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"I hate her, I hate you aswell, honestly I just want to leave, I would if I could, but this kid.. I want you to tell me what the bloody hell happened to you and her, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY KID, I want the story not opinions" 

Komodo slowly making his way back to the Hanger with the Iranos shouts on the mic "I've had enough of both of you, Vesydus his points are valid, Vulnah stop acting like a child! Toxins half dead trying to find some important stuff and your both acting like lunatics!", Looking back at the Iranos he is holding onto "Sorry about that"

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No worries.a crammed ship creates lots of conflict as well as its crawling with infested.someone is bound to crack under these circumstances.

Also forgive my politness.my name is Samouel(my name in ancient greek i ) and yours? *offers to do a hanshake,but komodo declines it and explains it will be easier inside the ship, as well he will be introduced to the others once inside*

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10 hours ago, (PS4)biscuit_licker18 said:

"I hate her, I hate you aswell, honestly I just want to leave, I would if I could, but this kid.. I want you to tell me what the bloody hell happened to you and her, I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY KID, I want the story not opinions" 

Komodo slowly making his way back to the Hanger with the Iranos shouts on the mic "I've had enough of both of you, Vesydus his points are valid, Vulnah stop acting like a child! Toxins half dead trying to find some important stuff and your both acting like lunatics!", Looking back at the Iranos he is holding onto "Sorry about that"

Doc's quiet, disorderly laugh barely reaches the comms station.

"Co-come.. come in."

She shuts the door behind her, swiftly taking something from the shelf as she passes by.

"You want to know about me? I want to know about.. you."

Before Vulnah can speak, she grabs his head and plunges a medical saw into his neck, letting the glowing yellow fluid ooze out as Vulnah angrily tries to grab Doc. She steps back, watching him wilt to the ground like a dying rose. As soon as Vulnah looks still, she heaves him up onto the break table.

"And I want to know.. what makes.. you tick."

She grabs a vial from her bag, slicing her wrist open with the same saw having been in Vulnah's body. Her pale blood trickles into the vial, filling up plenty. Walking over to Vulnah, Doc lets some of his lifeblood flow into the same vial. Her own blood starts to thicken and become more red.

A small smile spreads across her face. She runs back to the bag to get more vials, and a cauterizer.



Back at the comms station

"Well what do you expect me to do with my stress? Can it and sell it to Deke Tohn? Gotta push it back somehow, and acting like I'm a walking dictionary sure as hell isn't the way to do it."

Vesydus lets out a long sigh, and murmurs to herself.

"God, Tohn is a sick bastard. She's sure gotta wonder how it feels to have toxic metal shoved down her throat for a week. Hehehe."


Edited by TheMetrocop
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Walking into the comms room Toxin sbeaks up behind Vesydus and starts making a infested clicking noise, obviously trying to scare her.

Komodo, Finally now reached the hanger sets down and looks at the Iranos "Hello, My name is Komodo, the others here are called Vesydus, Kasch (Doc), Toxin and Vulnah. Only me, Vulnah and Toxin are Tenno, Toxin.... A little more so, wait and see." 

Vulnah in a panic now that he is bleeding, can't move and can't even speak is trying to communicate in some way for help. He remembers a little trick that always calls Toxin and manages to control his blood fall into only drops. Vulnah, Aware that Doc can come back any time starts moving his mouth and attempts to make a clicking noise very similar to Toxins, but it was weak and quiet he had to wait for the door to open again, in his mind he thinks "God im going to die, crazy vdocter gonna do something with my blood" 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)biscuit_licker18 said:

Walking into the comms room Toxin sneaks up behind Vesydus and starts making a infested clicking noise, obviously trying to scare her.

Komodo, Finally now reached the hanger sets down and looks at the Inaros "Hello, My name is Komodo, the others here are called Vesydus, Kasch (Doc), Toxin and Vulnah. Only me, Vulnah and Toxin are Tenno, Toxin.... A little more so, wait and see." 

Vulnah in a panic now that he is bleeding, can't move and can't even speak is trying to communicate in some way for help. He remembers a little trick that always calls Toxin and manages to control his blood fall into only drops. Vulnah, Aware that Doc can come back any time starts moving his mouth and attempts to make a clicking noise very similar to Toxins, but it was weak and quiet he had to wait for the door to open again, in his mind he thinks "God im going to die, crazy vdocter gonna do something with my blood" 

Vesydus flails in surprise, knocking her wheelchair down, and her with it.

"Holy sh-"

She looks up at Toxin, scowling.

"You could of at least spoke Sol, christ.."


