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[Guide] Warframe On Linux With Wine



Alright, so after much acclaim from the Subreddit, I decided to post my walkthrough on how to get this game running somewhat decently under the newest Wine (Development 1.5.29). The direct link to it is http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dnnoj/warframe_on_linux/.


Alright, so first thing. I did this in Arch Linux, so your mileage will very depending on what distro you use. I've read good reports for Ubuntu working pretty easily, and other distros not so much. I would like feedback on what extra steps you would have to do to get it to work if mine didn't work for you.


Step one, Install Wine (I recommend Dev, but Stable may work) and, if your Package Manager doesn't package it together, winetricks. http://www.winehq.org/ for wine, and https://code.google.com/p/winetricks/ for winetricks. Optionally, create a prefix for Warframe so you don't clutter up the default one.


Step two, run winetricks d3dx9 xact (or /path/to/winetricks.sh d3dx9 xact if the package manager didn't install it). This will install the bare minimum DirectX9 and XAudio2 DLL's needed by most games. (You can omit d3dx9 for directx9, but that's usually overkill)


Step three, Download the Warframe.msi and put it somewhere you'll remember. I have mine on my Desktop.


Step four, open a terminal where the Warframe.msi file is at and run wine msiexec /i Warframe.msi. This will start the launcher. (You can optionally run wine msiexec /i /path/to/Warframe.msi)


After this step, the Launcher Window should open up. If it doesn't, try installing 'lib32-openal', 'lib32-libxml2', 'lib32-mpg123', 'lib32-giflib', 'lib32-libpng', and 'lib32-gnutls'. These are common compatibility libs most Wine programs need, so it wouldn't be to awful to install them all. These are also the names Arch Linux gives these packages, so you may need to Google around for the correct names for your Distro.


This is a (incomplete) list of Package names per DIstro. (Thanks Morcant!)

Arch             Ubuntulib32-openal     libopenal1lib32-libxml2    libxml2lib32-mpg123     libmpg123lib32-giflib     libgif4lib32-libpng     libpng12-0lib32-gnutls     libgnutls26

On a 64-bit system with multiarch, it may be necessary to use e.g. 'sudo apt-get install libgnutls26:i386' to install the 32-bit packages.


Step five, after the launcher opens up, DISABLE 64BIT IN THE LAUNCHER SETTINGS. It currently does NOT work right, and you're going to have a bad time.


Step six, Hopefully the launcher will be complaining about not being able to find Launcher.exe in your AppData path ($WINE_PREFIX/drive_c/users/<your username>/Local Settings/Application Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe). It is there, but you need to move it over manually. CD into the directory and run mv Launcher.exe.tmp Launcher.exe. Click Retry on the launcher, and it should greet you with the login prompt. Enter your login information, and hopefully you will see the Licensing conditions. If so, congrats! Enjoy playing Warframe on a non-Microsoft system!


There is a chance that you will get the error that dreaded me for almost two weeks, the Could not log in: Could not find Server error. I have no clue why this error is there, but it fixed itself by compiling and installing https://github.com/madewokherd/wine-mono (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wine-mono/ for you Arch Linux users). It takes quite a bit of time to compile (I have an A10-5800K, and it took around 30 minutes to compile and install). MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A LOT OF SPACE IN /tmp, IT WILL TAKE A LOT JUST TO COMPILE IT!


If that doesn't fix it, Try compiling Wine from source. it's a long shot, but it may work (and it has worked for some people).




If your sound doesn't work (and it doesn't complain about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), try modprobing snd_seq. It may not of been loaded.


If your sound doesn't work (and it's complaining about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), run winetricks --force xact_jun2010. It may of not installed correctly the first time.


If the preprocess crashes when first starting the Launcher, run the launcher (or Warframe.msi) in the terminal. It fixes this error for me.




Hopefully this guide helps you!

Edited by HACKhalo2
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Does this method still work with the current version of warframes installer? the newest post on here is from early last year... I've recently f***ked my windows 10 bootloader beyod repair and literally the only reason i would reinstall is to play warframe.... I'm if someone could just tag my answer or something if they are still using this method or reply if theres a new method out i'd super appreciate it. screw windows man, but i've gotta have my warframe....

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On 21/06/2017 at 9:03 AM, liketicktick1020 said:

Does this method still work with the current version of warframes installer? the newest post on here is from early last year... I've recently f***ked my windows 10 bootloader beyod repair and literally the only reason i would reinstall is to play warframe.... I'm if someone could just tag my answer or something if they are still using this method or reply if theres a new method out i'd super appreciate it. screw windows man, but i've gotta have my warframe....

I'm still able to use Warframe using this method.


My launch script (debian with wine 2.13 installed on /opt)




WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/home/<USERNAME>/Warframe_2/ /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine64 ./drive_c/users/<USERNAME>/Local\ Settings/Application\ Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe



Winecfg :

- OS : Windows XP

- Virtual Desktop emulated (Game is using fullscreen)

The game is using 64bits mode, but without DirectX10/11 (Was anyone able to activate them ?)

