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[Known Bug] Game Shuts Down Automatic Or Crash After Mission Or Leaving Squad


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... That's the thing tho, I don't think we're the majority; otherwise it would have already been fixed.



... I'm starting to feel like this dude is just trolling us, lol (sorta). I mean "we're working on it" could mean that it's brought up in weekly meetings:

--Anybody with anything to say before we end the meeting?

--(Random dude): Oh yeah, there are still a handful of people complaining on the forums about the game force closing on them still. I think I might've mentioned it before in March...

--(Team lead): A handful u say? Alright well, reply to them if you want. 

-- Saying what?

-- Whatever you think will make them feel better. Ask them random questions which may appear relevant, I don't know. I'm sure you'll think of something. 


LOL i was laughing a lot when i read this! totally pictured the meeting in my head hahaha

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... That's the thing tho, I don't think we're the majority; otherwise it would have already been fixed.



... I'm starting to feel like this dude is just trolling us, lol (sorta). I mean "we're working on it" could mean that it's brought up in weekly meetings:

--Anybody with anything to say before we end the meeting?

--(Random dude): Oh yeah, there are still a handful of people complaining on the forums about the game force closing on them still. I think I might've mentioned it before in March...

--(Team lead): A handful u say? Alright well, reply to them if you want. 

-- Saying what?

-- Whatever you think will make them feel better. Ask them random questions which may appear relevant, I don't know. I'm sure you'll think of something. 




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Sick and tired of this... For two months I haven't been able to play this game now. Guess I'll have to go in bug report mode, since you guys don't seem like you're trying to fix this that much.


Btw, in case you haven't figured it out yet, you can often see a "Deleting session" message box popping before the game shuts down. It usually shuts down after each mission, whenever I try to leave a squad or often, whenever I try to start a second consecutive mission. It can also shutdown if I go around the ship, for example to switch frames and weapons or to check my mods, then go back to the mission select sphere. The only time I can do a couple consecutive missions is if I repeat the same boss with roughly the same people for 4-5 consecutive times, but even then it's not guaranteed, as it will sometimes crash. I think it's either a bug with the game trying to refresh the chat and crashing, or a bug with the "Deleting Session" thingy causing the app to shutdown... I'm sure you can figure it out, guys.


Tried most of the so called "Fix" proposed in this topic. Tried Reinstalling, Rebuilding the Database, tried disabling global chat, tried removing timestamps, tried shutting down every single graphical options in case it was a fixable rendering bug... Tried changing ports, switching regions, removing ping limitis.... Nothing works. Only thing I haven't done is format, and I won't, because it's not my job to redowload hundred of gigs of stuff and lose access to P.T because you can't fix a gamebreaking bug. Also tried playing on an alternate user on my PSN, in case the bug was caused by my warframe account... Turns out it also crashes on my alt warframe account, so that's not the case.


The game worked fine with the exact setup for years, so either it's a bug Sony or you intruoduced since the Suspend/Resume update and tthe last few Warframe Updates...

Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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Sick and tired of this... For two months I haven't been able to play this game now. Guess I'll have to go in bug report mode, since you guys don't seem like you're trying to fix this that much.


Btw, in case you haven't figured it out yet, you can often see a "Deleting session" message box popping before the game shuts down. It usually shuts down after each mission, whenever I try to leave a squad or often, whenever I try to start a second consecutive mission. It can also shutdown if I go around the ship, for example to switch frames and weapons or to check my mods, then go back to the mission select sphere. The only time I can do a couple consecutive missions is if I repeat the same boss with roughly the same people for 4-5 consecutive times, but even then it's not guaranteed, as it will sometimes crash. I think it's either a bug with the game trying to refresh the chat and crashing, or a bug with the "Deleting Session" thingy causing the app to shutdown... I'm sure you can figure it out, guys.


Tried most of the so called "Fix" proposed in this topic. Tried Reinstalling, Rebuilding the Database, tried disabling global chat, tried removing timestamps, tried shutting down every single graphical options in case it was a fixable rendering bug... Tried changing ports, switching regions, removing ping limitis.... Nothing works. Only thing I haven't done is format, and I won't, because it's not my job to redowload hundred of gigs of stuff and lose access to P.T because you can't fix a gamebreaking bug. Also tried playing on an alternate user on my PSN, in case the bug was caused by my warframe account... Turns out it also crashes on my alt warframe account, so that's not the case.