Outside the room, some conversation can be heard between Vesydus and Doc.

"Hey, uuhh, Doc. Know you're in a... shi- bad mood, but.. where's Salty McStumplord? Been gone for about an hour now, and I'm kind of wondering if he moped his way out the door and ditched us or something like that."

"Oh.. eh.. heh. He wanted to have.. a little con.. conva... what's it called in En- I mean, Sol, agai-"

"Convocation, Doc."

"Hoh. Ri-"

"What do you need the heavy surgery cauterizer and jars for anyways, Doc? I thought you were ta-"

"No no. Nothing. I'm fine. I.. have to get back to Vulnah. I said I would come back in a moment."

Doc's footsteps get closer by the moment, then stop as she opens the door. She sets the box of vials down, and plugs the cauterizer in to the nearest outlet. While it warms up, she grabs the medical saw again, and a vial. Scoffing at the slow bleeding rate, Doc grabs the edges of the gash and tears the skin further, listening to Vulnah's muffled groans.

"You want to know. You want to know what makes me what I am. Why I am alive."

Doc holds a vial up to Vulnah's steadily bleeding neck, sitting on the edge of the table.

"I wasn't like this once. I was a happy woman. So happy and reserved.."

She sets the vial down, grabbing another one and pressing it against his neck.

"I knew my place, I did my work. I got paid. I saved people's lives. In a time when that mattered. The nurses and I gave the patients the love and support they needed, when the rest of the world looked down upon the disabled. We sat them down by the fireplace in blankets on cold winter nights. Let them listen to old thirties swing records. The little of them that weren't propaganda material. I remember a patient.. a little girl, who had delusions, paralysis from the stomach down. Asked me, 'Arzt Dresdner, was ist die Welt da draußen? Dr. Dresdner, what is the outside world like?' I said to her, 'Judith, it isn't as happy as you think in this world beyond that door.' I shouldn't of told her that. It wasn't my job to."

Another vial clinks as it is set on the ground. Then another to the neck.

"I feel like love is a mistake. A terrible and wonderful mistake. There was a man at work. Klaus Rettig. Tall, messy butterscotch hair, had a knack for collecting old records. Chef, managed the little produce garden out behind the courtyard. I.. liked him a little bit. We got to know each other. That friendship escalated quickly. Rainy nights in Berlin. Dawn by the fountain. The smell of smoke still on his coat from last night. I was doing what I loved, with who I loved."

Another vial. And another.

"You want to ask me, 'But how did you get here? Why and how?' My work began to get recognized. Awards came in to put on the shelf. I went places. London. Paris. Venice. I had to move to America for work for three years. Duluth, Minnesota. It felt colder, nights more solemn. I would visit Klaus every two months, but that happened less and less. Life became.. so much less happy."

Kasch grabs the cauterizer. It nears Vulnah's neck, heating the air up around it.

"One day I was called in to test something. The building was unusually cold that day. I walked into a freezing chamber, full of steel boxes. Body-sized. It reminded me of a morgue. They said they wanted me to go in one of those metal boxes. That they would launch other bodies and mine up into space. Around planet mars. As long as the sun shone, or when other life came across it, those boxes would stay cold. I told them it was a terrible idea. Poorly planned out. They didn't listen. Months of stepping in and out of chamber number five. Weeks at a time, then a month. January 12th, 1981 would be the last time I stepped into that horrible box. I never saw my patients again. I never saw Klaus."

The heat slowly slows Vulnah's bleeding. Little wisps of smoke wave up with each vessel burnt.

Footsteps outside. A knock.




Edited by TheMetrocop
god i worked on this for three hours
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Toxin, only hearing very little of the story walks in "Doc, you sure you haven't Vulnah anyway, I can't seem to fin-" He body froze upon looking at the scene before him, Doc covered in blood, Vials and the cauteriser scattered around, a single body with a crimson and orange flowing from it. His body froze and his heart stopped beating for a second "O-Oh... There you are... Heheh... S-Say, Doc... What are you doing to my friend" Underneath the normal and calm voice, a painfully obvious rage was building. Under the happy expression was pure anger and rage. 

Only 3 Sounds were heard in that moment, 2 heart beats, bloody dripping to the ground and the sound of unnatural metal creaking.

"I'll ask again... What are you doing ("How dare you") to my friend ("How dare you do this")" 

Edited by (PS4)biscuit_licker18
3 Hours for that text, Jeez, only spent 3 mins on mine
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 (sorry for the delay, have some practice doc pre-infested doodles. i couldn't really be bothered with the hand. the face is okay but wasn't exactly the features i was going for.)




