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[Guide] Warframe On Linux With Wine



Alright, so after much acclaim from the Subreddit, I decided to post my walkthrough on how to get this game running somewhat decently under the newest Wine (Development 1.5.29). The direct link to it is http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1dnnoj/warframe_on_linux/.


Alright, so first thing. I did this in Arch Linux, so your mileage will very depending on what distro you use. I've read good reports for Ubuntu working pretty easily, and other distros not so much. I would like feedback on what extra steps you would have to do to get it to work if mine didn't work for you.


Step one, Install Wine (I recommend Dev, but Stable may work) and, if your Package Manager doesn't package it together, winetricks. http://www.winehq.org/ for wine, and https://code.google.com/p/winetricks/ for winetricks. Optionally, create a prefix for Warframe so you don't clutter up the default one.


Step two, run winetricks d3dx9 xact (or /path/to/winetricks.sh d3dx9 xact if the package manager didn't install it). This will install the bare minimum DirectX9 and XAudio2 DLL's needed by most games. (You can omit d3dx9 for directx9, but that's usually overkill)


Step three, Download the Warframe.msi and put it somewhere you'll remember. I have mine on my Desktop.


Step four, open a terminal where the Warframe.msi file is at and run wine msiexec /i Warframe.msi. This will start the launcher. (You can optionally run wine msiexec /i /path/to/Warframe.msi)


After this step, the Launcher Window should open up. If it doesn't, try installing 'lib32-openal', 'lib32-libxml2', 'lib32-mpg123', 'lib32-giflib', 'lib32-libpng', and 'lib32-gnutls'. These are common compatibility libs most Wine programs need, so it wouldn't be to awful to install them all. These are also the names Arch Linux gives these packages, so you may need to Google around for the correct names for your Distro.


This is a (incomplete) list of Package names per DIstro. (Thanks Morcant!)

Arch             Ubuntulib32-openal     libopenal1lib32-libxml2    libxml2lib32-mpg123     libmpg123lib32-giflib     libgif4lib32-libpng     libpng12-0lib32-gnutls     libgnutls26

On a 64-bit system with multiarch, it may be necessary to use e.g. 'sudo apt-get install libgnutls26:i386' to install the 32-bit packages.


Step five, after the launcher opens up, DISABLE 64BIT IN THE LAUNCHER SETTINGS. It currently does NOT work right, and you're going to have a bad time.


Step six, Hopefully the launcher will be complaining about not being able to find Launcher.exe in your AppData path ($WINE_PREFIX/drive_c/users/<your username>/Local Settings/Application Data/Warframe/Downloaded/Public/Tools/Launcher.exe). It is there, but you need to move it over manually. CD into the directory and run mv Launcher.exe.tmp Launcher.exe. Click Retry on the launcher, and it should greet you with the login prompt. Enter your login information, and hopefully you will see the Licensing conditions. If so, congrats! Enjoy playing Warframe on a non-Microsoft system!


There is a chance that you will get the error that dreaded me for almost two weeks, the Could not log in: Could not find Server error. I have no clue why this error is there, but it fixed itself by compiling and installing https://github.com/madewokherd/wine-mono (https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/wine-mono/ for you Arch Linux users). It takes quite a bit of time to compile (I have an A10-5800K, and it took around 30 minutes to compile and install). MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A LOT OF SPACE IN /tmp, IT WILL TAKE A LOT JUST TO COMPILE IT!


If that doesn't fix it, Try compiling Wine from source. it's a long shot, but it may work (and it has worked for some people).




If your sound doesn't work (and it doesn't complain about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), try modprobing snd_seq. It may not of been loaded.


If your sound doesn't work (and it's complaining about not finding the XAudio2 Engine), run winetricks --force xact_jun2010. It may of not installed correctly the first time.


If the preprocess crashes when first starting the Launcher, run the launcher (or Warframe.msi) in the terminal. It fixes this error for me.




Hopefully this guide helps you!

Edited by HACKhalo2
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I have located the xinput1_3.dll file you mentionned but it is in a .cab archive and cannot be deleted. I probably am just forgetting some things or being a noob but I've been trying to get this to work (along with some other things) for the past two days and probably need to take a break from it and come back with a clear head.

