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Harsh Critic Over Patch


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I agree with OP, everyone gets butthurt when their favorite overpowered x gets nerfed, and their excuse is "it's not pvp so balance doesn't matter"

I'm assuming you're an ash player, from the avatar?

Imagine, if you will, you wake up to find this:

Patch 7.12

-Ash smoke bomb now no longer provides total invisibility - now you're only 80% invisible at max rank.

-Unbalanced stealth-melee megacrits removed.

How would you feel about this?

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Its funny, since this thread is on the exact opposite end of the moron-scale when it comes to patch complaints. Except that instead of threatening to kill yourselves over the changes(which nobody is doing), youre all being complete shills blindly accepting whatever DE dumps on your plate.


Vauban, the nerfs, all that is debatable, but the changes to the market prices are completely unjustifiable as it stands and only shows how close Warframe is approaching the same dark path Tribes Ascend went down.

+ 50000000000000

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Lol so the game by default is so easy then why get so upset with ironskin nerf? It's not gonna ruin the whole experience.


Again, the difference is that Iron Skin was only useful in subverting a blatantly fake difficulty. If they wanted to lower the ultimate utility of Iron Skin and Sound Quake, they should have started at the enemies, NOT the frames.

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I gave up on arguing about shotgun damage falloff with how harsh it was even after the patch and the strum and boar got the nerf too i just gave up. When one weapons problem is its too effective weapons at range they didnt fix that weapon the nerfed an entire class of weapons and forgot to address the real problem the snipetron sucks dps wise. Its great for sniping at long range but as long as it did 40% less damage per shot had the same ammo capacity and a hugely long reload of course it will be outclassed. Shotguns get a natural fall off from pellet spread but when half the hek pellets can miss and it still hits harder than a snipetron theres a problem. I do admit the hek having amost no spread as range progressed was a problem it was a cylynder instead of a cone for spread.


Meh i find the hek still crap the bronco is a better shotgun from 0-12 meters and 25 meters and beyond the hek does pick up somewhere around 70 meters where the spread makes almost everything miss.. Even with the horrible spread the massive damage falloff gives the bronco a better damage from range. Its nice to be able to one shot something in pluto from 35 meters away. No one can say the bronco is a sniping weapon with how much spread it has but the sharp shotgun damage fall off makes it more effective at medium range than the hek. 93% damage loss from range is redicilous they should have capped the damage drop to something close to 50%. At no point should one bronco pellet hit harder than all of the pellets of the hek combined. If you add damage falloff to the bronco and it becomes worthless beyond melee range because it gets penaltized by spread and falloff it already has 80% damage loss at range from all the pellets missing no need to have each pellet turn into cotton candy too.


Also 28 meters where the hek hits minimum damage is not medium range. Did you know some weapons can do a jump slide attack and air attack to farther than 28 meters. Yes you can jump attack a person 30 meters away and if they survive you get them all knocked down and get to do your melee execute. No need to reload either you get to kill people at a farther range than the hek easily. Is slash dash now considered a long range ability because it has more range than the hek. Hek hits minimum damage before slash dash ends. Ohh do my kills with a small burst from one end of a defense map to another with a braton count as sniping its only 115 meters and the bratons an assault rifle its mid range right. Oh right about 50% of my bullets miss but the ones that hit do full damage we should shotgun nerf them and make them into cotton candy too.

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This springs to mind whenever I see the rage threads and complaining little S#&$s. There is literally NOTHING more annoying than the entitled.





You want to know something? I AM entitled to my rights to complain, my rights to freedom of expression, and MY GOD DAMN RIGHTS TO ENJOY A VIDEO GAME, ESPECIALLY ONE INVESTED MONEY AND TIME IN.

Just because it is a video game it is okay for this? So If I spent an equal amount of money on food, but got something which I didnt ask for without even being asked if I would be willing to change, it is okay?


You know what &!$$es me off even more? People who like to say stuff such as: Entitlement, Its beta, Its just a game.


They are taking money for this game, they should expect knee jerk reactions (some of which are over the top) when this stuff happens.

Edited by Supern00b
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Actually, this is quite logical. I am angry at the amount of hate DE is getting over a simple nerf. I won't go into whether it is justified or not, but seriously, the amount of fuss a lot of people are making is incredible, especially after DE has done so much and has listened to community constantly and given us what we want.

