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Rhino's Iron Skin


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  • Rhino Skin no longer grants full invincibility, but can now reach up to 80% Damage Reduction at highest Mod level.



I read the patch notes until here. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Finally! Now haters gonna hate!


This is the first step into the right direction! Now balance some of his other abilities. And go on with the next Warframe.



e.g.: Rhino Stomp: enemies in the air get extra % damage from all weapons.

Make him the destructive force he should really be.



EDIT: WH0000t! I did the math, if it works with Focus like Ember he will still get 100% damage reduction! "Nerf" xD.... 104% damage reduction with max focus :/


EDIT2: Focus seem not to affect it. Still taking damage. Thanks DE!


EDIT3: Ok Iron Skin seems currently bugged (DE said it). There is no damage mitigation  / or too low mitigation right now. This could also mean that Focus doesn't work properly and you may soon be able to get 104% damage reduction with max focus. Time will tell.

Edited by Thypari2013
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If they were gonna nerf this they could have, oh I don't know, buffed the other abilities?



It's still an 80% damage reduction.  I fail to see the problem here.



20% damage reduction means you still get infinite stunned by rollers/chargers/leapers/ancients.

Edited by OxexRaclir
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I'm not happy with this especially that his other abilities didn't get a buff to make it up. Well looks like the complainers got what they wanted... Look out Trinity your probably the next target because of your infinite god mode...

Edited by Rafarix
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Rhino really has no stand-out power due to this nerf an the advent of Vauban (whose thrid skill is is just a projectile Rhino Stomp).

It's a real shame, seeing as how I just made him a few days ago and really enjoy playing as him. I suppose I still will, but it'll take a lot more modding to coutnerbalance this new weakness as well as all his previous.

Edited by Galaxy-Train
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You should really all read. Put in a max Focus and he is the same as before -.-

Well no, he's not. It only goes up to 80%, as opposed to the original 100% plus knockback invincibility.

The problem with this is that Iron Skin is now subpar unless you pump it full of mods, which is hardly "the same thing".

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Rhino really has no stand-out power due to this nerf an the advent of Vauban (whose thrid skill is is just Rhino's as a projectile).

It's a real shame, seeing as how I just made him a few days ago and really enjoy playing as him. I suppose I still will, but it'll take a lot more modding to coutnerbalance this new weakness as well as all his previous.

Good for you. At least you experienced it. I'm still building him... Probably not gonna claim until I can get Focus. Which means it's gonna stay forever ready to claim since RNG gods hate me

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I've never met anyone who preferred to play Rhino.  Everyone was like me just leveling him for mastery.


Glad I already leveled his slow &#!.  No need to ever touch him again.

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I hate to complain, but this is terrible....  Iron Skin is basically useless for many situations now.  And it's not directly because of the 20% damage. 


Some of the main uses for Iron Skin were for the stun immunity, protection from poison, immunity to energy drains, and the free shield recharge (while the invulnerability was up).  Now the ability provides none of those benefits.  The Rhino is a tank, that is it's sole purpose.  Now it can't go toe to toe with almost any heavy hitting enemy without being stunned, and it also doesn't have the natural damage-dealing capabilities of the more offensive frames. 


Other classes might laugh at this at first, but I think the consequences might start to sink in when they get downed and die because their Rhino teammate is getting stun-locked by Ancients or rollers and can't revive them. 


And yes, the problem might be somewhat fixable by getting a max rank Focus mod.  But that usually only happens at end-game, so most players are still screwed. 

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It's a shame they felt he needed a nerf. His powers do some of the worst damage power wise in the game, and now you can be drained still while using iron skin. Not to mention poison does full damage and even pierces armour. (Yes I know it's because you breathe it, but poison is already over powered.)

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Hater, i'm hating this so much.


Agreed the rhino has no useful damage abilities this is completely bullS#&$ you have to do something to buff the Rhino super hard now.

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I am a good player and I am complaining over this nerf.

It was a necessary nerf, but he was singled out and left others "offenders" go free.

Give Trinity the same treatment and I'll be cool. She was never meant to be a tank, but she's now THE tank, way better than Rhino. But since she has a lot less armor than Rhino, making her Link protect her for only 80% of the damage and return it would even things out. She wouldn't be able to tank, and would get a decent not OP protection spell.

Also, Frost's Snowglobe also needs adjustments if this is to be done, Only logical to make Snowglobe "break" after absorbing a set amount of bullet damage, as opposed to it being some kind of holy ground.

I'm sure haters will hate, after all this is the internet, but what I'm saying makes sense, doesn't it?

Please implement this DE!

Edited by Kynian
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