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Rhino's Iron Skin


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In my opinion, Rhinos iron skin was just too OP, and the only thing players were on this warframe using. Being invincible for couple of minutes, going full retard with melee into bosses, no challenge in that. 

obvious troll, but do explain how you got to from seconds to minutes.

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DE Developer 1: Yo guys, we really need to fix the Rhino. All of his abilities are garbage besides Iron Skin and Iron Skin itself is too good.


DE Developer 2: Got it Dev 1. We're going to nerf Rhino's only decent skill right away and we might get around to buffing his other skills.


DE Developer 3: Hey guys, wouldn't it be cool if our new Warframe's 3rd skill did the same thing as Rhino's 4th, at ranged!?!?!?


DE Developer 2: I LOVE IT! I like where your head's at Dev 3, you've got a promising career ahead of you.


DE Developer 1: *FACEPALM* I quit.


DE Developer 2: Meh, screw that guy


DE Developer 3: Yeah, he's been nothing but a downer ever since we started talking about the Alert system


DE Developer 4: And remember the look on his face when we were talking about making all weapons blueprints? It was like he was looking at a bunch of morons.


DE Developer 2: Now let's all bend over in a circle and start snorting eachothers' farts!


DE Developers in Unison: Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!

Srsly, for your $&*&*#(%& comment, I want the down vote button back, cause this deserves nothing else.

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I understood it is working as intended. You only get knocked back but without stagger instead of knocked down?


Which still means Rhino can't do the only thing he ever stood out of the crowd with. Being able to save other people without interruption.

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Srsly, for your $&*&*#(%& comment, I want the down vote button back, cause this deserves nothing else.

A $&*&*#(%& action requires a $&*&*#(%& response. Nerfing an underused Warframe without any compensation is so laughably stupid I don't even know where to begin. Rhino isn't my primary warframe, infact it's pretty niche and I'm not big on using it due to it's speed. But the only redeeming quality to it was the fact that it could get infront of Disruptors and Toxic Ancients to protect the team from getting decimated.


If DE doesn't want volatile criticism, they need to stop being stupid(and greedy), actually LISTEN to the community. Last I checked "NERF IRON SKIN" isn't the only thing we've been asking for the Rhino...The fact that Rhino skin got nerfed before the infinite energy vamp+link godmoding is also a really bad joke.

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A $&*&*#(%& action requires a $&*&*#(%& response. Nerfing an underused Warframe without any compensation is so laughably stupid I don't even know where to begin. Rhino isn't my primary warframe, infact it's pretty niche and I'm not big on using it due to it's speed. But the only redeeming quality to it was the fact that it could get infront of Disruptors and Toxic Ancients to protect the team from getting decimated.


If DE doesn't want volatile criticism, they need to stop being stupid(and greedy), actually LISTEN to the community. Last I checked "NERF IRON SKIN" isn't the only thing we've been asking for the Rhino...The fact that Rhino skin got nerfed before the infinite energy vamp+link godmoding is also a really bad joke.

I know right now everyone is very upset over this nerf, I am too. To be honest DE does listen to the community, but I have been seeing a bit of a trend in what DE has been doing. They seem to be over-nerfing things then adding buff so the nerf doesn't seem to bad. That is just speculation of course so don't take my word for it. As of now Rhino now has dropped to probably the bottom of the list of frames to use. 


This as also put an end to the age long debate Rhino Vs Frost. Frost now wins by miles. It was fun reading the debates going back and forth, but now Frost is now way out of Rhino's league.


Also let's be more constructive instead of slandering other's (DE included). If you are a dev for a game and the community is calling you a lot of nasty things would you feel like helping them or just ignoring them? So let's be more constructive they can't help us if all we do is criticize them on doing their job.

Edited by Rafarix
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I know right now everyone is very upset over this nerf, I am too. To be honest DE does listen to the community, but I have been seeing a bit of a trend in what DE has been doing. They seem to be over-nerfing things then adding buff so the nerf doesn't seem to bad. That is just speculation of course so don't take my word for it. As of now Rhino now has dropped to probably the bottom of the list of frames to use. 


This as also put an end to the age long debate Rhino Vs Frost. Frost now wins by miles. It was fun reading the debates going back and forth, but now Frost is now way out of Rhino's league.


Also let's be more constructive instead of slandering other's (DE included). If you are a dev for a game and the community is calling you a lot of nasty things would you feel like helping them or just ignoring them? So let's be more constructive they can't help us if all we do is criticize them on doing their job.


If their MO is to overnerf, then buff to the "correct level" to make it not seem bad, then that is something I have to disagree with. Especially for something as important to gameplay as an ENTIRE Warframe. As you stated, the Rhino Vs. Frost debate is null. You can't tank effectively with Rhino anymore. And you can barely CC with him because of the costs of his main CC abilities. You'd be better off using Banshee for CC. You'd be better off using Ember's Tanking ability than Rhino's because hers can be increased up to like 90% (I think the actual calculation was 91%) with a passive damage aura. Rhino Charge is horribly outgunned by Slash Dash as well. Simply put, Rhino is no longer deserving of it's Mastery 2 limit. It's hardly deserving of being a Warframe anymore. Everyone else simply does it better. 


Rhino was a Rock in the Ocean

Now he is but sand on the beach. 

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Even if we get stagger and stun immunity back it still doesnt fix the core problem.

Granting Rhino anything less than full invincibility destroys the one thing unique about him,being able to actually meele high level enemies and act as a shield for the group.

