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Poll Results-86.9% Of Players Want Rollers Tweaked/removed


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And whats next take shields lancers shield and make it so small it only covers his genitals area,make shockwave laid eggs and etc...LOl man rollers are just doing their task in the game and that is to make you an easy vurnerable target.So seems to me they are doing their job just well when i see u crying here. Rollers should stay,yes they are annoying but at same time fun for me because they are ltricky to get and they are anti rusher tool.

Lol'd...please dear...continue to preach...this is perfect.

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I snipe multiple balls with my Paris...what is your point?


If too many pop up just press 4.


What is your point again...?


I even kill rollers with my Glaive...how pretentious can you be?


Please tell us more about how good are you.

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Please tell us more about how good are you.

The list goes on and on...please...tell us about your nightmares dealing with rollers.


Auntie 'Stella can teach you a few things.


On a serious note...there are easy  ways to deal with them...judging by your avatar...dealing with rollers should have been a cinch... 

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no to the OP


poll or no poll, that is not a clear example of the majority of the playerbase (statistics 101)


but also, the roller have ALREADY been tweaked, they're fine now


sidenote however, i do want the giant roller boss ingame NAO! =P

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I snipe multiple balls with my Paris...what is your point?


If too many pop up just press 4.


What is your point again...?


I even kill rollers with my Glaive...how pretentious can you be?

His point is that he wants annoyances to be removed from the game.

First rollers, then leveling and farming cause they are annoying too.

While we're at it...let's make the bosses drop the Warframes themselves with a 5 minute craft time.


How about making Rollers more fun and engaging than being a total douchebag all day long. Unless DE decides to replace Rollers' textures with troll faces, I really want it to be better than just an aggravation called necessity. Needing to do something only one way is a stale way to play. Imagine fighting a boss where the only way to damage him is to use your normal e attacks (not charged) and you cannot approach him because he has a knock-down ability. Exactly my point.

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no to the OP


poll or no poll, that is not a clear example of the majority of the playerbase (statistics 101)


but also, the roller have ALREADY been tweaked, they're fine now


sidenote however, i do want the giant roller boss ingame NAO! =P

Stop right there...


Check this out please!


"Stalker Roller"


Pet Roller of the Stalker...sounds good yes?!

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I snipe multiple balls with my Paris...what is your point?


If too many pop up just press 4.


What is your point again...?


I even kill rollers with my Glaive...how pretentious can you be?

Guess what, I snipe Rollers with my Paris and Glaive too. I can juggle around 3 Rollers and still kill a Heavy Gunner on Ceres (or Eris, the planet Kril's on). And i still find Rollers unfun and uninteresting and should be changed. And not every single Warframe player should be expected to be hardcore enough to do that. YOUR point?


And AoE ults are PANIC BUTTONS. You shouldn't even be USING them unless you simply can't handle the current wave, and the game is nice enough to give you a last resort so you don't get instantly owned. An enemy that forces you to use an AoE ult, which's usability is related to RNG energy orb drops, in numbers is bad design in and of itself.

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How about making Rollers more fun and engaging than being a total douchebag all day long. Unless DE decides to replace Rollers' textures with troll faces, I really want it to be better than just an aggravation called necessity. Needing to do something only one way is a stale way to play. Imagine fighting a boss where the only way to damage him is to use your normal e attacks (not charged) and you cannot approach him because he has a knock-down ability. Exactly my point.

And then that boss would be instantly killed by the 4th ability of nearly every frame? Sounds like a peach of a boss to me dear.


Rollers are a bit overpowered...but they are not inundating in the slightest...there are easy tactics to defeat them...


But stunning when they are not in attack mode is completely nonsensical...that does need to be fixed.


I don't want rollers gone...but reworked or nerfed is completely fine with me.

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Guess what, I snipe Rollers with my Paris and Glaive too. I can juggle around 3 Rollers and still kill a Heavy Gunner on Ceres (or Eris, the planet Kril's on). And i still find Rollers unfun and uninteresting and should be changed. And not every single Warframe player should be expected to be hardcore enough to do that. YOUR point?


And AoE ults are PANIC BUTTONS. You shouldn't even be USING them unless you simply can't handle the current wave, and the game is nice enough to give you a last resort so you don't get instantly owned. An enemy that forces you to use an AoE ult, which's usability is related to RNG energy orb drops, in numbers is bad design in and of itself.

My point is...we need to stop trying to make DE turn this game into something completely boring...as I've said before...I am not against reworking or nerfing the rollers how many times must I repeat that?


I am against them being removed due to the fact that they are the only challenge...


