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Tenno Specters: Optimal Loadouts



So I don't know if I'm one of the few who loves the idea of using Tenno Specters as your personal buddies for a mission. What I find problematic is I'm not too sure what to give them or what Warframes to use.


The most practical choice would, of course, be a frame with high base health/armor stats, like Rhino/Valkyr/Saryn/Oberon, so that they can function as a sort of durable decoy. I'd like to know how viable other Warframes would be in the Specter role. 

Also, which primary, secondary and melee weapons would be good for a specter to use? Any suggestions? 

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'nuff said

In all seriousness, just think of specters as an AI. Think about what weapons would make the AI most efficient. Those specters are your personal aimbots, so use them that way.

I have often seen specters just lock onto one enemy and not a group, so I tend to go with weapons that take out large areas such as the Penta for the primary.

For secondary, just think of a perfect weapon for those things to aimbot with. I went with the Wraith Twin Vipers on some of my specters.

For melee, do the same as primary, something with range to take out multiple enemies. Due to this I went with the Galatine.

Specters often do not take cover when needed, so to prolong their time assisting you it is best to equip them with weapons that are powerful enough to kill enemies in a few shots at even high levels.

Edited by TheStag
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I've never seen a specter use anything but it's primary so secondary and melee don't matter. As for primaries, high base damage, like Boltor Prime, not like Soma Prime which has poor base dmg and relies on crit mods.

Also, you can pick a frame that has an ability that the specter will actually use. For example Rhino specters don't go around stomping. Valkyr doesn't run around invincible with hysteria and Saryn doesn't nuke your enemies with Miasma. Oberon on the other hand, will knockdown targets with Smite.

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Specters don't reliably use their secondary weapons and only use their two first powers most of the time. I usually use rhino but some people also like trinity because a trinity specter will use Link. I issue my rhino with an amprex and an orthos, makes for a reliable pet dispensing lots of lighning doom around, but an ignis or any hard-hitting rifle like a boltor will be nice too.

Edited by LouarnRuz
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