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I have located the xinput1_3.dll file you mentionned but it is in a .cab archive and cannot be deleted. I probably am just forgetting some things or being a noob but I've been trying to get this to work (along with some other things) for the past two days and probably need to take a break from it and come back with a clear head.

sorry i cant help you there im using POL and straight linux so if your duel booting i cant help.

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Not dual booting, only system I have is linuxmint. What probably got you confused was the "along with some other things" comment which I meant as trying to get other things to work on this system. Only issue left right now is Warframe though. I tried POL but came across the same issue.

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Not dual booting, only system I have is linuxmint. What probably got you confused was the "along with some other things" comment which I meant as trying to get other things to work on this system. Only issue left right now is Warframe though. I tried POL but came across the same issue.

What the CAB thing?


I just went to the POL Directory put xinput1_3.dll into the search bar and deleted it. Im not sure what your circumstances are but good luck ill try to suggest better options.

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Not sure what cab thing was either.


I got tired of it, deleted everything and tried again. Right now, I have gone further than I have in the past two days. Launcher opened and crashed. Changed the Launcher.exe.tmp to Launcher.exe. Old launcher launched (I had time to untick the different options in the settings), new launcher opened and it is now stuck at checking for content, but I know it is downloading as the size of the install folder keeps increasing. I don't want to get my hopes up yet, but at least, I'm getting somewhere. Thanks for all your help anyway.

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Not sure what cab thing was either.


I got tired of it, deleted everything and tried again. Right now, I have gone further than I have in the past two days. Launcher opened and crashed. Changed the Launcher.exe.tmp to Launcher.exe. Old launcher launched (I had time to untick the different options in the settings), new launcher opened and it is now stuck at checking for content, but I know it is downloading as the size of the install folder keeps increasing. I don't want to get my hopes up yet, but at least, I'm getting somewhere. Thanks for all your help anyway.

it should work if you did all that but good luck all the same.

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It works! I copied/pasted my cache.windows folder from a previous save as I didn't want to have to wait a whole night (it's 11pm here) to now if it works.


I have no idea what went wrong before as I did exactly the same thing as now but nevermind. I'm assuming the black textures will still be there, but that's not a problem as I got used to them anyway. Happy I got it to work for the tactical alert :)

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It works! I copied/pasted my cache.windows folder from a previous save as I didn't want to have to wait a whole night (it's 11pm here) to now if it works.


I have no idea what went wrong before as I did exactly the same thing as now but nevermind. I'm assuming the black textures will still be there, but that's not a problem as I got used to them anyway. Happy I got it to work for the tactical alert :)

yeah the black textures will be there but gg have fun im happy to have helped. :)

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First of all I would like to thank mr. HACKhalo for his super informative post.


Secondly, I must admit WF was very adamant on its decision not to work for me. I found this video very very helpful:



Thank again!


Ubuntu 15.10

Wine 1.7.53 steam crossover

I used play on linux.

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Ok so I've followed all the steps up until the sixth one. However, after disabling 64bit, the launcher endlessly says "checking for new content" and won't seem to change to anything else. Is this normal? I've left it running for a few hours now and there's no loading bar so I can't keep track of my progress, but there definitely is something downloading as far as the system monitor can tell. My internet downloads things at around 500-720 kbps so is it just taking a long time because of the internet?


My post seems kinda long now so I'll just say this: What do I do now? Do I let it sit, hoping that something is downloading(which it probably is) or do I do something else? Thanks in advance.


P.S. Wine is 1.9.3 I believe, and my computer has 8 gb ram and an AMD Athlon X4 860K with 3.7 GHZ with 1 TB of hard drive space. Ubuntu is version 14.04.



Edit #2: Nevermind, it was just taking a long time. But now that I've pressed the play button, the actual game is /full/ of black textures.


Edit#3: When I'm in warframe I'm getting like 0.3 frames per second, no joke. All my setttings seem to be at the lowest, vsync is off with fps capped at 40, and I'm pretty sure I screwed up a setting somewhere but I have no clue what it could be. The launcher is really smooth but the game itself is utterly disgusting fps-wise. Pls halp

Edited by SKRUBLORD_64
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Ok so I've followed all the steps up until the sixth one. However, after disabling 64bit, the launcher endlessly says "checking for new content" and won't seem to change to anything else. Is this normal? I've left it running for a few hours now and there's no loading bar so I can't keep track of my progress, but there definitely is something downloading as far as the system monitor can tell. My internet downloads things at around 500-720 kbps so is it just taking a long time because of the internet?


