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Prime Frost Needs To Be Crafted...


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Yea...I'm grateful and what not that DE gave us a blue print with such huge amount of credits.

But...We have to craft it? Ehhhhh........I really don't feel like that's doing us favor.


You see, crafting a warframe takes a lot of time. First you have to buy the blueprint (Easiest Part), but then you'll have to go farm it, which it only drops from Alert (As far as I know). And the blueprint reward draws from a pool of all other war frame's blueprint. Frost Prime being a "Prime" probably makes the BP drop rate even lower...After collecting 3 blue prints, you'll have to go farm materials...Which...Horror...Alloy Plate...OMG...


But yea, you get my point right? I haven't been keeping track on everything about Warframe, but I'm pretty sure buying Materials still isn't an option yes? And pretty sure Frost Prime isn't going to be put up on market and get sold that easily.


I'm not asking DE to spoon feed me, but...I don't know how this could turn out better.

But I'm just feeling a bit down because I don't really have that much time to pump in for the alerts, especially when I finally got time to play, the alert phase seems to die down quite a bit already. *Time zone difference maybe?*


Edit: I'm probably gonna get lots of down votes. But I'm just saying, I mean. I really like the new frame design and what not. It's just that imagining the time it takes to make it happen, that's just a massive enormous turn off for me.

Edited by ApexZer0
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Yea...I'm grateful and what not that DE gave us a blue print with such huge amount of credits.

But...We have to craft it? Ehhhhh........I really don't feel like that's doing us favor.


You see, crafting a warframe takes a lot of time. First you have to buy the blueprint (Easiest Part), but then you'll have to go farm it, which it only drops from Alert (As far as I know). And the blueprint reward draws from a pool of all other war frame's blueprint. Frost Prime being a "Prime" probably makes the BP drop rate even lower...After collecting 3 blue prints, you'll have to go farm materials...Which...Horror...Alloy Plate...OMG...


But yea, you get my point right? I haven't been keeping track on everything about Warframe, but I'm pretty sure buying Materials still isn't an option yes? And pretty sure Frost Prime isn't going to be put up on market and get sold that easily.


I'm not asking DE to spoon feed me, but...I don't know how this could turn out better.

But I'm just feeling a bit down because I don't really have that much time to pump in for the alerts, especially when I finally got time to play, the alert phase seems to die down quite a bit already. *Time zone difference maybe?*


You are incorrect. All Warframes except Banshee have a specific boss to farm for their parts. Banshee parts can drop from any mission with a guaranteed item/mod reward, meaning Raid and Capture (AFAIK).

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I'd wager this is going to be the only way to get the Frost Prime BP's... so in a way they kinda are doing us a favor.

But who knows? I could be wrong... if it's not the only way to get it I have no idea why they extended the event...

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Yea...I'm grateful and what not that DE gave us a blue print with such huge amount of credits.

But...We have to craft it? Ehhhhh........I really don't feel like that's doing us favor.


You see, crafting a warframe takes a lot of time. First you have to buy the blueprint (Easiest Part), but then you'll have to go farm it, which it only drops from Alert (As far as I know). And the blueprint reward draws from a pool of all other war frame's blueprint. Frost Prime being a "Prime" probably makes the BP drop rate even lower...After collecting 3 blue prints, you'll have to go farm materials...Which...Horror...Alloy Plate...OMG...


But yea, you get my point right? I haven't been keeping track on everything about Warframe, but I'm pretty sure buying Materials still isn't an option yes? And pretty sure Frost Prime isn't going to be put up on market and get sold that easily.


I'm not asking DE to spoon feed me, but...I don't know how this could turn out better.

But I'm just feeling a bit down because I don't really have that much time to pump in for the alerts, especially when I finally got time to play, the alert phase seems to die down quite a bit already. *Time zone difference maybe?*


Edit: I'm probably gonna get lots of down votes. But I'm just saying, I mean. I really like the new frame design and what not. It's just that imagining the time it takes to make it happen, that's just a massive enormous turn off for me.

Lose the idea that you need instant gratification.

This will solve all of your problems.

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I understand your point / stand  very well.

But i can not think of a solution for now.


Maybe they will do week end events like this one for Alloy Plates in the future.

And if you are missing rubedo, i think the event is still running for 8h more.



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You are incorrect. All Warframes except Banshee have a specific boss to farm for their parts. Banshee parts can drop from any mission with a guaranteed item/mod reward, meaning Raid and Capture (AFAIK).


Despite being a veteran, I never know that there's a specific boss to farm BP on. I'll look into that once the parts BP made available.


"You win a free car!"

"Great! So who is going to pay for insurance and gas and so on?"

"Y.....you of course."

"NO! NOOOOOO!NO! I dont want it. "


Your comment is nonconstructive but funny. Your example is far from being similar to what's going on here.

The Frost Prime BP, is a frame. Using your example, that would be your car. Which...Well, let's just say Frost Prime BP alone doesn't do anything.

Insurance and gas are the BP Parts, which is what it takes to build Frost Prime. The component of your car doesn't involve insurance nor gas. It takes gas to run, and insurance to keep it on the road, but no. It is not what it built from.


