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Mods And Pvp


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Been doing a bit of thinking about PvP since I want it to be successful. But the big issue I think that will cause unbalance and or problems with trying to balance PvP is mods. Now it's pretty easy for the PvP mods to be balanced since they are created solely with PvP in mind. There are also mods from PvE that fit straight in to PvP.


The big issue I see here are mods like Vitality, Redirection, and other mods that add percentages to a frames stats. To make PvP balanced DE had to rework every single weapon and frame to make it work in a fair environment (and even now the balancing of released weapons/frames are still being adjusted), I think the same thing is going to have to happen for (most) mods in PvP. Instead of Vitality giving 440% health at max rank, maybe it should give a number, like +150 health.


The reason why these mods work well in PvE is because PvE builds are allowed to scale high and specialise, and this sort of scaling in PvP simply does not work, and hence why the new PvP rework was needed in the first place.


Another Idea I had was for the mod system to be a bit different from PvE in the sense that you would be allowed only one frame survivability buff (for lack of a better explanation) IE you have to choose from Vitality, Redirection, or Steel fibre. The mod selection would group mods into types (e.g. suvivability, utility, efficiency, etc.) and make it so you could choose only 1 or 2 of every mod type to use in your loadout.


Just a couple of my ideas. But I feel that mods in PvP need to differ from there PvE variants for balance to work, and to stop mods being left out entirely because there standard functions are not balanceable.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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Survivability ... Like sure footed and handspring is not nuff against kogake ...

I think you've got the wrong idea here. This has nothing to do with an individual weapon or frame/ability in question.  Also I would consider sure footed and handspring to be a utility mod rather than a survivability mod, it's not the knockdown that kills you it's the damage you receive after..

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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I thought the idea was to remove must-have mods from PvP. Survivability mods in any form would be mandatory.

Well not really, but the idea of having these sorts of mods work the way I described is that a player might want to rely on shielding (because of the fact it recharges and that can make them tank a bit better), or a player might want to be able to take a bit more damage after the shield has gone down (so that they can get to cover more easily when there shield has broken).

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