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Post Your Weapon Suggestions Here!


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Seeing as how Snipertron is currently the most powerful weapon in the game, if not counting a fully charged Paris, I think it would be insanely overpowered for the shots to rival that in damage. I'd see it working if the spheres dealt moderate damage (around 50) at start and each bounce would give it maybe 20 extra damage. That way you'd need 2 or 3 bounces to beat Snipertron. It would also emphasize the tactical aspect of the weapon. Also, I'm interested in what would happen when it hit an enemy: would it sweep through them wiping out the entire enemy army, or would it detonate and wipe out all enemies unlucky enough to be caught by it?


I'd like some mines for this game. They would do wonders for the solo games, or just be an added bonus for defense.

I think they would make a perfect example of what I had in mind when I suggested support weapons as an option to pistols.

The main reason I suggested the base damage should be on par with the snipetron is because although this is very powerful and comes with an area of effect, the max damage only comes with a direct hit, and additionally the base explosion isn't very wide and the projectiles are slow, meaning that it's actually worse than the snipetron unless you just want to deal moderate damage to tight groups of enemies. I definitely know what you mean in terms of it potentially being OP, though it is more or less suppose to be like a mini-rocket launcher: powerful, though slow and clumsy as a set-back. As for the charge sphere, I like the idea of it penetrating multiple enemies; Creating smaller shockwaves per enemy hit would certainly be more interesting than just one big explosion.

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How about a silent, stealth-oriented secondary? We already got Paris for primary, so it should be existed for people who prefer complete stealth...
It could be anything, from crossbow to silenced pistol...

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How about a silent, stealth-oriented secondary? We already got Paris for primary, so it should be existed for people who prefer complete stealth...

It could be anything, from crossbow to silenced pistol...

hint: read the previous posts

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The main reason I suggested the base damage should be on par with the snipetron is because although this is very powerful and comes with an area of effect, the max damage only comes with a direct hit, and additionally the base explosion isn't very wide and the projectiles are slow, meaning that it's actually worse than the snipetron unless you just want to deal moderate damage to tight groups of enemies. I definitely know what you mean in terms of it potentially being OP, though it is more or less suppose to be like a mini-rocket launcher: powerful, though slow and clumsy as a set-back. As for the charge sphere, I like the idea of it penetrating multiple enemies; Creating smaller shockwaves per enemy hit would certainly be more interesting than just one big explosion.

I think I need details to understand what you mean. How big is the sphere, how much does it grow per bounce and how fast is it (uncharged and fully charged)? Because if it's as big as a tenno and as fast as a bullet it's definetely overpowered.

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I think I need details to understand what you mean. How big is the sphere, how much does it grow per bounce and how fast is it (uncharged and fully charged)? Because if it's as big as a tenno and as fast as a bullet it's definetely overpowered.

Oh, no, the sphere itself doesn't grow. It would always be small, like around the size of a basketball or something, it's just the splash damage radius that grows when richocheted. I'm not sure exactly how fast it would be, but around the same speed (or even slower) than your run of the mill video game rocket. Even fully charged, it would never exceed the speed of a bullet (THAT would be OP).

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Melee: A simple straight sword, made of metal. Along the line of Heat and dark blade but with a symmetric design.


Primary: More futuristic streamlined weapons (blocky but elongated design) ... A lot of rifles look steampunk or too organic.

Also make the Mk1-Braton look different from the Braton


Secondary: ... No need, the Lex is a simple handgun and I love its design.


For a new weapon: A minigun?

Edited by Shieldmaiden
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"Maul" Battle Rifle, a powerful, automatic weapon that can shred through enemies at close and long, however, at long range this weapon must be burst fired due to its unmanageable recoil in full auto. (Recoil would be greater than the Grakata, 1.3 to 1.5x)


Base Damage: 35

Base Firing Rate: 7.4

Accuracy: 25

Base Magazine Size: 20

Base Ammo Pool: 200

Base Reload Speed: 3.2s

Base Critical Chance: 3%

Base Critical Damage: 200%

Edited by Nuntium
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"Basilisk" sniper rifle, a Grineer manufactured sniper that makes up for its low damage with lightning fast five round bursts, a favorite of Grineer looking for a way to take out Tenno at longer range.


Base Damage: 24

Base Firing Rate: 2.0 (Burst 25)

Accuracy: Forget these numbers, what do they even mean?! Accurate!

Base Magazine size: 15

Base Ammo Pool: 300

Base Reload Speed: 4.2 Seconds

Base Critical Chance: 12%

Base Critical Damage: 200%

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"Basilisk" sniper rifle, a Grineer manufactured sniper that makes up for its low damage with lightning fast five round bursts, a favorite of Grineer looking for a way to take out Tenno at longer range.


Base Damage: 24

Base Firing Rate: 2.0 (Burst 25)

Accuracy: Forget these numbers, what do they even mean?! Accurate!

