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Why So Much Newbie Hate?


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i mean flexibility : able to adapt /adaptability

i can not see how am i wrong here but nevermind

yeah any mr can refuse to adapt but from my experience higher levels are more stubborn because ''i have dem skills''


i agree with this. higher MR tend to only use weapons from a certain pool, where newer people are willing to try things that aren't necessarily meta or game-braking/OP


as you climb MR the builds of players start looking more and more similar, as people are too busy using "the best gear"

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i have level 12 - because i really dont care about leveling this, i will but only for fun and when i have time for - and mr-points around 850.000


i have seen once a level 19 which was a simple unfamiliar less teamoriented uebernoob, useless for warframe


what i really dont like is that people which think when lotus says: we are finished ! that they have immediately run to the end and start the counter


there is no space then to help newer players or farm the last waves of infested on md (as for example) because this very noobs have strange ideas about coop, warframe and their "hormons" in general


i would be glad and im pleased that if some of them read this: stop behaving like a useless kid which is haunted by some strange ideas about being a hero !


a hero is somebody which works mostly for others and the team, no more, no less, everything else is not a hero ... ,-)



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I'm mr 17 and if I'm not trying to achieve something specific, I will join anyone, anywhere. I don't speed run levels, and more than likely I'm the last one to get to extraction. I just like killing stuff and time. I will bring any Warframe or weapons and I do have my favorites. I don't hate or love newbies. That's my story and I'm sticking to it... :)

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Little story of a short chunk of my night.


Started by doing Cambria (Earth Excav) solo, and only one dude joined...a cute little Volt with only a Braton, Lato, and a Lecta. We got a handful of keys from the excav and he was still in my squad so we started doing the non-endless ones in my inventory. Two missions in he invites a friend, an Excal with the default weapons, and we continue romping through the Void "on my own dime" as you might say. Stalker comes for me, my wonderful Huras cloaks me, and I whack the Stalker in one shot causing him to drop the Dread Blueprint. They pick it up and are overjoyed. We find the treasure rooms with all the laser challenges and run those and end up having a merry time.


Keep in mind I was only expecting to go solo the entire night since my clan was sleeping, but having them along made it a lot less lonely even if they weren't as effective as higher MR players. They even picked me up in the middle of a mob of Void fiends (T3 so bombards and nulls were present) to which I have to give them major props. Newbros are not bad, it just really depends on the roll of the dice.

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Because all the newbies I know are arrogant, down as much as they can or ragequit, quit at W1 in interception, pop survival pod at 90%, run like a lunatic around the map then die miles away crying for help, never listen for the tiniest advice, 

Some are harmless, plenty are okay but few are just pure frustration to meet.

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Newbie hate? I try to help as many people as possible. People tend to keep negative thoughts more active than positive ones, so maybe you're clouded by people that hate newbies and not noticing people that actually help. Or maybe PS4 community is full of haters...

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Precisely. We all started off as newbies, and developed our own skills over time. Don't let people bash you over how you play.

Oh no its that I see it happen alot now even on here in the forums I see it and I'm like you can help train him or her so he or she isn't a noob anymore lol.
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Most people hate on noobs because once they finish tutorial they instantly google "best gear in warframe" and get boltor's and rhino's right off the bat and then consider themselves "pros" because they can stay alive and kill stuff quickly.



EDIT: I personally have no problem with people getting good gear right away, it means they're buying plat and supporting the game

Oh... I gotta be honest.... My first frame was nyx... Cause of the bouble lol. I assumed since I'm not Mr 18 I can at least do support lol.
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I don't care if you're new. I won't rush newbies through places like T4 or other high-level stuff, though, only exception being alerts with a nice reward (potato etc.).

What I don't like it when newbies proove to be immune to learning anything, which often, but not always, materializes in your average Rhino/Boltor Prime combo on MR<4.

always that combo too for some strange reason lol.
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What u are saying is cooperation and not flexibility.

By flexibility, I mean the equipment they have available and able to use. Flexible tennos can use any kind of loadout.

Uncooperative play is existent in any pub game regardless of mr. It is a player attitude and is not related to skill or knowledge.

He's got a point I've seen people argue over who's loki... And who's Nova.....
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There's a difference between newbie and a noob.

Had the pleasure to run with some MR 6 mesa yesterday in t2md. He was hallway heroing with his peacemaker half a map away from us. 

Told him that people don't like hallway heros and he will die in high tier void doing that. He went how he knows better and its not T4 but T2.

I was surprised he didn't run rhino, but probably rhino was his main ^^.

Ok this is how I know I'm a noob still.... What's a hall way hero?
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I have to agree with the OP on the "newbie" hate in Warframe, it's definitely there. For the first couple of months I played Warframe I ran Saryn exclusively (because I really like her) so even after a couple of months I never progressed beyond MR4 ... until I got to the point that I got tired of being kicked from Void parties in Recruitment because mastery rank "is to low, go play somewhere else" (at this point I could relatively easy solo 40+ minutes T4S).


I basically ranked up because people DO look down on low ranked players (especially Void runners).


That being said I also met some of the coolest players out there BECAUSE I was low ranked. There is a pretty laid back group that are willing to help low ranked players with advice, mods and parts without demanding plats for it. And to be honest I think that group is actually bigger, but the group with the negative attitude just tends to yell a lot louder.

I've met people like that... We run a clan now lol
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I'm mr 17 and if I'm not trying to achieve something specific, I will join anyone, anywhere. I don't speed run levels, and more than likely I'm the last one to get to extraction. I just like killing stuff and time. I will bring any Warframe or weapons and I do have my favorites. I don't hate or love newbies. That's my story and I'm sticking to it... :)

same here I usually taxi people when asked. I'm also rank 17 so I don't really have much to do lol
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Some Pub games are good and some are bad, You will always get a mix of the 2 or sometimes both.

but when u get a good one man you know you got a good friend to run with :D

I still get hate for how I play, and I'm rank 16.


the hate is from rank 5 people, but ye.

what's wrong with how you play?
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