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Alerts: Weekday Vs Weekend


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Sup folks,

I'm a fairly new player going into my 2nd month of WF. Like most new players, I lack in the area of credits, mods, auras and did I say credits? Credits, Auras, and alert only BP's have been my main objective to completing every alert that comes up.

Anyway, what I (or think I've) been noticing (although no concrete data collected and applied to an excel sheet) is that weekends do not compare to weekdays. The frequency of special reward items and credit alerts seem to heavily overlap on the weekday rather than weekends. It's not unusual to see 3-4 alerts crowding each other during the weekday with decent reward items here and there.

Am I delusional? If not, is there a reason for alerts being more favorable to weekdays when a large portion of the working population would; we'll be working Mon-Fri?

P.S. Anyone who doesn't have an ap or isn't signed up for alert tweets, do yourself a favor and continue not having it. It'll only tick you off, hue hue.

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One thing to remember about the alerts:
They are completely up to RNG, outside of the special ones such as the Gift Of The Lotus.

That means that their timing, duration (within limits of course) and rewards are purely up to RNG for what they will offer, and when and how long they will appear for.

This is really the only system that is fair to everyone.
DE has customers all over the world and if it wasn't RNG then they would be favoring one set of time-zones over another set.  Which wouldn't be a good thing at all.

Plus you have to consider how many people around the world work on the weekends in some form or another.
Further you have to consider the timezones and what that means.
A 1pm alert for the US would be evening in Europe.

Just because its not the best time for you to get the rewards doesn't mean that the system needs to be changed.
There are tons of people who would start missing out on a lot more things if they relegated the alerts to adhere to the 9-5 Mon-Fri working crowds schedule and screw over anyone elses in other timezones or working schedules.

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Well if it seems like alerts with a particular reward are more common on weekdays, I would guess that it's because there are 5 weekdays every week, and only 2 weekend days. They do come up completely randomly, but one would think that random events have a greater chance of falling on weekdays simply because there are more of them.

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One thing to remember about the alerts:

They are completely up to RNG, outside of the special ones such as the Gift Of The Lotus.

That means that their timing, duration (within limits of course) and rewards are purely up to RNG for what they will offer, and when and how long they will appear for.

This is really the only system that is fair to everyone.

DE has customers all over the world and if it wasn't RNG then they would be favoring one set of time-zones over another set.  Which wouldn't be a good thing at all.

Plus you have to consider how many people around the world work on the weekends in some form or another.

Further you have to consider the timezones and what that means.

A 1pm alert for the US would be evening in Europe.

Just because its not the best time for you to get the rewards doesn't mean that the system needs to be changed.

There are tons of people who would start missing out on a lot more things if they relegated the alerts to adhere to the 9-5 Mon-Fri working crowds schedule and screw over anyone elses in other timezones or working schedules.

Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It's really easy to forget about other time zones.
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Alerts are not random, they work to an algorithm.

Just check the site that records alerts, nothing in warframe is truely random.


True randomness doesn't exist with computers. The algorithm is designed in a way that no human could notice the pattern, unless they were A) looking for it and B) had a large sample size to work with, taking additions to the alert pool like keys into account.

Unless you want to point out a pattern that you found.

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Alerts last I checked are first random and second your math seems a bit off even basicly. After all the "weekend" is only 2 days of the entire 7 day week and the "weekday" is 5 days of that. Not even calculating it using basic math and throwing in random alert happenings its about 15% of the time if not 10% of the time its going to happen on a weekend, not very often in short.


Again just logic, 5 days beats 2 days. The rest is luck unless you know how to follow the computers dropping pattern programing....witch would really not be worth the trouble anyways.

Edited by Monybags33
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