That aside. I never did I say I do not want the Frost Prime BP. In fact, despite I'm annoyed that I've to farm for it. I'll still do it, just because I like the design and I'm a completionist. Aka people who likes to have everything and everything maxed out etc.


This post is merely pointing out the fact that I'm tiny bit unhappy of which I HAVE to spend at least 10 hours, to grind the Parts BP, another 15 hours for the materials, and another 72 hours for it to be finished. Which it comes to...97 hours. Now to put it in a term you'd understand. That is 4 days NON-stop playing. 


The free time I got each day is around 3 to at most 4 hours. That is 24 days I've to play/spend just to get it done. Now let's not include/mention how drop rate varies from people. Some are lucky, for example. Daily login, quite a few already got potatoes and what not from it. But for me, I've been consecutive login for almost a month, I'm still getting ammo box EVERY time. So the estimate of 97 hours might be even longer for me or some unlucky people.


And let me bring this to my final point, after all this data I've present you. Look to your left. Well, my post's left. What do you see? Grand Master. I'm not bragging I'm rich. I'm in fact very poor. My point is, the reason I'm that isn't just because I like this game and I support DE. It's mainly because - "I don't have the time to grind everything, to get everything I'd enjoy. Thus the reason of platinum, thus the reason of me being slightly unhappy that something isn't even close to be being fast. Not asking for instant, just...With the math that I did, this is gonna take a hell lotta time.

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What is a car without gas, oil, a battery but a big chunk of metal sitting there? It's not about what the extra things do but the fact that you need extra thing to get it function.


You are annoyed that you have to....play the game to get these things?

Werent you ..... going to continue to play the game anyway?

You divide your time how to want to, the BP isnt going to disappear from there so you can get at it however you feel like.

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"You win a free car!"

"Great! So who is going to pay for insurance and gas and so on?"

"Y.....you of course."

"NO! NOOOOOO!NO! I dont want it. "

Honestly, at the moment, its more like giving you the registration certificate for a car that doesn't even exist yet.

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Honestly, at the moment, its more like giving you the registration certificate for a car that doesn't even exist yet.


When you win something in a contest you dont actually get it right away.

The Wheel of Fortune doesnt have a warehouse full of cars in the back.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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Yea...I'm grateful and what not that DE gave us a blue print with such huge amount of credits.

But...We have to craft it? Ehhhhh........I really don't feel like that's doing us favor.


You see, crafting a warframe takes a lot of time. First you have to buy the blueprint (Easiest Part), but then you'll have to go farm it, which it only drops from Alert (As far as I know). And the blueprint reward draws from a pool of all other war frame's blueprint. Frost Prime being a "Prime" probably makes the BP drop rate even lower...After collecting 3 blue prints, you'll have to go farm materials...Which...Horror...Alloy Plate...OMG...


But yea, you get my point right? I haven't been keeping track on everything about Warframe, but I'm pretty sure buying Materials still isn't an option yes? And pretty sure Frost Prime isn't going to be put up on market and get sold that easily.


I'm not asking DE to spoon feed me, but...I don't know how this could turn out better.

But I'm just feeling a bit down because I don't really have that much time to pump in for the alerts, especially when I finally got time to play, the alert phase seems to die down quite a bit already. *Time zone difference maybe?*


Edit: I'm probably gonna get lots of down votes. But I'm just saying, I mean. I really like the new frame design and what not. It's just that imagining the time it takes to make it happen, that's just a massive enormous turn off for me.

please stop complaining, farming sucks ( trust me I know, I spent two straight days for the Saryn's systems alone) but it's most likely gonna be made from a boss like all warframes except the banshee. 

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What is a car without gas, oil, a battery but a big chunk of metal sitting there? It's not about what the extra things do but the fact that you need extra thing to get it function.


You are annoyed that you have to....play the game to get these things?

Werent you ..... going to continue to play the game anyway?

You divide your time how to want to, the BP isnt going to disappear from there so you can get at it however you feel like.



The quote below couldn't explain it better. Your example is just flawed, please stop repeating it.


And I'm not annoyed that I have to play the game to get these things.

I'm annoyed by the fact that I have to farm specific things on specific maps. I like the game, I enjoy playing the game. But in the sense where I play which star system I want, and which mission I want. Not - Alloy Plate, keep farming that dam defense mission!

Yea the BP isn't going anywhere. But like I said, 97 hours? Dude, would you be happy to know that you're gonna have to spend AT LEAST that much time to get something? All this post, I'm just simply stating the fact that I'm slightly below the bar of happiness because I won't have the time it takes to get this awesome frame. *Yes if I keep farming, I'll eventually get it. But like when? After every war frame got a prime version? I play games to enjoy, not hardcore spending that much time just to get something I like.


Honestly, at the moment, its more like giving you the registration certificate for a car that doesn't even exist yet.

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So hard to work for things when you're a grand master, huh?


You're a disciple yourself.

And if you actually read my posts, I've already stated. I'm a Grand Master because I don't have the time to farm everything like everyone else.

There's a saying. " Time is money ". I don't have the time, that's why I use money to buy the time that I don't have.


