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Of All Warframes, Why Frost?


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Several good reasons to pick the Frost


1. Ease of use. Th other starting frames? (Loki, Mag, Volt) have situations they are bad at and the Loki especially conforms to specialty play.

2. Power level. Frost is pretty well balanced and is welcome in any team comp.

3. Popularity. I see a lot of Frosts

4. Old Design concept.


Another design that would have made sense is Rhino and I don't know why they didn't pick him considering how venerable Rhino is, but it's ok because Frost is still a good choice.

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Ok, so you take popular frame, alot of people use and already maxed and... give us recoloured version with minor tweaks, that will also requre Reactor to intsall?


Why not just make it frost SKIN? Or Prime will sport new Unique skills, that wont drop anywhere?

You must have missed the chat in the DC where Steve said that the primes will react with Oriken(sp?) tech and cause special effects.

He didn't say what those effects are, and was careful not to give anything away, but I'm guessing each prime will have special / unique properties or activate on different tilesets.

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Because they had to start somewhere. every frame had an equal chance of being the one they selected, there was no bias on the part of the Dev team. Pure Random Happenstance.


or the lead art Director plays a frost. The world will never know.

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Personally i dislike the idea...

I know i will get downvoted but who care's? I am not really complaining, i am really happy when a "free gift" come (frost prime here). I love cosmetic options.


I am just wrong with the idea to make a prime version of all frames/weapons.

I mean, i have spent 250 hours on the games crafting all frames and weapons, and grinding them to lvl 30. Doing it again just for a cosmetic option is kind of "meh". I would have prefer new fresh content or some different skills for the prime versions of frames.

I also hope polarity slots of frost prime won't be as bas as excalibur prime are...

Edited by Asla
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I bet whatever frame was choosen a topic like this would have been created.


Frost its the first because... dont mind about it, i bet all Frames will have their Prime version, it's just a matter of time

Someone will like it, someone will like it less because every single one of us has its own preferences!


So be happy of this and think about ur favourite one will come soon too!


edit: for example i wished Rhino Prime

Edited by Phoenix86
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Am I gonna get in trouble for this? Probably but I cannot resist.


Seriously, you all complained about how they made something Special in the Glaive and you had to pay for it, and now you are complaining about them giving you free access to some of the cool new content that will REQUIRE a Prime to get to?



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im actually really pissed about that... i love my frost and already see way too many for my likings... but now with frost prime i wont see ANY OTHER FRAME EVER until they release a new frame / prime version of one.... no more "being unique while playing a frame you like"

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Scumbag OP claims "not complaining to DE, it's a free gift, so I would never complain about it," then goes on to ask "Of all Warframes, Why Frost?" Three times. ;_;

Scumbag OP eh?


Quote the part of my OP where I complained like you are implying?

Having trouble? Right, because I never complained at all.


I was simply wondering why Frost was chosen over a Warframe such as Loki, who is also a starting Warframe.

From reading posts, it seems that Frost was originally a concept for Dark Sector, which in turn, makes sense to bring him to Warframe as a prime, just like Excalibur.


Calling me a scumbag makes me laugh, you made my day. :)

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If you guys remember from the live stream, their art director Mynki said that frost is one of his personal favourites. Maybe it was his decision to further beef up frost's appearance? But you guys can't deny the fact that this prime looks so badass.

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Free gift is Awesome. And a Prime to boot.


Just take it and make it if you want. Don't want it? Go sell it for 2.5k cred or let it collect dust in your inventory.

Look at me, I just finished making a Frost and got it to rank 15 then suddenly Frost Prime came around. I'm still going to make the Prime.


Although I agree with the fact that his design was like 90% complete during the time being the reason why it was chosen. And if this Prime is looking badass, what more with the upcoming ones?

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skills literally suck. Ether too costly, stationary or low damage  and area.




Snowglobe is handsdown the best defensive ability in the game. Freeze is spot-CC. Avalanche is AoE CC & damage. Even Icewave is frontal damage to multiple targets. Frost is quite strong in a defensive role. Any veteran will tell you how much they want a Frost on Defense.

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Snowglobe is handsdown the best defensive ability in the game. Freeze is spot-CC. Avalanche is AoE CC & damage. Even Icewave is frontal damage to multiple targets. Frost is quite strong in a defensive role. Any veteran will tell you how much they want a Frost on Defense.

It realy is not a question of wanting one.

You NEED one for higher defense mission (excluded Infested) there is no exceptions.

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