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[Ooc/ Recruitment / Rules] The Dark Descent


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Name: Larko.

This was the name of his first victim, the first one he remembers, at least, - an unfortunate Grineer marine assigned to guard the Tenno. His death was quick and painless, yet the kill, the feeling of blood running down the "skin" of the warframe was seared into the killer's broken mind, like a brand laid upon skin with burning metal.

Age: Nobody, not even he knows his true age. He was discovered by he Grineer completely defensless, sleeping peacefully inside a cryo capsule hidden away on Saturn. Visibly, he's in his middle 30s, but who knows for how many centuries he has slept there.

Appearance: If you ever come across him without his warframe on, you will see the true example of what Grineer can do to somebody. He is well-built, flexible, but his whole body is covered in horrible scars, iron bolts of unknown purpose, strange stains. His face has smooth features and mostly retains a somewhat sad, but peaceful expression. His green eyes gaze at everything calmly, as though as he is watching the events unravel through a steamy window.

Warframe: Larko is usually seen clad in a an Excalibur. This warframe looks like it's seen better days. The orange and black paint is wearing off, some holes in it exposing the true, gray carcass of the Warframe. The Warframe's red lights are somewhat dim, yet in battle the Energy shines brightly, seen by everyone.

Special abilities: Years of Grineer experiments has done huge damage to his body, yet for some reason this only made it stronger. (What doesn't kill you~) He has gained extreme flexibility, speed and agility, even by Tenno measures. He is fast, cunning, silent, but lacks strength to sustain hits. He prefers rushing in with his blades in hand, using his speed to quickly dispatch of enemies. He also has some knowledge of hacking, enough to get past a locked door. A good space-basketball player, suprisingly.

Preferred weaponry: He can usually be seen clenching to blood-stained Fang knives: one of them black and the other white. Despite being treated as a minor melee weapon, these have been viciously sharpened, making them a light and deadly weapon at the same time. On his hip usually rests a gray Lato loaded with incendinary ammo.

Syndicate: He doesn't exactly work for a certain syndicate, yet he shows some affection for the Red Veil and the Arbiters, thinking of them as heroes.

Occupation: As of now he is a mercenary, but provides his services only to the "morally-better" people. Although, he doesn't quite know of his hirer's true goals most of the time.

Character note: Larko is a broken man, assailed on all sides by his own mind. On one side, he fights depression along with suicidal thoughts, on the other he desperately tries to not get fully engulfed by madness. And above all that, even though he denies it, deep down he knows: he enjoys hurting other people. All this makes him act a little... weird at certain times.

Well, hello there, errybody! Hope I'm not too late for the train. I wanted to post a Rhino with anger managment problems, but two of the same kind isn't that cool. So, here, have a deranged Excalibur.

Also, am Яussiaи, so expect mistakes.

Edited by Cre77
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Name: Spark


Age: Doesn't remember, the ascaris that a Grineer commander used on her came too close to control, and destroyed sense of time in previous memories.


Warframe: Mag, augmented for increased casting speed and increased shields


Special abilities: Increased vision distance, very light footed (as in quiet footsteps)


Syndicate: New Loka, Humane


Preferred Weapons: Karak with toxic ammunition, Afuris with incendiary ammunition, and Dual Kamas


Occupation: Frontline Defender


Spark has the tendency to waver between positions, excelling in both stealth assault, or suppressing fire from behind large tanking allies, she tries to find a way to help, but if things get too overwhelming, she takes it upon herself to throw herself headfirst into the action, in an effort to see her fellow Tenno for at least another day. Even though she takes group faults upon herself, she's quick to make friendships with other fighters, so that she gets new allies almost as quickly as her older ones fall.



I'll try to keep updated on this forum, but it's not guaranteed, I'm in the hardest part of school, but if you don't hear from me for like a week, assume that this character is dead. If I come back, I'll make a new one, being my trinity

Edited by sparkfire336112
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Hopefully I'm not too late to this party.


Name: A'den Ciryc (Translation: Wrath of the Cold)


Age: Roughly early-thirties


Warframe: A Frost Frame with Squall helmet and Immortal skin, changed the color to a dark navy blue and greyish-white pattern. Also has a leather belt and holsters for his sidearms.


Special Abilities: While not the fastest, or the stealthiest, A'den takes pride in being an immovable rock in battle, someone who can hold a room by himself and letting bodies litter the floor by the time he's done. He has impressive endurance and constitution, soaking up hits that would kill frames with lesser fortitude. He has also proven to be an expert in unconventional warfare, being able to take small teams and applying them in hit and run attacks that have proven effective against Grineer and Corpus alike, with a body count respected even by members of the Red Veil.


Syndicate: Making his allegiance with Steel Meridian during its early days he worked his way up to the rank of Defender, and has proudly held the position since then.


Preferred weapons: Uses Dual Zoren's and Akvasto as his go-to melee and sidearms of choice, with his primaries rotating between the Braton, Karak, and Tiberon. Also uses his pet Raksa Kubrow, Banzai, in battle.


Occupation: (smuggler, bounty hunter, defender, etc): Mercenary, guerrilla fighter, self-titled "Royal Pain in the &#! to Whoever Earned My Wrath"

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone I hope I am not too late at all? Also decided to create a new OC. (I still feel "New" to RP even though I have done plenty of RPs already.)


Name: Orion


Age: 20 Earth years.


Physical Appearance: 7 feet tall, curly hair, very cool blue eyes, a scar on his face, above average musclar build, slighty chubby, but hardly noticeable.


Warframe: A Chroma fitted with white and black, with red energy. He also as a semi ripped cloak that glows with his energy color, his left arm shows an emblem of the notorious Grim Reaper. (Will posted screenshot of him in game if you want me to and if its ok.)


Special Abilities:Modding his Warframe to withstand a ton of punishment, Orion is amazing at soaking up damage(Tank), moderate at suppressing(Gunner), and can intimidate due to sheer size, and abilites built into the Warframe itself(Intimidation).


Syndicate: Steel Meridian, Defender


Pre-ferred weapons: Gorgon, stolen from a Grineer Heavy, Lex built himself and perfected as much as he could, and a Scindo Prime taken from his best friend shortly after his death. Making sure every hit, and every kill, counted.


Occupation: Ex-Courier, former Mercenary.


Also I mostly do short parts as well(Not very long "Lines"). Also forgive me if there is any errors and such, its late here and I am about to go to bed. So please let me know if this is ok. or OP and such.

Edited by Lonewolf115
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