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Piercing Roar Needs To Be Changed; Worse Version Of Stomp


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This augment is beyond worthless.  Everything it can do, stomp can do better.



100 Energy

8 seconds

Not recastable

25m aoe

Enemy stun (100% DR)

800 blast damage

Does not work on bosses


Piercing Roar:

75 Energy

6 seconds


25m aoe

Puncture proc (30% DR)

super low puncture damage

Does not work on bosses

Uses up a warframe slot


If someone knows some game mechanic about this augment that makes it super good that I'm missing, let me know please.


EDIT: Bolded the cons and edited title

Edited by HibikiGanaha
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Well, for one thing, COMPLETELY different purposes for those powers. Stomp is a damage ultimate with crowd control, Roar is a team damage boost. In addition, you gotta look at what a Puncture proc does for you. That's 30% less damage reduction that enemies have to your attacks, combined with the 75% (or more) damage boost from Roar, that's devastating.

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Well, for one thing, COMPLETELY different purposes for those powers. Stomp is a damage ultimate with crowd control, Roar is a team damage boost. In addition, you gotta look at what a Puncture proc does for you. That's 30% less damage reduction that enemies have to your attacks, combined with the 75% (or more) damage boost from Roar, that's devastating.

Nothing about bonus damage against the enemies in the wiki.  The only thing stated about puncture proc is it makes enemies do 30% less damage for 6 seconds.  If someone else could confirm enemies have 30% less DR or point to a source, that would be appreciated.

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This augment is beyond worthless.  Everything it can do, stomp can do better.



100 Energy

8 seconds

Not recastable

25m aoe

Enemy stun (100% DR)

800 blast damage

Does not work on bosses


Piercing Roar:

75 Energy

6 seconds


25m aoe

Puncture proc (30% DR)

super low puncture damage

Does not work on bosses

Uses up a warframe slot


If someone knows some game mechanic about this augment that makes it super good that I'm missing, let me know please.


I'd be fine with the augment mod if it scaled off of the duration of roar and scaled off of power strength (so it could reduce enemy damage by up to 85% (~81 if using Vanguard), which would definitely make it worth using). As it stands, it's a pretty trash augment since puncture procs don't scale at all. 


EDIT: Fixed some math. I didn't know that Vanguard applied its -5% strength before power strength mods. 

Edited by SquidTheSid
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Nothing about bonus damage against the enemies in the wiki.  The only thing stated about puncture proc is it makes enemies do 30% less damage for 6 seconds.  If someone else could confirm enemies have 30% less DR or point to a source, that would be appreciated.


Sorry, brain confused Puncture for Corrosive for a sec. So, yes, 30% less damage from enemies. Gives you even more survivability on Rhino.

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Sorry, brain confused Puncture for Corrosive for a sec. So, yes, 30% less damage from enemies. Gives you even more survivability on Rhino.

The problem with this is that Rhino already has stomp on his kit, which is way better for survivability and doesn't cost a warframe slot.

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The problem with this is that Rhino already has stomp on his kit, which is way better for survivability and doesn't cost a warframe slot.


Only they again serve completely different purposes as a base power. Roar boosts team damage by 75% and Stomp does damage and holds enemies. So, yeah, it's not worthless to add a little bit of a damage mitigation to a power that before only added damage. Plus, with two other mods to add to Rhino (Iron Shrapnel and Iron Charge), if you don't think it's worth it, go with one of those. Iron Shrapnel turns Iron Skin into a very cost effective method of CC and allows you to better control when your Iron Skin goes down for strategic effect.

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Only they again serve completely different purposes as a base power. Roar boosts team damage by 75% and Stomp does damage and holds enemies. So, yeah, it's not worthless to add a little bit of a damage mitigation to a power that before only added damage. Plus, with two other mods to add to Rhino (Iron Shrapnel and Iron Charge), if you don't think it's worth it, go with one of those. Iron Shrapnel turns Iron Skin into a very cost effective method of CC and allows you to better control when your Iron Skin goes down for strategic effect.

I'm aware that the base abilities do different things, but the augment for roar is a very bad version of stomp.  The augments itself is a worse version of an ability that is already on the kit.


Imagine if mag pull did 1/4th the effect of shield polarization as an augment.  Nobody would use it because it's already something that is on the kit, only a worse version and costs a warframe slot.  This is the situation with Rhino.



Recasting Piercing Roar doesn't really solve the problem.


The duration of puncture proc is just too short. It should have been permanent or at least scales with ability duration.

Agreed, it is a very minor pro.  I think even if it were permanent, it would still do less than what stomp already does.  It still wouldn't be worth using.

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