And my philosophy is. Game is for enjoyment, FARMING isn't even remotely near the definition of enjoyment. In my dictionary anyways.

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Yea...I'm grateful and what not that DE gave us a blue print with such huge amount of credits.

But...We have to craft it? Ehhhhh........I really don't feel like that's doing us favor.


You see, crafting a warframe takes a lot of time. First you have to buy the blueprint (Easiest Part), but then you'll have to go farm it, which it only drops from Alert (As far as I know). And the blueprint reward draws from a pool of all other war frame's blueprint. Frost Prime being a "Prime" probably makes the BP drop rate even lower...After collecting 3 blue prints, you'll have to go farm materials...Which...Horror...Alloy Plate...OMG...


But yea, you get my point right? I haven't been keeping track on everything about Warframe, but I'm pretty sure buying Materials still isn't an option yes? And pretty sure Frost Prime isn't going to be put up on market and get sold that easily.


I'm not asking DE to spoon feed me, but...I don't know how this could turn out better.

But I'm just feeling a bit down because I don't really have that much time to pump in for the alerts, especially when I finally got time to play, the alert phase seems to die down quite a bit already. *Time zone difference maybe?*


Edit: I'm probably gonna get lots of down votes. But I'm just saying, I mean. I really like the new frame design and what not. It's just that imagining the time it takes to make it happen, that's just a massive enormous turn off for me.


Um you do realize that Frost Prime will more then likely only be available to those who got the bp from this event and your throwing something special and amazing right back into the faces of the people who basically gave it to you as a thank you for playing our game/gift.... #$&(%...


PS it sure looks like you're asking to be spoon fed...

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please stop complaining, farming sucks ( trust me I know, I spent two straight days for the Saryn's systems alone) but it's most likely gonna be made from a boss like all warframes except the banshee. 

I'd rather have the banshee BPs drop from the yet to be revealed europa boss, than the frost prime's ones.

It is only still a prime, after all, while banshee is a entirely different warframe on its own.

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Just do 10 runs on Kappa in Sedna, it's great for mods, good chance to get multi-shot mods and it drops Alloy Plates, two birds with one stone.


Kinda what you need to do anyways to gather mods for random fusing, so why not right? Also how many runs of the boss is it really gonna take to get the 3 BP;s? I've never had to do any more than 9 runs, mostly 5-6 and it's done. Seems mighty easy to me, honestly dunno what the OP is whining about.

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Despite being a veteran, I never know that there's a specific boss to farm BP on. I'll look into that once the parts BP made available.



Your comment is nonconstructive but funny. Your example is far from being similar to what's going on here.

The Frost Prime BP, is a frame. Using your example, that would be your car. Which...Well, let's just say Frost Prime BP alone doesn't do anything.

Insurance and gas are the BP Parts, which is what it takes to build Frost Prime. The component of your car doesn't involve insurance nor gas. It takes gas to run, and insurance to keep it on the road, but no. It is not what it built from.


That aside. I never did I say I do not want the Frost Prime BP. In fact, despite I'm annoyed that I've to farm for it. I'll still do it, just because I like the design and I'm a completionist. Aka people who likes to have everything and everything maxed out etc.


This post is merely pointing out the fact that I'm tiny bit unhappy of which I HAVE to spend at least 10 hours, to grind the Parts BP, another 15 hours for the materials, and another 72 hours for it to be finished. Which it comes to...97 hours. Now to put it in a term you'd understand. That is 4 days NON-stop playing. 


The free time I got each day is around 3 to at most 4 hours. That is 24 days I've to play/spend just to get it done. Now let's not include/mention how drop rate varies from people. Some are lucky, for example. Daily login, quite a few already got potatoes and what not from it. But for me, I've been consecutive login for almost a month, I'm still getting ammo box EVERY time. So the estimate of 97 hours might be even longer for me or some unlucky people.


And let me bring this to my final point, after all this data I've present you. Look to your left. Well, my post's left. What do you see? Grand Master. I'm not bragging I'm rich. I'm in fact very poor. My point is, the reason I'm that isn't just because I like this game and I support DE. It's mainly because - "I don't have the time to grind everything, to get everything I'd enjoy. Thus the reason of platinum, thus the reason of me being slightly unhappy that something isn't even close to be being fast. Not asking for instant, just...With the math that I did, this is gonna take a hell lotta time.



Why do you count the build time? It's not like it only builds while you're online. If you have so little time and don't mind spending money it should be nothing to rush it once you have the mats. No one is forcing you to grind out the materials, you could simply wait and do alerts and eventually build it. The reward is fantastic, even moreso if it is event exclusive. How can you complain about a free frame that you'll have to spend a few hours playing new content to finish?


"Oh no I have to play the new content they just released! Because I wasn't going to do that already..."

Edited by Excitonex
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I have a question. If the Frost Prime BPs needed to be farmed by fighting a boss, then won't everyone that comes after this event end up fighting a boss that doesn't give them blueprints that they can actually use? Wouldn't it be better to give everyone the parts BPs for Frost Prime after the new update and just have them supply the materials?

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