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A bolt-action rifle with really high damage but requires a short reload between shots. All of my love for bolt action guns. I dont mean sniper rifles as I am terrible with the scopes and latron is just semi-auto assault rifle


Automatic harpoon for the bolt-type machineguns would be neat as well. Long reload time but deadly damage and precision. The projectiles would be larger than boltor bolts but smaller than paris arrows. Accuracy would be something in-between paris and boltor

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A moderately powerful rifle with 'variable' (or just manageable) rate of fire where you can tap-fire for long range, and hold down trigger and spray some bullets for when a Sawman suddenly appears in your face.


*cough*plug*cough* https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/32603-suggestion-relic-long-gun-an-orokin-era-combat-rifle/


And a beam spear or lance with a strong piercing multihit charge. Skewer me some barbecued Chargers.

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I disagree with the dual LEX. I think it's fine the way it is - I use it to snipe those pesky grineer or corpus who shoot at you from across the map.

Or maybe it could work. It would be neat to have dual-heavy pistols. Altough I don't think it would work with LEX, as it has a very high damage already.

EDIT: adding to the list...

Edited by WyzaiDDZ
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what would make this railgun different from Paris from a technical standpoint? Paris already does more damage than Snipertron when fully charged and has a charge time.

EDIT: Don't take me wrong - the idea is interesting but needs a bit polishing. I don't think the developers want to recreate what would essentially be the same weapon.

Apparently they don't have that long charge times though.

(A youtube video of the US navy firing a rail gun from a ship, in a slightly larger scale.)

indeed the idea need some polish, and here it is

- Paris can hold a charged shot because it is a bow and arrow, but a railgun would have to fire the shot once it is charged.

- The reload time on the railgun is medium to long because of a few factors, such as

   - opening the gun to eject the casing (unless it is using caseless ammunition, then it would be a small cool down period)

   - put a new ammo in the gun

   - close the gun

- The charge time of the railgun would be longer than Paris's charge time due to it being a hand held electric magnetic propulsion rifle, thus taking a bit longer to charge than that of the ship bound cannon. 

- The projectile of the gun would travel faster than that of an arrow but slower than a bullet

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indeed the idea need some polish, and here it is

- Paris can hold a charged shot because it is a bow and arrow, but a railgun would have to fire the shot once it is charged.

- The reload time on the railgun is medium to long because of a few factors, such as

   - opening the gun to eject the casing (unless it is using caseless ammunition, then it would be a small cool down period)

   - put a new ammo in the gun

   - close the gun

- The charge time of the railgun would be longer than Paris's charge time due to it being a hand held electric magnetic propulsion rifle, thus taking a bit longer to charge than that of the ship bound cannon. 

- The projectile of the gun would travel faster than that of an arrow but slower than a bullet

 The way I saw it work it didn't have any casings. you put in a chunk of magnetic iron (or whaever that thing was) and fire it away. So I think it could be good with a 1 shot clip or no clip at all. So you charge, fire, reload, charge, fire and reload and so on.

with the... uhh... "bullet" firing at the end of the charge automatically.

Also if I'm not mistaken (which I could be)  the shot should be at least as fast as a bullet, possibly faster.

I take it's supposed to be a super-powered sniper rifle, because I hope you didn't mean to make it a rifle. So the base idea is to make a sniper rifle that's even heavier than snipertron or paris? Would work for me. I can just see those mind-blowing headshots.

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I Just bought the snipetron and I love it but there are hardly ever ammo drops for it I would like it if the ammo would pop out of lockers every once in awhile at least and one more thing why are nuerodes so hard to find?

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I like the idea of some kind of rail guns and a form of a bolt action rifle(yes, I'm a sucker for precision weapons and yes the Paris is currently my favorite).

Also, a rapier would be nice as well.


However, I'd really like to see a scythe!

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I like the idea of some kind of rail guns and a form of a bolt action rifle(yes, I'm a sucker for precision weapons and yes the Paris is currently my favorite).

Also, a rapier would be nice as well.


However, I'd really like to see a scythe!

