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The New Platinum Packages!


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What do you mean by "all"? That would just make the difference between a paying player and a free player even greater.

Instead of playing 12 platinum to unlock 2 weapon slots or one Warframe slot, they just get the maximum number for free. There is a difference between a paying player and a free player, they payed to skip grinding or RNG.


Now should you be able to unlock weapon slots without platinum is an entirely different discussion for a different topic.

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Instead of playing 12 platinum to unlock 2 weapon slots or one Warframe slot, they just get the maximum number for free. There is a difference between a paying player and a free player, they payed to skip grinding or RNG.


Now should you be able to unlock weapon slots without platinum is an entirely different discussion for a different topic.

LOL there is no maximum number of slots. So in reality you want them to add a bonus in, worth an infinite amount of money? If I could downvote I would.

I said the difference would be greater than the difference already. Please read and understand first. I know there's a difference, I'm saying that the gap will increase greater than it is right now.

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I seriously don't see a problem. It's still an f2p business decision. The niche mods aren't part of the metagame like rare mods such as Flow Streamline and all the multishot mods. It's like how a shop includes new products into a bundle.

With this and the amount of incessant complaining you've been doing in Council chat, what's your agenda here?

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I don't see the problem, but I would like us Grand Masters also get a copy of the mod.

I'm against that. The prime gear, forum badge, council forum, name on a star, and extra platinum isn't enough? It not like the founder program has ended yet, so people can still choose to buy founders or these new packages, but anyone coherent knows that founders is a much better deal.


With this and the amount of incessant complaining you've been doing in Council chat, what's your agenda here?

Who are you referring to?

Edited by FateZero
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Ah are you sure you're in the right topic? I don't have council chat, nor an agenda, nor am I complaining?

Whoops. apologies. posting on the phone can be a hassle.

I meant Xrylene.

Blindly defensive, or have you been smoking?

Mistaken identity.

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Whoops. apologies. posting on the phone can be a hassle.

I meant Xrylene.


incessant complaining eh?


So now me saying that the new mods are kind of bad is incessant complaining? Me saying that crit is bad and unnecessary in this game is incessant complaining?


There's a difference between complaining, and arguing flaws. Complaining would be if something effected me personally, such as a nerf to something I like, and then unproductively talking about it. In the case of those things, I don't use them, and don't need to use them, I argue because they are bad, could be improved, and a lot of people seem convinced otherwise, yourself included.


My "Agenda" as you call it, is improving the game, and that includes discussing things with other council members whenever the topic comes up. The problem is, whenever something mildly controversial comes up, more time ends up getting spent trying to explain why it's a problem to those people, like yourself, than spent brainstorming how to fix it, which is unfortunate.

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nice move DE. Thanks for adding the bonus to the usual plat purchases. :) people will love that after the founders program is over. :) maybe you can swap it from month to month and get people to save and spend :)


I though, am aiming at least a Master rank. Too bad that thing won't help me get it :))

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I just put $40.00 into the game because of this weekends event, literally 2 hours before this became an option.


Operation :



Just send in a support message. I know when I had issues with the store that support was helpful and whatnot, only a little delayed.


On the subject of the mods, as long as they give the same plat as before, what is everyone so angry about? If they lowered the play, then it would be a bit more legit but right now everyone is angry that mods that don't really matter are getting more love than they should. Yeah, the mods are not that good, but whatever, just added onto base.

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LOL there is no maximum number of slots. So in reality you want them to add a bonus in, worth an infinite amount of money? If I could downvote I would.

I said the difference would be greater than the difference already. Please read and understand first. I know there's a difference, I'm saying that the gap will increase greater than it is right now.

Your not defining your statements. Your making blanket attacks with no backing. 


Firstly, you dont know if there is an infinite amount of slots, and its childish and foolish to suggest with my one suggestion that I meant to imply they should have infinite anything. Reading my post, the point is to say that offering something as a 'bonus' should not be taken lightly, and it should have value. The slots are merely an example of something that you cant just find laying arond a map, providing more value to a player than a mod that can be attained by playing the game.


What is the impact that this 'gap' has. What is it? Why is this 'gap' bad? Your not illustrating what the problem is. You just say 'the difference'. What difference?


And lastly you need to show how it harms the game for you if someone gives the developers money for the game you are apparently not paying for.

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Rare mod pack C, B, and A.

C gives you 1000 platinum and Thunderbolt mod for $50.

B gives you 2100 platinum, Thunderbolt, and Handspring mods for $100.

A gives you 4300 platinum, Thunderbolt, Handspring, and Retribution mods for $200.


Founders still gives you the most platinum per dollar, but these new packages gives you the new rare mods.

really? i don't think these mode(s) is rare enough.

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I think a lot of folks here think the only benefit to getting Founder status is the mods in the pack. That's just silly. The mods are merely being added to an already amazing bonus of Platinum. The Platinum award is staying the same, and has not changed. No one is being fooled here. If someone is considering donating to the game via the Founder program, it can be assumed they've played the game enough to know whether the mods are useful or not.


