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Rhino's Iron Skin


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70% reduction with maxed Overheat feels like i'm invincible. 80% reduction with Iron Skin is even better! I don't understand why people are raging so much about it. 


Yeah it *feels* like you're invincible until you bring the slowest moving frame into high level areas and realize all his other abilities are terrible.  Also being immune to knockdown, toxic, stunlock, etc makes a huge difference.  Kind of hard to call yourself a tank when you get pushed around by little rolly balls.

Edited by McCrabby
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Iron Skin DOES Not:
Protect Against Ancient Disruptors Energy and Shield Drain (No shields and no way to activate another IS to melee
Poison Ancients
Force from Knock Backs (You get pushed away so melee as Rhino is effectively useless)
One hit mechanics form Bosses (tested on Phorid not sure about Jackel)


So yeah Just did that anyone get more data?

I hate/like this in the following
Makes Rhino like an actually TANK Class in most MMO's Case in point The Warrior in WoW You only MITIGATE DAMAGE Not be increadly powerfull but again he has abilities that can deal DAMAGE and Rhino's can not...just knocks them and floats them in the air....)
Makes me wary on what I can tank. Sad to say even low level bosses like Tyl hit your shields for 100+ a hit (full Iron Skin) So it's really a test of how fast you can kill him.

I don't like that I have to resort to Gunplay again. I LOVED Melee and Rhino was the only frame that can dish out melee attacks with no repercussions. Which is probably why they did the nerf....but it's a heavy blow to Infested and I'm resorting to use my guns...which if I wanted to do that I WOULD PLAY HALO AND KILL FLOOD.....I'm a space Ninja I should be killing S#&$ with my sword.......or huge heavy axe...or dual ethers....or glaive...


I have no problem with taking damage (I play WoW...I'm a Warrior I take tons of damage...) But the fact that Flood...I mean INFESTED can S#&$ on me and take me out is bull...BUT I did see it was a bug so HOPEFULLY If that's the case I will take 80% DR...but if they can make my abilities worth while that be greeeaaat......

Edited by MetroidHunter26
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Wow really? I just got this Warframe and started liking him because he was a "Tank"! Now I lose all tanking ability which helped with boss fights or defend missions against infected because I was immune to poison and diruption from Toxic, and Disrupter Ancients. I dont even understand why ppl cried about him since the game has no PVP aspect so its not like you have to battle him. Really just killed the game for me. I hate when devs nerf something that didnt have to be nerfed at all.


Good games normally die do to these reasons. I honestly don't even feel like continuing to play this game now.

Edited by Tick410
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Wow really? I just got this Warframe and started liking him because he was a "Tank"! Now I lose all tanking ability which helped with boss fights or defend missions against infected because I was immune to poison and diruption from Toxic, and Disrupter Ancients. I dont even understand why ppl cried about him since the game has no PVP aspect so its not like you have to battle him. Really just killed the game for me. I hate when devs nerf something that didnt have to be nerfed at all.


Good games normally die do to these reasons. I honestly don't even feel like continuing to play this game now.

Amen to that, man. They even locked my thread after receiving few likes in record time, just for trying to point our the same.

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I will be completely honest, this change to Rhino's almost signature ability has upset me. Rhino was my favorite frame. I put a reactor into him first, one I bought with my own platinum. I enjoyed his gameplay greatly, both on defense and in regular games. I didn't use Iron Skin as a crutch, I used it when I needed to revive an ally or clear out a large area of infested or to take on a Disruptor. Now? Now I'm afraid I won't be able to do ANY of those the way I did before. When it comes down to how much I used Iron Skin versus any other ability, I used Iron Skin a lot. I relied on it and it was useful for many things. But now it's next to useless. You won't even be able to revive allies around infested because you'll be knocked back every which way to Sunday, and how useful is that? Not at all. Rhino was a rock in the ocean. Now it is but sand on the beach. 

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Will someone in this thread with a Rhino and level 5 Focus, please try Iron Skin with it on. My guess is that it got the ember treatment, if that is the case focus will scale the reduction up. at 30% it is a 104% reduction or back to how it was!



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Amen to that, man. They even locked my thread after receiving few likes in record time, just for trying to point our the same.


Your thread was locked because it was nonsensical, nonconstructive, and redundant. I'm not especially happy about the nerf either, but there are better ways to express that than making deliberately inflammatory and pointless threads.

Also, I liked Global Agenda. :(

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Will someone in this thread with a Rhino and level 5 Focus, please try Iron Skin with it on. My guess is that it got the ember treatment, if that is the case focus will scale the reduction up. at 30% it is a 104% reduction or back to how it was!



It has been tested. It is unaffected by Focus. 

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There are soo many overpowered enemies in Warframe. The Rhino, that normally takes most of the damage and helps to revive players has to take a nerf to Iron Skin? That's gotta be one of the worst nerfs so far, but not because of the 80% damage reduction.  


Iron Skin worked so well against poison, knockback and stun, especially when reviving other people. It looks like now everyone can get a free Iron Skin by just getting 80% armor.Rhino doesn't even have any high-damage abilities to balance this out. I think we'll either need some improvement for Iron Skin or some damage increase for his other abilities, because after this nerf, he's nothing special.

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Ok Iron Skin seems currently bugged (DE said it). There is no damage mitigation  / or too low mitigation right now. This could also mean that Focus doesn't work properly and you will soon be able to get 104% damage reduction with max focus. Time will tell.

Edited by Thypari2013
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Ok Iron Skin seems currently bugged (DE said it). There is no damage mitigation  / or too low mitigation right now. This could also mean that Focus doesn't work properly and you will soon be able to get 104% damage reduction with max focus. Time will tell.

Meaning with the right mods we still get Invincibility but we have to work for it? Or is it mostly going to reduce all Damage Taken with 104% to a theoretical 1 Damage? I Need answers!

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gr8, now I can't ram grineer machinegunners and shockwave noa packs anymore. the only thing I used the iron skin for...


focus? yeah... let me just pull that out from my sleeve, as well as a dozen cores to get it to 25%. No big deal, really. It's not like I'm a casual player that doesn't have the time to farm sedna and camp alerts for reactor.


guess it's time to switch to frost.

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DE Developer 1: Yo guys, we really need to fix the Rhino. All of his abilities are garbage besides Iron Skin and Iron Skin itself is too good.


DE Developer 2: Got it Dev 1. We're going to nerf Rhino's only decent skill right away and we might get around to buffing his other skills.


DE Developer 3: Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if our new Warframe's 3rd skill did the same thing as Rhino's 4th, at ranged!?!?!?


DE Developer 2: I LOVE IT! I like where your head's at Dev 3, you've got a promising career ahead of you.


DE Developer 1: *FACEPALM* I quit.


DE Developer 2: Meh, screw that guy


DE Developer 3: Yeah, he's been nothing but a downer ever since we started talking about the Alert system


DE Developer 4: And remember the look on his face when we were talking about making all weapons blueprints? It was like he was looking at a bunch of morons.


DE Developer 2: Now let's all bend over in a circle and start snorting eachothers' farts!


DE Developers in Unison: Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!

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