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Ability Number 4 Spamming


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^what Aaira said. 



only thing i can think of in this situation is as some have already suggested. 

playing solo or playing with a group of friends or people that would enjoy the game the same way you do. 

Edited by Verre
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I'm not saying it has to be a minute or somthing maybe like couple seconds or so or a lvl 1 duration of the ability.

like 5-10 seconds or something. you do not need to assume cooldonw always means huge time like 20 minutes like in most mobas. GOSH people use your brains it is not forbidden <_>

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I'm not saying it has to be a minute or somthing maybe like couple seconds or so or a lvl 1 duration of the ability.

like 5-10 seconds or something. you do not need to assume cooldonw always means huge time like 20 minutes like in most mobas. GOSH people use your brains it is not forbidden <_>


Either way is not going to happen since DE already tried it on Close Beta.


Aftermath lead to people taking turns to use their abilities or waiting on a room to go to the next which slowed the paced entirely....


Also people in PuGs are not bright on taking turns either.


So DE scrapped Cooldowns in favor to Energy System. 

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Either way is not going to happen since DE already tried it on Close Beta.


Aftermath lead to people taking turns to use their abilities or waiting on a room to go to the next which slowed the paced entirely....


Also people in PuGs are not bright on taking turns either.


So DE scrapped Cooldowns in favor to Energy System. 

Really it was tried? huh i didn't know :[

well there goes hope for making abilities atleast little less spammy .-.

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Spamfest, to me with buds, is an evil-necessity to keep synergy with frames; even more so when focused on specific needs/wants


I get where you're troubles are but PuGs in general will always be PuGs: RNG chance on good team or flunk team.


Best way to filter from bad weed to good ones is find Recruit Chat players filtering out the bad weed already. At least this how I been doing PuG's which lead to decent teamplayers and if I end up with bad ones I just leave ~~

Edited by Fionntan
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So past this wonderfull week i have had lots of fun playing with friends and kicking arselings of grineer But there is something that disturbs me a lot.

And that is ability 4 spamming in almost every mission by everyone. How many of you is getting tired of someone rushing ahead pressing 4 in middle of room and proceeding to next.

So how about we give ability 4 a cooldown timers like some abilities already have but way longer maybe 1 minute. and possibly a mod to reduce it by 50% or maybe not a mod not the point.

But seriously we need cooldown on these for example miasma which makes playing the game with guns and blades obsolete.

Please DE add cooldwon to every ultimate please.



Stop the qq ... dont like how others play? Play solo or friends only, I play about 90% of the game with friends only so I don't have to worry about it so I can play how I want while giving others the liberty to play how they want ...

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This must be a pc thing I rarely meet some one on ps4 spamming uh.. 4 or R1 on ps4.

I'm on pc and i barely see Saryins, unless im doing extermination invasions or that one dark sector 20k defence mission, in which case they're just making me a favor making the grind faster.


And even then, they're fairly rare, it's just that people manage to get offended by someone else's dmg%.

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I'm on pc and i barely see Saryins, unless im doing extermination invasions or that one dark sector 20k defence mission, in which case they're just making me a favor making the grind faster.


And even then, they're fairly rare, it's just that people manage to get offended by someone else's dmg%.

Oh ok so it's an ego thing lol.
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It's just a mater of SKILL if u are good on a warframe then u probuli know how to chain skills around when to use what. For me people who smash 4 all the time just show that the have no idea how to use a frame right or they are just laisy or bad. IT's a mater of PLAYSTYLE. I only smash 4 when I feal it's neaded. As and ASH main I always cry when people are just smash 4 on him since he can do so much more by using all spells and it's true to all warframes 

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i'm mainly playing solo or with a fewfriends because of this boring playstyle.

Literraly almost all mesa (by example) i've played with use her 4 for 3 enemies...seriously ?Saryn,Ash etc.

even one day i was helping a friend on a low level mission to explain her a bit the game and we had a volt with us.He was spamming his 4(corpus missions ) and killing everything.He had no energy at a moment and died because he didn't  use his weapons -_-

I told him he can use his shield and kill the enemies in front of it very quickly but no..keep spamming 4 after i revived him.


i HONESTLY don't see what is good and fun in spamming 1 key.It's like denying any other contents.

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Agreed, I don't see why we should have melee, its really just press press press, who cares about most combos with their press press pause press stupidity.

Let's ditch melee and all semiautos as well.

Full auto and charge mechanics or bolt actions only!

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Please DE add cooldwon to every ultimate please.




Wow. Dear god no. Warframe would literally become impossible to play.

MR18 here, 4 forma Boltor prime, and I am nowhere near powerful enough to play this game without powers. Power spam has been, on hundreds of occasions, the only thing that stopped me from failing, and on many occasions, still wasn't good enough.

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I think it's the matter of lack in the endgame content; veterans don't have much to do, so they tend to rush through missions. I'm probably one of them, but i can see your point. This game offers such vast amount of weapons to play with. I sometimes rush missions, but if my squadmates ask me to let them have some fun, I usually do. But I think cooldowns wouldn't solve this problem. People would just develop new ways of abusing abilities, as in every game. It's the virtue of social gaming, to be able to play with people with similar playstyle to yours, so you all feel comfortable.

Edited by Asgaroth22
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Ash spams 4

Banshee doesn't spam 4

Chroma doesn't spam 4

Ember doesn't really spam 4

Excalibur doesnt usually spam 4

Frost doesn't spam 4

Hydroid doesn't spam 4

Limbo doesn't spam 4

Loki 4 is CC

Mag doesn't spam 4

Mesa doesn't spam 4

Mirage doesn't usually spam 4

Nekros doesn't spam 4

Nova 4 isn't a nuke

Nyx doesn't spam 4

Oberon nobody plays oberon

Rhino 4 is CC

Saryn spams 4

Trinity 4 isn't a nuke

Valkyr 4 isnt a nuke

Vauban 4 isnt a nuke

Volt doesnt usually spam 4

Zephyr 4 is S#&$


"everyone everytime" my !, vast majority of frames has no business spamming 4 to instagib rooms.

Now go away and let people play the damn game as they wish.

give this man a cookie

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