the server capacity to store all the additional info. I mean they are already having issues with stats etc, if you made slots free/purchasable that would be TONS more data.  People have already said they don't have servers for us to play off of, but uhm what do you think you log in to? Or get matched through? Or that keeps track of your account and all your precious mods and warframes etc?  SERVERS!  Crazy


Edit: After 9 pages of comparing this to MOBA's and ME3 and such and people throwing around unsupported "facts" my patience has worn thin... Hence the snippy post.  Seriously, DE works hard so you can play an amazing game.  They allow you to play everything.  Every F2P game has some sort of restriction whether it be slots etc, so suck it up...  People gotta make a living too.

Edited by Firebat86
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Actually you can play 12 of 12 frames and 50 out of 50 weapons.  Lord forbid not all at the same time though if you can't contribute some money to DE!!!!!! THE HORROR! 


Also they have said that they don't have the server capacity to store all the additional info. I mean they are already having issues with stats etc, if you made slots free/purchasable that would be TONS more data.  People have already said they don't have servers for us to play off of, but uhm what do you think you log in to? Or get matched through? Or that keeps track of your account and all your precious mods and warframes etc?  SERVERS!  Crazy


Edit: After 9 pages of comparing this to MOBA's and ME3 and such and people throwing around unsupported "facts" my patience has worn thin... Hence the snippy post.  Seriously, DE works hard so you can play an amazing game.  They allow you to play everything.  Every F2P game has some sort of restriction whether it be slots etc, so suck it up...  People gotta make a living too.


Doesnt matter how hard DE works or how much they work with the community, some people will always have to search the one thing that doesnt suit them....

Even after I said that they might get slots for progression, they didnt cared. Its like talking to a wall. A wall that wants more for actually nothing. And I dont see why DE should do so. there might be a bunch of slots for not having to pay in the future, and thats cool since people couldnt get the slots ingame. Other than that, I dont see why they should do more for free...

Edited by Venarge
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Hello since it appears we are gonna get a Prime there is one problem....big majority of F2P players have only two warframe slots which can house only 2 Warframes and the second problem is that you can increase those slots only with platinum which is probally  spent on potatoes(like i did at the begining in CB and  i still regret it :( ) and if we want that Shiny new Prime do we have to say good bye to one of our Already Potatoed frames???



I'd Suggest add something like a Module which only drops from alerts and that module increases your Warframe Slots by +1.



Good night from me. Down vote me if you feel like it but i don't want to sell on the warframes i hardly leveled up and potatoed with rare Potatoes :|


While I appreciate the ability for people to play the game for free, the game can't exist without making money.  The whole point of spending money on a F2P game is convienence.   Not having to sell Frames if you want a new on is concinence, simple as that.


Seriously, it cost a whopping $10.00 to by 170 Plat.  That is 8 more slots or a whopping $1.18 per slot.  That is cheap for a game you enjoy, less than the cost of a soda per slot, less than the cost of going to see Iron Man 3 for 8 slots. 


The Point?  Just buy the slots and support a game you enjoy.

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no they gave you 50 free plat to start with buy sumore plat or deal with it

when i started playing the game, i saw those 50 shiny platinum there. i said to myself "i will use them well". i enter the market, i saw those potatos and said "this seems like a smart thing to do". i bought 2 orokin catalyst and one orokin reactor. i didn´t even know that i had a limit in warframes, so please tell me, what im i supposed to do?

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when i started playing the game, i saw those 50 shiny platinum there. i said to myself "i will use them well". i enter the market, i saw those potatos and said "this seems like a smart thing to do". i bought 2 orokin catalyst and one orokin reactor. i didn´t even know that i had a limit in warframes, so please tell me, what im i supposed to do?




A. use the reset option when provided as a way to undo Beta level mistakes due to a lack of information such that you spend in a pattern more to your satisfaction with enhanced knowledge

B. Decide you are playing enough to warrant some financial investment in your luxury pursuit

C. Make room for new options through removal of unused options/less desired options.


You have multiple options available to you, all of them eminently reasonable to consider viable.