You are a genius! Now I want a scythe too,

A scythe with large sweeping strikes that beheads enemies.

Edited by WyzaiDDZ
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How about a launcher that fires a slow moving but powerful energy sphere, which deals about the same damage as the snipetron on a direct hit, with the added benefit of an area of effect, though at the cost of slow projectile speed and low clip size. To give it a more strategic edge, each shot can be charged to create a faster moving sphere that can richochet off walls, and for each surface it hits before contacting an enemy, it will become more unstable, significantly increasing it's damage and area of effect. A charged shot could deal more damage than any other unmodded weapon, though if a charged shot richochets too many times without hitting an enemy, it will not create an explosion, meaning there is some skill required in order to richochet it and deal the most damage. It can be called "The Spherion", or something like that.


Either that or a detonator-type weapon, that fires proximity mines that take a brief moment to deploy, but once active, can deal a hefty amount of damage. It can be used to hit enemies directly like a grenade launcher, but the undeployed mines would deal significantly less damage and only explode on direct contact with an enemy. This would effectively hinder the player's ability to fight hordes of enemies head on, but if enjoy luring enemies into traps or need area denial during defense missions, you'll find yourself taking down powerful adverasies without even having to put yourself in harm's way. The mines could either trigger automatically, or if that's too safe on the player's behalf, they could be manually detonated (right-clicking will detonate the mines instead of aiming down the crosshairs).


That's my two cents. They're not the most creative weapon ideas, but I feel that they would be great additions to provide different approaches to combat, or just provide some more weapon variety to the game.

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Here's my ideas:


The Amp Banner


A heavy weapon in the form of a flag with the Lotus symbol on it, it's slow and unbelievably weak when swinging it normally.  However, upon a charge attack, it plants the flag into the ground, forming a small area around it which you can beat the crap out of through completely unarmed, hand to hand combat.  Normally, your fighting would be awful, but being within the flag's area causes trails of the energy color of your choice to drop behind your hands and feet, and your damage is amplified.  You have to get your flag back each time you're done ripping through a small group of enemies with the X button, however, and the charge time takes about three seconds and leaves you vulnerable to knockdowns and such.  Allies within the area also get a slight damage and fire rate buff to their melee weapons.


The Focus Beam


A primary weapon with low damage and shotgun range, it fires a very thin and continuous stream of electricity.  However, keeping it focused upon a target slowly causes its damage to rise, until it becomes the highest DPS weapon in the game.  If you stop attacking enemies, however, your damage bonus drops ridiculously fast upon that enemy, and the magazine takes a hefty amount of time to reload.

Edited by Luzoto
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Here's my ideas:


The Amp Banner


A heavy weapon in the form of a flag with the Lotus symbol on it, it's slow and unbelievably weak when swinging it normally.  However, upon a charge attack, it plants the flag into the ground, forming a small area around it which you can beat the crap out of through completely unarmed, hand to hand combat.  Normally, your fighting would be awful, but being within the flag's area causes trails of the energy color of your choice to drop behind your hands and feet, and your damage is amplified.  You have to get your flag back each time you're done ripping through a small group of enemies with the X button, however, and the charge time takes about three seconds and leaves you vulnerable to knockdowns and such.  Allies within the area also get a slight damage and fire rate buff to their melee weapons.


The Focus Beam


A primary weapon with low damage and shotgun range, it fires a very thin and continuous stream of electricity.  However, keeping it focused upon a target slowly causes its damage to rise, until it becomes the highest DPS weapon in the game.  If you stop attacking enemies, however, your damage bonus drops ridiculously fast upon that enemy, and the magazine takes a hefty amount of time to reload.

The Banner is a nice idea, but I don't think I agree with beating enemies bare-handed. I mean we already have 2 types of gauntlets for throwing punches, and to be honest, I don't see anyone in their right mind beating armored enemies bare-handed.

I think the player should either draw some other weapon from the banner, maybe some kind of blade that was attached to it, or it should just be something that empowers all players' attacks within the area, both melee and gun.

