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Warframe Concept: Crow


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'Ello everyone! So I got to thinking of a warframe that I would want in the game, an intimidating and downright creepy one, that would hopefully stray away from the everyday "Darkness" themed warframe maybe one associated more with fear or death? idk. Keep in mind though, it does strongly suit him in my opinion. Thus CROW was born! The one warframe where people would be like "Damn, it's HIM."


So in a recent post by PanstAdvance, I shared my idea with him/her and was lucky enough to get them to help me out in the basics of my warframe. As you may well know by now, I decided to name him CROW. Nick named *Bane-Frame. (unofficial)

My hope was to imagine a frame that was downright creepy and intimidating, as well as one that could hold their ground but not be too much of a tank, as well as one that would depend on their skills. Without further a-do, here is my concept, with credit to PantsAdvance for support.

-Description: *Strong movie reference.. cough cough


"Ah you think darkness is your ally, Stalker? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!"

CROW is a Warframe that takes advantage of the fear within his enemies. Recommended to players who enjoy an offensive role but must be wary of his lacking armor and shields. CROW takes advantage of the fear in his enemies, bending his surroundings into his own personal playground.

-Lore?: *EDIT Open to interpretation.
Not for the feint of heart, the CROW Warframe is one of the most difficult to control.


Health: 95 (250 at Max Level)
Power: 150 (300 Max Level)
Armor: 50
Shield capacity: 100 (250 Max Level)
Shield Recharge: 20.0
Sprint Speed: 1.3

Abilities: (1)Murderous Intent, (2)Counter, (3)Dissonance, (4)Hysteria


Murderous Intent: 25 EN Any enemy within a certain area in front of CROW only, is completely immobilized with fear, and cannot move for a set period of time. (A shaking animation is shown for the captured.)

Upgrades: Increases time paralyzed.


Slots: 2/3/4/5


Counter: 50 EN CROW opens his arms seemingly lowering his guard, and when hit, he teleports behind the enemy, just standing behind them and after a second, massive damage is dealt. (Effect is active during animation, CROW is vulnerable for 1.5 seconds if he is not hit afterward.)

Upgrades: Increases time spent waiting for counter

Time: 5sec/7sec/10sec/15sec

Stats: 1000 damage no matter what.

Slots: 4/5/6/7

*Open to opinions on whether to move this to his final or keep it here.

Dissonance: 75 EN Dark flames surround CROW as he walks in a straight line pushing back enemies in his way with intense force for med. radial damage, and does a huge blast at the end with wider range and blow back distance, but does almost no damage. ( Best in small rooms where enemies will always be near you, resulting in multiple repeating blasts) (More for crowd control at higher levels b/c the damage will reduce but the effects will remain the same)

*Note: HIs walking can be toggled by pressing "w" once to make him start/stop walking.

Upgrades: Increases damage and time spent walking.

Time: 10sec/15sec/20sec/25sec

Damage: 5/10/15/20
*Final Blast: 5 damage

Slots: 6/7/8/9

Hysteria: 100 EN Similar to *Murderous Intent Hysteria gives a wider range to immobilize enemies with fear as well as setting them ablaze with black flames for a continuous 30-45 damage per second.
(This ability ignores armor, and cannot immobilize bosses, only stun them for a good 1-2 seconds.)

Upgrades: Increases time allowed.

Time: 5sec/10sec/15sec/20sec

Slots: 10/11/12/13

-Concept Art (PantsAdvance):

*Special thanks to PantsAdvance for his art!
Open to suggestions on nerfs or buffs, along with some constructive criticism!
*Please avoid being too critical, this is my first fan-frame!

Link to PantsAdvance's page: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/37389-more-custom-warframes-w-artwork/


* Game over as of Nekros release!

Edited by Kheim
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Counter honestly isn't that bad or broken it's essentially Bladestorm you have to work for... on one enemy


So it's low cost is actaully balanced out because unless you sink Flow and Streamline in your not really gonna rival an ultimates CC or large damage values

Edited by FrostWolf
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 I like the idea ( and concept art ), but some of the abilities seem overly powerful.

