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Best Primary Weapons Duel (Latron, Braton Vandal, Grakata?)



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Have that already, that was my main because it was a sniper-shotgun, now I want an ALL AROUND weapon, means good for long range even. =D

Just wait for U8 and make sure you are close to Rank 7 before that. To be able to buy the highest weapons immediately.

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Braton (or Vandal if you own it), Boltor, Latron in that order. My three favorite primaries, I have them supercharged and at max, 27, 27 rank respectively.


The damage buff to Braton really helped. Useful at any range (2-3 shot taps for long distances are manageable), great firing rate. Mod to taste with Speed Trigger if you want it bullet hose mode, along with Fast Hands to maintain your DPS. Excellent for any situation, does not have any glaring weakness.


Boltor was made to annihilate Grineer with innate armor piercing. Somewhat slow fire rate but Speed Trigger remedies this. Put Cryo Rounds or Thunderclap in the D polarity slot (I prefer the latter as I can almost stunlock bosses with it). Accuracy is all over the place at mid-long range, compensate with an accurate sidearm. The most fun to use, perforating enemies and nailing them to walls is awesome.


Latron if you have really good aim and are proficient at headshots. The sneaky damage buff helped a good bit too (now 40 base damage). Great ammo economy but sub-optimal if you're swarmed up close and for solo boss battles, although in a team, it more than holds its own as say you can perch up a ledge while your teammates distract Vay Hek and you effortlessly pump bullets into his head. Max level Split Chamber should go in the V polarity slot and/or as high of a Serration as you can afford. Cryo Rounds also helps a lot to slow down your targets in case you miss a headshot attempt the first time. I personally like to pair this with Dual Vipers as my sidearm.

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Just wait for U8 and make sure you are close to Rank 7 before that. To be able to buy the highest weapons immediately.


I;m Rank 8 halfway to Rank 9, thanks for the info =D

Braton (or Vandal if you own it), Boltor, Latron in that order. My three favorite primaries, I have them supercharged and at max, 27, 27 rank respectively.


The damage buff to Braton really helped. Useful at any range (2-3 shot taps for long distances are manageable), great firing rate. Mod to taste with Speed Trigger if you want it bullet hose mode, along with Fast Hands to maintain your DPS. Excellent for any situation, does not have any glaring weakness.


Boltor was made to annihilate Grineer with innate armor piercing. Somewhat slow fire rate but Speed Trigger remedies this. Put Cryo Rounds or Thunderclap in the D polarity slot (I prefer the latter as I can almost stunlock bosses with it). Accuracy is all over the place at mid-long range, compensate with an accurate sidearm. The most fun to use, perforating enemies and nailing them to walls is awesome.


Latron if you have really good aim and are proficient at headshots. The sneaky damage buff helped a good bit too (now 40 base damage). Great ammo economy but sub-optimal if you're swarmed up close and for solo boss battles, although in a team, it more than holds its own as say you can perch up a ledge while your teammates distract Vay Hek and you effortlessly pump bullets into his head. Max level Split Chamber should go in the V polarity slot and/or as high of a Serration as you can afford. Cryo Rounds also helps a lot to slow down your targets in case you miss a headshot attempt the first time. I personally like to pair this with Dual Vipers as my sidearm.

I cant really say anything for latron, but i love my Braton Vandal.

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Grakata is bad to other people, most likely because they're building it wrong. I've heard that with the Grakata, it's best to build not towards regular damage, but towards crits and crit damage (Which is what I'm doing with mine). So far, I haven't seen the glaring issues that people have with it so far. But I haven't been using it against higher levels. 

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I think they should change the ammo drop system to be magazine based.


personally, I think the best Primary weapon would be the Akbolto because it has faster ROF and more damage than the Boltor.


I do like the way the Grakata looks and would like to have its skin replace my Braton's. The Braton just looks too boxy and has a weird design. It's built like a bullpup rifle but still reloads like a normal rifle.

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Lets see. If you have good aim use the Latron, you can do a lot of dmg hiting the weak spots and you will never run out of ammo.

Braton is a average wpn. Good at everything but not excelent at anything.

Grakata is for when you wanna make dmg really fast. It needs some aim and burst control, never go full auto with regular mobs, just bosses.

Gorgon is good for sustained dmg to a group of mobs or a big boss.

Boltor, good for mid-close range, ok dmg, has AP, the problem is the bolts travel time, you have to compensate you aim or you will be wasting a lot of ammo. If you lag is even worse. And dont believe to any one that tells you to use the +%crit and +dmg crit mod on this thing. Even with a full lvl 5 point strike you would be criting just 2 o 3 bulltes per magazine.

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