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Shotgun Spaz - Problematic Name?


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Tuna I should apologise for underestimating your familiarity with the subject, and no doubt overstepping the bounds of my own understanding, but I truly do think you have an overly reductionist view lurking here, vis a vis the applicability of neuroscience, evolutionary psychology et al to human societies.


On that note I will also apologise for not giving you all individually the benefit of the doubt and launching straight into hostile mode; I'm so frigging used to it from places like somethingawful, reddit, 4chan etc that eventually you start to take it totally for granted.

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Ideally, yes. I wouldn't want a Rifle Retard mod, and I don't particularly want this either.

Difference being retard is generally accepted to be offensive in both the US and the UK (I can't speak for Canada, but I'd think it would be too), while spaz is a UK thing (potentially only within regions of the UK too).

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Ideally, yes. I wouldn't want a Rifle Retard mod, and I don't particularly want this either.


If its not aimed toward a person with Down's syndrome why wouldn't you?

A later use of the word has no effect on it's actual meaning.

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If its not aimed toward a person with Down's syndrome why wouldn't you?

A later use of the word has no effect on it's actual meaning.

I wouldn't want a rifle retard purely because the name implies a decrease in firerate ^^

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I have a problem with "Shotgun Spazz" because the name feels silly.


Based on the tiny benefits, warp magazine is likely referring to the fact that you're cramming more bullets than you should into your magazines, and therefore warping (bending) them. I'm not the only one who finds this more silly, right? :c

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So... we're gonna change target cracker too right?

After all it's not fair to want a name change just because it's offensive to my culture.


Scratch that let's change Loki's name. In my country we don't worship Norse gods so it's offensive.

Edited by Tetsmeha
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Based on the tiny benefits, warp magazine is likely referring to the fact that you're cramming more bullets than you should into your magazines, and therefore warping (bending) them. I'm not the only one who finds this more silly, right? :c

I always interpreted it as some kind of device that warps the fabric of space to create a volume of hammerspace within the weapon's magazine that allows it to store additional ammunition.


...Okay, that's still really silly. But it's very science-fictiony and sounds cool (at least to me).

Edited by A5PECT
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I always interpreted it as some kind of device that warps the fabric of space to create a volume of hammerspace within the weapon's magazine that allows it to store additional ammunition.


...Okay, that's still really silly. But it's very science-fictiony and sounds cool (at least to me).

I would've thought that if it was more than a 30% increase. With the current levels, I think it's safer to assume you're just using slightly elastic materials to make your magazines.

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Warp Magazine just draws from the infinite space inside concealed objects, like you see in the cartoons.


I don't see why this is being met with such cynicism and hostility, to be honest. People may claim that the OP needs to lighten up a little, but at the same time, the lack of empathy in this thread concerns me. I could say with a fair degree of certainty that if there were something in a game you deemed offensive, you would likely speak up about it, or agree when somebody else does. Calling the OP names and being sarcastic achieves nothing except making yourself look silly.


Personally, I always thought Spaz was weird nomenclature anyways. I mean, the term is generally associate with crazy, so I suppose it makes sense, but there are more fitting words they could have used.


Shotgun Hairtrigger, anybody? :p

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I have the same problem with "Target Cracker."


The name makes it sound like it's made for shooting white people.

Wow. Your life must be a lot more racially charged than mine.


I never thought of that meaning myself. I always thought of it as cracking an egg, or cracking a tough defense in the more common correct usage of the word. Considering the phrasing, the meaning you're describing would be "Target the cracker," not Target Cracker, which means something that cracks targets. Learn your english man.


I don't think the game should yield just because some people use some words as slang insults.

Edited by Ashnal
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Wow. Your life must be a lot more racially charged than mine.

I never thought of that meaning myself. I always thought of it as cracking an egg, or cracking a tough defense in the more common correct usage of the word.

I don't think the game should yield just because some people use some words as slang insults.

Cracker is very specific to certain areas and has once actually been used somewhat widely as a racist term. Spaz is also somewhat regional and not exactly common online. It's a fair comparison.