The launcher isn't showing the download bar during "Checking for new content".

Note : There is still the Launcher Update loop. You must manually replace Launcher.exe by Launcher.exe.cpy (in something like drive_c/users/<USERNAME>/Local Settings/Application Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools)



By the way, does anyone know how to limit the CPU usage of the whole Warframe, because it is making my CPU going to 95°C... but it is only using 1 core (I have 8)...

Edited by DoctorTee6
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2 hours ago, GloriousEggroll said:

hi. I updated my warframe lutris install script as well as non-lutris install + launcher script:


Does xbox one controller with doggle work? I know that is seperate thing from just getting warframe to run on *unix but was curious. By doggle I do mean the one that is not bluetooth.

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Thanks for your hard work GloriousEggroll. Your video was recorded before Plains of Eidolon launched. Any idea if it works with the new update?

I'm having problems since the update. I can launch the game but my warframe and most of the surroundings appear translucid (it's like they're blinking, if I try to take a screenshot, it will either be there or not depending on timing). Any suggestion?

Edit: Nevermind, your script fixed the problem :) Thanks a lot for that :D

Edited by CountrifiedSoul
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On 2017. 10. 16. at 5:30 AM, AlabamaHit said:

Does xbox one controller with doggle work? I know that is seperate thing from just getting warframe to run on *unix but was curious. By doggle I do mean the one that is not bluetooth.

Okey i think for the furure of warframe voulbe lohical now seeing this video.Devs should consider vulcan for the new engine.Or ,for the next step in warframe evolution.

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On 10/17/2017 at 8:51 AM, John01 said:

Okey i think for the furure of warframe voulbe lohical now seeing this video.Devs should consider vulcan for the new engine.Or ,for the next step in warframe evolution.

if they added vulkan compatibility, and updated their launcher a bit, the game would run render natively on linux through wine, as wine has built in vulkan support. (it runs doom 2016 flawlessly). hell even if they went with an opengl mode that would work also.

There are a few problems with the launcher which is why i had to make the custom batch file updater/launcher and the whole github script setup that I did:
-Bulk download doesn't work correctly in linux under wine, it errors out about 1/4 through the download
-With bulk download turned off, the game updates in the background, but the launcher stays saying "checking for new content" and there is no progress bar on the launcher. Eventually if you wait it out it will skip to "warframe is ready", but it will stay on checking for new content until the update finishes.
-The launcher cannot replace itself (launcher.exe), thus resulting in a never ending update boot loop. this is why my launcher downloads the latest .msi from their website, and launches it every time instead. they could easily fix this issue by checking for a previous launcher.exe, deleting it, then downloading a new one, rather than trying to replace the existing one.

again.. these are linux problems.. but problems none the less.

Edited by GloriousEggroll
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On 23.10.2017 at 1:57 AM, GloriousEggroll said:

-The launcher cannot replace itself (launcher.exe), thus resulting in a never ending update boot loop. this is why my launcher downloads the latest .msi from their website, and launches it every time instead. they could easily fix this issue by checking for a previous launcher.exe, deleting it, then downloading a new one, rather than trying to replace the existing one.

again.. these are linux problems.. but problems none the less.

I think I have this issue. Warframe was working fine and updating ok, but today Launcher tries to update, goes to around 96% then restarts whole launcher and repeats endlessly. I don't even have time to untick bulk download,aggresive download, is there a way to manually do this?

Big thanks for your installation scripts!

Edit: I managed to find out where to change this(registry edit say winetricks), but it didn't remove my issue :/ updating is broken for me, I guess? maybe some access right somewhere got changed? idk

Edited by Wordspoken
dont want to doublepost
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On 26/10/2017 at 11:00 AM, Wordspoken said:

I think I have this issue. Warframe was working fine and updating ok, but today Launcher tries to update, goes to around 96% then restarts whole launcher and repeats endlessly. I don't even have time to untick bulk download,aggresive download, is there a way to manually do this?

Big thanks for your installation scripts!

Edit: I managed to find out where to change this(registry edit say winetricks), but it didn't remove my issue :/ updating is broken for me, I guess? maybe some access right somewhere got changed? idk

Well, I used to have this problem with the launcher closing and opening again endlessly. Here is what worked for me. In the tools folder, there is a Launcher.exe file, but while it goes on in an endless loop, a Launcher.exe.cpy file is there as well. Delete Launcher.exe and rename Launcher.exe.cpy to Launcher.exe. Now launch the game again and wait for it to download. Hope it works for you.

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15 hours ago, CountrifiedSoul said:

Well, I used to have this problem with the launcher closing and opening again endlessly. Here is what worked for me. In the tools folder, there is a Launcher.exe file, but while it goes on in an endless loop, a Launcher.exe.cpy file is there as well. Delete Launcher.exe and rename Launcher.exe.cpy to Launcher.exe. Now launch the game again and wait for it to download. Hope it works for you.