#1 for example, for 25 energy, aoe, lasts 25 seconds, and completely shuts down everything... for a 25 energy skill i think 5 or 6 seconds max would still be too powerful. It's almost like rhino stomp but better.


I think a more balanced version would be a  cone affect, with reduced duration

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This is actually really, really cool and I don't think it sounds to overpowered or anything like that. I love the design of him too!


aoe shut down that lasts 25 seconds for 25 energy would break every mission i can think of, except boss fights

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Thanks for the feedback and compliments guys! I'll be sure to implement recommendations when I can, and see what I can do.

Also Vahlak, thank you for pointing this out! I suppose I could limit the aoe to enemies only in front of CROW, as well as limiting it further to enemies facing CROW. But that may limit the skill too much. Im not sure yet, but I'll go over more thoughts on this in the mean time! Thank you for the feedback!

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Why is everyone in this subforum obsessed with darkness.





"All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence."


Ansem, moments before getting his &amp;#&#33; kicked by a Kid with a giant key and clown shoes



But he is kinda deranged so I wouldn't take what he says seriously



But to more seriously answer the Question... I think it's Stalker and his whole darkness theme thus people want a darkness themed frame to play as.

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All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence.


I remember in high school there was this goth kid who would write poems like this to his crush. 


Good times.

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While I dislike the design idea because it screams of pubescent Edgyness and Angst, I kinda like both the Ideas behind Counter and the Ult.

Maybe rework the Warframe to be a mix between Loki and the Yellow Lantern Corps Sinestro to emphasize on the aspect of fear instead of this goth stuff?






All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence.

Your profile says you are 25 but I somehow doubt it after this.

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All worlds begin in darkness, and all so end. The heart is no different. Darkness sprouts within it, grows, consumes it. Such is its nature. In the end, every heart returns to the darkness whence it came. You see, darkness is the heart's true essence.


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Your profile says you are 25 but I somehow doubt it after this.


That's a really dumbass reason to make such an insinuation


seeing that the quote is from a relatively popular game you could have easily figured out from basically plopping it in a search bar


and I was clearly goofing around.


If you want to debate design


The frame is fear based, thus the frame has a Macabre design to it -Somewhere between a  Grimreaper and a ScareCrow- It's meant to be frightening looking and insipre terror in enemies by meer sight.


Going bright Neon Yellow is gonna make the Grineer die from laughter before they realize they should be scared of the guy-then again when a Tenno spilts a guy in two most enemies stand and fight so these guys really aren't that easy to scare...


If anything the Design isn't revolting enough!

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I'll be the first to admit that the Yellow Lantern Corps shouldn't be an inspiration for a Warframe, especially the classic design. What I meant to say is that the Frame should focus on the aspect of fear instead of the aspect of Darkness.

Unrelated Sidenote: I love what they did to Sinestro in Injustice though. That's some sleek design.


The Name is okay I guess, but the design just doesn't resonate with me. In my humble opinion, the current sketches look like something straight out of a Teenagers definition for "cool". It doesn't look intimidating, just edgy.


A sleek, timeless look would do a fear-based frame much better and fit into the current designs. The original Alien, the Hybrids from the X-Files and the classic Batman designs speak far more of fear than a hooded dude with beltbuckles everywhere who looks like something straight out of some Japanese animation.


Color, as always, would be up to the player.

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"The frame is fear based, thus the frame has a Macabre design to it -Somewhere between a  Grimreaper and a ScareCrow- It's meant to be frightening looking and insipre terror in enemies by meer sight.



Going bright Neon Yellow is gonna make the Grineer die from laughter before they realize they should be scared of the guy-then again when a Tenno spilts a guy in two most enemies stand and fight so these guys really aren't that easy to scare...


If anything the Design isn't revolting enough!"


