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Will You Still Use Rhino Now?


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It's sort of amusing how DE can't seem to understand that nerfing things into dust doesn't make their game any better. Iron Skin's lack of disruption immunity and 80% damage reduction is a joke, Ember's overheat now serves as a tanking skill far better than Iron Skin. Rhino was Iron Skin, there was nothing else keeping him from being useless.

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Murdered? it still reduces damage by 80% at max so it's still pretty dang use full. Yeah Trinity is technically now does better as a tank but you got to remember that this is a PvE game not a PvP game so it doesn't really matter.


This argument is used too much in this forum in all honesty.


Just because the game does not have a PVP element to balance against does not mean PVE should not be balanced. It seems as though a lot of players come from games where PVE is balanced around PVP. That has always been a wrong reason to change PVE in my opinion. They are separate elements of the game and ought remain that way.


As an example: The Hek. People screamed when it got nerfed. I agree, it was nerfed very badly. But then it got buffed, not quite up to what it was before but still reasonable. To illustrate why: Prior to the nerf the Hek held the top rank for number of kills and time used over a few months. This implied the player base was leaning towards using the OP weapons (and lets face it, the gun was incredibly over powered) which meant that people were starting to construct easy mode, or cookie cutter, builds. This was never part of the design plan. DE wants us to use the weaponry they give us - all of them - not just one or two. Granted a lot of players wanted to use the Hek, but for the wrong reasons. It was less preference for gameplay style and more preference for it being viewed as the *best gun* in game. This is why it was nerfed.





Still, on topic: Yes, this nerf was uncalled for really. A lot of Rhino's moves are cheap knock-off's of other frames moves. Rhino Charge is a poor man's Slash Dash. Radial Blast is semi decent but costs far too much and has far too small a range. Rhino Stomp is now rendered impotent thanks to Vauban's Bastille move. Iron Skin was his only saving grace, but even then it was kind of his only real iconic move and I bet if there were usage stats for Rhino's skills then it'd probably dominate there.

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Murdered? it still reduces damage by 80% at max so it's still pretty dang use full. Yeah Trinity is technically now does better as a tank but you got to remember that this is a PvE game not a PvP game so it doesn't really matter.

That was the argument for NOT nerfing things.

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Not wanting to start a rant topic or anything, I'm just wondering how many of you will still use rhino, and how many have already thrown him into the garbage


He was my main, i liked the idea of a solo tank who drew fire on him and kept them at bay for squad to shoot them down. Now his only useful skill was murdered and it seems like it has no purpose, regarding energy and usefulness... his other skills are.... mediocre at best, and the new frame is infinite times better for crowd control. Even trinity with vampiric energy can use link indefinitely and was already better than iron skin before. Now rhino cant even go melee toxic ancients and even ember can have more dmg % resistance with focus on overheat :/.


It seems like any use of rhino was utterly destroyed, what do you guys think?


I'm sorry DE


but I actually support the nyx changes, although i thought mind control should be made multi cast.




I don't think rhino is very useful now..

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 It seems that most rhino users believe that they can't play him without having invulnerability.  They apparently never used shields and never ran out of energy.  Considering how many other players aren't using Rhino and do just fine, they can't really say much about him being unplayable without invulnerability.


 The only argument is that being the slowest and not having invulnerability is a problem, but it isn't.  You can still play almost the exact same way, if you actually have shields and avoid bad fights just like any reasonable player.

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 It seems that most rhino users believe that they can't play him without having invulnerability.  They apparently never used shields and never ran out of energy.  Considering how many other players aren't using Rhino and do just fine, they can't really say much about him being unplayable without invulnerability.


 The only argument is that being the slowest and not having invulnerability is a problem, but it isn't.  You can still play almost the exact same way, if you actually have shields and avoid bad fights just like any reasonable player.

It's not so much the lack of invulnerability making him unplayable now, it's the lack of any other viable abilities, tanking or otherwise.

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Incredibly, that statement seems perfect for the Rhino players seeking out a new warframe to 'god mode' in.



It doesn't really matter, as now rhino is garbage and most will use other frame. If they want god mode.... just go for trin.... reflects damage besides having the same effect that iron skin (but that doesn't need a nerf, iron skin did.... right?) and has infinite energy with vampiric.... GG. And of course, all trin's abilities are useful. But no.... we need to nerf iron skin, the only actual thing that makes rhino unique and a plausible choice among the other frames.


yeah.... that's the way to go.....

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 It seems that most rhino users believe that they can't play him without having invulnerability.  They apparently never used shields and never ran out of energy.  Considering how many other players aren't using Rhino and do just fine, they can't really say much about him being unplayable without invulnerability.


 The only argument is that being the slowest and not having invulnerability is a problem, but it isn't.  You can still play almost the exact same way, if you actually have shields and avoid bad fights just like any reasonable player.