I found this advice googling for remedy...but apparently I tried to copy Launcher.exe.tmp...Anyways, I "solved" it by reinstalling and now everything works again. Thanks for the advice.

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Sorry for the doublepost, man with the issues here again.

Most stuff works, but not playing with people, I think I should ask in this thread.

Are you guys using upnp with Warframe or similar? I can join public games, but after mission is over and someone leaves squad, the game freezes on me(but dismissing the squad seems not to). I tried to invite to a squad but that didn't work, could receive an invite though. I need to set up something in my router/internet settings but I'm not entirely sure what. From what I've googled: upnp,nat-pmp or manually port forwarding/opening ports. Any pointers perhaps? I'd appreciated it.

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@GloriousEggroll @MEXAHOTABOP

I can't get Warframe to work with wine-staging 3.5 and DXVK. I made a clean 64bit WINEPREFIX, installed DXVK using their install script, installed vcrun2013 vcrun2015 devenum quartz xact xinput and then I installed the game. Seems to me like it's trying to use D3D/DX9, option for DX10/11 is greyed out in the launcher. This is what I'm getting in the terminal https://paste.debian.net/hidden/af7c9950/

Could you please help me out? I am using Devuan Unstable, Linux corrupted 4.13.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.13.10-1 (2017-10-30) x86_64 GNU/Linux, Mesa 17.3.7-1, intel i5 4460, AMD RX 470 4GB. How exactly did you install it?

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Can someone explain, where is solution for this error


support@support-PC2 ~/Games/warframe/drive_c/Program Files/Warframe $ warframe
unlzma: index.txt.lzma: File format not recognised


index.txt.lzma contains this information in text editor


<TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE>
<H1>Access Denied</H1>
You don't have permission to access "http&#58;&#47;&#47;origin&#46;warframe&#46;com&#47;index&#46;txt&#46;lzma" on this server.<P>


If i'm runnig downloaded Launcher.msi it says "Update failed! The content servers are temporarily"

It happened week ago and firstly i couldnt login in my account ( wrond credentials) and after that met problems with launching game.

I think it can be IE browser problem, because i cant run it from game directory (when game was working - Internet explorer could open too)

Also tried to fully reinstall wine via "purge" command, have same issue, tried via Lutris, Eggroll script, and launcher

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After having sent a message to support (and after several auto-answers), I finally got what I wanted :

  • You cannot use another version of any libraries or altered libraries for DirectX or otherwise when logging into Warframe.
  • We do not support Linux or Wine in anyway and you will need to go to the community for those softwares if you want to use them for any purposes.
  • Using anything other then official activated Windows with an unaltered Warframe installation can and most likely will lead to your permanent ban for cheating.


Just dropping this there...

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when i ask about dxvk in support i get next answer



[DE]Nate February 14, 2018 19:39


The long and the short version is that if you are changing .dll files within your computer for your own purposes, there will not be any backlash at all. The time this becomes an issue is if .dll files are changes in the Warframe library and then you logon, or if you are currently logged on, and you change the .dll files in the Warframe library.

Hopefully this helps resolve the issue.



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Okay, courtesy of GloriousEggroll's script I had things working for a while. Moved to a new-to-me carcass, decided I didn't like the name of the testing account I had Warframe running in and erased it.

I was a fool.

Currently Warframe fails when invoked. Silently, but I'm not sure if that's Warframe.exe or if it's a setting in the script invoking it (recently working version wasn't dumping anything to terminal like earlier versions of the script, verbose option just echos the commands in the script). Appdb lists two fail bugs - corefonts and xaudio2. I installed corefonts, and xaudio2 seems to be handled in winecfg.

If anyone either:

  • has a way they've gotten things running for them after a similar start
  • knows enough scripting to look at the script and remove any non-verbosity arguments so I can poke at error messages (I fail to parse the invocation command)

it would be greatly appreciated.

Currently on a very fresh Debian Buster install, with direct from winehq wine-staging 3.13, nvidia 390.sumthin drivers, fresh user account with no age old kruft in the configs

invocation line from GE's script: $WINE cmd /C start /wait "" "$WARFRAME_EXE" -log:/Preprocessing.log -dx10:1 -dx11:1 -threadedworker:1 -cluster:public -language:en -fullscreen:0


EDIT: Things are running pretty well for me under Lutris. Lutris bottled 3.13 w/ esync & dxvk extensions. Not sure if slightly different version of Wine or if it happened because I also downloaded all the recommended packages for Wine and winetricks.

Edited by WeeMadHamish
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Current wine staging is regressed anyways, I can't launch warframe for exactly half the times. FWIW:

Exec=env PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=60 WINEPREFIX="/media/wordspoken/Data3/Warframe" WINEDEBUG=-all /opt/wine-staging/bin/wine C:\\\\users\\\\wordspoken\\\\Local\\ Settings\\\\Application\\ Data\\\\Warframe\\\\Downloaded\\\\Public\\\\Tools\\\\Launcher.exe

Launches the game for me.

Edit: Using NVIDIA Driver Version:384.130 btw

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