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New To The Game: What's The Matter With The Turbo Sliding?


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Space magic?


Wait until you see coptering.


Supposedly an overhaul of movement is in the works. Be prepared for hate though.


I only hope they don't screw the movement up entirely trying to bend to the requests of jealous welps. The movement style in waframe is one of the things that makes it totally unique.

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I never did understand why sliding suddenly makes you go super fast. In reality it would let us slide maybe a few feet but not several meters at the best of times :P


Also why jumping and pressing ctrl plus a direction makes us kick forward and propel towards a direction? What?! If I jump and kick it doesn't make me propel anywhere I just kick in mid air. 


Heck coptering makes even less sense of all of them and that weird Slide + Jump making you catapult across the planet.


I'm hoping, being the devil's advocate here, that Parkour 2.0 removes that stuff or at least tones it down to make sense. Yes I get it that this is a game and we're wearing suits that give us great strength and whatnot but even that doesn't explain some of the mechanics that are obviously broken.

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1. It's unnecessary.  The initial boost is unnoticeable, well within anime norms and would remain.

2. If that was a problem and I don't think it is, different frames could have different sprinting speeds.

3. Yes and that's the problem.  The stamina mechanic as well as speed requirements encourage us to use front-flipping to move around the map.  It's unintuitive and plain wrong from a physics or even anime perspective.  However, it's also used to fly around the map, which is cool.

So I'd like to keep it in until an alternative is developed, just remove the near-compulsion to use it by changing the stamina mechanics.


1. A lot of things are unnecessary, that doesn't meant they have to go.

2. Different frames already have different sprinting speeds for a reason.

3. I don't think you understand exactly what unintuitive means. RL physics don't mean much in fiction. No idea why you keep bringing up anime, making warframe adhere to the physics seen in anime doesn't help your argument in the slightest given just how ridiculous some of it gets.

I'd rather they not.


I didn't mean YOU are in love with it, it was just to say that people often defend "their" game and their devs for that reason or similar ones.


Yes, opinions, which somebody else happens to share and if you mention that, I didn't see any good reason for this feature to stay other than "I'm used to it" or "then the game will need other balancement things to compensate that", which, again, is a poor reason for a thing this ugly (yes, opinion) to stay in a game.


I don't view this as my game and I will and do throw the devs under the bus at the drop of a hat. I haven't been a DE whiteknight in a VERY long time.


Yes, opinions, which many do not share. That's not how it works. I don't have to give reasons why it should stay until you give some good reasons why it shouldn't. Just like how I don't have to give reasons for Aviator not to get removed.

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1. A lot of things are unnecessary, that doesn't meant they have to go.

2. Different frames already have different sprinting speeds for a reason.

3. I don't think you understand exactly what unintuitive means. RL physics don't mean much in fiction. No idea why you keep bringing up anime, making warframe adhere to the physics seen in anime doesn't help your argument in the slightest given just how ridiculous some of it gets.

I'd rather they not.


1. If they look stupid too, they should.

2  Do you have a point?

3. Yes I do understand what unintuitive means.  In what way is a newbie supposed to figure out that slide-jumping makes you go faster than sprinting?

Oh noes, some random nobody allegedly finds my argument ridiculous but is somehow unable to rationally explain why.

Edited by Fifield
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1. If they look stupid too, they should.

2  Do you have a point?

3. Yes I do understand what unintuitive means.  In what way is a newbie supposed to figure out that slide-jumping makes you go faster than sprinting?

Oh noes, some random nobody allegedly finds my argument ridiculous but is somehow unable to rationally explain why.


1. Whether or not something looks stupid is a matter of opinion, and should not dictate whether or not something has to go.

2. Yes, if it isn't clear, re-read my post, the post it responds to, and the post you were responding to.

3. Executing the action and seeing that they're faster.


It has already been explained to you in full. Your lack of reading comprehension is not my problem. I also never said your argument was ridiculous (although it is). I was referring to anime.

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1. Whether or not something looks stupid is a matter of opinion, and should not dictate whether or not something has to go.

2. Yes, if it isn't clear, re-read my post, the post it responds to, and the post you were responding to.

3. Executing the action and seeing that they're faster.


1. I think everyone but you can agree that buttsliding-run-buttsliding looks stupid.

2. It's still not clear and you responding to my comment.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/423831-new-to-the-game-whats-the-matter-with-the-turbo-sliding/page-4#entry4708253

Are you under the impression that making buttsliding-run into buttsliding-stop-run would break anything or did you not know what you were arguing against?

