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Kubrow Need Fixing


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This post is to DE, I just hope that it well get to someone there.


So have any of you guys ever notice the lack of players running with Kubrows? I know some players do run with them but it's mainly for the reason to be different. It cost a lot to take care of and not really worth the cost. not just that, two of the types got nerf to the ground, pass it and right to hell.


First problem, is the one you guys probably get a lot of. Why does it cost so much to take care of the damn thing? I know to some players 75,000 credits isn't a lot but considering a carrier is just as good and pick stuff up for you and it does not cost a dime to keep the thing alive. We all know what you guys are trying to do, you want players to keep playing this game everyday by making them log on and grind for the credits to keep it alive. The problem is that sentinels is just as good and does not take any work to keep them alive I get that real life dog need care to keep alive but no one in hell and back wants to take care of a real dog then have to log on and take care of a fake one too. This is not fair after having to grind forever for an egg then wasting so much money on building a core and grinding for all the stuff to make it with. then waiting 3 days for the thing to hatch and waiting another 3 days for it to grow up.


Second problem, Stasis take 3 hours before you can use your kubrow? This is link to the first post as to how you greedy milk want us to spend as much time in the game as we can. This is only there to keep us from putting our dogs in stasis. In the first quest my meg start fighting with in 3 mins of coming out of stasis, and she been in there for hundreds of years, as for my kubrow? 2 days. please reduce the time to 10 mins would be way more reasonable.


 Third problem, okay we're getting down to what actually wrong with Kubrow. ferocity and savagery have been nerf to the ground  that it always fail to hurt anyone except for ancients. they's no point in having them on.


forth problem, Why is ferocity even a thing? sahasa kubrow is not an attack type it should be replace with vaccum like in carrier or at lest something like fetch where it would get power core for you or pick up energy for you.


I like to point out that mugamu had said many times that he does not use kubrows and I wonder why? This game is so broken and you guys refuse to fix the problems that already there and keep creating new things half ! and creating new problems to not fix. To me you guys are running this game into the ground, pass it and pass hell. I dont know if it's because perfect world entertainment have bought you guys but please fix game not create more problems for it.

Edited by prodavit
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Kubrows are designed to be a credit sink, and when built and cared for can severely out-damage sentinels and provide more utility, as well as unique attributes (free items from dig, knocking down enemies, opening locked lockers) and can even be rezzed on "death" UNlike sentinels.

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Wow! Perfect World bought DE? Gosh... this is really bad news cos Perfect World is known to destroy an otherwise good mmo by their milking money sytem...


Anyway, coming back on the topic of kubrow, yes I agree it needs improvement. Reducing the upkeep from 75k to say 25k would be a good start. Also, I agree with OP to remove ferocity on sahasa kubrow and give it vacuum like ability instead.


Also on the topic of sahasa kubrow, I propose to alter how sahasa kubrow reacts with 'Scavenge' mod in such a way that let players choose which locked containers they want their sahasa kubrow to open, which will make the whole process faster.

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In the aspect of cost I do not think that this is a particularly valid argument at least in my opinion. Surely you take 75 thousand credits for a pack of 6, but each one will restore 40% of the Kubrow's, so basic math will tell us it is 240% of kubrow's health in those stabilizers, and since it down grades by 10% every day, these should last 24 days.

In a regular credit farm you might be able to pick up around 5 thousand credits, or 25 thousand for highest tier void missions. some people may not get the liberty to grind, but a run or two a day times 24 days, assuming they will resurrect their Kubrow every time is a good investment, as it could give you at least 120 thousand credits, minus the 75 thousand, you get a profit of 45 thousand. So really this is down to investment and very casual one if we were to compare it to endless T4 Survival for Loki parts. (those drove me nuts)


Now let us continue to your other arguments, which I will say right now. Stasis taking 3 hours to recover from is realistic lore wise, but gameplay wise it IS a lot of time. If it was down to 1 hour I would be more fine with it but at this stage I could argue that the investment alone towards a profit of 45 thousand credits it is a better idea to keep them alive at all times.


Although these are minor issues which are easily fixed, I think there is a much bigger problem we face. Pet systems in MMOs usually tend to have a companion that is useful and diverse, in which case the Sahasa Kubrow is useful some times but some other times it is questionable how it behaves. Lore-wise it should have scavanging abilities, alongside an offensive regular attacks, which could distinguish it from the other breeds. Having control of all of the kubrows, such as giving them targets could make it a better "companion" than just a sentinel with legs.


