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Control Issues


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The controls in this game have a few minor (but annoying) issues that prevent them from feeling as responsive as they should.  I figured that it would be easiest to explain what I mean with a video where I should demonstrate what I'm talking about as I explain it, so I made this video explaining the issues and my suggestions for how to fix them:




If you've ever noticed your character attacking when you didn't want them to, not attacking when you did want them to, or refusing to jump when you press the jump button, this video might be for you.


If you don't feel like watching the video explain things in detail, the problems are:


1. Extra unwanted melee attacks due to excessive input buffering windows

2. Heavy attacks not triggering when they should

3. Unresponsive jump controls

4. Really unresponsive jump controls when on complex terrain


If you have any comments on those issues or have noticed any other ones please feel free to chime in.

Edited by Clorf
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Agreed on all points.


Regarding the jumping on slopes issue, a related problem exists when going up inclines. While walking upan incline, attempting to jump either won't work, or if attempting to jump while sprinting results in a roll. I'm assuming this is because the rate at which walking up the slope increases the z position of the player at a similar rate to jumping, so when pressing the jump key the player does jump, but they immediately come in contact with the ground again due the steepness of the grade so they trigger the "collision with ground" event. The player is put right back to running, or goes into a roll if the player was sprinting when they jumped.

Edited by A5PECT
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I absolutely agree on all of it. Especially the broken jumping, pressing the jump key should cancel the current animation and jump, that would go a long way to making the game feel good, right now it feels as if I'm queuing up commands for my guy to execute, which is kinda horrible.

Also press and hold the sprint key, do a crouch slide and don't release the sprint key the whole time; you'll notice that your character stops sprinting even if you are still holding down the sprint key. Annoying.

Same with the reloading I think, if you just hold down the fire key while reloading, once you are done reloading you aren't shooting, you have to let go of fire then press it again.

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I like and agree with your observations. I haven't noticed for a while now because I went from the Gram to the duel ethers and like you said its not really a problem with the faster weapons. My bigger complaint is with the movement controls. It's cool and everything that my frame can do a triple nifty super duper double atomic 5/8s half gainer reversing forward flip with a lemon on top, but I just pushed "w",.... all i really wanted to to is   ya know  go forward. It's frustrating to jump to a platform and instead of stick the landing my frame does a back flip and looks to see what the judges score.

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These are all great points guys, keep it up!


I also thought of another one:  The mantle/ledge grab move often triggers when I don't want it to, and doesn't trigger when I do want it.  I think it would work a lot better if it would only happen if you're holding the jump key.  That way you wouldn't get as many accidental grabs, and it could be made more sensitive (and thus less likely to fail) when you do intend to do it.

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I'm a bit disappointed that people seem to be overlooking this thread.  I guess it's because most people come to the gameplay board to complain that their favorite thing got nerfed or go over their grand plan for how the game should work rather than talk about more abstract issues like this.  I think stuff like this is well worth looking at because it has an effect on everyone's enjoyment of the game, even if they don't think about it consciously.


I have noticed other threads about the controls popping up, so at least some other people seem to be noticing problems like this, although they aren't aware of other similar threads.  Perhaps this or one of the other threads could be turned into a "controls megathread" where everybody knows to post any problems they have with the controls to keep it near the top of the forum.


I really think it's worth trying to get DE's attention with this because in my opinion suggestions like these are the best kind of feedback we as players can give:  Simple, very specific changes that are (probably) easy to implement which would improve the game for everyone with little risk of &!$$ing players off.  Even if they don't directly take our advice, it would at least clue them in to specific issues that they could find their own solutions for.

Edited by Clorf
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This should be their top priority before anything, it gets really tedious in big/tough fights when your warframe just stands there like a git not doing anything because you clicked differently or something. Not being able to jump at certain places is just as frustrating.


Also a remotely related issue, still waiting to be fixed, the camera switch not working at all when running {switching it from one shoulder to the other I mean}

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After trying out the paris for a while I noticed that it has essentially the same issue as heavy melee attacks.  If you're in certain animations (eg. a melee attack) and you press and hold the fire button you won't draw another arrow.  Quite annoying.

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(Trying to add something constructive instead of just bumping)


Right now the game has a notable lack of an air melee attack.  The wallrun->melee attack animation would be perfect for this, but unfortunately trying to use it in combat would be pretty impractical even if wallrunning wasn't as inconsistent and awkward as it currently is.  So what if you could trigger that attack by pressing the melee key while doing a forward flip (slide->jump)?  Just a thought.  

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Certain actions such as the forward flip and the dodge roll lock the camera in place.  Not only does this cause a rather disorienting and motion sickness inducing instant when the camera "snaps" back to where you were trying to move it while it was locked, but it's the only thing limiting your ability to use the mid-air slide to cancel/redirect your momentum mid jump.  


That mechanic is probably accidental, but I think it's cool as hell and something the game should try to capitalize on, not limit.

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I just noticed another problem similar to the input buffering issues I mentioned in the OP: if you tap the roll/sprint button while sliding, it'll queue up a roll and your character will execute it after the slide is finished (usually several seconds later).  Not only is this something you would never want to do, but it has the rather unfortunate side effect of preventing you from jumping for the duration of the slide.  Given how easy it is to accidentally trigger the roll, you can probably imagine how annoying this can be.

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