Doc slowly backs away, but trips on the bag she had been looking through before. Several papers spill out; some pictures, others extremely old-looking news articles. Toxin rushes over to Vulnah, looking at his wounds, and the vials of his blood. He looks at Doc, grabbing the medical saw.

"No.. schiesse.. Please, no."

Toxin swings for Doc's left arm. She pulls away, but her hand is still within range. Doc screams as the fingers of her left hand are dismembered, only hanging loosely by some skin. She huddles on the ground, nursingpun ololoher hand.

As Toxin cools off, he notices the spilled papers.


Berlin, 24. Juni 1972

Kasch Dresdner, neuologist und Chirurg, wurde am Samstag mit dem Nobelpreis in Medizin für ihre herausragende Arbeit über die Auswirkungen von Autismus und anderen psychischen Erkrankungen. Kasch's liebevoller Ehemann, Klaus Dresdner, war bereit zu teilen, ein paar Worte mit der Presse.

"Die Mitarbeiter von Rozenholz Zentrum für Behinderte und ich sind sehr stolz auf die contributations Kasch für die medizinische Wissenschaft. Ich kann nicht sprechen für die Patienten, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass sie stolz sind. Sie behandelt ihre Patienten in einem mütterlichen weg, und war schon immer leidenschaftlich über ihre Arbeit. Ich hoffe nur das Beste für meine Frau", sagte er. Leider konnten wir nicht zu sprechen Dr. Dresdner an der Zeremonie.

There is a picture below the article. A woman shakes a man's hand, who is handing her a small box. She looks unnervingly similar to Kasch, sharing the same glasses and smile.


Minneappolis, MN, Febuary 13, 1970

Dr. Dresdner, renowned German scientist, was invited last Monday to be a part of the Socicetal Observation Project in Duluth. The highlight of S.O.P is to preserve the bodies of iconic social figures from today and launch them into orbit around planet Mars, where they will stay frozen by solar p-

The rest of the article is soaked in Doc's blood. Toxin can still hear her whimpers.

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(sorry, was just going off of what I thought would be plausible for him to do, concerning vulnah's nearly dead and anger and all that shenanagains. once something sticks for me, it's gotta stick, otherwise I spend another eight hours staring out into space thinking of a plot and occaisionally typing.)

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(I had this whole plan of you responding with Doc trying to explain to him and fail in some way. Toxin going into a full rage, imagine a Rhino who mouth has been ripped open and is showing quite sone sharp teeth, attacking Doc, Vesydus coming in and Komodo aswell to stop it but ah well guess I have to continue) 

Toxin gruffs after looking at the papers "Sent to Mars huh. Frozen for quite some time aswell. Stay down Kasch, i just want my friend now" Kneelinng down and picking up a vial he looks at it and realizes something "Your an idiot Kasch! Were you planning to inject that sap and blood into yourself?! Non-Tenno and Regular Infested can't handle the sap of a Oberon Freyarch the healing properties will boosts your body's healing capability a too much and ou would die of Heart and Lung failure of just burnout" Tozin proceeds to smash as many vials as he can with his foots while gruffing the same line "Idiot Doctor"

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Darn. Thats some nice litelature there. Im honestly impresed!

On topic:

Well its nice to meet you all and i hope that we have a decent time together even if were in a half eaten ship.

Might as well deploy my arsenal here. They need cleaning 

Takes out his lesion, sonicor and finally his buzlok. It was specially modded for punch through and also for accuracy, making it a good rifle and a dmr when needed.


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Doc pulls a wedding ring off of the stump of her ring finger, now shining red. She feels the worn texture of the metal, and squeezes it tight in her good hand. Soft tears soak into an already bloody lab coat.

"Klaus.. you'd be so disappointed in me."

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Toxin kneels down next to Kasch and says to her is a calm and collected voice "Kasch... I can't really help explain my actions nor forgive me, same that I too you but all I want to ask you now is to please... Come back to what you were before this mess, I'm very worried for you mental stability, maybe from being frozen for so long I don't know. Kasch, Me and Komodo are here to help but your making it difficult to help. I know how you feel to be out of place but trust me, after we get you fixed up and Vulnah revived we go to Earth, how does that sound eh? I know some old ruins of hospitals around what they call I think Germeny" (Purposful miss spell, Toxin   has a case of PTSD so you are aware for future reference, forgot to mention that about him)

Komodo looks at the weapon carried by this new Frame and does a whistle "Nice weaponry stranger, All I carry is my trusty Ether Sword, I can take a Gammacor if I wish but i don't really. Boltors though, only raritys, you should see Toxins weaponry, War, Lato Prime, Soma. He swaps the War for either a Jag or Silva." Komodo outstretches his hand to the Iranos "Welcome to hell stranger, Populatiosn anything left alive"

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"Samuel. an honour to meet you,the infested is nothing new, but ill help you in whatever i can"

heheh, the weaponry is more or less mementos. i got the sonicor from helping a corpus deserter platoon gain important intel, the buzlok comes from a very annoying grineer who i finnally managed to kill him at last by using my cursed sand and hacking gim in the face with the polearm.