I hate them and I don't find them fun at all...but they are the only thing that makes my eyes widen and make me pay attention because I want to destroy them before they ruin my life.


Read my other posts...I think rollers should stay in the game...not stay overpowered.


Also...you're quite sexy for accomplishing such feats...bravo...

Edited by Ystella
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no to the OP


poll or no poll, that is not a clear example of the majority of the playerbase (statistics 101)


but also, the roller have ALREADY been tweaked, they're fine now


sidenote however, i do want the giant roller boss ingame NAO! =P

Statistics 101? Again, did you read my original post? Where i clearly explained that 1000+ voters is clearly enough to make an accurate statement about the entire playerbase, and that actual and legit polling companies take sample sizes of 400 to 1000 for far more important issues? You're the one that needs to learn statistics 101 here. And no, why in the actual @#$% would you want a giant Roller boss. We can have giant Ospreys or other flying bosses, or even enemies designed from scratch that AREN'T a resized and recolored normal goon. But no, for whatever reason you want a giant bloody roller. Y'know, i've read threads suggesting giant roller bosses, and I've always thought they were just light-hearted jokes, a spark of humor from an otherwise taboo and controversial topic. I still hope i wasn't wrong about that thought.

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 YOUR point?



This is how elitists do. 

1) Find a discussion of an obvious bad game mechanic.

2) Start defending it.

3) Ignore everything and just write things like "you guys suck!", "l2p", "I deal with 10 X with closed eyes and one hand tied behind my back"

4) ??????????

5) Profit! Now you're a respected professional gamer and all the scrubs should kneel before you.


I've seen countless people like this on BSN and BL2 forums, so Ystella is far from being the only one.

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Only been playing this game for a few days now but the rollers are the only opponent that has me partially freakin out, ground-pounding the floor trying to kill the damned thing before he/she/it/they stun me in the middle of a firefight. I like that. Keep em, makes it more interesting.

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My point is...we need to stop trying to make DE turn this game into something completely boring...as I've said before...I am not against reworking or nerfing the rollers how many times must I repeat that?


I am against them being removed due to the fact that they are the only challenge...

Okay, good, i guess neither of us were seriously reading each other's posts then. Because in my OP post i specifically stated that, if Rollers are outright removed, they MUST be replaced by something BETTER, instead of just leaving a hole there. Why do you think i even bothered leaving 3 suggestions for tweaks, if all i wanted was for the Rollers to be removed from the game entirely?


And i'll say it again right now for future reference, I would much rather Rollers stay and be tweaked to be challenging but fun and not annoying than actually be removed from the game with no replacement.

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Take roller out of the game isn't exactly a good idea. It's a good idea - small hitbox, fast movement enemy with stagger capability. However, it's an annoyance when it shows up in pack of 5 and continuously stagger player without a good way to defense/counter against. Three enemies that showed up in succession : Charger/Roller/Nervo were relying on the same mechanic - stun/stagger. It would be OK if there is a way to reliably counter them. Sliding under roller when it jumps is a bit hit and miss though.

Tweak it, yes. Remove it, no.

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"Poll Results-86.9% of Players want Rollers tweaked."


I forgot that random polls, created in some other forums now represent a community....

This thread is invalid.....

STATISTICS 101. You didn't actually read my OP post did you. You know, that stuff about how actual polling companies use sample sizes of 400-1000 to accurately estimate population response on matters much more important than a video game enemy, confidence intervals, THAT stuff?

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And then that boss would be instantly killed by the 4th ability of nearly every frame? Sounds like a peach of a boss to me dear.


Rollers are a bit overpowered...but they are not inundating in the slightest...there are easy tactics to defeat them...


But stunning when they are not in attack mode is completely nonsensical...that does need to be fixed.


I don't want rollers gone...but reworked or nerfed is completely fine with me.

My dear, that is ability damage. It bypasses armor, dear. Besides that, it's monotonous and boring to be forced to aim only that enemy first.


Think of a game where you have 10 enemies. Each enemy has their own capabilities, defenses and weaknesses.


Scenario 1 is where the game gives you the choice of choosing how you want to tackle the slaughtering of enemies. This means that you can start with the hardest one first, then go down to the weakest one. Or you can take out the melee attackers and then focus on the long ranged enemies.


Scenario 2 is where the game restricts your action into killing enemy no.1, followed by enemy no.2, followed by enemy no.3 and so on until enemy no.10. This scenario requires you to go and tackle the battle in only one way, ALL the time.



If you chose scenario 1 because you find it more appealing, then it means you prefer the choices made which also gives more tactical play. If you chose scenario 2, you prefer to memorize a set pattern of combat codes and master it.


