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(OK I'll try and do something) 

Komodo was about to respond when the ships lights up again and the AI says to everyone "Approaching Planet:Earth, Action Operator?" Komodo takes one look away from the pair to speak to the AI "H.A.L.O we are landing there, prep us for landing" he ties again to look back at the pair "You wanted to return here, where though?"

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  • 2 weeks later...

(so sorry i haven't got to this. haven't had the time or energy to write.)

Sphuta Pravaha. So optimized, an object of godsendery I cannot find the answer to. It makes me feel clouded. I need the naïvity. It drives my digits wild with a warm unease. 

Neural links frequently tangled perfectly as to stick out everywhere and any which way. The transistion left his scars aligned in a very optimal way.

613-PRAVA understands me. It doesn't understand the system errors occuring within as mental adaptation units unadjust to operate lesser without his presence. My systems idle. Failure. This block's system coordinator reminds me I am failing. Failing. I buckle to the ground. Failure. I am not performing at optimal speed. I am failing to comply. Fail. I have failed.

It carries me to the sanitation enclosure. The cool touch of titanium-chrome plating notifies me I am failing less.

"No, no, it's okay DESLIS. You are optimal. Just.."

I am failing less now. I am becoming close to optimal levels. My digits fumble quietly as the hydrogen-oxygen mingles with the organic fuel left from before the transistion. Cool touch is met with cloth gently being wrapped over the injuries sustained from failure seven.

"Good lord, please don't cry now. If you cry, I c-"

My transistion wasn't complete. Undersirable functions still dwindled in my body. These functions met with my wounds and in turn my nerves directed me to spasm, failing to resist impulse in order to not strike 613.


"The answer to all of our troubles is a map. All it relies on is the borders that are hopefully still maintained."

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  • 3 weeks later...

(Sorry about dissapearing like that) 

The ship suddenly speeds up as it enters Earths atmosphere then slows down at optimal levels "Ok everyone, this was originally a drop ship but it was a old model so there's no mini shuttles, it just full of drop pods, Get in one and it will automatically drop you, we are gonna have to walk the rest of the way" Komodo barks orders at them, Toxin pipes up to say a few words "Location is some place in a continent called Europa... We tried to pinpoint the location Doc wanted but we are still off by about 30 klicks due west, Remember this place is crawling with Grineer soilders so be careful"

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as the ship was entering the earth's atmosphere, Komodo gives the team some ordes to fufill in case we get lost. thankfullly nobody was a green haired swordsman right?

"roger that!"

I then find the nearest pod i could fit in and waited for the ejction sequence.he mutters. i really hope we don't encounter mr turkey on earth. he semes rather fond of our planet

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I step inside, boots clicking and clacking in complaint. I want to know how this.. drop-thing works. I grab a few cords as the lovely, addictive scent of blood wafts up from my reddened hands, as if the answers lie in the insulation, or the copper- no, not any of that.

Emerson, god bless his little tin soul, lankily climbs inside the one next to me as if it were a cabinet in a game of hide-and-seek.

The pods eject themselves from whatever work of art we previously dwindled in, and I feel as if I am in a elevator whose safety breaks have given up on the prospect that is existence. I stay on the floor, and that intensifies my curiosity for this fascinating piece of equipment. Frankly, I despise being too warm. The friction from falling must onbring an awful account of heat and humidity so I toss my torn coat to the floor. As if knowledge beckons me the coat flies to the ceiling.

The drop pod tries to taunt me further but being the responsible, sane adult I simply pout and look out the window in hopes it acknowledges my blunt gestures.

Blue-grey storms below me, lovely fluffy pink clouds above, the tangerine-orange sun.

Klaus, I wish you here with me. 

Because I have never seen the sunset this beautiful.


The fogginess in my mind clears for the first time. Years, months, days? This complex never kept track of time in front of Ardita. I converse with 613 on this matter. It does not take to it well.

"I do not feel like a slave. I sit above these matters."

I look over my gleaming replacements. They feel... so correct. I do not see eye-to-eye with the attraction of skin when statistically the horsepower of metalcraft is more directable and of higher potential.

"I do not see this newfound superiority complex as optimal, VESY."

Sphuta is trying to compete with my views. Unfortunately.

"Ooh. Is that so."

It falls against the cold, steel wall as I tear the scar tissue at it's cheek.

I lean in and let it measure the precise force of my grasp. My power.

"You will, 613."

It shakes and moves away from me.

"Because I am a god."

Coolant and blood run down from it's wound.

I stare into it's eyes with an emerging glee. Such a murderous enthusiasm.

"Do you understand me?"

It nods frantically, nursing it's gash. 

I feel a sinister grin upon my face, and a itching chuckle escapes my scarred and stitched lips.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The Fall only lasted a minute. Before long each pods safety latch was accessible and everyone is now able to leave the pods.

Toxin yanks down on he latch and soon the door swings open allowing access to the world outside "I've sure missed this place" He speaks with a sarcastic tone "I'm better off finding the others through the smoke" Upon finishing he quickly scans the area, then looks up into the clear sky and in due time sees 3 more plumes of smoke to his left and 1 to his right, that one being the closer one. "That way first" He brings to head out, right toward the first smoke plume closest 

Komodo speaks groggily over the commes in the drop pod "Copy anyone there? I repeat anyone there?" Hoping for a result He sits and waits for his stomach to settle. He always hated drop pods, The speed and the sights scared him.

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Doc's sillouhette waltzes out from the shadow of the smoke.