As for the beam:

Technically, shotguns have a pretty high range - I've shot grineer halfway across a large room. It just does terrible damage, about 1/50 of normal damage. Focus Beam is a nice idea, but it would need a longer range (at least as long as the actual range on shotguns) and a rapid rise in damage when fired. Otherwise it becomes plain useless, since it's nearly impossible to fire at an enemy continously from 5 meters away as most enemies have either shockwaves, charges or other forms of stagger. If you could avoid their attacks, you'd still have to hit them with all their swaying and jumping.

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How about a launcher that fires a slow moving but powerful energy sphere, which deals about the same damage as the snipetron on a direct hit, with the added benefit of an area of effect, though at the cost of slow projectile speed and low clip size. To give it a more strategic edge, each shot can be charged to create a faster moving sphere that can richochet off walls, and for each surface it hits before contacting an enemy, it will become more unstable, significantly increasing it's damage and area of effect. A charged shot could deal more damage than any other unmodded weapon, though if a charged shot richochets too many times without hitting an enemy, it will not create an explosion, meaning there is some skill required in order to richochet it and deal the most damage. It can be called "The Spherion", or something like that.


Either that or a detonator-type weapon, that fires proximity mines that take a brief moment to deploy, but once active, can deal a hefty amount of damage. It can be used to hit enemies directly like a grenade launcher, but the undeployed mines would deal significantly less damage and only explode on direct contact with an enemy. This would effectively hinder the player's ability to fight hordes of enemies head on, but if enjoy luring enemies into traps or need area denial during defense missions, you'll find yourself taking down powerful adverasies without even having to put yourself in harm's way. The mines could either trigger automatically, or if that's too safe on the player's behalf, they could be manually detonated (right-clicking will detonate the mines instead of aiming down the crosshairs).


That's my two cents. They're not the most creative weapon ideas, but I feel that they would be great additions to provide different approaches to combat, or just provide some more weapon variety to the game.

Seeing as how Snipertron is currently the most powerful weapon in the game, if not counting a fully charged Paris, I think it would be insanely overpowered for the shots to rival that in damage. I'd see it working if the spheres dealt moderate damage (around 50) at start and each bounce would give it maybe 20 extra damage. That way you'd need 2 or 3 bounces to beat Snipertron. It would also emphasize the tactical aspect of the weapon. Also, I'm interested in what would happen when it hit an enemy: would it sweep through them wiping out the entire enemy army, or would it detonate and wipe out all enemies unlucky enough to be caught by it?


I'd like some mines for this game. They would do wonders for the solo games, or just be an added bonus for defense.

I think they would make a perfect example of what I had in mind when I suggested support weapons as an option to pistols.

Edited by WyzaiDDZ
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The Banner is a nice idea, but I don't think I agree with beating enemies bare-handed. I mean we already have 2 types of gauntlets for throwing punches, and to be honest, I don't see anyone in their right mind beating armored enemies bare-handed.

I think the player should either draw some other weapon from the banner, maybe some kind of blade that was attached to it, or it should just be something that empowers all players' attacks within the area, both melee and gun.

As for the beam:

Technically, shotguns have a pretty high range - I've shot grineer halfway across a large room. It just does terrible damage, about 1/50 of normal damage. Focus Beam is a nice idea, but it would need a longer range (at least as long as the actual range on shotguns) and a rapid rise in damage when fired. Otherwise it becomes plain useless, since it's nearly impossible to fire at an enemy continously from 5 meters away as most enemies have either shockwaves, charges or other forms of stagger. If you could avoid their attacks, you'd still have to hit them with all their swaying and jumping.

When you're within the banner's range, trails of the energy color you chose fall behind your hands and feet, and your damage is amplified to...maybe something a little bit below the two gauntlets.  Also, his attacks are lightning fast, allowing you to clear out small patches of enemies in moments.  The area's pretty darn small when I say small, though.


As for the Focus Beam, you have a good point there now that I think about it.  It's more or less a weapon used to rip down individual targets like bosses, and I don't think that's gunna happen when all of them use a shockwave.

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