Further down the diverse branch, we have 4 kubrows...What if say, I don't want a kubrow? This is where most MMOs actually take a huge hold on the player, they give them the ability to fit themselves with clothes, faces, hairstyles, symbols etc to make them into individuals. Your avatar is not someone you play as, it is something that represents you inside a world, and therefore customization is very important, even down to the fact of which animal you like, or what kind of gameplay you are into. These are the kind of things that shape yourself as a player, and you as a person, as to what color is your favorite, animations which hint at your personality being either humorous (such as pink rhino with limbo animations) or serious and mysterious. (dark color themed loki)

What does this have to do with Kubrows? Here is the thing I don't want a Kubrow. I would like a giant lizard with wings to fly wi- oh it's not a skyrim spinoff? oops. But we could have a Lizard, as lore has mentioned once that the Grineer have used the poison of a poisonous lizard to poison their blades and have a better chance against the Tenno, and I must say it was very effective. I figured, what if we tried to tame them? What about other animal wildlife? An eagle on top of Zephyr's shoulder which is used for distraction and fear seems like a good match up.

Heck how about a unique breed of infestation that turned out to be stable and friendly but was rejected by the hivemind?

The feature could give so much, and the opportunity is not used. In fact it reflects a lot in Yuikami's comics, some Tenno don't care about Kubrows, and the Dev team don't seem to have any further plans, why is that?

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Kubrows are designed to be a credit sink, and when built and cared for can severely out-damage sentinels and provide more utility, as well as unique attributes (free items from dig, knocking down enemies, opening locked lockers) and can even be rezzed on "death" UNlike sentinels.

NO it doesn't its like you didn't even read what I posted first. No!! Skimming is not reading.


I made a point that carrier cost nothing and does high damage, more than kurbow if modded right (no potato) and have vacuum that pick stuff up for you. So no your argument is not valid


The take down kubrow does fail 99% of the time, only work on ancients it got nerf to the ground.


Please read before running your mouth.

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In the aspect of cost I do not think that this is a particularly valid argument at least in my opinion. Surely you take 75 thousand credits for a pack of 6, but each one will restore 40% of the Kubrow's, so basic math will tell us it is 240% of kubrow's health in those stabilizers, and since it down grades by 10% every day, these should last 24 days.

In a regular credit farm you might be able to pick up around 5 thousand credits, or 25 thousand for highest tier void missions. some people may not get the liberty to grind, but a run or two a day times 24 days, assuming they will resurrect their Kubrow every time is a good investment, as it could give you at least 120 thousand credits, minus the 75 thousand, you get a profit of 45 thousand. So really this is down to investment and very casual one if we were to compare it to endless T4 Survival for Loki parts. (those drove me nuts)


Now let us continue to your other arguments, which I will say right now. Stasis taking 3 hours to recover from is realistic lore wise, but gameplay wise it IS a lot of time. If it was down to 1 hour I would be more fine with it but at this stage I could argue that the investment alone towards a profit of 45 thousand credits it is a better idea to keep them alive at all times.


Although these are minor issues which are easily fixed, I think there is a much bigger problem we face. Pet systems in MMOs usually tend to have a companion that is useful and diverse, in which case the Sahasa Kubrow is useful some times but some other times it is questionable how it behaves. Lore-wise it should have scavanging abilities, alongside an offensive regular attacks, which could distinguish it from the other breeds. Having control of all of the kubrows, such as giving them targets could make it a better "companion" than just a sentinel with legs.


Further down the diverse branch, we have 4 kubrows...What if say, I don't want a kubrow? This is where most MMOs actually take a huge hold on the player, they give them the ability to fit themselves with clothes, faces, hairstyles, symbols etc to make them into individuals. Your avatar is not someone you play as, it is something that represents you inside a world, and therefore customization is very important, even down to the fact of which animal you like, or what kind of gameplay you are into. These are the kind of things that shape yourself as a player, and you as a person, as to what color is your favorite, animations which hint at your personality being either humorous (such as pink rhino with limbo animations) or serious and mysterious. (dark color themed loki)

What does this have to do with Kubrows? Here is the thing I don't want a Kubrow. I would like a giant lizard with wings to fly wi- oh it's not a skyrim spinoff? oops. But we could have a Lizard, as lore has mentioned once that the Grineer have used the poison of a poisonous lizard to poison their blades and have a better chance against the Tenno, and I must say it was very effective. I figured, what if we tried to tame them? What about other animal wildlife? An eagle on top of Zephyr's shoulder which is used for distraction and fear seems like a good match up.

Heck how about a unique breed of infestation that turned out to be stable and friendly but was rejected by the hivemind?

The feature could give so much, and the opportunity is not used. In fact it reflects a lot in Yuikami's comics, some Tenno don't care about Kubrows, and the Dev team don't seem to have any further plans, why is that?

Okay you are getting way off topic, you should create your own post because this post does not belong here.

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Excuse me, what's with the sudden attack?

