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Question About Critical Chance And Critical Damage?



I don't understand the diffferences between the two.  I don't understand what "multiplyers" implies.  I don't know how to tell if certain weapon require one or the other. 


Say for example, if you had a mod that gave you 25% critical chance and another one that give you 25% critical damage, which one would you take?



Thank guys as always!

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Easiest way is probably through example.


I have a weap:


100 dmg

10% crit chance

1.5 Crit multiplier


That means I have a 10% per shot to increase the shot's dmg by 1.5 its normal amount (150)


Now since mods are percentage based, they are only really noticeable/helpful on weapons that have a high base Crit chance or crit multipler.


I have a different weap:


100 dmg

25% crit chance

1.5 crit multipler


a 25% increase crit chance is much better on this weapon than the first (1.25*25). The same logic can be applied to crit multipler. The higher the better. As for a general rule of thumb... I think it's roughly if the weapon has 15% base crit chance + 2x crit dmg, its better to build for crit % + dmg. Again this is rough.

Edited by KingIzek
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It's simple:

Critical chance means how big is your chance to random crit an enemy with given weapon.

Critical damage multiplier means how much damage will that random crit deal. For example 3.0x multiplier means that on critical hit your weapon will deal x3 more damage (or +200%).

Different weapons have different crit chances and multipliers, and while some can actually make use of crit-builds (like soma for example) others can't (tiberon, boltor).

And and you must understand that random crit and headshot crit (bonus damage dealt on headshot) - different things. Completely different. There is even a chance that you will random crit while headshoting an enemy, dealing just devastating amounts of damage.


EDIT: about your question - what would i prefer? Critical chance. Only critical chance. Higher chance of crit - less you have to worry about your luck. Critical multiplier upgrade goes AFTER critical chance upgrade. They complement each other. But chance should always go first.

Edited by Artek94
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A headshot that is also a crit gets a bonus 2x more damage. This alone makes critical chance more valuable than critical damage when making headshots.


For melee, a crit will activate the Berserker mod, regardless of the critical damage, so True Steel (the crit chance mod) is generally more valuable than Organ Shatter (the critical damage mod) when using the Berserker mod.

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As a rule of thumb:


-If a weapon has at least 10% chance and a 2x multiplier Point Strike and Vital Sense + 2 elemental mods will squeeze more damage out of it than 4  elemental mods.

-Only use Point Strike and Vital Sense. Hammer Shot and Critical Delay are not worth it. Never.

-Only use crit mods if you allready have a solid base damage. Crits can turn good damage into awesome damage but they can't turn low damage into good damage.

-Only use both Crit Chance (Point Strike) and Crit Damage (VItal Sense) together, if you only use one of them you are missing out on A LOT of damage and on low crit chance weapons you would be better off with an elemental mod instead. (exceptions be made for pistols where the crit chance mod (pistol gambit) alone is a viable option since the crit damage mod (target cracker) is just really bad. An example would be the AkMagnus here.)

-All the above is for rifles, you can get some crit builds on pistols but there are very few ones, same for melee. There is no really viable crit shotgun.


And allways remember, crit will give you more damage on some weapons but it also increases the damage width, the damage you deal per shot will be less consistent.  I would only recomend a crit build for weapons with a crit chance of 20% or higher.

Also, if you want to find out wich weapon goes well with crit damage play around with http://warframe-builder.com/

Edited by Scr4mp
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Lastly, should Crit chance and Crit damage (aka multiplyers) always be use together or will some build have only 1 of the 2?

The only times you'd want crit chance without damage is when exploiting the following:


A headshot that is also a crit gets a bonus 2x more damage. This alone makes critical chance more valuable than critical damage when making headshots.


For melee, a crit will activate the Berserker mod, regardless of the critical damage, so True Steel (the crit chance mod) is generally more valuable than Organ Shatter (the critical damage mod) when using the Berserker mod.

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If you put on Critical Chance, you should always put on Critical Damage as well. The two of them magnify the effects of each other. The only time it makes any sense to add Crit Chance without Crit Damage is on a melee weapon with 10% crit chance, just to make it Berserker viable.


Different weapons have different crit chances and multipliers, and while some can actually make use of crit-builds (like soma for example) others can't (tiberon, boltor).


The Tiberon actually can and should use a crit build. That may seem strange with its unfortunately low crit chance, but the high accuracy, negligible recoil and the diminishing returns of stacking too many elemental mods means a crit build performs equal or better than a pure damage build as long as you're going for headshots.

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