Base Magazine size: 15

Base Ammo Pool: 300

Base Reload Speed: 4.2 Seconds

Base Critical Chance: 12%

Base Critical Damage: 200%

What exactly do you mean by burst fire? Are you able to control how many bullets are shot out of the gun, or are all five shot with one click?

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What exactly do you mean by burst fire? Are you able to control how many bullets are shot out of the gun, or are all five shot with one click?


Five are shot every time you pull the trigger, at 1500 RPM.

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I am unsure of how common this request happens to be but i would love to see a Katana or Nodachi like weapon for melee. Sure enough the Skana is cool but i love the finesse of the Katana, yeah i just want a Katana sorry.

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"Basilisk" sniper rifle, a Grineer manufactured sniper that makes up for its low damage with lightning fast five round bursts, a favorite of Grineer looking for a way to take out Tenno at longer range.


Base Damage: 24

Base Firing Rate: 2.0 (Burst 25)

Accuracy: Forget these numbers, what do they even mean?! Accurate!

Base Magazine size: 15

Base Ammo Pool: 300

Base Reload Speed: 4.2 Seconds

Base Critical Chance: 12%

Base Critical Damage: 200%

Let me get this straight: you want a SNIPER RIFLE with an ammo pool of 300 and burst fire of 5 rounds per click? You do realize that would never work because sniper ammo gives 10 rounds per loot? Either the devs would have to change their ammo system or you would need to make that a simple rifle. And it would still have an insane recoil - I've played with Burston and it has a pretty high recoil with just 3 round bursts.

[Pending update or delete depending on whether the game mechanics have changed with the new patch.]

Edited by WyzaiDDZ
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I smell a wrist mounted crossbow! Perfect Dark N64 anyone?


Think that Deus Ex had it first...

It could shoot poison/acid (for robots) darts.


how about a shotgun kinda weapon that fires tactical micro nukes...they penetrate the enemy and then explode blowing them to itty bitty pieces...or shoot the ground in the middle of a crowd and blow up a few of them

Something like this you mean?

Five are shot every time you pull the trigger, at 1500 RPM.

Jeez, that's a very recoil-intensive sounding gun :s

The AN-94 does two shots at 1200 RPM, and that's a real gun.

So 5 shots at 1500 RPM should be possible in the way future.

Then again, not with what we've seen from the Grineer so far. ;)


As for what I'd like:

A low-ROF automatic battle rifle.

High Damage (30-35, not quite Latron)

Low ROF (3-5)


Magazine size doesn't really matter to me, but lets say... 30-ish.

A bit like this, so to say:

Exploding bullets is optional.

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A flail weapon. Something similar to kusarigama maybe. A fast single target hit with the sickle and a multitarget AoE swing with the chain as charged attack.

YES! Flails/maces are my favorite medieval weapons (along with crossbows). Also support dart idea, but I would love a set of flamethrowers for the game. It's already implemented on the enemies, and how about elemental versions? (so a ice-thrower that freezes =p)

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A high powered silenced pistol would be nice, or at least some kind of stealth secondary. Also i think a beam weapon would be cool ( sort of like a Halo Sentinel Beam). Also yes, Infested weaponry would be cool, personally its the reason why i like Saryn (for contagion).

Kunais are your best friends...

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I am unsure of how common this request happens to be but i would love to see a Katana or Nodachi like weapon for melee. Sure enough the Skana is cool but i love the finesse of the Katana, yeah i just want a Katana sorry.

I've already asked for one, how does this sound? (copy paste)


A Katana would be amazing, only cutting down vertically, , extremely precise strikes that are only centrally focused, so there would be no "follow through" on the sides like Scindo or Fragor, making it a very single target based weapon, but still have the ability to hit multiple targets within the range. 
Along with the idea of a central based weapon, the charge attack could be a thrust, or piercing strike, that only hits directly in line with the reticle, dealing massive damage at the cost of a single target (maybe for weaker-end enemies it pierces through into the one behind?).
For the slide attack it could be a powerful upwards stroke at the end of the slide which drags the player forwards and causes them to stand, once again, this would probably be a single target strike.
The Jump AoE would be either just stabbing into the ground, making it similar to the Dual Ether's with a small AoE, or alternatively it could be like the Fragor's one, using the entirety of the blade to hit the ground (maybe creating a unique shock wave that only goes sideways from the blade, not in front or behind like usual).
Finishing melee (stabbing when they're knocked down) would be much like the animation of Fragor's where the player twists the blade downwards and stabs directly into the chest, the only difference would be that it's much faster.
I'm not sure of many of the stealth attacks of other weapons, but I was thinking that the stealth for the katana would be some form of downwards stab into the neck or spine area for Grineer and Corpus Crewman. Any suggestions for other enemies is welcome.
That is what I have so far, if there's anything I've forgotten or any suggestions feel free to add on. :)
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