In case you are wondering why I am saying this, it's because scenario 2 is a dead way to boring zone. Mastering a set of combat patterns is good (in the case of Monster Hunter) but you will eventually find it boring to fight the same enemies over and over again. It becomes more like a reflex, a chore, a routine at which you do it instinctively without giving a thought about how to tackle the enemy.


Scenario 1, however, is where the game can shine. Not only will it be the causeway to actually make a good stealth gameplay, it actually makes it fun. What I really want is to be able to tackle scenarios like these with differing solutions. A game with only one way to do anything is boring, stale and monotonous to the point it just falls flat.

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Okay, good, i guess neither of us were seriously reading each other's posts then. Because in my OP post i specifically stated that, if Rollers are outright removed, they MUST be replaced by something BETTER, instead of just leaving a hole there. Why do you think i even bothered leaving 3 suggestions for tweaks, if all i wanted was for the Rollers to be removed from the game entirely?


And i'll say it again right now for future reference, I would much rather Rollers stay and be tweaked to be challenging but fun and not annoying than actually be removed from the game with no replacement.

We are now comrades...fighting for fun rollers and not ones that make the game a little bit suicidal...

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My point is...we need to stop trying to make DE turn this game into something completely boring...as I've said before...I am not against reworking or nerfing the rollers how many times must I repeat that?


I am against them being removed due to the fact that they are the only challenge...

I agree on that point... but I am not sure why you keep harassing me just because I said it's not fun.

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My dear, that is ability damage. It bypasses armor, dear. Besides that, it's monotonous and boring to be forced to aim only that enemy first.


Think of a game where you have 10 enemies. Each enemy has their own capabilities, defenses and weaknesses.


Scenario 1 is where the game gives you the choice of choosing how you want to tackle the slaughtering of enemies. This means that you can start with the hardest one first, then go down to the weakest one. Or you can take out the melee attackers and then focus on the long ranged enemies.


Scenario 2 is where the game restricts your action into killing enemy no.1, followed by enemy no.2, followed by enemy no.3 and so on until enemy no.10. This scenario requires you to go and tackle the battle in only one way, ALL the time.



If you chose scenario 1 because you find it more appealing, then it means you prefer the choices made which also gives more tactical play. If you chose scenario 2, you prefer to memorize a set pattern of combat codes and master it.


In case you are wondering why I am saying this, it's because scenario 2 is a dead way to boring zone. Mastering a set of combat patterns is good (in the case of Monster Hunter) but you will eventually find it boring to fight the same enemies over and over again. It becomes more like a reflex, a chore, a routine at which you do it instinctively without giving a thought about how to tackle the enemy.


Scenario 1, however, is where the game can shine. Not only will it be the causeway to actually make a good stealth gameplay, it actually makes it fun. What I really want is to be able to tackle scenarios like these with differing solutions. A game with only one way to do anything is boring, stale and monotonous to the point it just falls flat.

True...memorizing is very boring...


As long as the rollers stay I'm fine...I just don't want them gone until something challenging comes along.


Shade is just too powerful...

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I agree on that point... but I am not sure why you keep harassing me just because I said it's not fun.

It's because...people want them gone...and not nerfed.


Speaking of which...I have forgotten...did you want them gone? If so that explains it...if not...then I'm going to apologize for mistaking your  cause.

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Shade is just too powerful...

What Shade needs is a pseudo-cloak system. Enemies approaching around a certain angle to the center of the view will see the cloaked Warframe as a blur image and will try to examine. Give them too long a time and they will react, immediately calling for help and running for the alarm.

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My point is...we need to stop trying to make DE turn this game into something completely boring...as I've said before...I am not against reworking or nerfing the rollers how many times must I repeat that?


I am against them being removed due to the fact that they are the only challenge...


I hate them and I don't find them fun at all...but they are the only thing that makes my eyes widen and make me pay attention because I want to destroy them before they ruin my life.


Read my other posts...I think rollers should stay in the game...not stay overpowered.


Also...you're quite sexy for accomplishing such feats...bravo...


it is good that you got the point. However the challenge created by rollers is purely artificial. There are lots of other ways increasing game difficulty rather then make players lose control of their characters.

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What Shade needs is a pseudo-cloak system. Enemies approaching around a certain angle to the center of the view will see the cloaked Warframe as a blur image and will try to examine. Give them too long a time and they will react, immediately calling for help and running for the alarm.

That might be too difficult to properly implement...


I'm fine with Shade as is because I have such a squishy build and it helps me burst my DPS.


I use Shade offensively which is different in my case...I'm not certain if that would really affect offensive Shade players.

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