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Will You Still Use Rhino Now?


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Self-imposed challenge? If Rhino is so useless then those people that complain that Warframe is too easy can just gimp themselves with a sub par frame


What challenge? It's not like a useless frame will somehow make your weapons any less destructive. This doesn't make the game more challenging either..... it just makes it less fun to play and with one less choice among the frames available. Else, it's like => Difficulty = +++++++HP , the same can be applied in inverse pattern with damage. Challenges and difficulty to a game should be linked to skill, not mainly stats and mods.

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Nope. The Rhino is slow, all of his skills are mediocre at best except Iron Skin before this update, and now even Iron Skin is 100% useless since it won't help you nullify staggers or knockdowns, or help your shield regenerate by nullifying damage temporarily, or be of any use at all when I really need it. I won't outright delete the frame YET, but if Iron Skin doesn't get a re-buff, and Frost Prime doesn't come with its own slot, I would trash Rhino without a second thought. I really still can't believe that DE would ruin the only tanking ability of a tanking frame.

It's already been confirmed frost prime will not come with a slot get rdy to sell rhino

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IS was a skill u needed timing and now who cares cause the dmg reduction and duration su ck

and spamming it cause u have 150% flow....

I have 1 flow after playing >200 hours and IS is not for spam but the "Oh Cr4p" Button

and Saryns ... Button got teared to shreds 2

every other frame has a good escape skill

Edited by BloodEmperor
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one should not judge a frame on a single power...


also, Rhino's radial blast and dash is very useful against those annoying rollers

And light infested. But that's about it =/


And let's be honest, they're not exactly difficult to kill, just a pain.

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And light infested. But that's about it =/


And let's be honest, they're not exactly difficult to kill, just a pain.


Let's Stretch honesty a bit further out of Reach, and say that any other frame can deal with that better/more efficiently.


It's not like people are judging rhino for only one power, it's that the iron skin was the only thing that made rhino worth using.... and they nerfed that WITHOUT balancing his other crappy sub par skills, that's all.

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if IS was his 4 with 100 energy and blast 2 stomp 3 everything would be fine as long as maxed IS stay for 20 secs everything less doesnt compensate for anything


I don't think they'll do anything like that

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@Zonzai agree with you that rhino was clearly made to look as THE tank (though, in most if not all cases.... frost would make a better choice.... no question in def missions), but trinity is not tricky to balance... i doubt anyone questions her design as healer.... so.... what's link doing there? It doesn't sound supportish to me :P. And with her ability to have infinite energy.... yeah, we know it's better than iron skin and trinity melts anything while eating icecream.


I don't disagree about Trinity.  I just don't really know enough about her to know what the solution is.  I've played Rhino a lot.  So I feel comfortable saying that he is not particularly effective enough at anything else to justify being the third (or fourth) best tank.


De never said something about him being a tank :>


That's what players called him.

Also there is no holy trinity in this game, so there are no tanks in this game.


I don't care whether DE ever specifically said that Rhino was a tank or not (though they did specifically say that Iron Skin was for tanking).  Rhino is a tank purely out of the way that he was designed. 


Warframe may not have a holy trinity but each warframe has an intended role.  Was Rhino designed to be a support character?  No.  Was he designed to be a DPS character?  No.  Was he designed to be a melee character?  Kind of, but with the slowest movement speed he isn't particularly effective at getting to melee range before every average DPS class has defeated everything.  Rhino was meant to tank.  The only thing that he ever shined at was saving the day by firing off his 'oh sh**' button at exactly the right time.  Now that's pretty much gone.


If he is not going to the pure tank character he needs something to make him capable in another role, like Frost or Trinity (or Ember).


then whats the point in rhino when there are frames supperior to him in EVERY aspect?


I would say, everything he does, somebody else does much better and somebody else does a little better but with other advantages that Rhino doesn't have.  He has given up everything to tank and he is the third (or fourth) best warframe at it.  That doesn't seem like it's worth 370 plat.



-EDIT-  That's my opinion on the matter.  I don't actually think everybody has to agree with me.  I just think you're wrong if you don't.  :P

Edited by Zonzai
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It's funny because people think a % based damage reduction with no knockback protection matters when there are only two things in the game that will ever kill you.


Being chain staggered so you can't do anything, or being shot by so many high rate of fire enemies at once that a % based reduction is going to be barely noticeable. Sometimes both of these things at once.


When's the last time you remember getting killed by a sniper? I didn't think so.


Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree that Iron Skin needed to be altered in some way. As is, I could stand in a bosses face for upward of two minutes straight without dying. It was straight up busted.


But now? Iron Skin is basically pointless, and his other abilities range from poor imitation of a better skill to just flat out useless.

Edited by Maddoc
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Well I think what it comes down to is how you use Rhino, right now I have his shield up to 950 and health up to 650. The way I use him is mostly in defense missions and solo farming. He is armed with a very high modded Gorgon and the Scindo as a melee weapon. In defense missions I plant myself at choke points and as long as people do there jobs none shall pass. As for solo farming I use him to do exterminate missions. I have used him in co-op missions but to be honest I feel like the little chubby boy trying to keep up with the fast kids, he is just so slow lol and I feel like I'm letting the team down or dragging them down. Also to be honest in the heat of battle I almost always forget to use my abilities so the nerf has not effected me and my Rhino. Let's all keep in mind and I'm sure this won't be the last time someone says this, but this is still a Beta, so I'm sure lots of things like this will keep happening, if we are going to complain lets keep it constructive and keep in mind that if not for the hard work these people put in you would not have a game to complain about:)

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To be on the simplest terms, before, Iron Skin is more like an Active Skill. I will actively invoke it and rush into melee.

Now, it's more like a passive skill. I will invoke it to bail out of tight situations. Melee that big cluster of Disruptor + Toxic Ancients? eh... no thanks. At least not while I have other choices.


So a possible result is that, Rhinos (except the minority which are made up of the very skilled as well as the very unskilled) will now be more cowar.... eh hem... cautious. At least I would really think thrice before trying to play as a small "stopper" during defense missions, to hold up hordes of Disruptors and Toxic Ancients so that they will either be cut down by me or ranged/powered away by my team mates.

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Well, let's put it in even simpler terms and just face the fact that rhino has no longer a place in a fun gameplay and can't show off with any of his lame &#! skills now. I think enough has been said about how it should be, either without nerf.... focusing on frames that really need the nerf, or nerfing while BALANCING rhino's other sub-par skills.....

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Erm, I can confirm that he is still unaffected by Disruptors and (pretty sure) Toxics while using Iron Skin.

But yes. IS was overpowered, everything else useless. Now that IS is balanced, please balance at least one of his other skills >_>

Radial Blast with 600 damage would be awesome.

Edited by Deadly-Bagel
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I was hoping more that Rhino Charge actually feels like a rhino charge. Does it still stop abruptly after the last update even if there is just an energizer bunny in the path? Also, being able to travel up a VERY GENTLE slope would be reasonable. It could make the whole experience a lot better if it actually knocks opponents back (even if it doesn't do that much damage). The lighter the opponent, the more the knock back.


I am sort of imagining something like bull fighting.... Rhino Charges through a group of enemies, knock them aside like a bowling ball through bowling pins, and when they pick them selves up, Rhino reverse direction and charge again.. That;s the kind of CC I like ;)

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People hate the nerf as it changes rhino's gameplay style, shifting from tank towards cc. When playing him you now need to stay at range and rush in using all powers to cc rather than just pressing 2.

He is still very viable, but has become increasingly power reliant and near useless without streamline or flow. He needs an energy max boost or power cost decrease alongsise power buffs.

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