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Almost 2 Years Of Warframe And Some Thoughts =/


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Well... played that game for almost 2 years and after all that time.. the achilles' heel of warframe for me is... the rewarding experience... its really bad even at before the end-game

Sometimes i feel like.. that game is almost "empty" looking for a good reason for keep playing that, Its not about content... but actually the challenge + reward (the sensation)  

There is a old-dead game... gunz: the duel (the first one)[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeNuYtwU0YA], which actually i feel more "ninja" playing that than warframe

I know its a pve focused game... but its soo repetitive and everyone know the  "end" , there is no surprise/emotion.. the difference between a skilled player and average one... is nothing... everyone can do any kind of run.. easily.. just need the right stuff and a healthy brain 

Maybe its because the mechanics, maybe the beta-pvp, maybe its because "too easy game", maybe the dev/staff take a look at the strong points of other games  ._.

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I agree, the "challenge + reward" aspect really needs to be looked into. Doing survivals forever and getting nothing you need out if it is boring. And even this recent update... did they even add anything to the spy drop tables? Nothing noted, even on the wiki so I guess not...


As for "too easy game" ya... its wayyy to easy. About the only time I've ever failed missions were because of a bug.


PvP I'm surprised is even a thing given I became a founder because they said they won't do PvP lol. So many games lose their focus to pvp, and good co-op games are getting harder and harder to find.


Also, I really think they dropped the ball on raids. After seeing Mogamu's video on them... ya... not going to touch them. Sounds like more of a headache and a way to get people pissed off at each other more than anything (also the rewards suck IMO)

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This game not really use the potential. The rewarding system itself not a good point because the game without a reward is a dead horse. Pvp need in this game to keep peoples play because that is an ultimate fun if you can competite with others who have "brainz" instead shoting stupid mobs whom not smarter by the time only their hp increase and aims.


The most problem with this game "personal opinion" is the devs doesn't know any direction to go then they do everything with more-less success. The mod system itself just give you the possibilities to mod your stuff and weapons but in the begin they made more stronger and more useless mods so the choice of choosing is dead almost at open beta. They dozered the skill tree because they felt that not give enough sense to keep it cuz peoples not roleplaying here.


The mastery rank is just give you more trade choice and extractor and after a needed level nothing. Prime gears just shiny looks and give less more advantage than normal counterparts except the newest volt prime which is unfair to volt because everything better on it than the normal volt so you can trash if you need a slot.


Weapons and mods not balanced well neither pvp neither pve after a level. No random events and happens and almost all mission is the same boredom with different loot and rewards in the end. The lore is just only what the forum title say and almost nothing. No have direction for an end game but it's acceptable in the point it is a mmo game and constantly improving "given more content" so they cannot finish the line with a end story tale.


Performance issues almost from the beginning and they doesn't will to change their ideas about performance and they are always bandaid the actual content instead they revise from the roots them so the contents instabilty is guaranted.


Drop tables not problems in this game really because the rng is their stuff for motivate peoples to buy content if you have strong will and patience you can farm everything but there is no fix loots or rarely.


For me most annoying when cannot save my progress and crash the game at a 2 hour long survival and you can say bye bye to those stuffs what you worked hard.


Overall this game is a mediocre shooter with cool design but not more than this.

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I dont blame soo much the dev/staff... they are like a blind man at shooting..  they are really trying to improve the experience with warframe... but they doesnt know how...  its like effort with no sense of direction ._.

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You have played 2 years on a game. How much more surprise do you want after you have played that long with any single game? Also, that's quite an accomplishment for any game and dev to be proud of. Beside, DE is currently focusing on QoL though still include Tenno Reinforcement every other week, some new contents slowly rolling out while polishing older contents and improving every possible graphical aspects of the game.

You may care only one or two aspects or contents of the game. But DE cares about all contents and the entire game for everybody.

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You have played 2 years on a game. How much more surprise do you want after you have played that long with any single game? Also, that's quite an accomplishment for any game and dev to be proud of. Beside, DE is currently focusing on QoL though still include Tenno Reinforcement every other week, some new contents slowly rolling out while polishing older contents and improving every possible graphical aspects of the game.

You may care only one or two aspects or contents of the game. But DE cares about all contents and the entire game for everybody.

