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Nef Has Had 3 Potato Bps As Rewards In A Row Now.


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I would agree with you if Alad's rewards increased in value as his loss count went up, but that's exactly what HASN'T happened.

I haven't been following the score much, but this might be due to him having an advantage anyway.

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Do you people really, honestly don't understand what 'rigged' means? 

DE are increasing the rewards of the losing side, but this emulates EXACTLY what a desperate rich dude would do - offer increasingly good rewards as he falls deeper into the abyss. 


I supported Alad V for the first four times and feel okay with that. Maybe you should pick a side and stick with it, eh?

This. Also, it's not like he'll let up now that he sees it's working. My guess is we'll see an overall escalation of rewards, and by the last day there'll be some really nice stuff. I think I remember DERebecca saying something about the individual rewards being even more compelling than the long-term event rewards. 

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I haven't been following the score much, but this might be due to him having an advantage anyway.


That shouldn't have any effect on the rewards for this many conflicts in a row. No matter the disparity between the two sides, giving Nef this many good rewards compared to Alad in a row is complete BS.

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If the losing side doesn't even get a complete weapon I wouldn't even bother with this event and I'm sure a lot of others wouldn't either.

well looser would get the bp and have to build it. the winning side should get some special treatment even if it's a small one like getting the weapon built and potatoed. well besides getting the weapon they want.

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I haven't been following the score much, but this might be due to him having an advantage anyway.


Which was fine. But yesterday the people who supported Nef got all butthurt because they kept losing. A few hours later some hotfixes happened and mysteriously his rewards started getting better.

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Which was fine. But yesterday the people who supported Nef got all butthurt because they kept losing. A few hours later some hotfixes happened and mysteriously his rewards started getting better.


Yep. It's pretty clear who DE wants to win, and they need to not only be called out on it; they need to cut it out, if they want people to keep showing interest in these events. As it is, all this event is doing is making people that support Nef act like jerks to the people that DE is helping them screw out of a legitimate victory. We were set to win this, because we had more supporters, but DE poisoned the well by giving Alad terrible rewards compared to Nef.

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well looser would get the bp and have to build it. the winning side should get some special treatment even if it's a small one like getting the weapon built and potatoed. well besides getting the weapon they want.


Yeah, losing side gets a bp, the winning side gets a complete weapon, weapon slot, and catalyst. 12+ hours of investment for building it and materials saved, plus at least 32 plat worth of items for free.


They did that once before and it was stupid idea then and it's stupid idea now.


Not to mention the fact that for the last day Nefs side has been getting vastly better rewards and you still want to give the winners more?

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I would agree with you if Alad's rewards increased in value as his loss count went up, but that's exactly what HASN'T happened.

He lost 5 times in a row yesterday/today and those "automated" battle pays haven't increased once. Meanwhile DE started rigging in nefs favor since conflict 4 when they increased his credits to 75k then again in conflict 5 when it went up to 125k and finally conflict 6 when it was 150k before getting to the 25 rares 20 uncommons when he grabbed his first win

According to logic of people defending DEs rigging it would have to be (as of the score right now) 12/13 - 7 before alad v starts giving out rare cores and something tells me that just will not be happening.

I don't mind getting nothing out of this event as I probably won't but DE is shooting themselves in the foot with this and their "player choices/progress". I'd say they are more desperate than Nef at this point


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There are still people, like me who are still siding with Alad V no matter what, but it doesn't matter, because the greedy majority ends up deciding on who wins. It's no longer a matter of who do you truly want to support; it's just a matter of pure greed from those who want r5's and potatoes.

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Which was fine. But yesterday the people who supported Nef got all butthurt because they kept losing. A few hours later some hotfixes happened and mysteriously his rewards started getting better.

The Nerf side was butthurt at the start because they kept losing, and now the Salad side's butthurt because they keep losing. Hmm.


(The moment the loot dries up everyone will just run straight back to Salad anyway, this was basically the only way to ensure Nerf wouldn't end up losing 0-80. And it's not about how many losses there were in a row, it's obviously about the raw score advantage Salad keeps getting.


Not that Nerf is going to win in the end anyway, but I don't care, I just want my loot and a gun.)

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The Nerf side was butthurt at the start because they kept losing, and now the Salad side's butthurt because they keep losing. Hmm.


(The moment the loot dries up everyone will just run straight back to Salad anyway, this was basically the only way to ensure Nerf wouldn't end up losing 0-80. And it's not about how many losses there were in a row, it's obviously about the raw score advantage Salad keeps getting.


Not that Nerf is going to win in the end anyway, but I don't care, I just want my loot and a gun.)


It's a completely different situation though. Nefs side was mad they were losing when the rewards were even. Now Alad side is mad they are losing because Nefs side is getting vastly better rewards.

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Yep. It's pretty clear who DE wants to win, and they need to not only be called out on it; they need to cut it out, if they want people to keep showing interest in these events. As it is, all this event is doing is making people that support Nef act like jerks to the people that DE is helping them screw out of a legitimate victory. We were set to win this, because we had more supporters, but DE poisoned the well by giving Alad terrible rewards compared to Nef.


I wouldn't say the rewards he was giving were terrible, I can use both credits and uncommon cores. It's just that Nefs rewards were that much better.

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It's a completely different situation though. Nefs side was mad they were losing when the rewards were even. Now Alad side is mad they are losing because Nefs side is getting vastly better rewards.