The game worked fine with the exact setup for years, so either it's a bug Sony or you intruoduced since the Suspend/Resume update and tthe last few Warframe Updates...

I know how you feel bud, I wasted so much time trying to take the blame for this issue, when its something that' was introduced during update 15.6, now I've just given up! for the first time since launch I'm not playing anymore, over 800 hours on my account, every frame, every event mod set, every prime item, all unusable for longer than 10 minutes, and for a "community" based game, they are doing a "great" job at keeping us informed.... I've given up, my faith in this studio is becoming the same as EA, 

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So I finally found a fix that is working for me.

TL;DR - I have a D-Link Router, and I found under Advanced > Firewall Settings there were options for NAT Endpoint Filters. Setting both UDP and TCP to Endpoint Independent fixed it for me.

Since my friends don't have the problem the two possible sources in my mind were either my ISP or Router. While most ISPs are evil to some degree I really didn't think it was them, so that just left me with my Router...

Looking at the help info for the NAT Endpoint Filters it makes sense to me why it was having problems as the other setting were more restrictive:

Endpoint Independent

Once a LAN-side application has created a connection through a specific port, the NAT will forward any incoming connection requests with the same port to the LAN-side application regardless of their origin. This is the least restrictive option, giving the best connectivity and allowing some applications (P2P applications in particular) to behave almost as if they are directly connected to the Internet.

This also make sense as to why it hasn't been fixed yet, if their QA environment doesn't have routers set the way some of ours are, they can't repro it. So for me at least, the source of the problem is my router. Now it would be great if WF could gracefully handle my router messing up the NAT forwarding after a period of time to prevent the crashing.

Edited by (PS4)biru-o-nomimasu
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My thing is, (I too have a D-Link router) the same router that doesn't work now was working just fine before. And it works just fine for all my other games, and TV, and laptops, and tablets, and phones.....

It has to be something they did in the January update. Just my 2 cents. idk, I'm not a game developer though, just perceptive.

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Yes, before that update I too had no crashing and all my devices were/have been working fine. But the root of the issue was something my router was/wasn't doing, and to fix the problem you do need to know what is causing it.

I don't work at DE, but I do work in the industry and know how long bugs can stay open if they cannot be reproduced. When I say reproduced, I mean having an engineer or developer follow an exact set of steps to make the defect happen. It's not a matter of proving that the crash happens, they know it happens, it's them being able to debug it when it happens in a development environment.

I've seen on forums players report that they are having issues, but it's not until one person spelling out exactly what they did that shines a light on the problem so it can get fixed. Since I know how helpful it can be, I try to provide as much hopefully useful information as I can. Worse case, they already know, best case it helps get the problem fixed.

Edited by (PS4)biru-o-nomimasu
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I don't work at DE, but I do work in the industry and know how long bugs can stay open if they cannot be reproduced. When I say reproduced, I mean having an engineer or developer follow an exact set of steps to make the defect happen. It's not a matter of proving that the crash happens, they know it happens, it's them being able to debug it when it happens in a development environment.

I've seen on forums players report that they are having issues, but it's not until one person spelling out exactly what they did that shines a light on the problem so it can get fixed. Since I know how helpful it can be, I try to provide as much hopefully useful information as I can. Worse case, they already know, best case it helps get the problem fixed.


This is 100% correct. Our problem is that we haven't been able to reproduce the bug in a manner that will let us debug it - even with Sony helping us. We're going to keep working until we fix it. Without the root cause, we can't give a timeline on when that will be, unfortunately. 

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TL;DR - I have a D-Link Router, and I found under Advanced > Firewall Settings there were options for NAT Endpoint Filters. Setting both UDP and TCP to Endpoint Independent fixed it for me.


So I'll give this a try and comment back after a few tries. Thanks. Crossing my fingers, but not holding my breath. 




So I was able to play 3 games consecutively with different teams for the first time in months... Then it went back to the blue screen. 3 is better than 1 I suppose. Hopefully it stays at 3 (or more) and doesn't go back to 1-and-done. 