Just because a candy is free, but when there is a bubble gum that costs 50 cents you should go for the candy which is free instead? you can spare the 50 cents and buy a bubble gum if you so wish. The problem is, it is not that costly to maintain a Kubrow, heck from a 30 minute gameplay you could probably farm more credits than the EXP farms in Draco could give you, unless you were to count the 50 thousand duplicate mods towards the income.


Thing is, what you don't realize is you complain about something that is relatively cheap anyway against something that is free, what I mean is comparing the 0 cost candy against a 50 cent bubblegum. There are features which are brought by the Kubrow that are not available with sentinels, and Kubrows are not sentinels, hence the candy vs bubblegum, one can be chewed, the other not necessarily so. The Kubrow can deal with a lot of punishment vs the sentinel, because you can link the health, armor and shields to the warframe, hence giving you about 2000 of either HP and shields and 3 digits of armor, which is quite a bunch.

So here is reason number 1 to have a Kubrow, the other being that the Kubrow CAN in fact deal quite a bit of damage, and the sentinels aren't capable of unleshing huge amounts of damage when compared to a kubrow either, in fact they are probably on the same range due to the fact that they were supportive equipment, not offensive one.


And Kubrow dying all the time, you obviously haven't paid much attention to mods for it.


Further-more your title is saying "kubrow need fixing" so the discussion at hand is fixing the kubrows, so I brought up my own perspective, which says "yeah fixing IS needed but not in the way you think, just my opinion". Besides at the end of the day, a forum is meant for discussion, as long as it is about kubrows I see no reason for you to completely ignore my statement and just throw it to the junk just because it is different to yours.

Toss any ideas of how to fix the kubrows that are brought up, which were presented by other people, you have no development of this discussion therefore fixing WON'T happen.


P.S. "if you mod it right" is relevant to any argument, take an example from League of Legends in which the balancing act is that everyone is OP, you just need to figure out how to maximize the champion's potential with the correct build and gameplay you desire. Much like in warframe, skyrim or any progression and modification based game.

Edited by DarkBabylon
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NO it doesn't its like you didn't even read what I posted first. No!! Skimming is not reading.


I made a point that carrier cost nothing and does high damage, more than kurbow if modded right (no potato) and have vacuum that pick stuff up for you. So no your argument is not valid


Source? If good mods pumped into Sweeper it's possible it could be comparable to Kubrow, but not really.  Sweeper is 42 damage per shot, +90% with Point Blank. Add some elemental mods, avoid crit as it has no crit chance to speak of.  Kubrows by default deal 120 damage per attack +330% from Maul, 30-40% Crit chance with much higher critical strike damage, and finisher attacks.  Carrier only shoots things in 10 meters of the Tenno, so even if you swap Sweeper for Deth Machine Rifle or Prime Laser Rifle, it's not going to be attacking anything but what's right in your face, which limit's the uptime on it's firing.   While Kubrows will roam and actually kill things outside that range.  Wyrm Prime with Prime Laser Rifle and Overheat can maybe be comprable to a Kubrow, but Carrier's "DPS" is a joke. 





The take down kubrow does fail 99% of the time, only work on ancients it got nerf to the ground.



Once again, source? Do you have the mod maxed?



Okay you are getting way off topic, you should create your own post because this post does not belong here.


DarkBabylon was incredibly on topic, offering their own perspective on your ideas and some of your baseless blanket statements.  Providing unique perspectives on a talking point is the heart of discussion, if you want people to only blithely agree with you 100%, that's not a discussion.

Edited by Gelkor
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Dna stabilizers aren't really a problem. It takes bout 15 min on sechura (without a booster) to obtain 75k, which buys you 7 dna stabilizers. The problem is stasis time. That needs to go; stasis inconveniences players and loses DE money. Introduce a prime stasis chamber for plat or a stasis sickness pill that requires argon to build and has a 1 time use to rush stasis time.

Dna stabilizers aren't really a problem. It takes bout 15 min on sechura (without a booster) to obtain 75k, which buys you 7 dna stabilizers. The problem is stasis time. That needs to go; stasis inconveniences players and loses DE money. Introduce a prime stasis chamber for plat or a stasis sickness pill that requires argon to build and has a 1 time use to rush stasis time.

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Excuse me, what's with the sudden attack?

Just because a candy is free, but when there is a bubble gum that costs 50 cents you should go for the candy which is free instead? you can spare the 50 cents and buy a bubble gum if you so wish. The problem is, it is not that costly to maintain a Kubrow, heck from a 30 minute gameplay you could probably farm more credits than the EXP farms in Draco could give you, unless you were to count the 50 thousand duplicate mods towards the income.