3. Even from 3rd person, it's far from obvious and how does anyone even know to do slide-jump anyway?

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Turbo slide has been around forever.  It was a 0.0000123 alpha bug as you say.  But I noticed it really start getting abused around the time that stamina drain during sprinting was massively increased.  Tenno suddenly became overweight sluggards even more than before.  We adopted turbo sliding as a remedy (since you regen stamina a little as well) and also coptering.  Another bug become mechanic.  Oh and wall vaulting, too.  Another bug.


The reason I feel that people actually like it and stick with it so vehemently is 1) because no one likes change and 2) because moving otherwise in this game is so bad, you have to do it to actually feel like you're moving at a halfway decent pace.  


And slide-jump is probably another accident.  And now that we have melee jumps, you can slide-jump-melee for rocket propelled tenno.  Good luck controlling any of this consistently.

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I realize you're new so I'll try to answer this a succinctly as possible:




Since you are new. It might be a good idea to get used to the game before requesting changes. Or play another slower moving game, if that makes you happy.


14 up votes for this? This community... this community is going to kill warframe...


1. I think everyone but you can agree that buttsliding-run-buttsliding looks stupid.

2. It's still not clear and you responding to my comment.  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/423831-new-to-the-game-whats-the-matter-with-the-turbo-sliding/page-4#entry4708253
Are you under the impression that making buttsliding-run into buttsliding-stop-run would break anything or did you not know what you were arguing against?

3. Even from 3rd person, it's far from obvious and how does anyone even know to do slide-jump anyway?


I do not agree with any of that.

Edited by ItWasntMeIPromise
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Remind us why anyone should care about your unexplained opinion.

For the same reason whe should care about yours. It's an opinion, not a fact.

Like your "1. I think everyone but you can agree that buttsliding-run-buttsliding looks stupid."


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For the same reason whe should care about yours. It's an opinion, not a fact.

Like your "1. I think everyone but you can agree that buttsliding-run-buttsliding looks stupid."


Even though you're trolling...

That obviously does look stupid.  It's so obvious, it doesn't need justification. The rest of my opinions are justified in the same comment they're introduced, rather than just thrown out there to troll.

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Even though you're trolling...

That obviously does look stupid.  It's so obvious, it doesn't need justification. The rest of my opinions are justified in the same comment they're introduced, rather than just thrown out there to troll.

Just because you seem to be thick:

You're complainig about multicolored space ninjas in weird spandex suits sliding too fast when they crouch while running.

The whole premise of the game is stupid.

That I just wrote, is an opinion, it doesn't need justification because is not trying to be a fact.

Stop asking people to justify their opinions, you think something looks stupid, you even seem to think it is obvious while others think it does not, do you realize now the futility of this discussion? you're new to the game, get used to it's silly things, they are not going away.


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Even though you're trolling...

That obviously does look stupid.  It's so obvious, it doesn't need justification. The rest of my opinions are justified in the same comment they're introduced, rather than just thrown out there to troll.


^Wow we got a live one here.^ FNG tries a game and wants things change because...? He says so!


No other players opinion matters, even people who have been here for years and spent money. It don't matter because Fifield decided he had a opinion.


Who cares how it looks, its part of how you play the game. It goes beyond aesthetics its a mechanic that combos with warframes unique style of combat.


By the way sir, you are the one trolling you say different things here and then the opposite on this post:



Its pretty obvious. I wish the general community was smarter but 15 up votes proves otherwise.


IQ test for forum ranks. Just saying.

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I see that, still, they should've (had) the courage to fix bugs, cause even if people like them, they're still bugs and there's a reason they named it that way. People aren't always right. (and if you're wondering, that includes me, sure).

I think it really gave a new direction to the game. I wasn't there originally, but to me if seems like the theme was stealth. Since seeing players reaction to the more fast paced play they chose to leave it and work that direction. I don't believe the game would have the popularity it does today if it had kept a slow / stealthy approach.


Sometimes it also takes courage to leave the bug, allow the game to shift away from your original idea and take on a life of it's own.


I understand you don't like it, but it may be that this game isn't for you. Warframe is a very fast paced game and if you are wanting to change that, you won't win the support of many people. There are a variety of games where the bugs turned into features.


If the "bug" isn't game breaking then it isn't always best to remove it. "Game Breaking" would be something that would create an unfair advantage over other players or lower the amount of interest a player has in the game, such as item duplication.


