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Sadly for Doc, the room he ran into wasn't the same where Toxin ran, it was open, with only necessary forniture and little quantities of spore on the walls...

On one of the empty corners, a strange figure stared at the wall, rubbing his chin, he was humanoid in shape, dressed with a black suit completed with robes of the same color, a golden mask on his face covered almost completely his head, the visible bits glowed a mixture of blue and purple.

He didn't seem to notice Doc, and continued staring at the wall while rubbing his chin.


((sorry if i metagamed the room, but it was the only logical way to introduce myself))

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12 minutes ago, vodkacrepper said:

Sadly for Doc, the room he ran into wasn't the same where Toxin ran, it was open, with only necessary forniture and little quantities of spore on the walls...

On one of the empty corners, a strange figure stared at the wall, rubbing his chin, he was humanoid in shape, dressed with a black suit completed with robes of the same color, a golden mask on his face covered almost completely his head, the visible bits glowed a mixture of blue and purple.

He didn't seem to notice Doc, and continued staring at the wall while rubbing his chin.


((sorry if i metagamed the room, but it was the only logical way to introduce myself))

(no, it's completely fine. my internet prayers have been answered.)


Doc's voice trails off as she spots the odd sillohette. Her burnt, shorn eyebrows raise in suspicion. Slowly, she draws nearer, putting a hand over her pouch of syringes. Her steel-plated, Corpus-issued civillian boots softly click upon the metal floor.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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8 minutes ago, vodkacrepper said:

The figure continued looking at the wall, the interesting part was how there wasnt anything in there, not even the spores that were present on the other walls, as her hands reached for the pouch, the figure stopped rubbing his chin.

What do you think?


Doc jumps back at the sudden response of the voice, nearly tripping. She quickly straightens out her lab coat and fumbles to get her syringes off the floor.

"Who.. who the hell are you?"

The syringe-laden figure has a strange accent, almost ancient in a way.

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Not What i would like to answer at this point, where am i? And what happened? That's more likely

It turned to face her, human on all shape and form, but completely covered on clothing, his mask glowed a faintly red on the center line, then, as his hands were now crossed on his back, started staring at Doc, waiting for a responce to his questions.

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7 hours ago, vodkacrepper said:

Not What i would like to answer at this point, where am i? And what happened? That's more likely

It turned to face her, human on all shape and form, but completely covered on clothing, his mask glowed a faintly red on the center line, then, as his hands were now crossed on his back, started staring at Doc, waiting for a responce to his questions.

(sorry went out shopping)

Doc glances back nervously, adjusting some very old glass-lensed, ear-secured glasses.

"Well.. eh.. I'm not a psychologist, but I need one! Ahah.."

The gold-masked figure stares at her suspiciously. Doc fidgets a bit in self-humiliation.

"Ah. Yes. Sorry. Where were you before staring at the wall? Do you feel chest pain, pressure of the head, nausea, anxiety, irregular mood changes or urges, numbness, lightheadedness, irregular heat, hysteria, or need to itch?"

Doc draws nearer, and freely inspects the figure, grabbing their arm, and feeling thier hands, testing the joints.


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Except for the clothing, Doc will not feel anything strange, except for some points were his hand would fall like there was nothing inside the suit.

I was on Site 71, also being Ship 17, Corpus containment vessel of the C.C.P. Foundation, now, where am I?

The figure seemed completely healthy, with no issues except for the "Hole" on his body, where sometimes the hand would move like there was no flesh inside.

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1 hour ago, vodkacrepper said:

Except for the clothing, Doc will not feel anything strange, except for some points were his hand would fall like there was nothing inside the suit.

I was on Site 71, also being Ship 17, Corpus containment vessel of the C.C.P. Foundation, now, where am I?

The figure seemed completely healthy, with no issues except for the "Hole" on his body, where sometimes the hand would move like there was no flesh inside.

"Nauron Government-class Research ship, or Nauron-Sytellor if that strikes a chord. Orbiting around Neptune. Irrus sector, restricted medical research. 'Hell' also works, ahah."

Doc feels the depressions in his hands a for a while longer, furrowing split, cracked eyebrows in curiosity.

"I need to see your hands. There is a.. very strange feeling when your joints move."

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(Ah good to see someone else is here, sorry for not posting I'm busy with exams and I have no window to reply, but here's one)

Toxin wonders around doing a full 360 looking for Doc "Musta took a left insted of the right" he walks out of the shipyard which is showing massive signs of two large battles taken place, as soon as he walks out he hears to conversation the two were having "New... Person" "(Fresh... Meat)" He covers his mouth after the second sentence and slowly walks to the door waiting for any more talking before he could join... "Ah" he whispers and he runs back to the shipyard and takes two specific items with him and returns to his last position.