Even with 80% reduction(or 90% for that matter),high level mobs still chew through your shields in a matter of seconds(which we cant recharge now anymore,giving us even less reason to go meele and getting focus fired,therefor fulfilling our role as a tank).


So since eliminating that unique playstyle altogether isnt enough,what has Rhino left?



Utility?Sure we have stomp but thats done better by other frames with a bigger energy pool for lower costs.

And look,we are still the slowest sob in the field!


Seriously,why bring my Rhino to a mission now apart to make people hate me for wasting a slot?

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Am I the only one thinking they should have just made IS his 4th skill and let the energy cost compensate for it? Anyway, at least this gives me a free slot for Frost Prime when it comes.

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Am I the only one thinking they should have just made IS his 4th skill and let the energy cost compensate for it? Anyway, at least this gives me a free slot for Frost Prime when it comes.

Yeah, I'm glad I held off on deleting Ash and holding onto Excalibur/Rhino so I can use Frost Prime. Now I'll be deleting Rhino (potato'd and all) to hold onto Excalibur/Ash and delete Rhino. I used Iron Skin a lot, mainly when Grineer Machinegunners/rollers came everywhere, Shockwave Moas spawned in huge numbers and.... against every enemy Infested. Iron Skin was great whenever Jackal decided to spam the hell out of his insta-kill grenade and his stomp attack. It also made Hyena pretty easy, though I always used Gorgon/LEX/Fragor and hated melee-happy teammates with a passion.

Now, yeah, Trinity, the supposed support-based Warframe can be a better Tank because of Link+Energy Vampire. Not to mention she's faster (no shock there) and if need be, can fire off a heal that has supposedly infinite range.

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I really doubt that. Iron Skin was a great ability, but not his only useful one.

His only other useful ability is Rhino Stomp and that costs 100 energy per pop. And no Radial Blast isn't useful because the 75 energy for the knockdown is incomparable to the 100 energy for the stasis which is affected by Continuity.

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I really hope they re-implement CC-immunity and distributor drain immunity. I can live with having a 80% damage reduction, but without any kind of them kinds of immunities Rhino is effectively nothing.

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I really hope they re-implement CC-immunity and distributor drain immunity. I can live with having a 80% damage reduction, but without any kind of them kinds of immunities Rhino is effectively nothing.


According to both Scott and Rebecca, the knockback immunity will be added back in, and if I understood correctly the loss of disruptor immunity was also unintentional. Unclear on poison immunity at the present time.

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According to both Scott and Rebecca, the knockback immunity will be added back in, and if I understood correctly the loss of disruptor immunity was also unintentional. Unclear on poison immunity at the present time.


Good news, everyone! Rhino isn't dead. He is merely lying in a state of suspended animation.

Edited by se05239
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How about


85% Damage Reduction
25% Toxic Damage Reduction
Higher Energie cost
Higher Modification Cost
No Knockback, No Stun at !last Modification level
Slightly buffed base duration
AOE pulls full aggression for X seconds


Edited by Purplemage
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How about


85% Damage Reduction

25% Toxic Damage Reduction

Higher Energie cost

Higher Modification Cost

No Knockback, No Stun at !last Modification level

Slightly buffed base duration

AOE pulls full aggression for X seconds



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I know right now everyone is very upset over this nerf, I am too. To be honest DE does listen to the community, but I have been seeing a bit of a trend in what DE has been doing. They seem to be over-nerfing things then adding buff so the nerf doesn't seem to bad. That is just speculation of course so don't take my word for it. As of now Rhino now has dropped to probably the bottom of the list of frames to use. 


This as also put an end to the age long debate Rhino Vs Frost. Frost now wins by miles. It was fun reading the debates going back and forth, but now Frost is now way out of Rhino's league.


Also let's be more constructive instead of slandering other's (DE included). If you are a dev for a game and the community is calling you a lot of nasty things would you feel like helping them or just ignoring them? So let's be more constructive they can't help us if all we do is criticize them on doing their job.

Why would I concern myself with constructive criticism when kicking and screaming is what got this change rushed out? The sad part is it's an awful change and doesn't even begin to address the real issue with Iron Skin in the first place. No one really cared about the invulnerability, it was how long it lasted and how cheap it was.


Want a /proper/ fix to Iron Skin? Make Iron Skin the 4th skill(and cost 100 energy), Rhino Slam the 2nd skill, and Rhino Stomp the 3rd skill. Voila! Iron Skin's duration from Flow/Streamline/Continuity stacking is effectively halved and Rhino still gets to be the Rhino! Would you not agree that this is a reasonable change and much more desirable than than the knee-jerk reaction we got from all the crying?


All in one shot they removed everything good and unique about the Rhino, as well as nerfing him and making him worse than literally any other Warframe. Rhino Charge is worse than it was before(I didn't think it was possible), because now the Rhino has to mind his positioning a lot more. Stomp/Slam are still out-shined by a Scindo w/ a frost mod, so what exactly is left for the Rhino? He can't tank high level missions anymore, that's completely out the window. He has no other purpose than to tank. Everything about the Warframe is geared towards being a tank and CCing(Which he now does both horribly).

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I don't think that taking invincibility out of rhino is a step in the right direction at all. Iron Skin is what makes Rhino a tank, else he's just a really slow and clunky guy with sub-par abilities. If you picked the guy with the big heavy armor is because you wanted to be able to endure anything above all things, and that's exactly what they showed in the trailer, he using Iron Skin and resisting Lech Kril attack completely, effectively distracting him so his teammates can attack him, wich is rhino's purpose. Now he's just meaningless.

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