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Spy 2.0 Guide + Video






Seeing many new people seem to not know how to play spy missions, I decided to make a short video on how the rooms work, and how they can be cleared.


What is SPY 2.0?

Spy 2.0 is a big update to the old Spy mission type. Instead of going in and simply hacking 4 (or 8) panels, you now have to go through rooms and obstacles to reach the data. Laser barriers and enemies line the pathways, so stealth is definately your friend in this mission.


So to get you in the spy-ish mood, go listen to this while reading the page.





Feeling better now? Lets get this show on the road.




Lmao, sorry for the potato quality video.



00:04 - Corpus #1: Catwalk Room

  • This room is found in Corpus tilesets only, for obvious reasons. To begin, you hack the entrance door. A successful hack will open the door. Should you fail, you can retry as many times as you need to.


  • Immediately in front of you, that is the room you must get in to hack and obtain the data. In the video, you can see that the floor is covered in LASERS. You must disable them by hacking the panel in front of the glass window.


  • You now have two options: 1) Charge in like a bull, destroying everything you see, silently, and hacking all the doors you go through, OR 2) Use your awesum stealth skillz and climb pipes into the objective room, avoiding detection.


  • Sometimes your path will be blocked by red doors/unbreakable grates, so you will have to find an alternative path, sometimes combining both methods.


  • When you make it to the objective room, hack the console, and you're good to go.


01:09 - Corpus #2: Pakour Room

  • Hack, get in, and destroy the camera that is immediately above you. If that camera sees you, it's almost GG for that room.


  • Depending on the planet you are on, the pakour difficulty will vary. This is on Oceanum, Pluto. First, jump over the lasers. They move up and down, but they go no higher than the maximum height any frame can jump. Take care to not roll into the pit ahead though. Next, jump over the pit and slide/crouch under the next set of lasers. If you are confident enough, you can jump+slide+wallrun/melee combo and sparkle laikabaws to the end. But please don't fail like I did. Lol.


  • You now have two options: 1) Use the pipeline and take the safe route, OR 2) Show your mad pakour skillz and wallrun the laser corridor.


  • Sometimes your path will be blocked by unbreakable grates, so you will have wallrun the second corridor.


  • When you make it to the objective room, hack the console, and you're good to go.


02:58 - Corpus #3: Laser Doors Room

  • Hack, get in, and destroy the camera that is immediately above you. In this room, there are always 1-3 enemies spawned. One of them will almost always be in front of you from the start, so be careful not to get seen.


  • The left and right of this room are symmetrical, but sometimes, one side is closed off with unbreakable grates/ice*. The links between the rooms are lined with timed laser barriers, which will knockdown, and detect you if you come into contact with them. Cameras are slightly hard to avoid in this map, due to risk of being seen by enemies and mistiming laser barriers. Take care, Tenno.


  • You now have two options: 1) Use the pipeline (as shown in the video) and take the safe® route, OR 2) Go full spaceninja mode and destroy cameras and annihilate all enemies who try to cross you, while hacking like a boss.
  • When you make it to the objective room, hack the console, and you're good to go.

* Ice has a chance to block pipelines in place of unbreakable grates, and only occurs when that map has Lotus warning you about "sub zero conditions/your warframe's shields have been halved... etc


04:24 - Grineer #1: Pakour Room

  • Hack, get in. There are two ways you can take: 1) LEFT: The normal way, which includes hacking/avoiding cameras, OR 2) RIGHT: The wallrun way, which is as its name implies. There is also a cheaty way to get in, which is actually my favorite. Lol.


  • LEFT: Destroy (or ignore) the arc trap as you move towards two hacking panels. These panels will activate 1 cart-thing you can use to cross the gap, into the data room. Be careful, there are two balloon cameras patrolling the area there. When you have finished hacking both panels, proceed to the furthest path and to your right you will see the two cart-things you activated. Cross them into the hacking room.


  • RIGHT: When you enter the room, there is a small gap to your right, which you can slide/crouch through. Ahead, you will be presented with two walls, and a laser barrrier that moves vertically. Touching the barrier will detect you, but falling down will not. You must wallrun on the RIGHT, then LEFT, then on a wall in FRONT of you. The last wall leads up to a pipe, which will links to the long corridor that has a huge gap of oblivion in it. Get out of the pipe there, turn left, and the hacking room should be easily accessible.


  • FUN: *fast frame + max rush required* Turn left, and run through the corridor, ignoring the hack panels and avoiding the cameras (easier said than done). When you reach the room when the huge gap, jump towards the edge of the nearest pillar, and immediately jump off. If you aim and time it properly, this will shoot you directly towards the hacking room. It's fun, saves time (depending on how you got past the cameras) and you can use this technique in so many maps. Dual Zoren/Tipedo can help.


  • When you make it to the objective room, hack the console, and you're good to go.


05:41 - Grineer #2: Elevator Room

  • Hack the door open, but don't barge in just yet. Stand near the door, just enough to provide vision. There will be two balloons patrolling both sides of the room. You must get through without being seen. They patrol the big room (the first room) and the two on the left/right. When they turn around to go through the doors, that is your chance to run past them. You can use invis/smokescreen to get past with no effort. Lol.


  • Get in the pipe, wallrun up. Be wary of any laser barriers here. Towards the middle, there will be two walls on the side, which you can use to wallrun. Get across, drop down, and kill the enemy guarding the elevator button. You now have two options: 1) Go through the hole in the back (in the video, this path is blocked) and walk underneath everything, directly into the hacking room, OR 2) Backtrack and use the elevator (this method is not easy.)


  • Down: This method is self explanatory. Get down the hole and waltz into the hacking room. Just be careful of enemies that may spawn directly behind you, due to bugs, and warframe being warframe.


  • Backtrack: You also get a 20% chance to avoid damage. (excuse the reference.) Depending on how much you want to risk getting detected, you can either take the wallrun path back, or the side doors. Either way will get you back to the starting room, where you can access the elevator and get down to the hacking room. After activating the elevator down, there will always be an enemy waiting there, so ready a (silent) weapon.


  • When you make it to the objective room, hack the console, and you're good to go.


05:41 - Grineer #3: Conveyor Belt Room

  • Hack the door and get in. There are 3 ways you can get in. 1) The normal way, 1.5) The normal way + some jumping, and 2) The spaceninja mode way. In the video, I did a combination of spaceninja and normal. Of course, feel free to get creative and ripline/chinabull your way in. As long as you don't get detected, there is no wrong method. Hahaha.


  • Normal: Get in and walk to the right. A belt will continuously push you backwards, so you can stay in the same place by walking into a wall. Laser barriers line the way, so be careful not to mistime anything. When you get past, jump off the belt to the ground, and kill the enemy guarding the hack panel. Be careful, there is usually a balloon camera accompanying it.


  • Normal+Jumpy: Do the above instructions, but instead of jumping down to the ground, jump to the middle-height conveyor belt instead. This belt will take you above the room, where you can sometimes jump in. If the ceiling to the objective room is sealed off, you have no choice but to hack the door to get in.


  • Spaceninja: To the left, there will be a broken fan. You can shoot through the gaps to hit Grineer Explosive Barrels, which will blow up a path (due to technical difficulties, the Tenno-built Ogris does not have the capacity to perform this task). Get in through the fan hole. Above you is a conveyor belt. You must wallrun UP a wall on the side, and land on the belt. Walk the opposite direction of the belt, and it will take you above the objective room. If it isn't blocked, you can jump in. If not, then you will have to hack in.


  • When you make it to the objective room, hack the console, and you're good to go.
Edited by ChilliPepperCatfish
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