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Stalker, What’S The Point?


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While he might seem a good idea sat giggling in the office, its implementation fails miserably; I just don't see the point of having it in game under its current guise.


He threatens no one in a group, nor does he threaten any solo frame that's capped or near capped. The only adjectives that spring to mind to describe the stalker are "pointless", "useless", "boring",  "meh" (okay not really an adjective, but "meh").


The only people he does bother are solo players in lower level frames, and all it achieves there is to &!$$ people off, no one enjoys being faced by an enemy they cannot possibly combat.  It’s not like he drops anything when beat that would make it worth the effort of trying. When he does turn up, players in lower level frames either quit the mission, or just stand and wait until he wastes a revive; that's all the stalker is good for, against groups and high level frames he is nothing but a minor distraction.


Give him a set of bp's that can only be obtained by beating him, scale him better against groups and frames like rhino, then limit the level of the frame he will be sent after, and now we are talking; otherwise he really is counterproductive, I cannot believe it entertains anyone.

Edited by HexCaliber
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The Stalker was a threat, but since it was nerfed it then simply became an enemy that just randomly appears.
The way make him a force to be reckoned with is by buffing him so that even max. level frames have a large chance of losing.

But how would this affect the lower level frames? Simple. Level restriction must be at least 10-15. Then after that, the Stalker will hunt you down, as at that time you begin to pose a larger threat to Grineer, corpus and infested.

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The stalker gives me a shiver, everytime i hear his voice or see the flickering lights ;D

The option to kill him or even encounter him as a boss in a secret mission or something would satisfy many hard fighting tenno!

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He's anoying me in the highr levels. He makes me use revives. If no revive is left the mission will fail.

I can't kill him alone yet. I can only trick him by getting to a location where he cant get nor see and shot me.


I think the point is to consume your revives and possibly fail missions wich is an achievement in this game.

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Stalker is nice because he breaks the monotony of farming. There's also the issue that it's impossible to make anything particularly difficult due to the way frame powers work. Things like Decoy, invisibility, Invincibility, ults, and so on can rip him apart in no time because he'll either take lots of damage or dish out 0. It could be interesting if there was an entire team of them with different abilities but as it stands, he's either quite easy or very difficult, depending on your level - Nothing inbetween.

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Stalker to me most of the times kills me even though im rank 30 and with rank 30 weapons and to me hes just boring and lame... its just a way to get killed if you unlucky...  I have killed him no problems but if you fight mobs while he join the fight i can get rough especially on harder missions.


so for me put him as a boss or something else the big ohhh i will hunt you Down for killing Xxxx name boss is just plain boring and not fun its more "stupid" than fun if you ask me.

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He's anoying me in the highr levels. He makes me use revives. If no revive is left the mission will fail.

I can't kill him alone yet. I can only trick him by getting to a location where he cant get nor see and shot me.


I think the point is to consume your revives and possibly fail missions wich is an achievement in this game.

You have Shade? Max Ghost, stand next to Grineer or Corpus. Watch him go down.

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As it stands, I think he's just a cheap way to force newbies to spend revives. Hopefully he'll have a purpose when and if they expand the lore.


One time he came and killed me, claiming that it was revenge for me killing a boss on a planet I haven't even unlocked yet. I think it was Lech Kril. Silly Stalker.

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As it stands, I think he's just a cheap way to force newbies to spend revives. Hopefully he'll have a purpose when and if they expand the lore.


One time he came and killed me, claiming that it was revenge for me killing a boss on a planet I haven't even unlocked yet. I think it was Lech Kril. Silly Stalker.


Sounds like stalker is racist.  He thinks all these WF look the same.  To be honest I love him.  It adds flavor to the game.

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I freaking hate the stalker, keeps me killed every fking day .. almost-.- And when u get a team who dont care at all, you gonna have a bad time ... :(

He can be easily avoided tho (Elevators, archenemy of the stalker xD)

Edited by nino900
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I also like the stalker, whish he was a little bit more challenging and had better AI. And he definitely deserves to drop something upon killing him. Having one mob that attempts to hunt you down a kill you should have a reward as well as a consequence. Right now all we get is a consequence for failure.