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DE don't make money from the free players.

So whose views are more important?

That's not true.  Free players are typically involved in the spread of a game via word-of-mouth, maintaining key parts of the community, and other activities that bring in more eyes, players, and ultimately cash.  If a company is unwilling to value the opinions of free-to-players, the company will fail.

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O hey thread, didn't see you  there. Long time no see. Yea, I can see you have been busy, but you know, that circle your running around in looks boring.Yea, I'm off to play warframe. See ya round.

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On topic: We have already been told that the devs are looking at inventory slots being tied to a different mechanic such as mastery level, rather than being plat only. In the future, you will most likely be able to earn slots through mastery, with the option to buy them with plat for convenience.


I think I'm going to start posting this every couple of pages.


Whether or not DE should make slots available to F2P customers seems to be irrelevant, as it appears that they've already have made that decision.

(at least that's my understanding of the situation)

Edited by JerryMouse13
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Feel free Jerry. If one of the other mods brings up the reposts I'll come up to bat for you on this.  Although, to be honest, I'd bet they'd feel the same way. I think that particular point is important for this thread to keep in mind.

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Actually you can play 12 of 12 frames and 50 out of 50 weapons.  Lord forbid not all at the same time though if you can't contribute some money to DE!!!!!! THE HORROR! 


Also they have said that they don't have the server capacity to store all the additional info. I mean they are already having issues with stats etc, if you made slots free/purchasable that would be TONS more data.  People have already said they don't have servers for us to play off of, but uhm what do you think you log in to? Or get matched through? Or that keeps track of your account and all your precious mods and warframes etc?  SERVERS!  Crazy


Edit: After 9 pages of comparing this to MOBA's and ME3 and such and people throwing around unsupported "facts" my patience has worn thin... Hence the snippy post.  Seriously, DE works hard so you can play an amazing game.  They allow you to play everything.  Every F2P game has some sort of restriction whether it be slots etc, so suck it up...  People gotta make a living too.

So you are saying 20 and 12 plat slots are their main source of income? Good on you,I guess you forgot colors that cost 75 each or maybe frames that go up to 375 oh and you always need potatoes that are as well 20 each,then you have skins,limited boundles for plat only and so on.

Get your facts straight next time.

Slots are just a greedy and limited money grab,they earn plenty even without them.

And no dont reply me "ITS JUST 5 BUCKS" Cuz i dont freaking care if its 5 bucks cuz i dont have paypal ok?

Not everyone in this world has a paypal or a job,cuz half of countries in world are broke and going bankrupt.

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So you are saying 20 and 12 plat slots are their main source of income? Good on you,I guess you forgot colors that cost 75 each or maybe frames that go up to 375 oh and you always need potatoes that are as well 20 each,then you have skins,limited boundles for plat only and so on.

Get your facts straight next time.

Slots are just a greedy and limited money grab,they earn plenty even without them.

And no dont reply me "ITS JUST 5 BUCKS" Cuz i dont freaking care if its 5 bucks cuz i dont have paypal ok?

Not everyone in this world has a paypal or a job,cuz half of countries in world are broke and going bankrupt.

I doubt those broke and bankrupt countries can afford a few hundred dollars for a computer. Or pay 15 dollars a month for internet. Let alone spend hours posting on forums about how poor they are.

Your argument is invalid.

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I doubt those broke and bankrupt countries can afford a few hundred dollars for a computer. Or pay 15 dollars a month for internet. Let alone spend hours posting on forums about how poor they are.

Your argument is invalid.

Those are monthly taxes that we pay,like everyone else what does that have to do with anything?

You just dont have anything to add to it so you just troll,good on you.

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Those are monthly taxes that we pay,like everyone else what does that have to do with anything?

You just dont have anything to add to it so you just troll,good on you.

How do monthly taxes factor in to owning a laptop or paying for internet. Also you don't need paypal you can pay dorect debit.

Furthermore, you accuse me of being a troll but throughout this thread you have done nothing but ignore anyone's argument against you in blind rage and practically yelled down the keyboard at them "SLOTS ARE EVIL DE SUCK".