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Cracker is very specific to certain areas and has once actually been used somewhat widely as a racist term. Spaz is also somewhat regional and not exactly common online. It's a fair comparison.

Pretty much this. Lets also change loki, because that's a norse god and I find it offensive because the game is implying that there god and belief is more real than my own. 


Lets change rush, because some people don't have legs, how do you expect them to rush? They might be reminded of there disability in a psychologically hostile way. 


etc...etc....etc. My examples sound stupid, because they are. But that is the REALITY of the situation if OP gets what he wants and they WOULD have to change it. Why? Because they already changed one thing. This type of thing has happened before in the past and to make a similar comparison that is more noticable, look at law suits. Starts off as one suit against a company, they win. Suddenly hundreds of law suits drop down on there head.


I usually like to be the understanding kind, but in all honesty Op, lighten up. This word is oh so BARELY offensive in SPECIFIC regions of ONE country in the world. This thread comes off as nothing but flame bait and judged by the many deleted comments (before I got to read them) I'd say it worked. But please, once this thread is closed or died (hopefully the former) please don't bother bringing this up again. It is rather silly I'm afraid to say ^_^. 

Edited by Nethershadows
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I must confess to being a little surprised when I came across this module, given the connotations of the word in the UK.


I suppose in my head I rationalised it as being an abbreviation of spasm with a US type spelling.  I.e. Realisation / Realization.


I didn't give it a second thought after that.


Ed: Maybe just call the module Shotgun Spasm and forget about it.

Edited by MoobsUK
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honestly there are many words and or abbreviations that can be offensive to a wide range of people.. no matter the names of mods there is going to be someone somewhere that's going to be offended by it in some way... just take it as it is... a grain of salt after all its just a name for a mod in a game... if a name is going to ruin the whole game for you then sorry, that sucks but either suck it up or don't and stop complaining about it...


ED: this is just my rant and opinion take it for what it is im not trying to jump down anyone's throats' 

Edited by IllaDiabolus
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Overly sensitive people need to wise up or get off the internet, let alone playing a game where you slaughter upwards of half a thousand soldiers per mission in some cases. Words mean different things in different countries, what's fine to one culture is taboo in another, if we keep everything PC for every single person in the world what we're left with is bland and dull beyond recognition.


The name of the mod is fine, there was no malicious intention behind it, why would there be? It serves DE no purpose. Threads like these are just being made for attention to cause drama where there was simply no need, people trying their hardest to see offense where there is none. 

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Who cares about game bugs, balance issues or anything else when we have the name 'Shotgun Spaz' ruining the game! 1002 views and 42 posts of this thread is not enough. We must RAGE more about this very important problem.

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I actually agree with the OP.  I'm in the UK also but it's not just that it's offensive in some cultures and not in others like some of the examples offered.  AFAIK it derives originally from the word 'Spastic' as in an uncontrollable spasm that some disabled people suffer from.  If it has a different derivative in other cultures then sure, it's just a cultural thing. If not and it's from the same word then it's probably something that should be changed.  It's not censorship at all, it's just bad taste.

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Or we could leave them as is & take the words back its like people getting in trouble for saying "its so gay" im sick of people having a problem with words that one group or country has changed its meaning to suit them 100 years ago the word gay had nothing to do with homosexuality its about damn time we take these words back It is OK to have a town named Gay

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In Cuba where I am from the word bicho means insect, in Puerto Rico means male private equipment, there is always going to be different interpretation for the same word according with the country, it is called slang. So please Spaz Shmaz.

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In other news, Warframes are no longer to have genders, abilities are able to be used by any frame so as to not discriminate, any notion of frames being different colours will be erased, weapons are to be replaced with non-lethal alternatives, and the moon is being renamed to "lunar mass" to avoid confusion with exposing one's buttocks.

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I have the same problem with "Target Cracker."


The name makes it sound like it's made for shooting white people.

The grineer are white. We don't know what color the corpus are. The infested....... Are infested
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The term spaz is being applied within proper context and usage of common language in both countries. Context creates meaning. The context for the mod is quick twitchy trigger pulling.


Now do I like the the name? Not particularly, although there are a million real issues to get worked up about, this is probably not one of them.

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