Thank you all for responding once again! I'm listening to all your criticism and feedback as of the moment concerning CROW's design, but feel that FrostWolf has hit the design right on the head! I specifically asked PantsAdvance to design a Warframe based on a reaper, and to me he did so splendidly, and don't really plan on turning him into a yellow loki lantern? (That's how I'm picturing this.) If anything, I would like a warframe that is unlike the others, and personally, I enjoy the originality that PantsAdvance puts into his frames! Depending on how he feels on your guys' thoughts, I can check back with him some other time, though I'm sure he is very busy with many other Warfame requests as of the moment, I'll try my best! Thanks for everything guys, much appreciated.

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The overall design is fine -Guy in a hooded jacket- and really the vertibrae touches are nice.


Mixed with the three eyes... if you saw him in a the cargo hold after banshee took the lights out you'd be unnerved


I think the main problem here is the detail work, he is to symetrically sleek.


The lore your going for describes a very depraved and if not insane individual -as opposed to Honorable warriors like Excalibur or Trained Killers like Ash- who not only enjoys killing people, He enthralls himself in it.


 he looks too well kept, He should be more "dirty" looking like he has been butchering peope and rolling around in the remains.


The Jacket for example... should be more tattered, stained and honestly... look like he has skinned a couple of people and then done a crappy job of sewing them all together and to top if off hasn't washed the damn thing in 5 months.



The real problem with Fear is...well Fear is subjective,  There is no such thing as a timeless design that evokes terror or fear since all it takes is one person going "meh"

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Haha, though I would agree with you on your reasoning, and my own lore is consequently at fault, it shouldn't have anything to do with his overall design, relating to what I think he could be in a story is totally up for debate with anyone. Plus, comparing each warframe to another, they all have a type of similarity between one another in the fact that they all look clean, sleek, and well put together, where as tattered rags and bloody clothes would be creating more of a comic book villain to me rather than a cursed warframe armor. I guess what Im trying to say here is, don't let any background story change your perspective on CROW, I suppose I should've left lore for a different topic, rather than using it in his descriptions.

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Thanks! I'm not so sure how much of an influence I would have at the moment on the game in general (plan on paying for foundership early summer) but seeing the number of masters and grandmasters who like the idea, gives me some hope in the matter, and thankful to everyone so far!

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Haha, though I would agree with you on your reasoning, and my own lore is consequently at fault, it shouldn't have anything to do with his overall design, relating to what I think he could be in a story is totally up for debate with anyone. Plus, comparing each warframe to another, they all have a type of similarity between one another in the fact that they all look clean, sleek, and well put together, where as tattered rags and bloody clothes would be creating more of a comic book villain to me rather than a cursed warframe armor. I guess what Im trying to say here is, don't let any background story change your perspective on CROW, I suppose I should've left lore for a different topic, rather than using it in his descriptions.


That is true, Even if the Tenno let Professional killers in the group. there is a certain uniformity to the group. So yeah Crow's sleekness come with his rank from that perspective.


I guess I should take the stance of Warhammer Dark elves/Eldar


Who despite being easily the most depraved of the factions... still retain thier Elvish elegance even in thier battle armor and thier debauchery

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Exactly! As well as the dev's keenness for unmoving and solid armor instead of cloth like textures that move, which has humorously challenged plenty of the artists here due to that fact. I actually think that CROW's current design could fit to their expectations hopefully.

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      I've been reading through this thread and I'm overjoyed at how strongly some of the community is debating the background and cosmetic design of this FanFrame'. In the end, I would leave it in the gentle hands of the devs, as to where a character that they finish and implement into the game, would fit into to their universe... so lore-wise, it's their ballgame. But the armor I picked out, like Kheim mentioned, only icebergs his personality, (I think.) Like most storybook, (and real,) psychopaths, they are extremely vain and cleanly well kept. CROW's 'armor' hopefully portrays that, (even if it is a fashion tragedy.) Plus, with CROW's abilities, all of his attacks resolve his foes dying without him laying a finger on them, (even Counter and Dissonance.) I would suggest then that his personality would relish in tormenting his foes psychologically. In conclusion, maybe someone could tell me where I'm wrong, or what they think.

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