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There's No "i" In "team".


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But there are two in "idiot"

That being said, here's my philosophy in lieu of an introduction.

Old Jersey Devil, AKA: -OJD-, Jersey.

"Lead, follow, or get the heck out of my way!"

When it hits the fan run like crazy, hopefully in the right direction!

If a team member goes down, revive him please. He'd probably do the same for you. It beats a failed mission unless you plan on handling everything yourself?

If you do plan on doing everything yourself why the hell are you on a team?

If no one's getting killed and there's time to loot or someone is way behind and having trouble getting to extraction have the decency to step away from the retieval zone, I only just found out it stops the timer.

If you don't want to loot, hunt or go back for lost stragglers try to keep the snarky comments to a minimum. Waste your ammo or powers if you want to draw attention to yourself at the exit. Better hope there aren't too many Ancients or big MOA around though.

There's some of my philosophy.

Now a shameless plug. I'm looking for like-minded people who like helping others. I've started a clan and will definitely be needing more people. From what I've heard already it's going to be a resource grind.

Name: "Chi to Meiyo"
("Blood and Honor" in Japanese according to Google.)
Motto: "Leave no one behind." (Deliberately Enigmatic.)

Interested parties post here, pm me or look me up in-game
or on Steam (OldJerseyDevil AKA:The Ruccus)


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Now, while I won't be joining your clan, I wouldn't mind in having you as a friend on there. Only time I rush is when the team is rushing to get to the exit, usually because of being outnumbered, outgunned, or just too much going on. 

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You're either going to be an amazing person, or a really really bad person. I'm willing to take the risk. 


Even if risk taking scares the snot out of me. (Even though I do it anyway.)


Okay I'm losing cool points, I'm gonna stop. @ @


Edit: Hey, Haut. Ever thought of welcoming the gu---WELCOME, OJD! HOPE YOU FEEL WELCOMED AND STUFF!

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