Doc tumbles around clumsily like a deranged ballerina in a less-than-intact uniform Corpus associations give to the in-debt and low-threat prisioners scheduled for labor.

Doc scorns at the stares she draws.

"Stop it. None of you are even wearing pants."

She looks at the rolling hills around the landing location. Patchy, decrepit grass dots the landscape.

"Oo. I wonder if Klaus knows I am here."

Doc looks up into the sky.


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"Mrs Dresder, would you please calm down? No one here is trying to get you and no one is trying to take your pants..." Komodo speaks in a calm fashion in an attempt to calm down Doc and get her back to her senses "I'm sorry but..." He looks at the Volt Prime, a bit Jealous "Who are you? I would raise a gun but... Drop pods make me sick"

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16 hours ago, (PS4)biscuit_licker18 said:

"Mrs Dresder, would you please calm down? No one here is trying to get you and no one is trying to take your pants..." Komodo speaks in a calm fashion in an attempt to calm down Doc and get her back to her senses "I'm sorry but..." He looks at the Volt Prime, a bit Jealous "Who are you? I would raise a gun but... Drop pods make me sick"

He responds "VoltocityGEL, pleased to make your aquaintance." He bows. somewhat casually. His demeanor indicates that he's a seasoned warrior, and his gear only further reinforces this image.  With his akstilleto prime and nikana prime at his hips, dread slung across his back, he is armed and deadly, ready for action. However, unlike most, he seems friendlier than your average deadly tenno. Quieter, as well...

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Doc slaps Komodo, an unusually weak strike for someone of her stature. 


She crosses her arms like an upset toddler.

"At least you have nice boots. And fuzzy socks to keep you warm."






Obsessive? Me? Noooo. Aspirations are not 'complusive obsessions of fraud priority 103559'. Silly insulators. 

I simply admired my glorious conqueror-inquisitor-anomaly-commander. And I, lowly Tupperware, had been the only one to see the face behind that fear-invoking birdie mask. It shattered minds with it's indiscriminate gaze.

Grand overlord Sniffles always speaks works of incomprehensible wisdom as I meander in their shadow, such as 'Why, the flag is blue today' and "Stop pancaking, you silly boop!" 

Truly inspiring. Their eloquence with wordsises always touches my gray, cold heart.


Today, the glorious Overthing was dressed in an attire of 'the highest fashionable calibur, you fool' and quite frankly I could concur.

A lovely orange-and-white poofy scarf composed out of the feral vanyan denizens of the steel jungle, and 'a rather fabulous trenchcoat of sane angst.'


But the world is too pitiful to please dear Sniffles.

My fantastic leader is distraught in the situation of 'if the trigger-happies find me without the most fitting plutonium boots, I will be ranked as brash and imbecilic contrary to my fabulous nature', so without question to the princess's woes I search for the most fitting glass slipper for their grand ensemble.

If I am not back soon, I fear their incomprehensible wrath will explode in my physical direction.

Those days are not fun.

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With a longer sigh and rubbing the mud of the side of his helm, Komodo lifts a Furis from his side and shoots Doc in the chest with it. Small needles impale on Doc's clothing as only a couple break through and actually inject her with tranquliser "It's always a trouble with you..." He then turns and takes the Soma of his back and aims it at this 'Volto' "Name to long, Calling you Volto and you better put your hands up, your too polite and I've seen enough to deal with another infested warframe or a hunter sent by the Corpus"

Toxin looks over other pod and soon find Sam compleltly down and out "Bloody useless Iranos" He grunts and grumbles as his lifts up the actually light Iranos and carries him over one shoulder and makes his way towards the other pods "Bloody useless planet... Ah well lest I can get another Zel"

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[Savil Huvor - Trooper Agent 199478]

[Ksetra Sector Judicial]

[Drohata 6 Dynamic Biotechnical Model]

<retrieving protocol entry>


Ksetra is calm today.

The acidic rain corrodes away at Arthikan balcony-gardens, stings Ksetran hands and faces.

I don't mind it though.

Skin woven of carbon and steel does not discriminate against the elements.

My isthmusic vents evaporate the rain trickling down from my wicking hair; slicked back anyway. The vapor trails behind me, around me.

The heating in my trench is the only thing that keeps my extremital components from seizing. Today is cold.

They said I could never love, you know.

At least I can admire the rain.


Today I need to work around the obelisk, the nexus. Integrate the in-debt, the mad there.

My cyclic vehicular whirrs with ecstasy. Eager to provide the optimal user experience. Nobody is around. I rev it out of spite. The interface of my lenses illuminate traffic, routes, activity. I feel connected again. My neurons tremble with the energy of the perpetual transmission.

The metropolis blurs by ever so quickly. The roaring of a million motors vibrate through me, onto me.

The nexus, the witches' tower, has never felt so close, so sinister. I feel the damnination of a thousand souls.

What do I know? I'm just a machine, entrenched in what is left of my body.

I don't know sorrow. I don't know happiness.


Something prances in front of me, on the busy freeway.

In my trance, I swerve off the road.

Metal grinds against metal. Florescent blood splatters the concrete.


"Why.. oh.."

Doc, increasingly stumbling, clumsily puts an arm around Komodo. 

"I'm.. s..sorry.."

"Th-thank you.. for.. th.. presents.. need..ls.. gett..getting rusty."

Doc slumps over on Komodo, too tranquillized to function.

Edited by TheMetrocop
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