Among other "poor physics" you will see weapon spinning, when you attack while sliding with weapons you're flung forward in the spin (simply not possible), Also the mid air extra jump, you jump look up and attack and you'll jump again (similar to the coptering I mentioned before this)


If this sliding bothers you to such a degree you're going to have an issue. DE WILL NOT fix this issue, it would be virtual suicide on their part. The sheer rage that would ensue would make Excalibur Nerf and Original Chroma helmet look like happy times.

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There's an old shooter called Starsiege: Tribes, where a bug called "skiing" was a huge part of what gave the game its dedicated fanbase and therefore its cult status. Like coptering in Warframe, it's what sets these games apart from the other shooters.


You can't compare the two. Tribes was open country maps with most combat centered around structures and it was a good way to travel. Sure, the ski chases for the flag between structures were fun, but to get up to speed required that you used self damage for initial propulsion which made you vulnerable.


It ain't the same here. Not only is there no downside like self damage to initiate, you can actually heal while doing it by channeling damage along the way.


And you'll notice that people are now complaining that coptering is ruining the Warframe PVP, which is what Tribes was all about. Nothing but PVP.


I spent silly amounts of time playing the original Starsiege: Tribes. Still got the box and all.

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You can't compare the two. Tribes was open country maps with most combat centered around structures and it was a good way to travel. Sure, the ski chases for the flag between structures were fun, but to get up to speed required that you used self damage for initial propulsion which made you vulnerable.


It ain't the same here. Not only is there no downside like self damage to initiate, you can actually heal while doing it by channeling damage along the way.


And you'll notice that people are now complaining that coptering is ruining the Warframe PVP, which is what Tribes was all about. Nothing but PVP.


I spent silly amounts of time playing the original Starsiege: Tribes. Still got the box and all.

Oh I loved the original Tribes. Such a genius game, didn't require CD and there was no CD key. I swear my whole school only purchased 1 copy. although I eventually did.


In regards to PVP and this game. Warframe took a turn (probably near the early release) where it would not be very compatible with PVP. They almost need to make a whole separate game style to have a balanced PVP. They've sorta done that now with heavy equipment and mod restrictions.


I think DE knows that getting rid of something gamewide for the sake of PVP is not a wise decision.

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Let's just try to get back to the point of this thread, shall we?


1. Contrary to what OP says, sliding in Warframe does not make you go faster. Sliding makes you slowly loose speed until you come to a halt. What makes you go faster is whirling your melee weapon around you, using its momentum to propel you forward.


2. If somebody doesn't like the animation, fine, that's a valid opinion. But there's nothing wrong with the mechanic itself. This is a game about martial arts fighters. Think of all the Kung Fu movies out there, Hidden Tiger, Crouching Dragon or Kill Bill, and what physically impossible things people are doing in these. Standing on thin bamboo branches. Fighting while flying through the air. Walking on water. Standing on the blade of your opponent's sword, giving him a good view onto your foot. And so on. If that's too far removed from reality for you, then you need to move on to another genre.


3. We simply need coptering because we need a way to get around the maps fast. The maps in Warframe are huge. There are a lot of missions where it takes you minutes of running just to get to the mission objectives. Slowing down players' movement is simply no option, it would break the game. Acutally, there are players in my Clan who choose their meele weapons exclusively for the distance they can copter with them.


4. In solar rail PVP (haven't tried out the new one yet), coptering was a hell of a pain. But if you took a closer look at it, it became clear that the movement itself was not the problem. The real problems were a) the various overpowered weapons and abilities, and b) the fact that at least the attackers had no spawning area that was protected from enemy movement and fire. Defenders could copter into the attackers' spawning zone, kill newly spawned players and copter out again before the timer ran out, turning matches into spawnrape-fests. A better weapon balance and better maps would have solved those issues.

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I have have a solution to you helicoptering problems, all of you really. Might have to just get a bit imaginative. Instead of changing this, which a lot enjoy, so it is impossible for anyone to ever use it again. Pay the, what? 150p to change your name to like NoHelicop%&^ so people in match making know that you do not appreciate helicoptering, and not use it/leave squad.


It really is the best win/win solution I can think of.




I think this is relevant though? NoSlideNoJutsuNoob

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I thought that the distinctive feature of Warframe was the Parkour. How many of you use it when you can slide/copter/air melee etc? No one, I see it in-game. So the problem, for me, is that these "features" removes the necessity (and the will of the players) to parkour, and it doesn't make sense in game which distinguish from other games thanks to parkour (among the other things)!

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