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I Feel It In My Soul


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I wanted this to be seen so as to hopefully have Nekros put into a better place, rather than being labelled as a walking loot dispenser. 




Soul Punch - Now splits a targets soul into three pieces, which each track a target like Nyx's Psychic Bolts. These attacks still cause a small AoE ragdoll/stagger effect upon enemies. Soul Punch will synergise with Terrify and Shadows of the Dead in different ways, as follows.


Using Soul Punch upon an enemy that is Terrified will give a damage increase to the ability, along with a chance to proc Terrify on the hit enemies for the remaining duration.


Using Soul Punch on one of your shadows, seeing how they are a pure/whole soul, destroys the shadow, but transforms the soul into a projectile which has a larger AoE effect and will cause a ragdoll on all hit enemies.




Terrify - Taking in mind the current state of Terrify after the recent patch, which can affect more enemies, but has a reduced range, keep the amount of enemies that can be Terrified at 20, however, all enemies now move outwards from Nekros when Terrified, and any enemy that comes in range of someone with the Terrify debuff has a chance (possibly based on power strength) to themselves be afflicted with the debuff for its remaining duration.




Desecrate - Keep the functionality of this ability, but instead make it a toggle ability that drains energy per second, allowing it to make use of the augment mod to drain health instead of energy. This allows Nekros to still bring the additional utility while helping the team by not spamming desecrate every chance he gets.




Shadows of the Dead - The latest patch allowed use to be able to walk through the shadows, this needs to be taken slightly further, allowing us to shoot through shadows, while they absorb enemy gunfire. On top of this, the way the soul cache for Nekros works needs to be slightly changed, where enemies in his cache are constantly being checked. If he gains a soul that is higher level or has higher priority over ones in his possession, take out the lowest soul and put the new one in. This insures that Nekros has the best souls of enemies he has killed at his disposal. 


The shadows should also have a slight AI change, where when summoned they are set to "protect" mode, following Nekros in a loose ring around him to protect him and nearby allies. However, anytime that the ability is active, holding 4/middle mouse button with Shadows selected, will allow you to hit the "Use" key, marking the spot for your Shadows to defend that area, rather than following you. At any time casting Shadows again while its still active and your Shadows are defending, they will return to your side (whether they return to you by running, or instead travelling as souls through walls and enemies is something to discuss). 


A thought I've toyed around with is the possibility of Nekros gaining souls from enemies bodies that he desecrates as well, again using the sorting system for his soul cache.


I think overall that these changes would bring Nekros into a fun playable frame that isn't just going to be used for the additional loot that he provides with desecrate, allowing for him to actually be used for CC and damage.

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The souls should be able to be kept as well, his 4th isn't good enough yet, i want to eternally punish their souls, so i don't have to re kill more enemies so much (which is hard when your spamming descrate) so if desecrate was changed you could leave it.

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Too many of these threads all saying the exact same thing ._.

I made a Nekros change post before it was cool >.> Now, here's the good bit. I DIDN'T try to change Desecrate. In fact, I only had Terrify in mind.

Congrats, you're a forum hipster :P

Errr, ok? I'm not trying to change desecrate either, just how it is cast.

Edited by BlueAnchorite
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Congrats, you're a forum hipster :P

Errr, ok? I'm not trying to change desecrate either, just how it is cast.

A Forum Hipster? I don't contribute to those off-topic sections. I just sit here and watch, see what people are posting about. Nekros is a big topic, and has been posted a LOT, all starting... exactly what you have. Just search "Nekros" in the Forums and you'll see.

Claims to try not to change Desecrate - Completely reworks it

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A Forum Hipster? I don't contribute to those off-topic sections. I just sit here and watch, see what people are posting about. Nekros is a big topic, and has been posted a LOT, all starting... exactly what you have. Just search "Nekros" in the Forums and you'll see.

Claims to try not to change Desecrate - Completely reworks it


From my opening post - 

Desecrate - Keep the functionality of this ability, but instead make it a toggle ability that drains energy per second, allowing it to make use of the augment mod to drain health instead of energy. This allows Nekros to still bring the additional utility while helping the team by not spamming desecrate every chance he gets.


So unless you believe making it a toggle instead of having to spam it is a complete rework...


And the forum hipster bit was a joke, in reference to your "I made these posts before it was cool" line.


Ideas that actually make sense. I am so ******* surprised.



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Like the Soul punch and Terrify ideas, brings something much needed into the game (*cough*ABILITYSYNERGY*cough*). Desecrate one is a great idea too, I mean, that one "By the Numbers" article says it all and it's not good to leave it like it is. I will say I'm not a fan of rng mechanics in skills for an action game due skill reliability. Granted, the base parts of the abilities are not based on rng so you can count on that happening.


Shadows of the Dead though, why not make them just follow the waypoint Nekros makes? If you highlight a certain spot they go and defend in that general area. If you highlight an enemy they all attack that enemy. If there is no waypoint from Nekros they just defend Nekros. If Nekro's waypoint is pointing to loot they just ignore it. Too bad you can't waypoint allies.

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Shadows of the Dead though, why not make them just follow the waypoint Nekros makes? If you highlight a certain spot they go and defend in that general area. If you highlight an enemy they all attack that enemy. If there is no waypoint from Nekros they just defend Nekros. If Nekro's waypoint is pointing to loot they just ignore it. Too bad you can't waypoint allies.

I didn't want to use the waypoint system as is, as what happens if you waypoint somewhere for your allies to get some loot or to help direct them while shadows is active? If anything, a custom Nekros waypoint just for his active Shadows would be nice, as it could allow for as you said the ability to set allies for them to follow. Just needs to be a separate colour from all the present waypoints, or even better a different symbol.

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I didn't want to use the waypoint system as is, as what happens if you waypoint somewhere for your allies to get some loot or to help direct them while shadows is active? If anything, a custom Nekros waypoint just for his active Shadows would be nice, as it could allow for as you said the ability to set allies for them to follow. Just needs to be a separate colour from all the present waypoints, or even better a different symbol.

You do have a point about pointing(lol) out loot. A custom waypoint for Nekros does sound nice though especially if he can mark teammates with it.

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You do have a point about pointing(lol) out loot. A custom waypoint for Nekros does sound nice though especially if he can mark teammates with it.

Precisely, would presumably use the current waypoint code as a template and modify it to target teammates, along with tagging a spot and possibly an enemy to focus on.

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I wanted to contribute to this thread with some nice additions, but you already said it all. I'm kindly surprised :D On a balancing note, maybe the Terrify "spread" should be made an augment. To somewhat balance the added benefit with a bit more difficulty of procurement.

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I wanted to contribute to this thread with some nice additions, but you already said it all. I'm kindly surprised :D On a balancing note, maybe the Terrify "spread" should be made an augment. To somewhat balance the added benefit with a bit more difficulty of procurement.

Interesting idea, if this were to be the case, I would suggest making the base terrify cause enemies to stay in one place, rather than running about, easier to shoot if they are stunned to take account of the debuff on them.

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