Edited by (PS4)Dazo
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This is 100% correct. Our problem is that we haven't been able to reproduce the bug in a manner that will let us debug it - even with Sony helping us. We're going to keep working until we fix it. Without the root cause, we can't give a timeline on when that will be, unfortunately. 


Thanks for the info, best of luck getting it fixed!  I'm sure you all are trying and it must be really frustrating for you.

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oh boy, it crashed mid game today, and now if i start the game it say's Corrupted data, The data is corrupted, it will load warframe but all my settings in the options are defaults, and not able to save my settings, what do i do?, i think i broke it....i really want to play warframe.....Edit:( nvm i deleted my corrupted data from the playstation ...)

Edited by (PS4)weeler
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So I finally found a fix that is working for me.

TL;DR - I have a D-Link Router, and I found under Advanced > Firewall Settings there were options for NAT Endpoint Filters. Setting both UDP and TCP to Endpoint Independent fixed it for me.

Since my friends don't have the problem the two possible sources in my mind were either my ISP or Router. While most ISPs are evil to some degree I really didn't think it was them, so that just left me with my Router...

Looking at the help info for the NAT Endpoint Filters it makes sense to me why it was having problems as the other setting were more restrictive:

Endpoint Independent

Once a LAN-side application has created a connection through a specific port, the NAT will forward any incoming connection requests with the same port to the LAN-side application regardless of their origin. This is the least restrictive option, giving the best connectivity and allowing some applications (P2P applications in particular) to behave almost as if they are directly connected to the Internet.

This also make sense as to why it hasn't been fixed yet, if their QA environment doesn't have routers set the way some of ours are, they can't repro it. So for me at least, the source of the problem is my router. Now it would be great if WF could gracefully handle my router messing up the NAT forwarding after a period of time to prevent the crashing. 

After tryng this i can CONFIRM it WORKED!!!! I just played a full hour of warframe w/o ever gettin kicked out!Hopefully it stays like this,ill update if anything happens next time i play.Now im wondering if only us D-Link router users have this problem?Anyway im glad i can finnaly post some good news and btw DE u should def hire this guy. -_- PS: To all the other ppl using dif routers try his fix if u can find that setting, its an ez quick fix and its worth a shot!

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After tryng this i can CONFIRM it WORKED!!!! I just played a full hour of warframe w/o ever gettin kicked out!Hopefully it stays like this,ill update if anything happens next time i play.Now im wondering if only us D-Link router users have this problem?Anyway im glad i can finnaly post some good news and btw DE u should def hire this guy. -_- PS: To all the other ppl using dif routers try his fix if u can find that setting, its an ez quick fix and its worth a shot!

i have no idea how to chance my router settings,( i have sitecom router)

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Well, I thought I'd throw my two sense in here as I've been having this problem since I really started playing warframe on the PS4 while keeping up on the PC. 


So things I've tried that did not fix this bug:

-Deleted save file on ps4

-reinstalled warframe and deleted savefile.

-Reformatted PS4, redownloaded entire game library.


There's also quite a bit of buggy hassle in squad formation that I believe is related to this bug. People randomly dropping from party, not being able to join the party, etc. 


I've only perused this thread. Has DE mentioned fixing this anytime soon? Or do I need to start learning a programming language to fix it myself?

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Well, I thought I'd throw my two sense in here as I've been having this problem since I really started playing warframe on the PS4 while keeping up on the PC. 


So things I've tried that did not fix this bug:

-Deleted save file on ps4

-reinstalled warframe and deleted savefile.

-Reformatted PS4, redownloaded entire game library.


There's also quite a bit of buggy hassle in squad formation that I believe is related to this bug. People randomly dropping from party, not being able to join the party, etc. 


I've only perused this thread. Has DE mentioned fixing this anytime soon? Or do I need to start learning a programming language to fix it myself?



Sorry but no timeline on the fix so far so i just picked up GTA V and stalk the forums waiting for a fix and about learning programming lol that sounds like a good idea let me know how that goes.