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Doc looks back at the door, furrowing brows in suspicion. She takes a syringe out, filled with clear, pale blue liquid, and approaches the door.

"Come out. Now."

She looks back at the masked figure, motioning for him to stay where he is.

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Doc steps into the dark doorway, poised.

"Oh, I'm sorry.. hm hm. Maybe we got off on the wrong foot, ja?"

She looks wildly around as she hears footsteps.

"No no, why don't you.. stay a while longer? You have.. such.. potential."

Doc darkly chuckles, stepping out into the pitch-black hallway.

"Come.. come back. Y-you're safe here. Stay.. I'm.. I'm a doctor. Yo-you can trust.. trust Doctor."

Footsteps, but closer.. not farther. She sounds more irritated and paranoid by the second.

"N-no. Stop that. Come back. Now. Lis-listen to me! Goddamnit!"

Doc shouts, swinging angrily and blindly into the hallway, looking madly for the embodiment of the footsteps. She finds her target, Toxin. Doc stumbles onto Toxin, stabbing into them again and again with the syringe blindly. The dagger finds it's spot, drawing a deep, bloody slash wound into her shoulder. She falls away from Toxin, landing sprawled on the ground, hand clutching arm. Looking up at Toxin, she slowly realizes who it is. Doc's face turns a light shade of rose. She sits there, too humiliated to speak anything sensible.



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"I... Think you need to see a Docter about your mental Health Doc... Heh.." He laughs for a very short while before suddenly stopping and his tone changing "No seriously, I'm worried for your mental health..." Toxin looks down on Doc, the blue liquid not even entering his body behind the armor. "Don't worry about me, just a little fatigued... These on the other hand," signalling the two items behind him "These would need your expertise, come lets go into the light"

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You both should see a real Doctor, the Foundation had some great minds that could help

The figure was standing in the corridor there the two other figures, unmovable and  seemingly uncaring, his mask lights now glowing a deep blue, but then he noticed the... thing that was pierced by the syringe, it was one of them... the sleepers.

One here? awake? excuse me, but... how many months passed since the Fall of the Golden Kin?

He now seemed worried more than ever, something was slightly strange about the whole situation from his perspective... who was that Warframe? why was he there? why now? so many questions that he couldn't get a answer from...

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Doc scrambles for the syringe from earlier on, filled with clear liquid. She injects it into the area around the wound. In a matter of seconds, her aggressiveness eases away, and she doesn't look to be in pain from her gushing wound. 

Doc gets up, brushing herself off and looking to the masked figure.

"I.. eh.. sorry. Don't m-"

She pauses at 'golden kin.'

"Oh.. the.. uh.. ori.. Orokin. That's it. I mean, I wouldn't know really, it's been decades.. a while. I wasn't here for it, I shouldn't even be here, you know, ahah.."

Both Toxin and the masked figure look to Doc.

"Eh.. whoops."

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"I'm afraid my friend the Orokins time has long passed, the Warframe are alive once again because of the rising danger the factions are becoming to the Galaxy, the Grineer, Corpus and even my kind, Infection, they are going destroy the Galaxy and we prevent that. Let us not forget the Stalker and his antics." Toxin slightly shifts into one foot as he remembers what he was carrying "Oh yea, Doc your gonna want to take care of this." As he says that he moves he two things he was carrying I front with enough light to see what's happened. The initial sight shocks Doc and almost surprises the figure as what is in front of them is both Komodo and Vesydus with very different wounds, Komodo with multiple slash marks across the chest and a crushed in helmet, bust Vesydus has it worse, her Robotic arm ripped from its connection and firmly implanted In her stomach, a single arrow slightly piercing the mask she was wearing cracking the rest, one leg mangled into something unreal and unhuman. "She's lucky her mask is made of what ever it is made of my arrow would of killed her, no pain of it was slightly weaker." Toxin places his hands together and murmurs some sort of prayer "We... Lost Raiden and Apex is permantly broken... As in he was torn apart by me and Raiden." 

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Then it was true, all they told him at the C.C.P was true... The golden kin completely slain, the tragedy finally coming to a end and the Sleepers finally awakening to gain balance... But something wasn't right... The warframe talked about his kind as Infestation, not Tenno... A offspring of the Great Plague controlling one of the suits? A milion throught's were on his head as the headlight of his helmet now glowed orange...

Offsprings of the Great Plague inhabiting the frames!? And you are not even a hive minded creature...