The lesion i dont know where i got it from. it has always been with me. i also had the broken war, but i wanted to attack the infested with their own methods.

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Doc shakes from the pain. She tries to move her hand, only for her toes to curl up and a sharp breath to escape her lips. Her skin is cold and pale, thin and weak.

"R-Rozenholz. Take me to.. Rozen.. holz."

Toxin catches a glimpse of the bloody wedding ring.

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Toxin looks at the wedding ring "Ah marriage, love is a cruel thing ain't it? If it wasn't for love I would still be Tenno, if it wasn't for love you probably wouldn't be here but still might be stuck in one of those cryo capsules on Mars" taking the wedding ring he examines it with presiding before cleaning it off and handing it back "This Klaus guy must mean a lot to you... Come lets get that hand fixed, Slow and painful or fast and Painless?" Taking Kasch by the arm and lifting her up to carry her Toxin takes a look back at Vulnah "I hope you haven't killed him yet..." He walks out the room with Doc in tow.

Komodo first straight up looks at the two leaving and speaks out "What were you guys doing in there eh?" Second he notices te blood "Seriously what were you guys doing in there?" His voice getting more deranged, Lastly he notices Doc's hand "Toxin... What the fu[Beep] did you do in there?" With a calm reply to those Toxin bluntly says "Look inside and find out what Kasch did.... OI KID might want see this!"

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Everyone rushes to get a look inside the room, surprised by it's contents. They turn to stare in horror at Kasch.

She looks away in shame, trying to walk as fast as she can away from the scene, co-dependent on Toxin supporting her weight.

"M-make it fast. No matter how.. how much it hurts. Please."

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(I have no idea what I have just whitnessed meh, once went to level 500 when I was playing on PC ages ago back in the days of the copter) 

"Well that depends, do you wants your fingers to grow back, I can amputate the rest of the hand and regrow that, that's probably the safest, or we can straight up remake your hand with cybernetics, it's your choice Kasch, I know what they are feeling by the way, it the same feeling when I saw the scene but in time they will either hate or understand, I never heard the reason to why you did this anyway" Toxin gives off a small laugh while both are walking down a hallway.

Komodo, after watching the two leave rushes into to room, managing to avoid the glass shards everywhere and rushes to Vulnahs side and starts spraying the green helping mist over him. "Oi Sam help me out here! We're gonna lose him forever at this rate and I'm not letting another Tenno die on this ship. Damn that Kasch I swear I'll... I'll... God damnit!"

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"I.. I can't heal like you do, Toxin. Our blood is set up differently and thus heals differently."

There is shouting back at the scene.

"They want me dead."

A crash in front of the two.

Doc fumbles for the no. 22 scalpel in her coat pocket.


Back at the scene, Vesydus funbles through the papers in Doc's bag. She grabs the news article written in Basic Sol. Wheeling back to Komodo, she tosses him the papers.

"Read... read these."

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a Thief has broken down a ventilation grate.

Such a Thief has jumped down from the ventilation, into one of the many storage rooms on the Nauron-Sytellor.

With a deactivated Basolk, servicing as some kind of Crowbar; the Thief starts to open any kind of storage containers.
Taking any credits and resources that it finds.

Afterwards, the Thief checks some-kind of resource list, checking off resources its stolen.

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1 minute ago, MjrDisaster said:

a Thief has broken down a ventilation grate.

Such a Thief has jumped down from the ventilation, into one of the many storage rooms on the Nauron-Sytellor.

With a deactivated Basolk, servicing as some kind of Crowbar; the Thief starts to open any kind of storage containers.
Taking any credits and resources that it finds.

Afterwards, the Thief checks some-kind of resource list, checking off resources its stolen.

Doc rolls up her sleeves and blows any dust off the scalpel. She sneaks up to the storage door the noises were coming from, and presses the button on the control panel attached to it to open the door.

A tall figure wearing a corpus lab coat in the doorway, fingers on the left hand severed almost down to the knuckle, still trickling blood. Holding a large scalpel in the other hand.

"Come out."

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