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May 6Th: Hot Feedback Topics


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8) Better Matchmaking! Host issues!

     This is an ongoing effort. I just returned from a conversation with the team about this. Will be emphasized.


I had a thought. There is German and Russian forums, do we all play on the same "server" in game? This would be a nightmare peer-to-peer wise.

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8) Better Matchmaking! Host issues!

     This is an ongoing effort. I just returned from a conversation with the team about this. Will be emphasized.


Lag is an issue in any co-op missions and it's great that it's being looked at.  How about the Glaive bounce?  It seems to be effected by the slightest of latency, at least when not hosting.  Is there any talk among the programmers to possibly tweak the Glaive so a hit that actually registers damage can be feasible in the presence of lag?


Ahem... about the responsiveness of jumping. Uneven terrain, standing in front of railing, several animations buffering before jumping is possible, unable to jump and shoot on the spot etc. This is something team is working on yes?


The guard rails are there for your protection.


Now we know what the ship AI means.  Jumping is DANGEROUS.

Edited by Gestalt
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According to U7.10.1, Mine Ospreys were returned to normal size.


However, while i think the size was also fixed, Leech Ospreys (and theoretically the Mine Ospreys) are still rediculously tanky. With my Paris, I can two-shot a level 21 Fusion MOA on full-charged shots to the weakspot, and Shield Ospreys die in one shot, but Leech Ospreys of the same level take a minimum of 3 full-charged shots unless i crit!


Someone previously suggested maybe the health of Leech and Mine Ospreys were related to the new Fusion Moa drone and thus their health got a rediculous buff. I would like to know if this is just an oversight that will be fixed next patch, or if these ospreys are meant to be more tanky than Fusion Moas. I hope it's the former, because their new health really doesn't fit the Osprey theme.

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What I'm wondering is, if there are more Prime Warframes to come in the future, what is the plan to keep Original Warframes relevant, as well as the content (Bosses) tied to acquiring the Original Warframes?


Primes usually (In the case of the Founder Exclusive Excalibur Prime) confer unique Polarity layouts and slight differences in base stats (Shield Recharge) which give them an advantage. What will keep players playing older bosses/content instead newer enemies that offer Prime Warframe Parts/Blueprints that they could obtain? Perhaps the Primes could be skins? (Barring the Founder Prime)


The above could also have implications on the Market; if Primes were made available there as a seperate frame, why buy an Original Warframe when its Prime is right there? (Instead of buying the Original Warframe and then potentially purchasing its Prime Skin)

Edited by Grand-Dozer
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Greetings DERebecca -


My questions to add to the queue would be,


"Are you planning to implement more types of Sentinels in the near future?"  I would love to have a variety of Sentinels to work with.


"Could we get an option to "save" loadouts for the Warframes?"  For example, I like to use the Sniper, Glaive and Akimbo on Warframe A.  I want to save that configuration and if possible, keep those weapons on that warframe.  This option would also open up an option for players to buy more weapons or make them as well.  It could also help generate additional revenue for Warframe.


And lastly, thanks for the event guys!



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"Are you planning to implement more types of Sentinels in the near future?"  I would love to have a variety of Sentinels to work with.


On that note, will there be any new weapons for Sentinels, the already existing ones or those to be possibly added to the game?

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What I'm wondering is, if there are more Prime Warframes to come in the future, what is the plan to keep Original Warframes relevant, as well as the content (Bosses) tied to acquiring the Original Warframes?


Primes usually (In the case of the Founder Exclusive Excalibur Prime) confer unique Polarity layouts and slight differences in base stats (Shield Recharge) which give them an advantage. What will keep players playing older bosses/content instead newer enemies that offer Prime Warframe Parts/Blueprints that they could obtain? Perhaps the Primes could be skins? (Barring the Founder Prime)


The above could also have implications on the Market; if Primes were made available there as a seperate frame, why buy an Original Warframe when its Prime is right there? (Instead of buying the Original Warframe and then potentially purchasing its Prime Skin)

I'm hoping that primes, somewhere in the required materials to build, will be the need for a level 30 standard version. That'll keep the need for the originals there.

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Any word on if the Frost Prime BP will come with a Slot or potato?

It won't come with either

Lets say founders program did end, will i still be able to upgrade my founder to hunter or will i be stuck as a disciple?

There will be an extra month to upgrade.

optional reset is coming with UD8?????

Steve confirmed it will arrive in more than a few days but in less time than a few weeks. So around the time of update 8, maybe before Edited by Notso
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