So,yeah, I am angry. Have some goddamn respect instead of crying "Omg, DE ruined the game. [insert random insults]". Play the game for a while, leave a constructive criticism/feedback, go for a walk, take a smoke, get a hooker. Anything is better than making yourself look like a spoiled 8-year old brat.

(Not you,Dawg. Referring to all people that fit the above description.)

The big problem is the suggestion for this nerf, better ideas on how to improve it and iron skin were present BEFORE the update. I'm going to go ahead and ignore the massive slew of other problems that this update has caused as i've already started a thread on those.


Wait what? Yeah... problem was addressed and suggestions made BEFORE the nerf was implemented.



The other abilities sucking? That too was addressed prior



and these are just threads that i've participated in before the update... there were more that have been deleted... there are more that still exist.


I strongly suggest that before implementing any massive changes to frames that DE take some time to go over what the playerbase has already said about these frames. Chances are we've thought of something before they have, or at least worked it out better. =/


You can't deny that rhino is currently borked. DE will probably fix it in the next few patches as they have done with the shotguns. Steps could have been taken however to avoid the backlash and put more thought into the change.

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The big problem is the suggestion for this nerf, better ideas on how to improve it and iron skin were present BEFORE the update. I'm going to go ahead and ignore the massive slew of other problems that this update has caused as i've already started a thread on those.


Wait what? Yeah... problem was addressed and suggestions made BEFORE the nerf was implemented.



The other abilities sucking? That too was addressed prior



and these are just threads that i've participated in before the update... there were more that have been deleted... there are more that still exist.


I strongly suggest that before implementing any massive changes to frames that DE take some time to go over what the playerbase has already said about these frames. Chances are we've thought of something before they have, or at least worked it out better. =/


You can't deny that rhino is currently borked. DE will probably fix it in the next few patches as they have done with the shotguns. Steps could have been taken however to avoid the backlash and put more thought into the change.

one thing did u read the (id say) 100 pages of ppl "whining" in comparison to a few pages of ppl that want more challange or sth else?

ok the discussion is long over but i think i always heard only one thing for pro nerf : Invulnerablity is OP..........its only OP when u have the right mods and they are RARE so all that work u have done to get and to max them is shoved by the side cause now its OP? there are many things that can make every frame OP? challange stops to exist when u think ur at the top and there is no but in this world and in warframe

ill tell u sth a GRAND MASTER is ALWAYS OP when ur a Disciple (martial arts) and it needs hard work and a long time to get to that point

well OFC buying masses of plat u can become a Grandmaster right away but thats not what this game was made for wasnt it? but there are players who dont care leave them alone maybe theyll notice that someday

back to warframe: if u think a skill is OP analyze it 100% only then u can balance it

ps ive NEVER seen a complete report why IS or any skill is OP

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It's kinda funny how not a month ago they overnerfed shotguns, and the next week they'd tuned it back to a reasonable level. And people are forgetting that already and think that every overkill nerf/change is definitely here to stay.

Why do you think it was that they buffed shotguns after they were over nerfed?  It was because of massive community feedback on the issue :|

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You want to know something? I AM entitled to my rights to complain, my rights to freedom of expression, and MY GOD DAMN RIGHTS TO ENJOY A VIDEO GAME, ESPECIALLY ONE INVESTED MONEY AND TIME IN.

Just because it is a video game it is okay for this? So If I spent an equal amount of money on food, but got something which I didnt ask for without even being asked if I would be willing to change, it is okay?


You know what &!$$es me off even more? People who like to say stuff such as: Entitlement, Its beta, Its just a game.


They are taking money for this game, they should expect knee jerk reactions (some of which are over the top) when this stuff happens.





Seriously dude, the community has already spoken - Rebecca has heard, reported to the design committee and there are not only going to be revisions done to Rhino, but the way they communicate changes they are going to implement.

You can unscrew the venom and soothe the bulging vein.  

DE are new to this market and method of development. We might not be, (Although I must say I am, because frankly most other P2P games don't offer a free alternative to attaining powerful gear such as the Alert system) and that is where the confusion comes I suppose. People somehow expect DE to have knowledge of every single P2P system currently going, when the truth is they're not looking to other models, they are simply fine tuning and working with their own. 