EDIT: I just hope they fix it before the next prime access or i might have to switch to pc or xbone

Edited by (PS4)abelguerra
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for a developer i think its pretty frustrating not finding this bug, they just want everybody to play the game, but this is holding it back, still play everyday do, it will crash now and then, bu i really want to play this game lol, we are all suffering, i hope it will be fixed with the new update, 

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I would suggest taking a look at the various NAT/Firewall settings on your router, doing so fixed it for me.


It seems like the problem is related to the interactions between the Warframe client, Sony's network layer, and our routers.  How did I come to this theory?  The problem seems to only happen with the PS4, not everyone has the problem, I fixed it making changes to my router, and other PS4 games seem to be working.


Of those three things, the only one we the players have control over is our routers.


What might be happening is that Sony's network layer handles the routers having NAT issues differently than Microsoft's network layer, which is probably the same or very similar between Windows and the XBOX One.  Since one of the ways I was able to reproduce the crash was being idle in the ship for 10+ minutes, go into Nav into a planet and then back out, it made me think that there is something wrong with the socket the WF client is using to send and receive certain data, possibly chat.  So the router mess up the network traffic, the Sony network layer deals with it in a way that the WF client doesn't pickup as it's different than the MS layer, and then the WF client tries to perform some operation on the socket and either WF or the Sony network layer chokes on it.


If my theroy is correct the problem is if they can't reproduce the router problem they can't find where it's choking.



*edit - I don't work at DE and I have no additional info about this issue than everyone else, this is just my thought on the issue based on the info I do have.

Edited by (PS4)biru-o-nomimasu
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I would suggest taking a look at the various NAT/Firewall settings on your router, doing so fixed it for me.


It seems like the problem is related to the interactions between the Warframe client, Sony's network layer, and our routers.  How did I come to this theory?  The problem seems to only happen with the PS4, not everyone has the problem, I fixed it making changes to my router, and other PS4 games seem to be working.


Of those three things, the only one we the players have control over is our routers.


What might be happening is that Sony's network layer handles the routers having NAT issues differently than Microsoft's network layer, which is probably the same or very similar between Windows and the XBOX One.  Since one of the ways I was able to reproduce the crash was being idle in the ship for 10+ minutes, go into Nav into a planet and then back out, it made me think that there is something wrong with the socket the WF client is using to send and receive certain data, possibly chat.  So the router mess up the network traffic, the Sony network layer deals with it in a way that the WF client doesn't pickup as it's different than the MS layer, and then the WF client tries to perform some operation on the socket and either WF or the Sony network layer chokes on it.


If my theroy is correct the problem is if they can't reproduce the router problem they can't find where it's choking.



*edit - I don't work at DE and I have no additional info about this issue than everyone else, this is just my thought on the issue based on the info I do have.

 this is a problem on all platforms pc xboxone ps4, so not sure if this is on sony's side

Edited by (PS4)weeler
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 this is a problem on all platforms pc xboxone ps4, so not sure if this is on sony's side


I will sit in the corner and cry.  Didn't realize all platforms had the issue, I thought it was just PS4.  Well you can swap out Sony Network Layer with OS Network layer.  I guess I was more trying to point out that there are multiple components and the interactions between them. 

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I have some good news to report. 


We have a tentative fix for the crash to dashboard bug in the next PS4 update (coming very soon). We cannot guarantee that it will fix all the crashes reported in this thread, but we hope to have fixed the root cause. If you've experienced the crash to dashboard bug, please, report back in this thread after the update to let us know. 

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I have some good news to report. 


We have a tentative fix for the crash to dashboard bug in the next PS4 update (coming very soon). We cannot guarantee that it will fix all the crashes reported in this thread, but we hope to have fixed the root cause. If you've experienced the crash to dashboard bug, please, report back in this thread after the update to let us know. 

nice, i'm gonna play all day, and test it out, i'll report back tomorrow, tanks for the heads up

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I have some good news to report. 


We have a tentative fix for the crash to dashboard bug in the next PS4 update (coming very soon). We cannot guarantee that it will fix all the crashes reported in this thread, but we hope to have fixed the root cause. If you've experienced the crash to dashboard bug, please, report back in this thread after the update to let us know. 

I've never had this happen until today. Crashed after every single mission I tried, and twice -during- the new trial.

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