What looked like a purple vortex appeared on his hand, a grey Mire slowly coming out of it, when the sword was completely out, the vortex closed itself, leaving only a purple cloud behind, the infested sword itself seemed to float around the masked figure as his arms were crossed.

This cannot be possible... A Azazel class having to deal with the Great Plague... Centuries after the fall!? Unacceptable!

The sword violently smashed itself into the floor, piercing the upper layer like paper and remaining stuck inside before floating again around the figure.

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Toxin holds his hand up and makes a three with his fingers. "Three of the original survive, I'm the offspring of the one located in the Derelict. My name is Toxin, my body had been infused with Tenno Power yet I am infested. You carry a weapon of my kins blood. I cannot allow that sword to exist." As he finishes the dagger he is carrying shifts and changes shape into a Dragon Nikana and prepares it ready for attack "I maybe slower then the average Tenno, but that doesn't mean I can react faster." 

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Doc watches this standoff happen. The mangled bodies. Her hands are shaking terribly. One shaking hand goes up to her face as she sinks to the ground. Through shaky cries, the word 'no' comes, over and over again. Like driving a madman insane again.

Vesydus groans in pain. She slowly claws at the ground, getting closer to Doc as a gruesome blood trail is left behind. A situation a child should never be in. With one slashed, stab-wound ridden arm she reaches inside Doc's satchel for the clear liquid in a syringe. She injects needle after needle as her blood flow slows down and the pain eases away. She rips the Arthikan-style prosthetic's fingers out of her stomach, and as she puts in onto her arm the panels slide up to cling to her shoulder. Limping and barely walking, she gets up, slowly approaching Toxin. She pins him to the wall by the throat.

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"Does the child still have enough... Enough will to fight, I pity you really, I wish for you to just... Stay... Down!" Using his hand that isn't wrapped around the Nikana he grabs onto Vesydus's prosthetic arm and slowly applies pressure, the sound of cracking and creaking echoes throughout the complex.

Komodo moves his arm and head around, his legs to broken to be use untill his gaze is fixed upon the stranger "y-you... What.. Is your kind... Doing here?" He clutched his in moving fist while electricity crackles around it. 

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...My kind is dead

The floating Mire flew toward Toxin at Elevated speed, piercing with the infested teeth's the warframe back.

Yet you and your kind only care about killing, hivemind or not, just are just another disease, and if Hell must be brought to cleanse the Heresy, then Hell it will be

The figure slowly moved forward as the sword slowly continued piercing the rhino prime's back... Purple flames bursting out of the teeth's.

Yield now, disease, C.C.P's are more than your usual host...


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"Heh, agg, you really are somethings sent you..." Inside the helmet Toxin grins "Seems I am outnumbered and outclassed.. Unfortunately for you,stranger your committing the worst of sin, and it's time for Execuction." When he finishes, Toxin drops the Nikana and grabs the Mire while it is penetrating his back, the struggle to release quickly being in vain. "Your fighting, Me, ("With Me")" after the sentence the slots inside the Armor glow a certain color and soon after, the swords aswell "(Join me again Spores, welcome yourselves to the Toxic Hive)" he takes the sword out of is back and tosses it, the once infested power now gone, absorbed, controls by the very Rhino stood before the Figure. "You've gone and done it now" Very easily be releases himself from Vesydus's grip and proceeds to Triple combo a Stomp to levitate the two, Roar to enrage as empower him and then a charge, pinning the Figure to the wall behind. "You have a lot of Nerve to attack a Warframe, here's a little advice, This isn't my main Body, my main body is at a secure, disclosed location and th only people who know this location are me and my godamn leader Lotus HerSelf! You can't Kill me!" He finishes the sentence with a punch across what Toxin believes is a Jaw bone

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Vesydus's blood flow eventually doubles, the solution becoming null after the pressure from his Stomp. As she hangs drooped in the air, blood patters onto the ground at a steady rate, prosthetic clattering to the ground. A loud clunk is heard after she crashes to the ground in a lifeless heap.

There is a deafening scream.


Doc, off the ground, runs towards Toxin, trying to tackle him to the ground, pounding at his armor madly.

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The figure didn't even decided to move...

The stomp had no effect, but he didn't move, he charged, and he took the full hit, the punch did hit his mask... And nothing happened.

Eh Eh Eh, remember remember as the Voidborn can't surrender...

He looked down... The charge litelary pierced his chest leaving a hole the size of a football, but nothing except thick, purple smoke was inside.

Finish your job, disease! Feast on my body, end my life! Try i dare you, try! Your kind is only pain, you will turn feral like everyone else, mark those words as I will live, and you will be consumed by your own offsprings!.

A maniacal, deep laugh came out of the figure mouth as his mask slowly cracked.

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