My post seems kinda long now so I'll just say this: What do I do now? Do I let it sit, hoping that something is downloading(which it probably is) or do I do something else? Thanks in advance.


P.S. Wine is 1.9.3 I believe, and my computer has 8 gb ram and an AMD Athlon X4 860K with 3.7 GHZ with 1 TB of hard drive space. Ubuntu is version 14.04.



Edit #2: Nevermind, it was just taking a long time. But now that I've pressed the play button, the actual game is /full/ of black textures.


Edit#3: When I'm in warframe I'm getting like 0.3 frames per second, no joke. All my setttings seem to be at the lowest, vsync is off with fps capped at 40, and I'm pretty sure I screwed up a setting somewhere but I have no clue what it could be. The launcher is really smooth but the game itself is utterly disgusting fps-wise. Pls halp

Hi, I'm just quickly passing through. For the black textures, disabling some things in the settings will make it better (although you will still have some of them). I can't right now, but I will post a screenshot of my settings later on to try and help you with it.

As for your performance issue, I'm not sure what the problem could be. I've got to go, will make sure to come back later on and try and help you.

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Back as promised. Here is a screenshot of my settings






As for your performance issues, I am not sure what's happening. I know that I can't play fullscreen, it has to be borderless fullscreen. I am also playing with the minimum settings, game runs ok, not the best but definitely playable. Some freezes here and there but relatively smooth most of the time.


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Ok so after last time I tried it, warframe just wouldn't work so I updated my drivers. This messed something up and I had to reinstall Ubuntu and start from square one. Now that I'm at the step where the launcher downloads game files, I pressed play and it closed suddenly. I'm trying to start up the launcher again and the launcher just closes immediately. What do I do now?


It keeps giving me this error message: 

fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x200c4 0x00000000
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  155 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
  Value in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  1968
  Current serial number in output stream:  1969
Any help would be appreciated, thanks
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Ok so after last time I tried it, warframe just wouldn't work so I updated my drivers. This messed something up and I had to reinstall Ubuntu and start from square one. Now that I'm at the step where the launcher downloads game files, I pressed play and it closed suddenly. I'm trying to start up the launcher again and the launcher just closes immediately. What do I do now?


It keeps giving me this error message: 

fixme:wtsapi:WTSRegisterSessionNotification Stub 0x200c4 0x00000000
X Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
  Major opcode of failed request:  155 (GLX)
  Minor opcode of failed request:  3 (X_GLXCreateContext)
  Value in failed request:  0x0
  Serial number of failed request:  1968
  Current serial number in output stream:  1969
Any help would be appreciated, thanks



I'm no expert so I'm not sure I can be of any help. Looks like you might be missing some libraries. Try installing libgl1-mesa-glx or something along those lines (both 32-bit and 64-bit). If it doesn't help, then I can't think of anything else. Maybe somebody who is more of an expert can help you. Good luck though.

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I'm no expert so I'm not sure I can be of any help. Looks like you might be missing some libraries. Try installing libgl1-mesa-glx or something along those lines (both 32-bit and 64-bit). If it doesn't help, then I can't think of anything else. Maybe somebody who is more of an expert can help you. Good luck though.


It seems I didn't update my original post in time so I'll say it here: Warframe is fully functional now, for some reason :D


I believe I just didn't run it for like an hour or so, and then once I ran it again and the launcher stayed open for more than half a second, I verified the cache and it started working soon after. Still says there's some sort of critical error and that the game needs to close when it starts up, even though it doesn't. But yeah, it's running smoothly now (Some missing textures but it's alright)

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For me in Arch Linux it was necessary to install the Samba package. I'm new to this, so it took a while to realize that was the error. Is this a common thing when you install wine on a new machine? Happened for me with Mint as well.

Okay, new things with this. I followed OPs steps, grabbed Samba, Warframe launcher started working and I didn't even have to repath the .exe file for it to work. It was kind of magical.