You have also failed to acknowledge the post stating that their is going to be an attempt in future to making slots accessible by other means than platinum.

If you cannot afford platinum, fine. No one is making you pay. But why should the game be changed for a minority vote?

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How do monthly taxes factor in to owning a laptop or paying for internet. Also you don't need paypal you can pay dorect debit.

Furthermore, you accuse me of being a troll but throughout this thread you have done nothing but ignore anyone's argument against you in blind rage and practically yelled down the keyboard at them "SLOTS ARE EVIL DE SUCK".

You have also failed to acknowledge the post stating that their is going to be an attempt in future to making slots accessible by other means than platinum.

If you cannot afford platinum, fine. No one is making you pay. But why should the game be changed for a minority vote?

Throughout the whole tread there are people who agree that slots are limiting content and there are people like you who say "its only 5 bucks" I didn't ignore anything,and I never said DE sucks, cause they made really good game,but if they want it to be better then should listen to feedback from users.

Also I doubt its minority vote,there are way more free users than paid ones or founders in this game and they will all eventually agree on this,once they hit wall of progression and cant go anywhere if they dont sell what they worked hard for.

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 you don't understand that there are people that don't have disposable income?

You don't understand the developers need an income too? If everything was completely free, then they wouldn't get any money to pay their employees and further develop the game. 


You already get a free game, you should support it if you like it. Besides, it's still cheaper (and more fun) than most $60 games. 

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Throughout the whole tread there are people who agree that slots are limiting content and there are people like you who say "its only 5 bucks" I didn't ignore anything,and I never said DE sucks, cause they made really good game,but if they want it to be better then should listen to feedback from users.

Also I doubt its minority vote,there are way more free users than paid ones or founders in this game and they will all eventually agree on this,once they hit wall of progression and cant go anywhere if they dont sell what they worked hard for.

Did you read what I said? DE have already caved and are thinking of a way to implement slots for f2p players.

Also I never said "its only a fiver" because I personally hate that argument, as much as I hate the argument "slots are limiting f2p".

Stop running round like a headless chicken screaming for what you want. Once again the f2p community, who even with slots may get bored and leave, have won out, as with the alternate helms and potatoes.

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Did you read what I said? DE have already caved and are thinking of a way to implement slots for f2p players.

Also I never said "its only a fiver" because I personally hate that argument, as much as I hate the argument "slots are limiting f2p".

Stop running round like a headless chicken screaming for what you want. Once again the f2p community, who even with slots may get bored and leave, have won out, as with the alternate helms and potatoes.

I dunno why am I even arguing with founder,like you would know how it is to play with 2 slots,you have infinite slots and you can level anything anytime,you paid for it so good for you, I see no need for you to argue over "limits" as you know nothing about them.

But i guess its fine for f2p players to go through 3 and half day build,then delete their lv 30 frames and then wait another 3 and half days to try new one?

And sure they said they will give you more slots with mastery,only flaw to that is that you need to level more frames and weapons for new mastery level,and with limited slots that leads to selling things all over again.

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The Founder Vs. F2Per argument stops right here, before it starts. Back to constructive discussion or choose to simply not participate.


 Your pay status, no matter how high or low, does not make your feedback in any given topic any more or less valuable so long as you can be constructive and friendly.





 You gentlemen go ahead an show me if there is anywhere in those rules that says it is okay to treat another poster different because he has/lacks a badge. I sure didn't see it. 

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The Founder Vs. F2Per argument stops right here, before it starts. Back to constructive discussion or choose to simply not participate.


 Your pay status, no matter how high or low, does not make your feedback in any given topic any more or less valuable so long as you can be constructive and friendly.





 You gentlemen go ahead an show me if there is anywhere in those rules that says it is okay to treat another poster different because he has/lacks a badge. I sure didn't see it. 

Yeah okay,sorry went over the line a bit.

I won't even post here cause this just became an argument thread.

But I do hope in future the game lifts some of slot limits from f2p players.

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