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Is Everyone Really Okay Being Used?


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A lot of people have brought this up earlier, but it seems they just ignore you after seeing your frame / wep choice. I mean I'm like half a wep away from MR 10 so idk if it's MR or what


Yeah MR is really the only indicator for your experience in this game. So you can't really blame anyone when players are using it to judge other players. Again as i say veterans will mostly understand what you do without your explanation, so players who ignore you is probably newer players. And you do lost a lot of respect from newer players when your MR isn't high enough.

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It's not new, people have been asking for specific frames to fill specific roles in specific modes for the entirety of this game's existence.


Frankly, I have every frame in the game, I just bring whatever they want. I want the reward theyre looking for too probably.

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You can't blame the players, blame DE's definition of 'difficulty scaling'.

When you make a game about bullet sponges that happen to be able to nullify your skills and kill you in pretty much one hit regardless of your mods people will naturally gravitate towards the most cost effective way to overcome that, hence endless missions requiring specific frames to last longer and survivals full of campers.

This is the game they made.

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The concept of community gravitation towards the quickest and easiest way to do complete or as closely automate long or repetitive game sessions such as farming is as old as farming items.  The other people are putting their time into the mission just as you do, and most of the time they are just ensuring that they are not being expected to carry another user with little to offer in late rounds/waves/etc. and without being informed of having to do so.


If it comes to 40+min and suddenly you are going down, dealing no damage, or providing no utility, and yet you specified you wanted 60min+ runs for example, then of course that situation can turn sour.  If you are low level and want users to carry you to high rounds and waves, saying so will gather the people you want.


In your case, you observe users bringing certain frames or asking for them in exchange for the host putting up the key.  The host is ensuring that they are getting the results they are after with known strategies that are essentially fool-proof if handled with reasonable threat assessment such as prioritizing nullifiers.


I can present a rather common example from another game: Monster Hunter Frontier Online


In MHFO you are limited to 4 players in a quest, and for the most part you are quite weak against the player# scaling HP of the highest ranking quests with enemies that can one shot you or deal 90% health damage in seconds.  Even solo players and players with full competency in the game and it's mechanics submitted to the idea that farming hundreds/thousands of entry tickets just to enter quests that used 1-5 tickets each was absurd if we took w/e we wanted everytime.  It turned 3min hame (efficiency) runs into 8-20min chicken chases while the boss monster would change areas or resist status/traps, etc. all lowering the damage output and risking failure due to three death limit.  We took specific weapon line-ups, and made concessions for players with weaker gear all the time.  However, doing so required more resources and more stress on the experienced/overgeared players in order to compensate for reduced damage or setup requirements.  We also ran the same quests with absurd gear restrictions for fun when we were burnt out of our minds, such as all players using Christmas gear, notorious for their suck-stats, 'cause fun.



People do what comes easiest and guaranteed if all they want is a low percent failure on a key they probably spent time in a mission they hated just to get, or don't want to waste their limited supply on a pug gamble.

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I play want I want. I can handle endless modes on most 'frames. There's a few I wouldn't normally bring there, but the rest I can work with..


Don't like it? Tough. Chew harder. I brought what I brought for reasons and you'll bloody well like them, smile, and politely ask for more.


For me it pretty much comes down to 40min and out with PuGs. If the group clicks really well, then 60min. After that, you really do need a dedicated cheese group and frankly I don't find that all that much fun.


Also, an hour at one mission is more than enough. There are such things as bio breaks, carpal tunnel breaks, adult beverage breaks, significant other nag breaks, and the small matter of food from time to time. Everything in its time and place.

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No one will resort to the hard way when there is a more easier way.

not even remotely true,the hard way is alot more fun sometimes


i generally just go with whatever frame or setup i want...regardless if its my key or someone elses...i will play however i want..ive gone into missions with nekros and refused to use desecrate


the rcruiting channel is always buzzing with group formations...so if the key owner throws a hissy fit and leaves,its easy to get onto another group

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I play want I want. I can handle endless modes on most 'frames. There's a few I wouldn't normally bring there, but the rest I can work with..


Don't like it? Tough. Chew harder. I brought what I brought for reasons and you'll bloody well like them, smile, and politely ask for more.


For me it pretty much comes down to 40min and out with PuGs. If the group clicks really well, then 60min. After that, you really do need a dedicated cheese group and frankly I don't find that all that much fun.


Also, an hour at one mission is more than enough. There are such things as bio breaks, carpal tunnel breaks, adult beverage breaks, significant other nag breaks, and the small matter of food from time to time. Everything in its time and place.

i agree,i think its time we started some sort of anti cheese movement

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İ think this sitation is becaouse of power creeping... Because we have some 200+ wave defence players etc...Or maxed power players who can use (press 4 to win) with only 20 power...Because of these things you cant bring your mid tier build warframe to t4s . One eyed man becomes king in blins world like sitation  all warframe have good powers but some of them with very  very good build have superman power... İ think this is worse for game because these player can sit in one zone and just spawn ultimate skill for endless = king of farming...İf you dont bleave me go and watch some youtube videos, some builds are soooooo op you dont even need to MOVE.İ think in natural form they are not op but when you do this (

) yeah its so brilliant but its soo game breaking too for me i dont find it fair (my opinion)...(sorry for bad english)
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You can bring anything you want, really, but unless you know what you're doing, or can explain it, people do NOT want you wasting their key on your goofiness.

 I agree. It's why I think WF is geared towards co-op play, not solo gaming.


I also think this is why I don't like to join strangers in coop play. I don't want to waste their time and certainly don't want to waste mine.


WF isn't so much about winning as it is about finding the right combinations of warframes, mods, and weapons to game the system.

Edited by Lordmang4
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You don't bring a knife to a gunfight.


Sad but true, endgame stuff requires a proper team build. You can fool around in endless missions up to some point, but past that you just have to use particular playstyle. Hence I hate endless missions, because not only do I usually get Forma BP every 20 minutes, but I also have to play a particular frame, and usually I just play what I feel like playing not what I have to play.

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Damage frames like Valkyr, Saryn, and Ash are effectively worthless in endless

I can't speak for Saryn but:

- The point at which Ash's Bladestorm starts not killing enemies is so far off you wouldn't be able to get there with whatever CC, at level 100 it can still clear entire rooms. Actually it could devastate the enemies of the tac alert Escalation without any problem even without a damage buffer. That was 120-150.

- Valkyr can still be useful (not in defense maybe, but in survival) cause she's completely invulnerable and can revive, pick up life support etc.

Edited by Autongnosis
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I'm okay with being useful(what you define as being used) instead of leeching and adding nothing to the table to a specific mission.


Don't kid yourself into believing all frames are on equal footing when it comes to defense missions or even worse: that all frames are just as good and balanced generally.

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I don't know if you're just low level or something, but I've consistently seen Greedy Mag and Loki as well.

Once you get up to the higher levels of Warframe, it doesn't matter how much damage you can do, it only matters what utility you can bring. Damage frames like Valkyr, Saryn, and Ash are effectively worthless in endless, because once you've progressed past the point that their abilities can't kill everything [or anything], they lose all value, whereas frames with CC and buff abilities maintain their value.


I don't know if you're just low level or something.. but my saryn ash and valkyr can effectively kill high level targets very easily.


See how that can be flipped? Don't pull the "level" card on people. You just look bad in the end. 


People should learn that you can get your point across without insulting him, his play-style or his level of experience.

Edited by BlutAdler
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