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Dont We All Know What A F2P Game Is By Now?


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so i been checking the forum pretty much everyday since i started playing warframe

to be involved, come with ideas or simply just read the hot topics of the day to see what's happening


but i keep seeing people making topics about how potatos or warframe/weapons slots should be either free 

or free to obtain, in my gaming experience the best game is usually the one you pay for.

So for those who do not wish to pay for the game, dont worrie i bought the grand master package, so you dont have to.

:) and can keep on playing the game for free.


I know alot of other bought these sweet packages

both to support the game & get a smaller benefits ingame

to be honest am mainly using my platinum to get cosmetics & more slots/potatos



the consequences of making the game totally F2P

1. forget about any support or atleast by proberly staff

2. forget about hotfixs on a weekly basic

3. forget about small or bigger expansions 

bottom line is somebody gotta pay for the game to continue & i am just one out of thousands 

who bought platinum & i dont mind at all paying money for a great game

that i have very high expectations to & hope to play for along time to come 



If you dont wanna pay for this game that is totally fine with me 

but just stop complaining about those potatos & frame/weapon slots are not that expensive

platinum should not be given out in bigger amouts the a larger number of players 

it wouldnt just ruin the game it would also preventing alot of players to even bother buying platinum

and with out the platinum contributer there woundnt be a game.



So if your a free to play kindaguy stop complaining & enjoy the game or get out! :)
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The best game is the one whose developers care the most. Money's irrelevant when it comes to the quality of an actual game.

And how is money irrelevant when devs can't care without money? -.-

High quality games are not free to maintain

Edited by Bitfly
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The best game is the one whose developers care the most. Money's irrelevant when it comes to the quality of an actual game.

Till it comes time to pay for food and rent... then if the devs aren't getting paid they have to shut down the game to find a source of income.

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so true, there´s already so much free content in this game. Other F2P titles might have made it so you only had half the planets unless you paid for premium membership :) be thankful for how great and big this game is, I know I am and was even before I decided to pay.

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My only real gripe with how things are now is the extremely limited color pallet as an f2p player, with no way to expand without coughing up some cash (unless they changed it since 1.6). I'm not saying make all colors available, but at least the whole of the classic colors. That's not asking for much, nor am I exactly removing thousands from DE's payroll. I assume someone will probably come here to rate me down regardless.

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My only real gripe with how things are now is the extremely limited color pallet as an f2p player, with no way to expand without coughing up some cash (unless they changed it since 1.6). I'm not saying make all colors available, but at least the whole of the classic colors. That's not asking for much, nor am I exactly removing thousands from DE's payroll. I assume someone will probably come here to rate me down regardless.

Yes, and after adding a few colors they should give 1 item slot per mastery rank and potatoes should be more frequent..

You see where I'm going with this? Wait for events, they usually  add free color packs

Edited by Bitfly
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My only real gripe with how things are now is the extremely limited color pallet as an f2p player, with no way to expand without coughing up some cash (unless they changed it since 1.6). I'm not saying make all colors available, but at least the whole of the classic colors. That's not asking for much, nor am I exactly removing thousands from DE's payroll. I assume someone will probably come here to rate me down regardless.


Not gonna downvote you but I'll just wanted to say that currently a color palette costs 75 plat. Which equals $3.99; that just needs a little over 250 missed sales to break the $1000 barrier. And as the classic (and saturated classic) palettes are the most useful ones with the broadedst selection of colors... yes, you're removing thousands of dollars from DEs payroll.


I think that lower color prices might actually help with sales though, I might be wrong though as I have no insight into the sales stats.

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Although I don't agree with your general view on this, you have some valid arguments.


(my views are just for the CURRENT situation. If it changes in the future, they might change as well)
First off, I've been playing this game for 3 weeks now and I haven't paid anything and that's only because I don't trust the developers (just being honest here , don't flame me :) ) Why is that ? Because I feel like they are trying to squeeze everything out of someone who has the money and the will to pay ,by not providing the equal amount of "goods". For example , you are a grand master. You paid 250 dollars to support them and they "only" provided you with tons of platinum (when they should've provided you a "free for ever" market.) and a specific prime warframe (instead of a warframe selected by you). In other words, you trusted them ,and they didn't trust you (that's what I get from this. I might be compeletely wrong)

So my proposition is. Give people the chance to prove that they like the game and provide more than one way of supporting it. Make polls and see what everyone wants. For instance , I would prefer paying for the game (an amount of 30 or 40 euros) and then maybe a monthly subscription , and as an exchange I'll have everything availble to me through gameplay.

I really appreciate the effort developers are putting on this game , and I respect the fact that some people have paid LOTS of money to support it , I am just saying that a more fair system would provide more money to the game (and therefore improve it) and a more supportive community.