Thing is, what you don't realize is you complain about something that is relatively cheap anyway against something that is free, what I mean is comparing the 0 cost candy against a 50 cent bubblegum. There are features which are brought by the Kubrow that are not available with sentinels, and Kubrows are not sentinels, hence the candy vs bubblegum, one can be chewed, the other not necessarily so. The Kubrow can deal with a lot of punishment vs the sentinel, because you can link the health, armor and shields to the warframe, hence giving you about 2000 of either HP and shields and 3 digits of armor, which is quite a bunch.

So here is reason number 1 to have a Kubrow, the other being that the Kubrow CAN in fact deal quite a bit of damage, and the sentinels aren't capable of unleshing huge amounts of damage when compared to a kubrow either, in fact they are probably on the same range due to the fact that they were supportive equipment, not offensive one.


And Kubrow dying all the time, you obviously haven't paid much attention to mods for it.


Further-more your title is saying "kubrow need fixing" so the discussion at hand is fixing the kubrows, so I brought up my own perspective, which says "yeah fixing IS needed but not in the way you think, just my opinion". Besides at the end of the day, a forum is meant for discussion, as long as it is about kubrows I see no reason for you to completely ignore my statement and just throw it to the junk just because it is different to yours.

Toss any ideas of how to fix the kubrows that are brought up, which were presented by other people, you have no development of this discussion therefore fixing WON'T happen.


P.S. "if you mod it right" is relevant to any argument, take an example from League of Legends in which the balancing act is that everyone is OP, you just need to figure out how to maximize the champion's potential with the correct build and gameplay you desire. Much like in warframe, skyrim or any progression and modification based game.

maybe taking care of kubrow isn't a big deal to you but maybe other players including newer players want to save there money to upgrade mods and building frames/weapons. I understand that putting real money into the game might make this less of a deal by looking at your profile picture. I would like to ask if you went to farm for kubrow eggs yourself and then farm everything needed for it? then waiting 6 days for it to grow up to get this scam tack on to your hopes and dreams. not to mentions the three hours recovery, what if you have another type of kubrow you want to use? you need to wait 3 hours? or spent spend 10P, because that's so realistic?


Your argument about kubrow doing more damage than sential is also not true dude to its only slash damage, yeah maybe it will work just for the star maps but when doing a high level missions enemy's armor is so impossibly high and slash damage does negative damage on armor, they are useless in these missions. not to mentions it's attack bugs and slow attack speed and close range attack, If a sniper want to shoot you from far away, kubrows wont do anything.  In my sweeper sentinal gun I can put in corrosive damage and it also have puncture damage, add a quick fire mod and other damage mods, not to mention fire up mod and it's dps is higher than kubrow not just that but it blow kubrow out of the water. I'm still talking about high armor units. further more like I said before the kubrow take down fail 90% of the time unless they're infested ancients. So maybe kubrow are pretty good in infested missions but I can just put fire mods into my sweeper. I would also like to add that i have all kubrow mods except for bite. So modding isn't a issue.


I have three types of kubrow and I play test them all, yes my mods are maxed out and I really don't think its really worth the time and effort. If kubrow are better then maybe I would be willing to spent a huge amount of money into it but it isnt. it use to be cool when kubrows and pins some bosses to the ground but they fixed that bug for some reason.

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Source? If good mods pumped into Sweeper it's possible it could be comparable to Kubrow, but not really.  Sweeper is 42 damage per shot, +90% with Point Blank. Add some elemental mods, avoid crit as it has no crit chance to speak of.  Kubrows by default deal 120 damage per attack +330% from Maul, 30-40% Crit chance with much higher critical strike damage, and finisher attacks.  Carrier only shoots things in 10 meters of the Tenno, so even if you swap Sweeper for Deth Machine Rifle or Prime Laser Rifle, it's not going to be attacking anything but what's right in your face, which limit's the uptime on it's firing.   While Kubrows will roam and actually kill things outside that range.  Wyrm Prime with Prime Laser Rifle and Overheat can maybe be comprable to a Kubrow, but Carrier's "DPS" is a joke. 



Once again, source? Do you have the mod maxed?

Sooo,,,, do you know how damage work in this game? elemental damage does add to every shot damage, IT DOES NOT NEED TO PROC!!. I would like to add that they're these mods call hell's chambers, fire up, and prime point blank. I'm not even including that it's a shot gun which means it shoot more than one bullet per shot or the idea of adding fire speed mods. I like to add that kubrow does slash damage, which mean it's awful with armor units, the damage drop is so huge that kubrow become useless that you might as well not bring it. at lest when sentinal reach damage drop off, it will still pick stuff up for you and replenish your shields. (AT THE SAME TIME)



They's this thing call play testing, and yes the mod is maxed out. The move works on ancients everytime but with other units it will go into the animation where it get thrown around and at the end does not do any damage. this is call a fail attempt. which happens 90% of the time with regular units. I am not the only one who experiences this go to wiki page for the take down mods and look at all the comments under it.

Edited by prodavit
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