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Endgame Weapons And Frames For Endless Defense



I am currently playing a mag with a burston from just when i started playing. I have most mods for everything (reach, focus, streamline and i got lucky and found a flow also), but im getting somewhat dissatisfied with especially burstons performance vs high lvl enemies, so my question is this:


what warframe would you suggest for endless defense? I think mag is decent with shield polarize and crush, but crush falls off lategame and shield polarize only give you very little time against higher level waves. I would like a big aoe ultimate so im thinking of banshee, saryan or frost.


Also for main weapon i would like something precise (maybe burstons main problem) right now im keen on the latron, but i dont know if it can live up to the dps requirement of endless defense.


Also what mods would you suggest? i have tried to do the math and it seems crits are worthless but for warframe im a bit more in doubt if i should sac my redirection or vit for more points and not get streamline or flow in a punish slot (i have removed bullet attractor)


Also this is my first post so hi all! :D



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13 answers to this question

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Latron is amazing, most will agree with me.

Great base damage, good fire-rate, good accuracy, amazing ammo efficiency.


Saryn may be your best bet for Endless of the ones you listed.

Moult provides some utility and Miasma does great damage, albeit in a small-ish area.


Also, XCal's Radial Javelins make for an amazing ult in endless defense. It's gaurunteed to do very high damage to clusters of ancients or MOAs.

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Banshee, Saryn, and Excalibur are the best offensive endgame frames. Banshee/Saryn use Latron or Hek.

Trinity/Rhino are the best Infested endgame tanks. They'll use melee weapons a lot.

Nyx helps slow the rush, and group up Ancients. Use Latron if a Banshee's in the group, otherwise w/e you want at range.

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Frost, Saryn, Banshee, Rhino, Trinity, Loki and Nyx can be really good for endless defence. They have many useful skills to help, to a lesser degree Ember is good for Infested defence and Volt for corpus but I'd still take others if given the option.


For high level endless defence ammo economy is very important, so a hard hitting gun that doesn't spam ammo would be ideal. Latron, Hek, Lex are some examples of the best ammo economy guns, although others are still easily acceptable, Boltor is ok for ammo economy, as is the Braton. If you can take a good secondary weapon that's powerful enough to use on it's own for a wave or two, you can usually fill the ammo back up completely for your main choice.


Mag is nice but as the waves get higher she gets less and less useful. Abilities that never get worse with difficulty will really shine, such as Iron skin, Snow globe, Chaos, Energy vampire, Decoy, Sonar etc.


That's just my opinion.

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loki's decoy is definitely better than Saryns molt as it lasts much longer. Frost is definitely good, but rhinio is prob better on infested missions.


so u'd want loki, Rhino, Nyx, and excalibur or banshee.


for everything else u'll prolly want a frost instead of rhino.

Edited by Reaver_X
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Hek (or Latron)

Lex (or Kraken)

Gram (or Scindo or Dual Ether or Glaive or Dual Heat Swords)


If you'd like to use other guns you'll need to buy ammo boxes, don't worry though you can carry 8 at a time which will each refill your ammo for a specific type of gun per use. they're also dirt cheap. for max DPS without much regard for ammo cost i'd recommend:


Braton, Gorgon



Gorgon is (atm) the highest dps weapon in the game. now add multishot.



Frost (vs corpus)

Ember (dmg and cc vs infested)

Trinity (vs all, she's a good support)

Nyx (dmg vs all)

Banshee (dmg vs all, corpus in particular)

Rhino (vs anything, he's good to have to revive the fallen since he has god mode)

Excalibur (for slash dash and ulti)

Volt (dmg vs corpus)


I don't know about Mag since i haven't tried her, Saryn, Loki and Ash are all relatively useless in defense, although saryn used to be god in infested because her decoy didn't have a timer.



Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon


It's not a coincidence i said it 4 times ;)



As you can see, theres a lot of good choices.

Edited by rabcor
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Hek (or Latron)

Lex (or Kraken)

Gram (or Scindo or Dual Ether or Glaive or Dual Heat Swords)


If you'd like to use other guns you'll need to buy ammo boxes, don't worry though you can carry 8 at a time which will each refill your ammo for a specific type of gun per use. they're also dirt cheap. for max DPS without much regard for ammo cost i'd recommend:


Braton, Gorgon



Gorgon is (atm) the highest dps weapon in the game. now add multishot.



Frost (vs corpus)

Ember (dmg and cc vs infested)

Trinity (vs all, she's a good support)

Nyx (dmg vs all)

Banshee (dmg vs all, corpus in particular)

Rhino (vs anything, he's good to have to revive the fallen since he has god mode)

Excalibur (for slash dash and ulti)

Volt (dmg vs corpus)


I don't know about Mag since i haven't tried her, Saryn, Loki and Ash are all relatively useless in defense, although saryn used to be god in infested because her decoy didn't have a timer.



Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon


It's not a coincidence i said it 4 times ;)



As you can see, theres a lot of good choices.


i never got my siphon...stupid bug :(


btw, what utility are u speaking of involving the excal?


also, whats so good about the kraken?


loki is good, did u forget about his decoy? its great for infested.

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btw, what utility are u speaking of involving the excal?

rabcor is speaking of ulti as in ultimate as in "fourth ability". ;)


loki is good, did u forget about his decoy? its great for infested.

Saryn's "Molt" might actually be better, since you can place it in the air while jumping. If you place it high enough, infested (except Ancients) can't reach it and you can finish them off while they try. Oh, and you can place it more than once at a time. ;)

Edited by 0cZc0bibliothekar
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Thanks for so much helpful feedback! I see that different frames really bring something different to the table but i will for sure get the latron :D (also damn bug that prevented me from getting the 2 energy siphon artifacts i have seen ;...;)

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rabcor is speaking of ulti as in ultimate as in "fourth ability". ;)


Saryn's "Molt" might actually be better, since you can place it in the air while jumping. If you place it high enough, infested (except Ancients) can't reach it and you can finish them off while they try. Oh, and you can place it more than once at a time. ;)


first it doesnt really last that long in the first place, second of all its got a timer on it now.

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first it doesnt really last that long in the first place, second of all its got a timer on it now.

Yes, I did some tries yesterday and found that out, too. The other bad thing: When you use Molt the second time, the first one instantly vanishes. :-(



Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon

Energy Siphon


It's not a coincidence i said it 4 times ;)

On some maps (I'm looking at you, Orokin Power Station on a Grineer asteroid), one player with enemy radar might come quite helpful as well. I was always wondering, why that bloody thing was loosing shields and health, although there was no enemy around - until I found two of those damn rollers grinding into its sides.

Oh, and some ways around wave 20, this should kick in: http://youtu.be/5ecycHAZtaM :D

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