I like this assumption that "Rhino users" never use any other frame.

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Incredibly, that statement seems perfect for the Rhino players seeking out a new warframe to 'god mode' in.



Yeah it is true that his Iron Skin probably dominated his power usage across all Rhino players - but that just means his other powers are not worth using. Which is true. He falls into the category of "Needs a buff" now. I don't want his Iron Skin to be 100% again, but if that 80% resistance applied to shields as well then it'd be worth it, sadly his other skills really need attention even more so than Iron Skin.

Edited by J-Pax
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Of course, my use of Rhino didnt revolve around only popping Iron Skin.


Well, regarding functionality... what were you using it for then? And it's not like one would only use iron skin and nothing else.... but without that, really, what's the point of choosing rhino over anything else? Over trin, or saryn, or nyx, or frost or excalibur.... ? I don't see any use in him

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I too will stick with Rhino.


Not talking about Defense missions but never actually relied on Iron Skin expect for bosses. Now I'll just kill bosses the same way I did before I got Rhino with tactics. The tactics I speak of is simply taking cover.


About the disruptor thing, since it is probably currently programmed to affect frames that take damage, of course it will apply. This should be hot-fixed soon

About the poison thing, poison is not a CC, of course you will take damage from it, only reason why you didn't before was cause of the invulnerability.

If you are swarmed by infested as many like to use as an example, Rhino Charge is amazing against that, just jump and "1" out of the fight, or if you can't, just "1" and everything will be knocked down.

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Well, regarding functionality... what were you using it for then? And it's not like one would only use iron skin and nothing else.... but without that, really, what's the point of choosing rhino over anything else? Over trin, or saryn, or nyx, or frost or excalibur.... ? I don't see any use in him

Well for me, since I rely on my player skills, it doesn't affect me much. Honestly, for me spamming kill skills is so boring. Having high base stats on an early and rather easy to get frame is still nice to have.

To be completely honest, frame skills themselves are absurdly strong and sometimes can replace weapons entirely, of course speaking under level 55.

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I never planned on using Rhino specifically because it seems his only use is Iron Skin.


Trinity at least has a group heal, and despite all the talk of Energy Vampire + Link, I find myself using mostly Blessing. I'd rather use a heal to prevent someone from dropping than have to run into a group and revive them. Even with Link, that takes TWO people out of the fight for much longer than it takes to cast Blessing. My main use for Link has been eliminating those dang Grineer rollers, and Energy Vampire rarely sees use outside of bosses.


As for requiring Iron Skin to "tank" Ancients ... all you need is frost damage and to do something other than stand completely still. An Ancient that has a Frost effect on them tends to hit where you were a second or two ago, so if you keep moving and keep them frozen you're good.

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Well, regarding functionality... what were you using it for then? And it's not like one would only use iron skin and nothing else.... but without that, really, what's the point of choosing rhino over anything else? Over trin, or saryn, or nyx, or frost or excalibur.... ? I don't see any use in him


Stun-locking enemies.

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Stun-locking enemies.


With what? When you have frost, nyx or saryn...  there's really no point.


I won't sell him, nor i will stop using him... but now for me it has no real purpose and no place in defense missions.... the only thing to do as "end game" other than farming res.

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With what? When you have frost, nyx or saryn...  there's really no point.


I won't sell him, nor i will stop using him... but now for me it has no real purpose and no place in defense missions.... the only thing to do as "end game" other than farming res.


With Charge, Blast, and Stomp. All those attacks knock people down.

How does Saryn and Frost Stun-lock enemies? I'll give you Nyx on a technicality but i dont see how you stun-lock with the rest.

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With what? When you have frost, nyx or saryn...  there's really no point.


I won't sell him, nor i will stop using him... but now for me it has no real purpose and no place in defense missions.... the only thing to do as "end game" other than farming res.


With what? haha... no wonder they nerfed it. For your information, some actually know how to play the game and don't need to rely on abilities that make you immortal.


Props to you Mak_Gohae.

Edited by FAKTUM
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With Charge, Blast, and Stomp. All those attacks knock people down.

How does Saryn and Frost Stun-lock enemies? I'll give you Nyx on a technicality but i dont see how you stun-lock with the rest.

Frost doesn't stun-lock, to my knowledge. O.o


I mean, sure, you could spam Freeze, but doesn't it have diminishing returns? It never seems to last near as long if used on the same enemy more than once.

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With what? haha... no wonder they nerfed it. For your information, some actually know how to play the game and don't need to rely on abilities that make you immortal.


Props to you Mak_Gohae.


lol...... you don't need anything as this game lacks any skill, this way it also makes it lack fun and variation. Did you think u had skillz for winning in this game? Lmao.... i maxed everything, unlocked everything and i don't think im a god for doing something so trivial in a game without challenge.... that also means i played all frames.... lol.... some people.....

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