I agree, after all I stuck around all this time and probly still will with breaks in between. Besides I like bow mjuch it changed from placeholders. Edited by RXZ71
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You have played 2 years on a game. How much more surprise do you want after you have played that long with any single game? Also, that's quite an accomplishment for any game and dev to be proud of. Beside, DE is currently focusing on QoL though still include Tenno Reinforcement every other week, some new contents slowly rolling out while polishing older contents and improving every possible graphical aspects of the game.

You may care only one or two aspects or contents of the game. But DE cares about all contents and the entire game for everybody.


I could gladly skip the tenno reinforcements for more lore, more direction and more and more fixes.

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I could gladly skip the tenno reinforcements for more lore, more direction and more and more fixes.

I want more lore too. But I'm so happy with some new tenno reinforcements, just released yesterday; couple more awesome new toys for me to play with and shoot everybody with it. And they can be used in pvp, too. It felt like forever since the last ones.

Yesterday patch also includes quite a lot of fixes & updates, but I care only at the moment are few fixes for Edo Prime's. It finally looks so good on my Chroma. I'm sure a lot of other players are more appreciated than I on the remaining 90% of fixes yesterday, and I may also later as well, down the road, though I didn't know it yet. Regardless, I couldn't thank DE enough for those.

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Wait wait buddy, no one said the dev/staff doesnt work, what i am saying.. their efforts are out of acurracy, its not about how many content that game got... but the ones which are really efective =/

Its like shooting with machine gun trying to target a keyhole

About mine 2 years playing warframe... its simple to explain... stopped several times and just came back because i bought a new pc and some platinium discount

And why a stopped to play... because i got bored, different than other great mmo... mostly like because the college stuff + social stuff

Simple things which would make that game awesome

1 - mechanics of gunz (possibility for k/d styles) - it will solve pvp or fun problem

2 - an auction house or trade list (like megaten), it will F*** up the economy at beginning but will make it stable after some time

And soo tell me... what rewarding experience does you get with warframe?


3 - archwing, seriously.. griding a whole pack of new mods with exclusive use?.. err..

Edited by Redbringer
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The number one issue for me with this game over time is no return of the big events, like the relays being destroyed ext.


The main thing I look forward to on the weekends is when they have events which has been pretty sporadic, and so far are ever only one time, so all the major ones that I missed I currently will never see again as I don't think they have ever relaunched an event. 


Sure I know they probably don't want to destroy more relays or we won't have any left, but I am sure they could find an easy way to re-add them.


What does it really add to the game by keeping them locked out and very rare?


I don't want them to just re-release event mods without the event, and the fact that they have already coded the event should make it pretty easy for them to relaunch it.


It's very akin to getting a RPG game and finding out that you can't play through many parts of the story because they were time locked to a short window that already passed and they will never return, until you know the game goes retail which is looking like it won't be for more years to come to get out of beta if ever.


Challenging fulfillment is the next gripe. I would really rather see AI get smarter over mission time with their tactics than just amping up the levels. One, the immersion of being a war god is greatly reduced when you have a single Grineer crony who is consider worthless in the scope of their forces be able to one shot you because he's level 200. Have the AI improve as mission goes along, so it's harder to fight them. Give them bigger war machines to bring to battle, like a bit power armor, small vehicles, weapon platforms ext to make it harder to take them out.


This last part ME3 MP did this very well, those larger units were scary enough and weren't killed in 10 seconds, unless your team focus fired with good guns and skilled play. This also shows immersion wise that they need multiple large units to fight against the Tenno. Lastly ME3 MP AI seemed like it was vastly smarter than what we have in WF.


Third point is they need to adjust tactics to how a particular map should play out, as in to solve it. So take Survivals, make it so the enemy can steal, damage or hack to shutdown the life support. Makes it harder, as well as you need to defend them. Just makes sense.


Develop hacking a bit more and add it to many many more missions where you can only hack at console x which is away from other objectives. Make it so you need to keep doing it x minutes to open doors / area's, to get life support, to shut down security camera's / defenses. Perfect place for this is the big security rooms.


Then add in that every x minutes they get a bomb squad reinforcement that has to setup the bomb to take you all out, and always show up on a edge of map that is far away from Life support. This also gets the group to keep some to protect LS as well needing some to go for bomb squad. So you have a warning saying bomb squad has shown up and you have about 3 minutes to get someone to them to take it out before they set it off, which should it go off it would kill all non tanky / unprotected frames to make it very very difficult to revive the rest of the team. This would also address issues of camping and macro masters as it will always require active response. Same idea's could be applied with Defense missions.