More importantly, it won't matter... because Salad is going to win anyway, considering that besides making it rain, Nerf has no other strategies and no other long-term appeal to everyone except the roughly twenty of us who actually want Dera Vandal next week.


TL;DR Nerf's loot will swing the odds now but the community clearly wants Salad to win, so he probably will once the greedy milk stops flowing so freely.

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TL;DR Nerf's loot will swing the odds now but the community clearly wants Salad to win, so he probably will once the greedy milk stops flowing so freely.

That's not going to happen.

We're using this time to get the word out and let logic do it's work.

Once the Tenno have come to their senses, no one but the greediest and the traitorous will support Jellyfish Salad.

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All these suicidal Salad V supporters who want to help the Tennocidal maniac who tortures, dissects and kills us and on top of that, want to make the Infested stronger.

This isn't about the motivations of each side, this is about DE actively rigging the battles, which is not acceptable. On a side note, please explain the picture you posted. I imagine that you're implying that this thread is an echo chamber but I would prefer to get confirmation from you before making such an assumption.

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Unless I miscounted, which I don't think I did. Regardless, it's clear now that DE is rigging the recent battle in Nef's favour. Around the time of Alad's 5th win Nef's rewards essentially skyrocketed in quality. It became common for him to offer 20 Rare 5 fusion cores whereas Alad was either offering 20 Standard 5s or 50k credits. The rewards of the current battle are a Reactor BP from Nef, and 50k credits from Alad, so you don't even have to think about who'll win. With this battle going to tie it up 7-7, realistically Alad should've started upping his rewards around 2 battles ago, but he hasn't, he's still offering rewards that in no way compare to Nef's.


Precisely why is this acceptable?


This event was meant to pit one side against the other. One was going to lose and the other would win, that's how it was designed. I can understand why Nef supporters would be angry about getting thrashed in the beginning, I know that sucks, but if the majority of the playerbase is supporting Alad, clearly his side should win, but instead we're seeing that DE is clearly rigging the mission rewards in favour of Nef, and don't even try telling me that the rewards are pre-programmed into the event because if they were, Alad would've started offering 20 Rare 5's at least by now.


Tell me DE, why are you even giving us the choice of who to support if you're going to stack the odds so heavily against one side?

But the same thing happened during Gradivus...


Hey, you know what that's called? That's called a majority of the playerbase actually being on Alad's side. If DE wants this event to actually be decided by the wishes of the players, and not just which side offers better loot, they need to make the rewards equal and stop meddling with the event.


More importantly, why have none of the devs responded to any of the threads on the subject? Why aren't we getting any answers here? Instead we're just being made to endure constant personal attacks and insults from the people supporting Nef who think it's so very funny that they're getting what amounts to cheats in their favor.

That's called moral choices. Haven't you noticed that "bad" guys always have better loot/more power to offer? If everything was equal IRL, do you think people would still go for bad choices in order to gain something?

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This isn't about the motivations of each side, this is about DE actively rigging the battles, which is not acceptable. On a side note, please explain the picture you posted. I imagine that you're implying that this thread is an echo chamber but I would prefer to get confirmation from you before making such an assumption.

Unless DE actually decide to CHANGE the progress of either side (like adding 10 points to Nef, for example) - that's NOT rigging. It's up to players to decide if they want a better loot or a more 'beloved' character to win.


And as we can see, profit numbs the feeling.


edit: sorry for double post, thought this forum supports post merging -_-

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Unless DE actually decide to CHANGE the progress of either side (like adding 10 points to Nef, for example) - that's NOT rigging. It's up to players to decide if they want a better loot or a more 'beloved' character to win.


And as we can see, profit numbs the feeling.


edit: sorry for double post, thought this forum supports post merging -_-


And what is giving one side way better rewards than others? Not rigging?



This isn't about the motivations of each side, this is about DE actively rigging the battles, which is not acceptable. On a side note, please explain the picture you posted. I imagine that you're implying that this thread is an echo chamber but I would prefer to get confirmation from you before making such an assumption.

Yeah I'm not sure why people keep trying to make this about the lore. I couldn't care less about the lore, never have and never will. 
What I do care about is integrity and it's clearly lacking in this event right now.
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It's not rigging it's the automated Invasion system that makes it so the one losing always pays more.

It's the exact same system as the Corpus VS Grineer stuff just amped up to potato.

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There's plenty of players that don't have the time to grind out stuff in the void so they can trade for plat so they can get potatoes.

This has felt rigged ever since Nef started offering better rewards and newer players are going to be going for the potatoes. Hell I grabbed a couple because I'm not always around when they pop up in alerts (as with a good amount of people).


I'm not saying the rewards have to be totally equal but at least they shouldn't be so unbalanced :/

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No? Do you expect that everything in this game would be equal? Even when it comes to resources of a leader of massive cult vs deranged ostracized researcher?


I expect that DE wants players to determine the outcome of the event.


But giving one side vastly better rewards than the other goes against the integrity of the entire thing.


Couldn't care less about the lore. Which if we're talking about lore we just bankrupted Nef a few weeks ago anyways. And that is part of the lore. So yeah..



It's not rigging it's the automated Invasion system that makes it so the one losing always pays more.

It's the exact same system as the Corpus VS Grineer stuff just amped up to potato.

Is that why when Nef was losing 5-0 that the rewards were even but then mysteriously there was some hotfixes and then he started giving away better rewards?
Edited by f3llyn
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