I can't believe people are upset about this. Seriously, isn't there something a little more relevant, important, or logical to be upset about right now?

Edited by Kahruvel
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Your not defining your statements. Your making blanket attacks with no backing. 


Firstly, you dont know if there is an infinite amount of slots, and its childish and foolish to suggest with my one suggestion that I meant to imply they should have infinite anything. Reading my post, the point is to say that offering something as a 'bonus' should not be taken lightly, and it should have value. The slots are merely an example of something that you cant just find laying arond a map, providing more value to a player than a mod that can be attained by playing the game.


What is the impact that this 'gap' has. What is it? Why is this 'gap' bad? Your not illustrating what the problem is. You just say 'the difference'. What difference?


And lastly you need to show how it harms the game for you if someone gives the developers money for the game you are apparently not paying for.

Since when was I attacking you? I was replying to your suggestion that the $200 package come with the maximum number of slots for free. Maybe you should have given a better thought out suggestion? Now you come and attack me huh?


Let me just state here and now that you can buy as many slots as you have the platinum for. There is no limit and even if there is a limit, the limit hasn't been reach by anyone yet or is just too high to be reasonable to reach. As new frames and weapons will be added.

You know why I just said difference? Because everyone knows there is always a difference between a paying player and a free player, the difference may be different for everyone, as everyone has their own perspectives. But even you agreed that there is a difference, that is undeniable. How that difference grows or shrinks depends on what difference you view it as. For my example, the difference is the slots a paying player has vs a free player.


The gap between players that pay and players that don't is quite evident, just look at the suggestion and topic about slots. Even you have acknowledged the slots "Now should you be able to unlock weapon slots without platinum is an entirely different discussion for a different topic."

Why must I illustrate the problem when so many other people have already done it? Very few things separate paying players and free players in warframe, but giving playing players more of the things (I.E slots) that do separate them from free players does widen the gap between them. Free players have no way of obtaining slots without paying at the moment.

To simplify

Player A, B, and C starts with 2 slots

Players A is a free player, A is stuck with 2 slots

Player B buys platinum and then buys slots, B can have as many slots as he has platinum for. Say he uses all his platinum and buys 4 slots, he now has 6 slots. The difference between A and B is 4 slots.

Player C buys your suggested $200 package, he gets the maximum amount of slots without spending any platinum. He now has more slots than Player A and B combined plus the $200 of platinum.

So you now see the gap between players A, B, and C? How would it be fair to player A and B compared to player C which has as many slots as possible and the platinum?  

"And lastly you need to show how it harms the game for you if someone gives the developers money for the game you are apparently not paying for."

Again why must I show how it harms the game for me to you? I'd be glad to explain my reasoning to everyone but why must I explain it to you specifically? Who do you think you are? Maybe you should stop being a hypocrite and see that I paid the same amount as you, or maybe it was because I had the $20 founder package instead of the $50 package like you when you posted, did you think you were superior because you paid more?

You know why your suggestion would hurt the game? Basically anyone who doesn't pony up $200 won't get the maximum which as I stated above has the potential to be unlimited. Anyone else will have to spend a portion of their platinum to buy slots,while those that paid $200 won't have to worry about slots at all, according to your suggestion.That's pushing toward P2W and is completely unfair to anyone who doesn't pony up $200 at once.


Good Day Sir, I'm done with you.


really? i don't think these mode(s) is rare enough.

Huh? When I said rare, I meant the rarity of the mod itself, like common, uncommon, rare.

Edited by FateZero
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Since when was I attacking you? I was replying to your suggestion that the $200 package come with the maximum number of slots for free. Maybe you should have given a better thought out suggestion? Now you come and attack me huh?


Let me just state here and now that you can buy as many slots as you have the platinum for. There is no limit and even if there is a limit, the limit hasn't been reach by anyone yet or is just too high to be reasonable to reach. As new frames and weapons will be added.

You know why I just said difference? Because everyone knows there is always a difference between a paying player and a free player, the difference may be different for everyone, as everyone has their own perspectives. But even you agreed that there is a difference, that is undeniable. How that difference grows or shrinks depends on what difference you view it as. For my example, the difference is the slots a paying player has vs a free player.


The gap between players that pay and players that don't is quite evident, just look at the suggestion and topic about slots. Even you have acknowledged the slots "Now should you be able to unlock weapon slots without platinum is an entirely different discussion for a different topic."

Why must I illustrate the problem when so many other people have already done it? Very few things separate paying players and free players in warframe, but giving playing players more of the things (I.E slots) that do separate them from free players does widen the gap between them. Free players have no way of obtaining slots without paying at the moment.

To simplify

Player A, B, and C starts with 2 slots

Players A is a free player, A is stuck with 2 slots

Player B buys platinum and then buys slots, B can have as many slots as he has platinum for. Say he uses all his platinum and buys 4 slots, he now has 6 slots. The difference between A and B is 4 slots.