These are the core things I would address first to make this game more satisfying. Honestly, if they could focus to make these changes, this game would be the cats assz.

Edited by Darkholde
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I do enjoy the constant updates but I think what I'd like to see is some energy weapons like a energy sword(Not metalic or anything) Just made up of pure energy. I dunno why but in Futuristic IP such as Warframe it's something I've been waiting for).

I do think there should be more mission variety and sometimes the reward for what mission you do is jarring. The TLDR version is I hope Warframe continues to thrive and gets more attention. It REALLY is a fun game and I enjoy it a lot. Does get repetitive and sometimes boring at times.

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To me, collecting all the frames/mods/sentinals/weapons/aesthetics is very rewarding. And finishing events are really fun too. Ive been playing off and on since U7 and i am always excited when new updates and loots are released. It renews my addiction. Its kinda sad that t4 endless is the 'ultimate endgame' and it doesnt even have a boss or unique reward. At least the raid seems to challenge this notion. I want to see more events, tactical alerts and raids. Heck, they can be designed to cycle every few weeks too. *oh no, Nef is at it again! Lets go stop him* It just seems that there is a lot of down time where i find myself browsing the planets, looking for something interesting to do. The syndicates are an awesome source of reward, with its daily runs to collect points; and then rank up to unlock more unique loot. Syndicates get a +1 for a rewarding experience. In fact, building raids around syndicates would be fantastic!

I hope the action continues to grow as the lore expands.

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Well.. and the end game of warframe is more likely to press one key to win, there is no need of player skill on that, no rewarding experience 

The frames are too overpowered, in all kind of situation.. there is no way to modify that.. would be endless nerf (which actually is not fair for new players) or mind blowing enemies change (good luck with that), sometimes I think they got no sense of gameplay like the players do

 Maybe more raids can ~ease that problem or "fix" the pvp, otherwise i dont think that game will survive for 5 years or more


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With constant updates the game can survive long enough if the devs learn how to make their game less repetitive and more fun. The most problem with this game is that cannot keep peoples so long 1-2 year maybe after they realise what mostly often others do that we have a game which mean nothing but grind for grind and do the same levels to level up your "op" stuff.


The lore behind the game is less than LoL and easily avoidable to them to implement any other extras. The uniquity ideal is just mean they doesn't copy working systems into their game which can save this game from the extinctcion. The fresh new players base always think this game is cool at first attempt so their playerbase is almost guaranteed until these generation grow up or they bore their game and leave it without any updates.


There is less uniquity only uniquity is in the game the spaceninja theme but this cannot keep the veterans in game. The free to play is always a "good" option for casual gamers whom not will spend money into the game but the unpatient or silly peoples buying sets and stuffs and not farm because of they want to fun the game.


The only fun in this game is mostly to kill something and every other similar game can do this so the uniquity is just shot poor dumb grineer/corpus/infesteds. The Ai is mediocre the tilesets buggy and there is no chance to be real cover because of mad spawns and all secret place is unpopular because of low rate of rewards which mean the peoples will play the endless mission types for more loot.


The rng is need for this game because without the devs cannot generate money as I said before the unpatient and peoples..


The lore is still not an important thing and this universe still just small codexes and there is no a booklike story from the beggining to the "end".

The new updates mostly give more weapons to the arsenal so the kids given new lollypop to lick it to their taste. New content always will ruin the balance and the buff/nerf waves coming without any direction which will reach a point where the peoples will left the game in greater numbers.


The potential in this game mostly the design and the coop gameplay but almost everyone soloing or play with friends and the performance is still under the frog arse. 

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I know its a pve focused game... but its soo repetitive and everyone know the  "end" , there is no surprise/emotion.. the difference between a skilled player and average one... is nothing... everyone can do any kind of run.. easily.. just need the right stuff and a healthy brain 

Maybe its because the mechanics, maybe the beta-pvp, maybe its because "too easy game", maybe the dev/staff take a look at the strong points of other games  ._.

It's the ability spamming. A Mag standing in one place and pulling and killing everything. Nova M.Priming everything. Loki disarming everything. A Vauban hiding in a hole and sucking in everything. Ability spamming makes the game more of a chores. And don't you dare say ability spamming is the problem because people are going to say your playstyle is the problem. Ability spamming is repetitive, no skills involved, no brains, anyone can do by pressing a button.

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