The reason I am not boiling with the unkempt fury of a thousand suns over changes (either good or bad) is that I understand these to be growing pains of a game that I can see an amazing future for. 

And yes I understand that people's outcries are just their way of voicing their concern for something they love - try and be constructive people. 

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion ans no one is complaining to other players, they are complaining to the admin. Yes, persons complain and go overboard but I find it ridiculous that after leaving my warframe at a formidable level 25 last year and being able to breeze through mercury with ease on solo, I did not expect to find myself emptying my clip for just  a level 3 grinner. Yes I know some of u don't have a nightlife so I guess ur all probably aroud lvl 50+ but their should be some progressive consistency in the game. For example, a new player enters beta, what possible chance does he have on terminus. The arsenal system needs to be reviewed and the arsenal capacity system is ludicrous, I have over 500 cores and I can't even use half of them because of capacity limit. Its even strange that the capacity system is directly proportional to the weapon level. If u like it that way fine, but the majority will have to find some place else. BTW it is u who are spending ur cash for upgrades, if u like this tratment and abuse of bring a lab rat, fine.....

Edited by Transcendant
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Everyone is entitled to their opinion ans no one is complaining to other players, they are complaining to the admin. Yes, persons complain and go overboard but I find it ridiculous that after leaving my warframe at a formidable level 25 last year and being able to breeze through mercury with ease on solo, I did not expect to find myself emptying my clip for just  a level 3 grinner. Yes I know some of u don't have a nightlife so I guess ur all probably aroud lvl 50+ but their should be some progressive consistency in the game. For example, a new player enters beta, what possible chance does he have on terminus. The arsenal system needs to be reviewed and the arsenal capacity system is ludicrous, I have over 500 cores and I can't even use half of them because of capacity limit. Its even strange that the capacity system is directly proportional to the weapon level. If u like it that way fine, but the majority will have to find some place else. BTW it is u who are spending ur cash for upgrades, if u like this tratment and abuse of bring a lab rat, fine.....

I think the only thing you've done here is clarify your ignorance. =/


I wasn't even in closed beta a year ago, I don't know where you get your figures. =/


Max warframe level is 30

Max weapon level is 30

Orokin Reactors will increase the maximum available slots for your warframe to 60 but not the maximum level of your warframe

Orokin Catalysts will do for your weapons what the reactors do for your warframes


New players on terminus are not inept- maybe you are- but that's you. Terminus is fine, the difficulty level for new players with default starter gear is fine. The hardest thing new players face on terminus is learning to navigate and use consoles and such. Difficulty at higher levels for experienced and well geared players is somewhat lacking but that's something DE is aware of and working towards addressing.


Open Beta doesn't mean being abused and treated like a lab rat, it means anyone has early access to a game still in active development. If you want only to play a finished product, that's fine... but really now... your post hurt my brain to read, not because of your broken english, terrible spelling and grammar, but because it physically hurt trying to see where you were coming from by mentally putting myself in your shoes. In short, you're stupid, and for the betterment of humanity you should remove yourself from the genepool(kill yourself).



one thing did u read the (id say) 100 pages of ppl "whining" in comparison to a few pages of ppl that want more challange or sth else?

ok the discussion is long over but i think i always heard only one thing for pro nerf : Invulnerablity is OP..........its only OP when u have the right mods and they are RARE so all that work u have done to get and to max them is shoved by the side cause now its OP? there are many things that can make every frame OP? challange stops to exist when u think ur at the top and there is no but in this world and in warframe

ill tell u sth a GRAND MASTER is ALWAYS OP when ur a Disciple (martial arts) and it needs hard work and a long time to get to that point

well OFC buying masses of plat u can become a Grandmaster right away but thats not what this game was made for wasnt it? but there are players who dont care leave them alone maybe theyll notice that someday

back to warframe: if u think a skill is OP analyze it 100% only then u can balance it

ps ive NEVER seen a complete report why IS or any skill is OP


I'm not going to read this. It's too painful to try. If you want a response you're S#&$ Out of Luck until you fix your post.

Edited by AnalogAnomaly
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