I had to turn of my computer and not let warframe be open forever. Next time I booted kept getting this: 
[0218/092046:ERROR:network_change_notifier_win.cc(153)] WSALookupServiceBegin failed with: 8

fixme:iphlpapi:NotifyAddrChange (Handle 0x33e678, overlapped 0x1b0638): stub
[0218/092046:ERROR:dns_config_service_win.cc(583)] DNS registry watch failed to start.
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0x20046, filter=0x33e660,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationW (hwnd=0x20046, filter=0x33e660,flags=0x00000000) returns a fake device notification handle!
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33e0b0,0x00000000), stub!
[0218/092046:ERROR:proxy_service_factory.cc(132)] Cannot use V8 Proxy resolver in single process mode.

Then I force updated my system and the samba package one more time. 
And no more errors, launcher is running at 4 mb/s download speed because my laptop is next to my router :) I'm happy. Thanks for this guide!
Edited by IssacTodd
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So everyone,

Have had recently Warframe working on my Ubuntu 14.04 64bit machine. Was using a clean wineprefix. Take download from warframe.com, replace the Cache.Windows folder with a new one from the steam version (used steamcmd to download it.)

This has been working well enough for several months, dead textures here and there, and every once and a while having to reinstall for a new update.

The last few days the launcher has been giving me an error that I can only read "Update of Di". Google search revealed this is some issue with directX updating.

Initially, I just attempted to reinstall as usual but no luck. Haven't done anything as far as I know to my overall system, but that could be incorrect because my linux steam version as well as some of my virtual drives for other games are acting up.

In the long run, I cannot find a solution to the current Warframe issue. if you need any more info or have any ideas as to what i need to do let me know.


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On 2/24/2016 at 7:12 PM, PhantasmalWraith said:

So everyone,

Have had recently Warframe working on my Ubuntu 14.04 64bit machine. Was using a clean wineprefix. Take download from warframe.com, replace the Cache.Windows folder with a new one from the steam version (used steamcmd to download it.)

This has been working well enough for several months, dead textures here and there, and every once and a while having to reinstall for a new update.

The last few days the launcher has been giving me an error that I can only read "Update of Di". Google search revealed this is some issue with directX updating.

Initially, I just attempted to reinstall as usual but no luck. Haven't done anything as far as I know to my overall system, but that could be incorrect because my linux steam version as well as some of my virtual drives for other games are acting up.

In the long run, I cannot find a solution to the current Warframe issue. if you need any more info or have any ideas as to what i need to do let me know.


OK well hello there and I have posted a couple of ways to fix this at least it worked for me above I will quote them here:  http://s16.postimg.org/5vh0fjrdx/Screenshot_from_2016_01_17_13_54_10.png



You can try these two things just let us know if you have any more trouble and I or someone else would gladly try to help :D

have a good day tenno!


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For U18.5, the launcher instantly crashes after downloading 302 kb of the update, and restarts immediately and does the same thing over and over again. Anyone else having this issue? I wanna play sands of inaros but the game won't get past the launcher. 


P.S. I'm pretty sure it's been able to download updates fine before, assuming there's been updates between 17 February and now. Although I never really paid attention to the updating part I guess. 

I'm considering reinstalling WF but I just want to know for sure that this isn't a server problem or a simple fix before I do so.

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7 hours ago, CountrifiedSoul said:

I had the exact same problem. I had an .exe.tmp file appear again, I just had to delete the .exe and rename the .exe.tmp to .exe and it worked. If this doesn't work, I had the problem as well before I reinstalled my system and warframe and the fix then was to use the LauncherCEF.exe to update.

That kinda worked for me actually, I tried doing what you said but the launcher wouldn't start. So what I also did was replace the launcher.exe I already had on my desktop with the one in the folder, and the launcher did manage to start and download some data this time. It's stuck at verifying cache right now but I'm pretty sure it'll work. Thanks CountrifiedSoul, and I hope this helps someone out there.

Edit: I restarted the launcher and it's definitely downloading an update now, there's no progress bar or total but my system monitor is picking up a lot of network activity. Time to wait I guess.

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Glad it's working for you now.

The only time I see a progress is when they change the picture of the launcher (and it goes so fast you barely have time to see it). After that, anything that is being downloaded is done with a 'checking the new content' thing but nothing else (whereas, for my friends on windows, they have a progress bar as well as the download speed). It's a bit annoying as you don't really know how long you have to wait but usually you just have to be patient.

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