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A Different Energy System (Lore-Friendly?)


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This idea has been sitting in my mind for some time now, and I guess I've finally just decided to put all the thoughts down by this point for the heck of it.


I know this would be a dramatic change and even if DE tried to do it, it would take a fair amount of changing old things around, but I thought it would make Warframe a bit more fun, and maybe a bit more fair in some regards.





What if all Tenno generated energy over time, instead of collecting it?




Now to explain this a little bit, I mean all Tenno would gain some amount of energy over time instead of being forced to find energy drops from containers or enemies (and honestly speaking it doesn't really make sense that we can find health or energy from enemy corpses anyways, besides Necro's ability to drain life from corpses). This rate could be set in stone, it could be a little different for each warframe, or it could increase as the warframe is a higher level.


A good rate would require testing, but maybe about 2 energy per second would be a good starting point. Then you could do energy drops from lockers/breakables but not from enemies, and new mods could be added to boost (or corrupt) your energy generation rate.



I think this would make using ability-oriented warframes a bit more fun since you know you will always have some energy trickling in, rather than having to rely on the luck of finding energy, or needing to use energy siphon (which does not pop up on alerts very often anymore) but even then 1 energy per second is so very slow unless you are on a team with more than 1 of it.


The good news is that this would even work with the in-game lore. In the tutorial mission Vor describes warframes as merely glass that shapes the radiance of the tenno (I'm paraphrasing, it's been a while). Based on other little tid-bits we can learn throughout different corners of the game, we've pretty much gathered that warframe abilities are really just 'channels' that Tenno push their energy through, and that it isn't the warframe itself providing the energy.


With this being the case, wouldn't it make sense for Tenno to naturally generate energy over time and the Warframe to store that energy to use for abilities? It would make more sense than just sucking energy out of enemy corpses, lockers, and breakables in my opinion (not that we would need to take those out...maybe reduce their value or change them to temporarily increase the energy generation rate).


But on that topic...




If Warframes store the natural energy produced by Tenno...what would happen if the Warframe could not store anymore? What if each Warframe had some sort of....pressure release valve, or a 'Venting' ability?




I'm sure everyone's hit that point before in a match where they have just reached the max amount of energy that they can store, but just aren't in the situation to use it, or don't want to just in case they need it later? Well...if we all generated energy over time, what if a special passive ability would begin to trigger that is different for each warframe, a 'venting procedure' if you will.


Some examples:


Frost - Releases excess energy as a 'Cold' Aura, damaging enemies over time with a high proc chance.

(Ember, Volt, and Sayrn could have variants of the above ability -- Nyx might use Radiation, Mag use magnetic?)


Excalibur - Releases excess energy as a weapon augment, increasing melee damage by X.X%

(Mesa could have a variant of the above ability)


Trinity - Releases excess energy as a healing aura, recovering the HP of nearby allies


Necro - Releases excess energy as a 'Life Steal' Aura, giving melee life steal to allies within the area.


Nova - Has a secondary battery, allowing for an 'overcharge' effect, adding special traits to her abilities. Warning: If secondary battery reaches critical, she will go 'Super Nova,' releasing a massive shockwave while losing all shields and energy and being unable to recharge for a short time.






What if instead of needing to pick up energy, all Tenno could generate 2 or more energy per second on their own?


If tenno did generate energy like that, then could the warframes have a 'venting' passive once they hit max energy?

Edited by Erukyo
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2 energy per second is a lot less than I recieve with orbs. And the game would break because mods like Greedy Pull and Equilibrium depend on energy/health orbs.
I don't like orbs, though... I would like to extract energy straight from the enemies and/or their dead bodies as they seem to carry the energy sometimes.

Edited by LABAL
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true but i think the lotus is evil and when she "overloaded" ur systems she shortened out ur warframe abilities ever wondered why in the law the teno were so powerfull and why all your modds and forma and even your wepons went missing when you started the game.


Also how did the corpus and gin ear( cant spell) find the warframes hmm they have that portal defense system.


And i still think the lotus convinced the teno to kill the orkin but that's another story.


So to sume this all up the lotus screwed ur powers so that you have to get energy orbs  

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2 energy per second is a lot less than I recieve with orbs. And the game would break because mods like Greedy Pull and Equilibrium depend on energy/health orbs.

I don't like orbs, though... I would like to extract energy straight from the enemies and/or their dead bodies as they seem to carry the energy sometimes.


I wouldn't be sure of a good amount of energy honestly. It would probably increase the higher level the warframe is just to be fair.


Greedy Pull doesn't really rely on the orbs though given that it pulls all loot. And honestly the power is broken how it is (and is only really useful in camping survival and defense types).


Equilibrum could function the same if the health orbs given energy, and then energy regens gives X% health regen.



true but i think the lotus is evil and when she "overloaded" ur systems she shortened out ur warframe abilities ever wondered why in the law the teno were so powerfull and why all your modds and forma and even your wepons went missing when you started the game.


Also how did the corpus and gin ear( cant spell) find the warframes hmm they have that portal defense system.


And i still think the lotus convinced the teno to kill the orkin but that's another story.


So to sume this all up the lotus screwed ur powers so that you have to get energy orbs  



Even if that is true and that Lotus does somehow sabotage our warframes, then it still doesn't really make sense that it's the Tenno that is using the powers/energy, and that the warframe just channels it, but instead we have to gather energy from enemies in order to power the abilities/energy that we ourselves generate?

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Isn't this basically a version of the Energy Siphon aura? It's already pretty powerful on it's own. If there was going to be some sort of venting effect for being at max energy, I feel that it should probably just be visual, with no other side effects. Having those auras makes a fair few existing warframe abilities redundant and would discourage what little team play/synergy the warframes have.

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