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What Is Up With The Crazy Cost Of Resources In The Market?!


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I KNOW this won't apply to anyone really, but I don't know why they are there for the prices that they put them. Seriously if I want just 24 ALLOY PLATES it costs 720 PLAT and I have 694,139 of them! Obviously the prices are crazy why should alloy plates cost more than neural sensors or even cost more than 1 plat for 200 of them. The prices have no thought to them and as such the only person that's stupid enough to buy them are NEW players who loved the game enough early on in their career to buy platinum! Just ONE fieldron SAMPLE not even the whole thing cost FIFTEEN plat! If they drastically lowered prices then maybe I would spend a tiny bit of plat to get that neural sensor instead of Salad V farming runs. Am I alone here in thinking that the componets section needs a serious looking at? Thanks for reading.

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Everyone, except for the newest of the new, know that the market is a money sink.

Yet I constantly have to tell new players not to buy resources they can't yet get to. Many of them really don't believe me at first, either being unaware of the cost of Platinum or the resource availability. I think the market prices are just an oversight, but it comes off as kind of shady in my opinion.

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It certainly needs an overhaul in pricing.  Hardly anyone buys resources, which is bad for DE, and the people that do are very likely to have buyer's remorse, which is bad for the players.  Nobody wins with the current prices.  Also, have you seen the core prices?  My lord...

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I'm guilty of having bought neural sensors in the past just because I got so tired of hearing "You have... LOYalty issssues, Tenno. My... ZAAAHNOOKA project will, FIX that for youuu." But yeah the prices are ludicrous given the alternative. They can leave them as they are, lower them, or (and I fear for this so much) decrease drop rates to the point where buying them at the current prices is viable.

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You see a scam for newbies and i see the right cost. And thats why:

If it wasnt for that absurd cost me and alot of players like me would buy neural sensors or orokin cells for 1pl instead of going into the solar map and faming for that stuff.

Same reason why resources are not tradable.

And you see, even this way 80% of the missions of the solar map are empty of people. In fact, stuff you cant obtain easily from the solar map has a right cost: potatoes, formas and even slots.

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You see a scam for newbies and i see the right cost. And thats why:

If it wasnt for that absurd cost me and alot of players like me would buy neural sensors or orokin cells for 1pl instead of going into the solar map and faming for that stuff.

Same reason why resources are not tradable.

And you see, even this way 80% of the missions of the solar map are empty of people. In fact, stuff you cant obtain easily from the solar map has a right cost: potatoes, formas and even slots.

If DE doesn't want people to buy these items they should just be removed from the market. In the current state no one wins--old players ignore it, new players are put off by it, and DE doesn't care about it anyway.

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The price of most of the items are WAY over priced. If they want people to actually spend money on the game, they have to add better cosmetic items, make it so you get more resources and not like 1 for 80p


Most of the things they are selling can be farmed in about 2 mins and get more than than they offering. They need to make it so that things go on sale in the market as well.

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