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As you can see my username is "rabcor" and i intended it to be "Rabcor" (the reason is that when i first made the account i thought it was a login name, not display name)


I don't want to change my name. I want to change the first letter to uppercase. I sent a support ticket about it a while back and they said it'd be possible later in the https://warframe.com/user'>account management


Now that i see it is possible, in what way is it fair that i would have to pay 200 platinum which is worth more than 10$ for changing the case of one letter? If i'd have known it'd be like this i would've made another account as soon as i noticed this, but i figured they'd be more cool about it.


I'm kindof disappointed now :( no way i'm paying 200 plats for that even if i have well over 2000, that's just not cool!

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Yes they fixed that, but i feel that even if i have no intention of changing my name ever. 200 is a bit highly priced for a name change.


Wouldn't 75 plat (5$) be a much better idea in every way? more people would actually do it (which means $ for DE). Unless they have a terrible name and are far inside the game already nobody would pay that!

then dont do it? its just one letter.


i think you can still play the game that way.

It's not about that i can still play the game. It's about that i didn't press shift when i made the account(which i didn't cus i didn't realize i was choosing a display name) and am now being punished for it. I'm not saying i can't live with it. I'm saying that it's kindof unfair and disappointing exactly because it's just one letter (and not the entire name).

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I personally feel the cost is a bit high for a name change. Almost $15 for a username change is a bit steep. I would get back up with support if all you need is a case change on the first letter. I'd be surprised if they want you to shell out for a case change.

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In my opinion the price is right, but DE needs to be more clear about the fact that the name you choose is final, and it's going to be used as both IGN and forum handle. And that changing it will cost that much.


If it was too cheap, it would harm the community.

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How would it harm the community? just how would it harm the community? and i agree that if it was 50 plat a lot of people might actually use it

I personally feel the cost is a bit high for a name change. Almost $15 for a username change is a bit steep. I would get back up with support if all you need is a case change on the first letter. I'd be surprised if they want you to shell out for a case change.

I'll just go ahead and shoot them another ticket. Because to be honest it'd surprise me aswell.

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Troll problem would be eliminated if you could view past aliases.


Oh wait you can. No problem then? :P


And how exactly will the "trolls" be recognized when they change their alias, so that we can go inside their profile and actively check on their name history? It's not like each person has his or her own unique avatar, title, post count or anything...


When someone changes their name and don't tell anyone who they used to be, he'll be essentially a new person. And only the most paranoid within this community will keep checking the name history of new names (or someone who didn't changed, but they haven't seen before) with high post counts.



I was one of the first (if not the first, which i believe i was) to do a name change during a brief, hours-long period when the option was available 2 months ago, and not only did i told everybody who i was on all my posts for a while, but i still use "AKA: ruivoml" on my profile page because guess what... the name history isn't working yet.

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Wait, they're charging you 200 Plat to change names? Oh come on DE... Charging 30 Plat for avatars (without even giving the public a warning) is one thing, but for a name change? I agree it should be cheaper and so should the avatars, I'm certain they would get more profit and customers.

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The first letter in a name is always in uppercase. That's just common sense.


Also, who cares that silly people who made silly posts change their names in hopes of others forgetting about them? Wouldn't that normally just mean they realized that they made a mistake and will want to behave better? Why else would they pay 50 plats for it? even if it's only 50 plats... it's still money, they'd have to be fairly stupid....



they changed it! i feel so much better now. Thank you customer support <3



Here's the message she sent me (which also sheds some light on the pricing):


Hi rabcor,
The price for the platinum is set to reflect how much it costs us to change names. It also takes quite a bit of time to do so, I've gone ahead and changed your name just this once as a courtesy, however this is not common practice for us. Any future name changes even if its 1 character will have to go through the change alias screen on our website.

Hope this helps.

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