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Wow 3 pages for Warframes? If you are planning to fill that out, I think you will be asking for help for a VERY long time.

But yeah, I know exactly what you're going through. Had 15 Trin system and 7 or 8 chassis before helmet dropped.

Also spent 20+ hours into farming for that elusive Banshee helmet.


Your paris is only rank 8? What is wrong with you that thing is beast when potatoed and maxed out.

I don't understand the love for Paris. I maxed it with mods and supercharged it but it gets seriously outperformed by Latron.

I've seen my Paris crit ridiculously high but it still fires slower and with less consistency than Latron.

With Latron, it is very easy to line up headshots constantly at long range. But with Paris, you need to take a moment or two to look at distance and direction of enemy's travel. Not to mention sometimes enemies side-shuffle and totally ruins your kill shot

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Wow 3 pages for Warframes? If you are planning to fill that out, I think you will be asking for help for a VERY long time.

But yeah, I know exactly what you're going through. Had 15 Trin system and 7 or 8 chassis before helmet dropped.

Also spent 20+ hours into farming for that elusive Banshee helmet.

I just figured I'd spend my plat from the founder's package to get things you couldn't get with credits, (color palettes, weapon slots, frame slots) and so I just bought enough slots to get every frame :P I don't expect to have them all any time soon but I figured I might as well. Also I got lucky with my banshee BP, I have them all and am crafting it right now :D.

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I just figured I'd spend my plat from the founder's package to get things you couldn't get with credits, (color palettes, weapon slots, frame slots) and so I just bought enough slots to get every frame :P I don't expect to have them all any time soon but I figured I might as well. Also I got lucky with my banshee BP, I have them all and am crafting it right now :D.


I want Banshee tooooo


If downvotes were allowed, I'd downvote you. But since I cant, I will do the next best thing and give you a thumbs up

Edited by dlddr
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Wow 3 pages for Warframes? If you are planning to fill that out, I think you will be asking for help for a VERY long time.

But yeah, I know exactly what you're going through. Had 15 Trin system and 7 or 8 chassis before helmet dropped.

Also spent 20+ hours into farming for that elusive Banshee helmet.


I don't understand the love for Paris. I maxed it with mods and supercharged it but it gets seriously outperformed by Latron.

I've seen my Paris crit ridiculously high but it still fires slower and with less consistency than Latron.

With Latron, it is very easy to line up headshots constantly at long range. But with Paris, you need to take a moment or two to look at distance and direction of enemy's travel. Not to mention sometimes enemies side-shuffle and totally ruins your kill shot

Actually, enemy pathing for the most part is pretty consistant and predictable. The only major issue is when they lag-warp, or the very rare spaz-out that usually resorts in them running in small circles (Seriously, this happens. They literally run in very tiny circles about as wide as a Grineer Lancer lol).


Other than those things though, it's pretty easy, after you get used to it, to fire killshots across large distances at a moving target, regardless of orientation. Its not at all uncommon for a person whos used a Paris enough to need no more than the charge time to line up a shot, and the charge time actually gets pretty decent when the bow is modded out. It also has the potential to damage multiple enemies due to the bolt-type projectile, prevents the explody infested from Exploding, is silent, has pretty great ammo economy, and makes you look like a badass.




Also I had so many extra warframe component blueprints I kind of gave up keeping track, until I realized they actually sold for a decent chunk and I sold all the spares lol


I still somehow have tons of warframe component blueprints that I haven't even farmed for. Heck, a lot of them I haven't EVEN KILLED THE BOSS THE DROPS THEM. I dont know how I have them! O_o

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