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What I like about the Stalker is that while he may occasionally just be annoying, random encounters and events offer those rare chances to have an epic memorable moment. If anything, I'd like to see some more enemies that can randomly appear in any level and offer a challenge, because that's what breaks the monotony of a defense mission into something potentially awesome.

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maybe killing him could give a lot of a random resource? but, he's a pain in the neck to deal with solo, if you stick with the team and they know the basics of "SHOOT THE THING THAT'S SHOOTING AT US!" he can be extremely easy to take down. but frankly he is still a "boss" in a sense so having some kind of loot drop like a mod of some random rarity or alot of resources would make it more of a welcome than an "OH GOD THE STALKER IS COMING AFTER ME!!" moment.

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Hmm it would be nice if he dropped something but i personally never have a problem with him considering that all my warframes are potatoed he is really a joke to deal with each time.

It is known that he most commonly appears after you killed a boss or rather farmed a boss for schematics or whatnot .

Either way as it stands he is only a threat to low levels which is kind of cheep to be honest.

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  • 2 weeks later...
He threatens no one in a group, nor does he threaten any solo frame that's capped or near capped. The only adjectives that spring to mind to describe the stalker are "pointless", "useless", "boring",  "meh" (okay not really an adjective, but "meh").


I would change the "boring" with "Trolling", because so far although challenging that's what the Stalker feels like to me: It appears just cause and tryes to kill you, if he does you waste a revive, if you defeat him nothing happens...

so, indeed, the first thing i ask myself is "What's the point (except an eventual waste of revival) ?"


If the point should be to "scary me", instead of that he actually just makes me want to punch him in the face for wasting my and my friend's time when we are busy dealing with somebody else or trying to defend a friggin cryopod/generator (yes we farm defence and mobile defence missions) which is indeed, a typical "Troll behaviour" from him.

But i also admit that since i met him the first times now i tend to save on my energy so in case he comes by i can pop some smoke screen or a snowglobe.


If like some other people in this thread sayd he would at least "drop something nice upon defeat" then ok, AT LEAST there is a point on fighting him, but right now wasting time (and energy) just to fight some random Troll NPC that pops up whenever it feels to with only conseguence upon defeat just doesen't make any sense, is like the game simply wants to make you eventually waste a revive "because wants to and period".



The only people he does bother are solo players in lower level frames, and all it achieves there is to &!$$ people off, no one enjoys being faced by an enemy they cannot possibly combat.  It’s not like he drops anything when beat that would make it worth the effort of trying. When he does turn up, players in lower level frames either quit the mission, or just stand and wait until he wastes a revive; that's all the stalker is good for, against groups and high level frames he is nothing but a minor distraction.


Quite curious because most of the times he defeated me was because of the same reason: Solo play or "testing" some brand new frame with no skill equipped because of it's low level... of course hiding is also useless since he teleports too...


Even if i remember the first time i killen him it was also on a solo play: the lights flickered during a lockdown and i didn't "unlock" the doors, and from that i saw how indeed the stalker is in real a big pussy: without his "friends" giving him a hand and equipping a maxed out Frost + weapons i licterally destroyed him in the same way Nelson punches Martin in a Simpsons episode, coming out perfecty fine from the fight... but what did i get for it ? Nothing ! did he appear again ? Yes, curiousely everytime i was playing with some new frame (appeared both the times i was testing out the Ash and Banshee frames, i hope he won't be trolling again when i'll try out Ember too).


So in the end, indeed the Stalker is the warframe Troll, there is no reward on fighting him but just a punishment for failing and the game forces you to face him anyway, and most of the times CURIOUSELY when you're equipping some new frame or weapon and you are totally (or almost) defenceless.

If at least he would drop some goodies it wouldn't be so annoying/frustrating after all...

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I love the idea, but yes, the implementation is somewhat lacking.

I get scurred when he shows up. Luckily, lately it's happened in a 2-level map a lot, and apparently this "fallen Tenno" or whatever cannot manipulate elevator controls.

Fighting him on even terms is fun. I don't like one-sided fights. If it reigned in the level difference (especially on weak frames and newbies) (maybe a limit based on rank and not frame level?), he'd be great. And adding rewards for taking him down is a must.

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