Player C buys your suggested $200 package, he gets the maximum amount of slots without spending any platinum. He now has more slots than Player A and B combined plus the $200 of platinum.

So you now see the gap between players A, B, and C? How would it be fair to player A and B compared to player C which has as many slots as possible and the platinum?  

"And lastly you need to show how it harms the game for you if someone gives the developers money for the game you are apparently not paying for."

Again why must I show how it harms the game for me to you? I'd be glad to explain my reasoning to everyone but why must I explain it to you specifically? Who do you think you are? Maybe you should being a hypocrite and see that I paid the same amount as you, or maybe it was because I had the $20 founder package instead of the $50 package like you when you posted, did you think you were superior because you paid more?

You know why your suggestion would hurt the game? Basically anyone who doesn't pony up $200 won't get the maximum which as I stated above has the potential to be unlimited. Anyone else will have to spend a portion of their platinum to buy slots,while those that paid $200 won't have to worry about slots at all, according to your suggestion.That's pushing toward P2W and is completely unfair to anyone who doesn't pony up $200 at once.


Good Day Sir, I'm done with you.


Huh? When I said rare, I meant the rarity of the mod itself, like common, uncommon, rare.

You attacked me by saying downvote. Your still stuck on an example.


You haven demonstrated why its a spending platinum bad idea, or how it degrades anyone's experience.. Your not telling anyone why anything is bad. Player ABC doesnt show why its good or bad. You tell me you dont need to say what the impact is.


"You loose because I said so and I dont need to explain myself to you, im leaving" is what you did. You need more than a blanket statement.


Why is it bad that the guy who spent money gets more slots(as per our example).


Is there an alternative to encourage people to spend money?


What would you do about packages, specifically the current ones in the OP, and why?


Id like to have a discussion about the value of packages in relation to keeping players around. That discussion involves paying and non paying people. I dont want the people paying to feel left out or taken advantage of. If you would like to discontinue our conversation thats fine. But you need to set grounds for contradicting what Im talking about other than 'everyone here knows what im talking about'.


Edit: I see why you took the 'you' statement personally  It wasn't meant as an attack, but as a querrry. I want to know why it would bother you personally, what you find wrong about it.

Edited by Judopunch
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so, they add some new mods that you can get any way for free.

they are just trying to sweeten the deal, DE don't have a huge budget, and yet, act very free-player friendly.

for god sake, we just got a FREE PRIME and 100K in credits.

how whiny can people be? 




Well said.

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Now this, this is money grabbing. They are trying to trick people into getting platinum with those terrible mods?


Nah. They are just offering a few goodies alongside their usual Platinum prices.

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The mods are so rare, if someone pays all that money I think its nice they get a little extra treat for supporting the game.

They aren't game breaking mods, all are only good for certain warframes and playstyles. 

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Nah. They are just offering a few goodies alongside their usual Platinum prices.


Really doesn't seem that way to me. Seems awfully specific to use these three new mods to do it. Almost like they realize that by making them rare, almost no one will have them, so they will turn to buying platinum for mod packs, or buy a bunch of platinum for a guarantee.


There was another thread on this, where someone made the comparison between this and one of those commercials, where they show you a product, tell you how great of a price it is, and then start adding more offers to try and make the purchase more appealing. In this case, they're offering junk alongside an actual product to try and entice new or foolish players, and I think that is an unacceptable practice.

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This board is starting to get as bad with the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists than the Blizzard boards.


If you don't like what DE has to offer, don't buy it. So they chose to promote the new mods with the new platinum packages.


This means they are out to prey on the naivety of new players and harass old players with low drop %'s?


Just seems like another case of, " I want the shiny new toy now and I don't think it's fair!!!"


Get a grip.

Edited by Kishward
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This board is starting to get as bad with the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists than the Blizzard boards.


If you don't like what DE has to offer, don't buy it. So they chose to promote the new mods with the new platinum packages.


This means they are out to prey on the naivety of new players and harass old players with low drop %'s?


Just seems like another case of, " I want the shiny new toy now and I don't think it's fair!!!"


Get a grip.


What a blanket statement to make. I actually don't want any of those three mods at all, because they're awful, two rely on RNG, with one of them also being weak against what it should be strong against, and the other(Handspring) should be a feature of the game, not a mod. But I guess it's impossible for you to understand that not all criticism stems from selfishness, hmm?


As I said before, they're trying to use junk that's been hyped to help sell their product, and I don't think that's a good way to go about it. I've suggested an alternative, cosmetics, because at least for that it's pretty hard to be ripped off on, and you won't get others complaining about selling power as a result of it either.

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That's fair, my post was written shortly after reading a half-dozen posts based off of entitlement, so I apologize for that statement.


However, your opinion of the mods in question and how effective you find them to be does not in turn mean DE is manipulating people by enticing them with "junk" or altering drop rates to force people to spend money on these packages.


It's their call.


The response they get through purchases will determine if it was a good move or not.

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