Edited by Rizombie
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Not gonna downvote you but I'll just wanted to say that currently a color palette costs 75 plat. Which equals $3.99; that just needs a little over 250 missed sales to break the $1000 barrier. And as the classic (and saturated classic) palettes are the most useful ones with the broadedst selection of colors... yes, you're removing thousands of dollars from DEs payroll.


I think that lower color prices might actually help with sales though, I might be wrong though as I have no insight into the sales stats.

75 platinum looks like $4.99 if I look at the prices. o.o

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Yes, and after adding a few colors they should give 1 item slot per mastery rank and potatoes should be more frequent..

You see where I'm going with this? Wait for events, they usually  add free color packs


I could care less about item slots, but the drop rate's in dire need of regularity. I only say that on behalf of those with 70+ Kril runs with no sign of a Frost BP, though.


Not gonna downvote you but I'll just wanted to say that currently a color palette costs 75 plat. Which equals $3.99; that just needs a little over 250 missed sales to break the $1000 barrier. And as the classic (and saturated classic) palettes are the most useful ones with the broadedst selection of colors... yes, you're removing thousands of dollars from DEs payroll.


I think that lower color prices might actually help with sales though, I might be wrong though as I have no insight into the sales stats.


There are alternative ways to making money than limited color pallets, however. People likely skim them over in favor of weapons or warframes to better get their money's worth. Also, I'm not saying to just make the pallet open, but instead available through similar means of anything else in the game. As it stands now, the game thrives on the user's motivation to keep grinding things out. Sort of the reason I stopped around 1.6, because Kril was kicking my teeth in with no returns.




Essentially this.

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Although I don't agree with your general view on this, you have some valid arguments.


(my views are just for the CURRENT situation. If it changes in the future, they might change as well)

First off, I've been playing this game for 3 weeks now and I haven't paid anything and that's only because I don't trust the developers (just being honest here , don't flame me :) ) Why is that ? Because I feel like they are trying to squeeze everything out of someone who has the money and the will to pay ,by not providing the equal amount of "goods". For example , you are a grand master. You paid 250 dollars to support them and they "only" provided you with tons of platinum (when they should've provided you a "free for ever" market.) and a specific prime warframe (instead of a warframe selected by you). In other words, you trusted them ,and they didn't trust you (that's what I get from this. I might be compeletely wrong)



... I have no idea why we're not trustworthy. Grand Master benefits also include name in Solar Chart, access to Design Council (and recently Council chat). They get early access to coming stuff and participate in polls that get added to the game. It is a lot of money for sure and we are always discussing ways of giving them small tokens of appreciation as we continue into the future thanks to their support.


I am not even sure what it means that we didn't trust them??? We give them information that very often leaks within few hours, and we haven't stopped sharing despite that. I cannot see how we don't trust and value them.

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The only question I have is is there a way to tell what location got your name attached?  I can find it by hovering over all the locations but I think that there should be a way to figure out where your name is located.

Other than that I do feel valued as a founder and enjoy what I do have.

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The only question I have is is there a way to tell what location got your name attached?  I can find it by hovering over all the locations but I think that there should be a way to figure out where your name is located.

Other than that I do feel valued as a founder and enjoy what I do have.



Ceres, Nuovo :)


Thanks for the support!

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To the OP, I know that Everquest 2 is a F2P/Cash shop game, with a sub option, I know that DoTA2 is F2P with a purely cosmetic cash shop, I know TF2 is F2P with a cash shop, I know that F2P doesn't magically mean "we can't compare to 50$/full subscription games". If warframe can keep away from really grindy RNG methods of restricting progression and locking 50% of a character's potency away behind a cash shop purchase, then people will keep playing and tell others to pick the game up.


There are other forums I go to that talk about Warframe and the most common feedback I get is "Yeah it's fun for a little while but it got boring when I had to grind for hours to level one mod once, or when I had to sit around hoping for a potato alert, so I stopped playing". Most people have a really low tolerance for progression being really reliant on a TRIPLE random factor RNG (random faction, random planet, random drop, no way at all to farm the exact mod you want, etc). Long term progression in good, completely random progression is not, if you want to look at a good RNG model, look at Ragnarok Online. Yeah, card drops were stupidly rare, but the right cards could change your build entirely, or could buy you tons of gear in the player market. Part of the problem right now is that people already know the "best" loadouts for nearly all weapons, which is max multishot, high/max base damage, and max elementals. There's no point in gathering up much else, especially when maxing mods is so resource intensive.


Make progression less tied to a completely random RNG, give mods more defined roles, and people will stay around in Warframe longer and be more prone to pay for slots and potatoes.

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I still didn't get what people mean with "potato" here...

But, I agree to ComeAgian. Every game has its downsides (and it's impossible to please everyone!), but I am sure this game will continue to be awesome because the developers already proved (at least to me) they love this game as much as I (we all!?) do.

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