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Nekros Augments.


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30 minutes to waste + nothing else to do + Inspiration = 


SOUL PUNCH Augments:
Counters: Raise it's cooldown (from 0 to 5-7 secs)
- Cruel Subversion: "Raise a Shadow if the target is killed." (Enough to sustain 5 - 6 shadows over 30 secs)
- Letal Caress/Sepultura: "Now inflicts X% of target Vitality in Finisher Damage." (Capped for Bosses)
- Forbidden Alchemy: "Killing a target with Soul Punch produces an Energy Orb."

TERRIFY Augments:
- Hecatomb: "Killing targets affected by Terrify guarantees: A stacking X% damage buff to teammates and friendly units/Shadows for Y seconds."
- Prey on the Weak: "Killing targets affected by Terrify guarantees: Refilling your own shield by X%, stacking and increasing its capacity by Y% for Z seconds. (allows Overshield too)"
- Cruel Subversion : "Killing targets affected by Terrify guarantees: Spawning additional Shadows of the Dead."
- Harvester of Sorrow : "Terrify also drains Over Time 15% (fixing numbers to balance) of the affected enemies Vitality to heal Over Time the Nekros and its team." (Similar to Volt's Overload - Capacitance)
- Trauma : "Applying Terrify a second time will knock down affected enemies."
- Verge of Madness : "Casting Terrify now produces a static AOE Field (X m radius) for Y seconds, which applies Terrify (Z seconds duration) on whatever hostile target getting inside it. "
- Septic Alchemy: "Desacrating a body will apply a 100% Viral Proc AOE around the corpse."
- Dead Silence : "Desecrating bodies will lower the alarm on enemies in a 30m radius circular area from the corpse. Stacks Intensity."
- Blood Oath"Health orbs gained through Desacrate will grant 100 Vitality (instead than 25)."
- Merciless Tyranny: "Shooting or SoulPunching Shadows send them into frenzy with a X boost to movement speed and attack speed for Y seconds."
- Spiteful Torment: "Shooting your Shadows makes them grow (Nukor-like effect) till they Explode for ... X damage or Blast/Viral proc."
- Dominus/Praeceptum Domini: "Your Shadows focus their attacks on the last enemy hit by Soul Punch and humanoid Shadows won't cover anymore."
- Blood Oath"Enemies killed by your Shadows drop an Health Orb."
Edited by Burnthesteak87
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  • 3 weeks later...

garants means guarantees yes? other than that these are some solid concepts. i would hope that forbidden alchemy would cause an additional drop if the target was going to drop one anyways, but either way i'd probably use it because it sounds so baddass 

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garants means guarantees yes? other than that these are some solid concepts. i would hope that forbidden alchemy would cause an additional drop if the target was going to drop one anyways, but either way i'd probably use it because it sounds so baddass 

Thanks, I'm a bit rusty on English. :)

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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